
RAILRÓADS. MK'IHfcíAJi CENTRAL RAILBOaST MAY 28, UT. Mine mu, ï % lijfjr STATIOX.. != 3 ■ g g. 5 h ? ? ? lfl Lw ' r A. H. A. M P.M. P. K. P.M. p.n Jetroit.leitve, 7 00 1 -ni ü SU 4 00 6 00 9 Jo .Vii)ue.Iui,i:tiuu, 7 37 III 49 3 32 4 JO 6 47 10 48 Ifpsilanti, 8 31 11 lll 8 51 6 Í8 7 12 11 H uii Arliur, S M 11 26 .4 1? 5 45 7 ti 11 Su [exter, i V 80 4 35 6 06 8 10 . íhelsea, i a 43 4 47 6 23 8 '28 . ira88 Lake, 10 07 ü 49 8 55 , '■ a. a. lacknon, 10 46 12 37 5 4'. 7 15 9 30 12 4 i.m a.m. Kalamazoo, j 1 52j 8 OS 12 30 2 Chicago arrive, ' ; 30 8 00 6 80 80 WIi KAMT. I . r p i" . h 1 1 - - - . A.M. A.M. P. M. P. K.Ia. H Chicago, leive, 6 00 9 00 5 15 00 , p. M. a. ï.l . Kalniuatoo, 10 4ó 1 50 10 2ti 2 15 . Jaokuoa, 2 12 4 00 7 üÓ 12 40 4 JSiTjj ( i ras Lake, 2 40 7 30 6 23 9 54 Obelijea, 5 K' 7 56 4 50 10 ÍS Üextei, :l 25 8 13 6 08 10 ij Ann Arbor, 3 52 6 16 8 36 2 00 0 28 10 4 YpBÍIanti, 4 15 6 28 8 55 2 20 6 48 11 Oi) Wiiyne, 4 4 5 46 9 23 2 40 7 08 U M Detroit, arrive, 6 4ó: 6 M lll 15 3 30 8 OO.liOü riunüiiy excepted. :Suturduy and Suuday cxcepted. tUally. H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentworth, Gen. Pasa. Afft., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA RA1LEOAD. OOINÜ WKaT. -1876 - OOINO EA8T. BTATIONS. MaL. Exp. ' STATION8. Kxp, Mail. A. H. P. M. Detroit, dep.. .7:00 6:00 A. K. r. K. Ypsilanti 8:36 7:16 Bankera 6:00 2:3 Salino 9:20 7:46 Hilladale ... 6:S0 ]: Rridgewater.. 9:45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:16 4:l Mancheater. 10:18 8:00 BriilguwuUr 9:45 4:3J P.M. Saline 10:10 4:55 Hillsdale 1:13 10:00 Ypailanti.... '10:65 5:M Uankera 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 G:2 Traina run by Chicago time. Tu take efiect , April 1U, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CeiteiÉl Exiitioi PHILADELPAIA, PA. Til ís Great International ExhibitioD, designad to comiueniorate the Hundmlth Anniversary of American Independence, Oïni-neU May iOth and wHlclotte NovimiiIht lUlli, 1S7G. All tlie Nalíuiis "i lite World aud all the States and Tcrritoríe of the Uuíuu wül particijjate, brining together tliu most compreheiisive collectiuu of art treuurest meclianioal iuvcntions, itentiöc discoveritt, inauufacturiug achievements, mineral specimeaí, and ajricultural producís ever exhibiled. The jruunds devotud to the Kxhibition aru bituatiil on the line of the Peuusylvüuia líailnuul, aud embrace four hundred and fifty acres of Fairmount Park. all 'liigbiy improved and ornamented, od whicii aru erected the larguHt bntldings ever constructed, - tiveof these covertog au area of flft; acres, and OOSttng $6,000,000. Tin; íutal nuralx-rúf huililiiis erected lor the purposi's of the Exhibít ion ís over oue liunUred. The Pennsylvania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL ROUTE OF THE U. S. will be the uiost direct, convenient and económica] way ol' reaubing Philadelphia, aud iliis great Y.ïhibitiou from all soctious of the country. Iu tiaiiiH to and from l'hiladelphia will ass thruugb a GKAND OKNTKNMAL DEPOT, which tk i iiiiijiaiiy have i-ivi-trd at the Main Ent ranee tu Uu Kxhibition Grounds, for the accouimodatiou of passengere who wish to stop at or start froiu the imiiKTuuü large hotels contiguous to this st;ttiL and the Kxhibition, - a convenience of the greatest value to visitors, and aiïorded exclusively by Ui e P.inusvl.ania Railroad, which ia TUK ONLY LINE RUNNING DIRECT TU THE CENTÉKNIAL BUILDINGS. Excursión irains irlllalaofitop at the Kncaiupiuent of the Patrons oi' Huabandry, at Kim Station, on this road. Tlie Peniisyivania liailroad is the grandeat rail way organizatiou in the wurld. It coDtroIi seven thousand miles of roadway, formiug contiuuuus Unes to Phüadelphia, New York, Bultimuri. and Washington, over whicb lnxuriou day au'i nigbt car are run from Cbicago, St. Louis, Louím illc, Cinclnnatl, Indinuapolis, CohnnbuB, Toledo, Cleveland, and Érie, without chaiige.