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NEW ADYERTISEMENTS xpoR saleT" I offer for sale eome '■'.' acres of land, situate on section ltf, Ann Arbor Town, and on the wet aide of theCornwelI roud, and about one half mi! [rum the northwest corner ot the corporation. Se county atlas, page 56. Prico low and term eas; Examine and cali ooonAnu Arbor, June U, 1876. 16S7 TEACY W. ROOT, Agent. A DESIRABLE STORE For Sale. Tho undorsigned, Assignee of J. H. Ma; nard, offer the store foimerly occupied by Lim, i Ann Arbor, at private sale, and wil! receive bic therelor until Jnly 15tb, 187G, reseiving the ngh to rejfct onyaudall bid. For terms of sale apply to either of the unüersigned. E. WELLS, s. p. jewett, 1687tf B. W. CHKEVKR, Estáte of Kicbmond Minors. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the Probate Court forth county of Waahtenuw, holden at the Probate Ottic in the eity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tho 12t day of June, in the year óne thousand etght hun dréd and seventy siz. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estata of Charles E Kiclunond, Mary A. Richmond, and Frederick L Richmond, minors. Charles H. Richmond, senior guardián of said miaorn comes into eourt and represento thut he is dow prepared to render hi account as such guardián. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Wednesday, th flth day of July noxt, at ten o'elock in the fore noon, be assigned for examining and allowinj such account, and that the next of kin of aaii minors, and all other persons interested in said es tate, are required to appear at a nession of saü Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office ín the city of Ann Arbor, ín said county, and shu ■auif if any there be, wby the said account houk not be allowed : And it is further ordered tha said guardián ei ve notice to the persons inter ested in said eatate; of the pendency of naid m count, and the hearing thereof, by causing a cop üf this order to be publiahed in the MickigaArgus, a newspaper priuted and circulating in sai county, two BucccBaive weeks previous to aaidda of hearing. ÍA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1587 Jude-e of Probate. Estáte of Ludwig C. Miller. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for th Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Of fice in the city of Ann Arbor. on Thursday, th eighth day of June, iu the year one thousam eight hu na red and &eventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the niiui-r uf the estáte of Ludwig C. MitU'r deceascd. Henry Paul, administrator oí Haül estáte, come into court and represente that he is now prejure to render his ünál account :is such aduiinistrator Thertïutxm it is ordered th;it Wwlnesday the twelfth day ■ of July next, at ten o'elock ii the forenoon, be assigueü for exaniitiingaiid alluw ing such account, and that the heirs at law o s:iil deceased, and all other persons Interesten in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessiou of said court, then to be holden at the Pro bate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any theru be, why the said account should not be allowed : And il is further ordered that saitl idniiu rator give notice to the persons interosted ii said estáte ol the pen dency of said account am the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bc published in the Michigan Argus, a nows paper printed and cireiiluünfi in said county, tliret succc&sive weeks previous to said duy of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAU W. CHEEVER, 1387w8 Judge of Probate. SUrniVs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writof execution issned out of and under the saai of the Superior ('unit of Detroit, to me direoted and delivered, I die! on tho 20th day ol May, A. D. 187fi, levy upon all tho right, title and interest of Clara Quackenbuuh (lormerly Chira Sutherland) iu and to the iollowing described real eatate situated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, Btatfs of Michigan, towit : The nortb twenty-one and a half feet in width off lot number llve,block nutnber on twuthof Huron street, in runge four east, Ín said city of Ann Arbor with the heroditaments tlierulo beloüging, and also the ue of the alley alon? the cast end