Church Brevities

- Rev. C. G. Howland, of Kalamazoo, will preach at the Unitarian Church ou Sunday next, - morning and eveuing. Subjact for morning service : " The Sunday Qaestion ;" for evening : " Some of the Cmt.iiat ies of Eeligion." -The Bev. F. T. Prudden, of Lausing, wiü occupy the pulpit of thO Coiiregational Church on Sunday next, - forenoou and evening. - The young ladies of the Congregational Church will dispense strawberries, ice-cream, etc, ou Tueaday evening next, - in the basement rooms of the Unitarian Church. Adinission free. - The M. E. Chursb was beautiiully decorated on Sunday lost, - " Children's Day." The sermón of the pastor m the morniny was appropriate to the occasion. In the vening there was a brief address to the children by Prof. Olney, and some recitations by the scholars, - The ladies of the Work Society couuected witli St. Andrew's Church (Episcopal) dispeused ice cream and strawberries and sold taucy articles on Tuesday erening at the house of ü. Heuniug, corner of División and Liberty streets, - a good place for such an entertainment, and a delightíul entertainment the weather consideren. - The M. E. Church Choir gave some very une music to a very select audience ou Tuesday eveuing : at least the andience was small euough to be select. The congregation which is privileged to hear the really excellent choir every Sunday ought to be relegated to concougregational and nasal smgiug for its tailure to respoud to the cali of the choir on this occasiou.