-.&fr lts main line is laid with doublo and third tracks of lieavy steel rails, upou a deeji bed of broken ütone ballast, and its bridge ure all of inm ur atoue. lts passenger trains are equipped vitheffrry known improveiuent lor comfort and safety, anl are run at faster speed for greater dislances Üub the trains of any line on the continent. The Coinpany nt largely iucreastil its cmiipinent tor f'eütenolal travel, and it will be prepared to buill, in its own ahops, locoinotives and passenger can ll tihort notice, suflScient to accomniodate any extra demand. The unequaled resource at the coiumami of the Compauy guarantee the most perfect acco inodation íor u!l iU patrón during the Centuuial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCKNERY for which tbe Pennsylvania liailroad iasojustly celebrated, presenta to the traveler over ita perfect Hoadway ao ever-changing panorama of river, mountaln, and landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATION8 on this line are uosurpasüed. Meals will be furnished at suitable bours and ampie time allowed for enjoyiug thein. EXCURSIÓN TICKET8, at reduced rates, will l sold at all principal Railroad Ticket Offices io the Went, Northwest aod Southwest. 43-Be sure that your tickets read via the Gret Pennsylvanla Route to the Centennial. FRANK THOMSON, D.M. BOYD, Jk., Gtneral Manager. Gen'l PatsW 'f. Tüe Twojoss PIow s. THE 0LIVER CHILLED AND TtALE. These Plows are to-day the two Boss Plows oí the country. They take 110 back seat for anythiug called a Plow. They don't go a begging for customen ; they get into the hane's of farmers wttfcutit U-iiig foroed ut uu six or eigbt moiiths time. When they go they stay, and that is a suffickui reconimend for any Plww. 1 irúily ask any farincr, whetht r he wani to buy a culnvator or dov, to .step in and examine the GORHAM &. BUCKEYE SÜLKY CULT1VAT0R8 ! and judge for himseif, as it will cost him notbing, and I will wait on him with ptouurfc They are arranged for hoth corn and fallow ; cao give the teeth auy augle you (rhoose, to turn the earth toor from the corn plant. Cali and see tlieiu for yours;lves and you will tiu betU'r Bfttísfled ilian you will with anythiug I cao BBT on pajH'r. ï üave various kinds of one-hnrse rulti'vators, salt, water lime, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, I ;im still agent for several dilfen-nt kinds of threshiug machines, among, them is tïu: uld nliable Bnffalo Pitts, with uiany m-w ImprOTttDMDu OD 9" arator, with ten and twelvt hoiso mouuted poiWi Also, the RattU' ('reek Vibrator, with mouatcd power. 579ib8 M. ROCEKS. THE BKST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! OETTHE Charter Oak Lawn Mower AT G. J. PEA8E'8 It took the tirat prize at Michigan Stato Fair, in competUloD with Uie Bzioebior aud Philml1'phia, Elolbrook'a and Veto. SEED DRIM.S liAKDKN Clü1'IVATOIW, very cheap at HrairtWin' llaskrta, Arclu-, PUlltStandM, Trelüs, W:i-l' Paptir A. Spouge BuskeU, at Poases. Or I will make to order auy style or imttcrn desired. A fe FIEST-CLASS STOVES AT COST or less. The Lever and also Peerless (üothes Wringer, at Pease's. That C.nmito h,,n Ware isa perfect iiuwfl at l'EASE'S. The best Very Cheap, at PEASE'S. Galvani.wl Iron Tolie' Sets, very durable, at Pease's. Houst' KiirntahlDg (joods, TIn Ware Hardware, and 40 reasotiü for uslu Weed's Carpet Sneeper, at 4(i S. Main St. G. J. PEASE SEND 25c. toG.P, ROWBLL A OO., New York. íor pumphlet of 1(H) ])agest conttuuiug listo oí ,000 newapapers, and ent imates alio ing nol of 1.-rtiuing. POR BENlT A commodious house, ia good coaditiou, on South State Street. Inquire at this Office. UM
Old News
Michigan Argus