of lots number ilve and si x, in aid olock ; alo lof i ten and eleven ia block two north, rane uix eabc,all in the city of Anu Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Micb'gan. Which above describetl property I shall offer for aale to 1 In? higheiit bidder, at the south door of the Court Elouae, in Ann Arbor city, on tlie "9th duy of July, A. D. 170, at ten o'elock a. m. oí said day. Duted, June lOth, 187G. 167 M. FLEMINO, Sheriff. Moore & Moore, Attorneys, Detroit, Mich. TITISS 8. W. PEA8E Wül give lessons upon tho Piano Forte to a limitI iiiijul-.'j of pupilü duriug the sumiller uiuntli.s. TERMS: l'i int j Itollur furTwmty Leatons. AiiiiHt-ations will bo recoived at No. 32 Soutli I ii(,mI1s si, at 12 M. and 5 r. il., or by mail, P. O. Box 1,4(W. Ukkkiu;niks.- Prof. H. S. Friere, Prof. G.S. Morris, Mrs. J. li. Angel!, Aun Arbor ; J. C. I. Parkrr Boston. 158 pASUIONABLE DRESS MAKING. Mrs. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to cali ut her DreBs-Muking Uoom, ovei lic store af A. Bell, Washington street. A full ineof now and littest styles of pattorns constant - y on lmnd. Uuality of work warranted, and prices made to suit the times. A shirre of public patunnffeis ï sohcitd. _1 y I6ï 8 WJT. HURDIflAIV, JU. I)., Physician . nml Surgcou. Office, southwest cprner lain aud Huron SU. Kesidelice, 48 South State ■H. Otüce hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 f. m. DONALD DIACLEAN, BI. D., Physician imd Kurguon. Otüci and resideuce 71 Huron treet, Ann Arbor. Otiico hours iroui 8 to y a. m. to 2 to 3 p. m. "1 . OO1 fff duy ut hume, tsamples worth D " jpVi free. Sïimsun & Uo., Portlaud We. 1673 Mortgae Sale. WHKlíKAS dfiault bal beei mude In the conihtiiMi-. oí a certain indenture of moilnge, made and executed by Nelson tí. (Jóle and Kliueth H. Colé, his wifft, of the city of Ann Arbar, u the Counly oi Washteuaw, and State oí' Mlohi;tiii, to Alphcus Feleh, oí the sume place, beaung ate the tweuty-seventh dny of December, in the ■ear lfttí?, and reuorded in the Office of the Kegiaer of Deeda tor the County oí Wash.muw, in tho ïtato oi Miobifran, ou the sixth day of January n the year 18(iH, in líber 37 of iiioi'Ltt'tK1' t, on ihk-' H-i ; and wherea by aaid dcfault tbo power of shÍü .herein contained hun beconn; opeiutive, and the sum of Bix thoiiimnd jvoh bundred und thirteea lol luis are clniíned to bu now din mul unpaid on aaid morttfage, and the proniissniy note ümivin mentioned, and uo suit or proceediiiK t law or in equity has bten iustituted to rtcoveí ue dobt remaininx socured by aaid morttrage, or any part íhereoí, notice is therefore htreby ivi-n tlmt on SaTUKDAT, THE TWENET-HIXTH JAY OF AütiüST, A. D. Iti7fi, at ten o'clock iu the foxvuoon of tbut day, at the BOUth door oí' tUo ( !oui i ilmise, in the city of AunArbor, in said vounty and State (said Court Hou se lu;ing the ihuw oí boldiogtho Irouit (Jourt i'ur said oounty), nuil by virtne Of the power of tío contained thereiii, said iumt.;iige will be forecloned by ásale at jmMie vcndue, to the biffh est bidder, of the inorigtiyod praníMJe describe in aaid mortguge, oro mach thertof as may be necesHiiry to aaticil'y the uniouut. ol principal and interest remaimng onpaid. witli the costa and charges of such sale : Said prvtnisea ai e deffortbed in aaid indonture of mortgae as fuilw, u wit : AU thonecertam (roctSOI pdrOOldOl bind situatod in the city of Ann Afb'-r aiorcKiiid, known, bounded and described aa foKows. viz. : Beinu lola nomber two (2, three (3), and lour (Ij, in Picniu QrOT6t aicordintothe plaL of aaid pove( made by "W. Weeks, and recorded in the Oificeof tho Ileyister of Deedsfor the'ounty ot WashteuHW and State aforesaid, being situated on thesouth aiie of the road called theMiddle Ypsilauti Koad, and bounded as follows: Ilt!ginning at a point in the middlle of aaid road om ciiain and rlfty (60) lmku south, forty-four {44 degrees thirty (80) minutes cast of a point wlieru the center line of section twentyeigbt (28), town two (2) south of range six {6) eaat, crosses the said Ypnilantt lioad; thcnce aouth lorty-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes eatt, üve (ö) ohains and twentytive C2ö! linka alon; the centre of said road ; thence uoulh forty-two (42) de urees west on line bet ween Iota four (4) and tlve fó), flvo (ÍS) chains and s'tty-eight (fiH) links to the nor tli line of lots thirtecn (13) ; thence north aeven ty-six and th tour tb (76?.i) degrees, west sixty two (62Í links to landsownud by Kansom Ö. Smith thence north two (2) degreeu, west along tho line of said Smith's land one (1) cbain and seventy-tive (75) links; thence north forty-four (44) degreci thirty (30) minutes weat three (3) chainr anc fifty (50) linka; thence north forty-onc (41) de grees fifty (&0) minutes east four (4) chaina am eighty-nve (85) links to the place of beginning Thia conveyance is raade subject to the riffhto Joseph D. Baldwin to eoniluct water in pipes across the above described premiaea in the highway. lated Junu 1, A. D. I B7. ALPHEUS FELCH, 1585 Mortgagee. PRICES REDUCED. New Excelsior Lawn Mower Largest Sale of any Lawn Mowcr i the World. It haa been adoptad, and can be seen in practicf. operation, at Central PaTk, and all olher Cli; Parka, New York ; Government Grounds and Cil Parks, Washington ; Boston Common, Boston Prospect Park, Brooklvn ; and on almoat ever prominent Park throughout the United States au( Canada. At the trial held in New York City, on the 361 of June, 1874, the New Excklsiou was awarde the First Premium, a öilvor Medal, by the Amen cao Instituye, in competition withall the diiferen lawn mowers mado in thia couutry. Pricea from % 1 4 to 3O0. 153 BVERY MACHINE "WAEBANTED. CHADBOHN & COLDWELL ft'FG CO B3T8endfor Circular. IVewburgTh, N Y ilwarded the Higbest medal at Vienna E, & H. T.7ÑTH0NY & CO 591 i y , Xew Vork. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) Klanufaeturers, Iniporters & Dealers i CHEOMOS and FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS Albums, Qkai-hoscoi'ks, and Suitaule Views, Pliotographic Materials. We are Headquarters tor everythmg in tU wuj of STEREOPTICOXS & TIUiH' i.AMEIIVS Huinjf tnuuufactnrers of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTEEN, BTEEEO-PANOPTICOKi UN1VERS1TY 8TEEEOPTICON, ADVEItTISKR'S STERE0PT1C0N ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Ench style being the best of its classia the murkot 0 Catalogues of Lanternis and Slides with direc tions for U8iDg sent on application. Any enterprisiDg man eau make money with Magie Lantern. 1571 KifCut out thia advertisement for reference.. tEORGE W. CE0PSEY, Late of the firm of Ct.akk & Oropsey, and A Kearnky, late of Texas, under the finu name KËARNËY & CROPSEY Have cstiiblisheil tlieinselves at No. 33 South ÍTIíiiik StM Auu Arbor, und propuse tu do general Crocery Business They will ulso kuep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMIMIc and FOREIQM FRUIÏS. They havo ütted and i'urnished A First-class Lating Department, Where Mral. can be had at all hours, or board bj the n eek. Cash puitl lor Rutler, Cffs , :in1 all Country produce. Qooua promptly dellv ored in any pari ol the city. llcnirinber the place 33 South Main Street. KEAKXEY & CUOl'SEY. Ann Arbor, April '.G, 1S70. ïr.SO THE H1LL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoiniug the West line of theCity of Ann Arbor, n townsinp two soutli of range six eiist, compriaing the ean half of tiie northvast (juurter of sectioD nint'teen ; nnd tlüit part Of toe Wttt half of bhe wi.-st hlf of northwattt quarter of section twenty, lying north of the turnpike ; in all 10Ü -12-100 ucrc'H, witb House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And about fifty acres w. 11 improved ; tlrst clans and and ituntion boAUtiftzL Two-tmrdd of the urchuae money may remuin on the land three to We yi-ttru. Forterma applyto ÜEÜ.E. HAND, Or II. J. ÏÏËAKES, ïütroit. Ann Arbor 1574tf THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia the Grand OM MITST ANQ LINIMENT Which has stond the teatof forty years. Tïiere ia no Sort; it will not heul, no Lamenees it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain thut attiicte tho [uman Body, or iho Body o! a Horse or other doR'ritir. animal, thut does not yield to its magi: touch. A bottlu costina 25c, 5()c, or 1.0(), httn ofen ftnved tlip lifo of ii liumiin l6Ítiff, and restored o Ufe and u.efulues tnany a valuoblu horse. rpHE NEWEST AND landsomest Visiting Cards IN NE AT CASES AT THE ARUUS OFFICE. GlíSS ,0PS MEEM. o fl e T V 1 B 'T "Z. 1 t P( :n B CO '&m FMNKIBI INST1TUTE I wVNti ttWwmB fc? tYfï EOIIMT fftBQ Í9Í COHANSEYGLASS MFGCD MffPS WWDOW G1ASS.BQTTLES &C. PHIIADKLPHIA uwwwi Scwing Machines THE SÏNGER, NEW DOMESTIC, And tilO HOWE, Anl several good Second-Hand Machines at the 8EWING MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attacli menta and parte for nearly all niaclitiies. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired bettcr therc tlian anywliere else u America. If your machine don't wurk well, trade it íor une tbat'diM's, or have it repaired. All machines sold ou easy payineuts at the oflice. Si ouil door east of Pont Office, A mi Arbor, Jlich. (1OTG) I I,. 6RINNELL, National Centennial Route. TAKE 1HE Baltifflore&OMoB.R. THE ONLY DIBECT ROUTE TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! , By tbis line passengem are landed at the Centenmaj (round, or at Broadand line Street g, in TÍcinity of the lcuding hotels in Phüadelphia, ae they niay prefer. Holders of Through Tickbts CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital ! M&nd visit the Governniont Buildings and the miiny object of interest in anti abo ut Washington City. Travelers desiring A SPEED Y, FLEASANT & COMFOETABLE TRIP Should remembor that the BaltirnorO A Ohio Hailroad Is celebrated for its elegant Coaches, Splendid Ilutels, tiiíiíi'I and heautiful Mouutain and Vulley Scenory, and the many puints of Hiatoric iatetwttt ulong íIh line. j jFare will always be ai Low au ij i auy other 1-iii'. PULLMAN PALACE CARS HUN THKOUGH WITHOUT CHANGE Bet we en the principal - WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Tickets, ISagtfasre Check, Movement of train, Bleeping Car AccommodutionH, &a., &c, apply at Ticket Otüres at all principal puinta, JíORTH,SOLTTH, EASTOR WEST. K. R. DORSEY, L. M. COLE, Asa't Gen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket Ag't THOS. P. BAUKY, THOS. K. SHAKP, West'n Passenger Agent. Master of Transpon j IV Kl.l.l ti MS FOR SALE. Alargeand very well built Tjnck bouae, with two or more lots. Two largo framed houses. Also u good fized brick house and frame house ; anü a small frame house on a' good lot, in tended tur adding a front. For salo on fairterms and h reasouable credit. AUoother buildings, lots, aud property. 'Km:v WANTED- So many vixhing to borrow money apply to rae that I can readily obtainfor lenders good aatisfactory investiut-nt ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOROAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 1976. 1664 ÜINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - LOUR &. FKEl STORE. We keep constantly on nand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We hall aleo keep a supply ot DELHI F-LOUR., J. M. SWIFT CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAr FLOUR, RYE KLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CURN MKAL, i'EED. &c, &o. At Wholesale and retaiL A general stock of GKOCERIES AND PROV1SIONS onstantly on hand, which will be sold oa as reajnnblo terma as at any other house in tbig city. Cash paid for iiutter, Kgg.s, and Country ProSaoo generally. VöT i iomU delivered 10 auy part of the city with out extru charge. UIIVSKY Sc SEABOIT. Ann Arbor, Jan. l, 1876. 15C4 Yisitors to the Centennial, 2XTB-V7 YORK JALTIMOBE AND WASHINGTON, TAÜE NOTIOEI That tbc Cleveland Stcnmer NORTHWEST, E. N. RICE, enve M.C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, daily at 9 ekek p. m., except Ruodays. This line has aranged a system of tickets via Cleveland whorcby ver 300 routes can be made to l'lii Indil pliia nd New York, Koing and returnini; by any outc desired. No other line oan offer aueh a vaïety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal liailroad Offices, on board steameru and at Compauy'n ollici-, root of helby Bt., Detroit. 168 . CARTEIt, A geni. -A.ssigri.ees' Sale. VLL persons havlng claims agalnst John H Maynard are requested to presonl. tlicm to the udorglgnad ailgiiees: ;nul all persous owingsaid hn II. Mayn;ml will please cali at hia forulur ace of business and settle. We olFer for sale the brick store formerly occued by John II. Maynard in Ann Arbor. Also ore l'urniture, among which are several pairs of Je. E. WELLS. ■) 8. P. JEWrTTT, E-Assignees. B. W. CHEEVER, ƒ . Aun Arbor, May 17, 1870. l&Bwü J'


Old News
Michigan Argus