Forty-fourth Congress

Tüesday, June C- Señale.- Tlio committee appoiuted somO time ago at the ingtauce of Davín (VV. Ya.), af ter an ínvestigation into the lacthod of book-keeping in the Treasury departmont, reported tliat they are Ea'isfled tbat no cause for coraplaint exista therein The Senato üíbCUS84 d iiiferentially the question of juriediction in the inipeachmont matter at considerable length and fiually fixetl the 6th of July as the date when the Senatë au a court of impeachraent sLall begin to tako evidence.. . . Wbyte presented a petition ol G. T. Bfíaurearcl, of Loiúsiana, for tho removal ol htfl pollUcal disabilities. The Indian Appropriation bilí was pasaed, including the section transferring tho Indian bureau to the War departincnt The House, by a voto of 115 to 97, authorized tho Committee on lïimking and Currency to report at any time. The object of this penniesiou i to enablo the cominitii- lo report a bilí' repcaling the lleaumption act, aud to put it on its passage promptly. Wednesday, June 7.- Señale.- Tho resolutíon proposing a cominon unit of xuoney and accounts for the United States and Great Britain waa passed - The bilí eetabliehing Cheboygan, Mích.. aportof delivery pussod The Senate then took up and paKsed the LoKislativs, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation bilí. Kono of tho Houao reductions wcrO concurrod ín, tho bilí covering about tho same amomits appropriated last year The Portification bilí wau aleo taken up and passed. Bouxc- Tho House paBsed the bilí removing tho forty-acro restríction upon tho entry of public lands in Florida, Alabama, Louifliana, Arkansae, aud MÍRBÍ8ftippl, and placing tboe lands ander tho pamo reulatir)ns rp the public domaüi in the Western Stat-. Th bilí had alrcady paesed the Senate CrouiiRe introdntd a bfll authorizing a railroad pontoon-bridgo over the Miaaouri river at Nebrnka City. Pnsfied....The Hpcakcr asked and obtíiincil loiivc oi' ahsence for ten daysT and appointed Cox (N. Y.) Spoalí(;r pro tem. during bis absence. ( 'annon, írom the Committec on PoBtoföcefl and Poet Uoad. reported a bilí providíng a penalty for mailing obscene üooks, aud prohibíling lottery circulara passing through the mails. Paesed. TnuTtsPAY, Jane 8.- Señale.- Tho Senato rofusnd to confcider a resolutiou allowing Pínchback pay and inileage as a Senator for the time in which hiw i-laim was pending. ...Shurman calted up tho biltoamend the laws reta tJve to tho logal-tender Bilvey coin, and a general diacu&sion uf the financo cjuestion cnsued. The líoneo proceedings were onlivened by a u-ordy skinnish between Blaine and Tarbox, tlio latter ilofendínjí himself againnt the charge of the geuüonian froni Mainc that he was actuatod by partinau malico in offering liis reaolution of invrstigation. Blaine replied by oceUijEfl Tarbox of atcaliug a copy of his speech on tho curroncy, which was in tyie aeveral bsforo ite deüvcry, and offering to Bell it to a ucwppapermau. Tarbox pronounced the charge fslio, but adniitted that ho hada copy. .. .A bilí to prevent straw bids in the mail service was pa&sed. The bill to tfiplaoe the iron-clad oath for jurors In Uuitcd Êtates courts was ditcusscd without action. Fiïipay, Juno 9.- Señale.- Tho amended BüMtofflce Apinv-priatiou bill waa paaaed. It covers ■within a malí fractlon of $37,000,000, instead of f33,600,000, aa provided iu tho Houao bilí. a ..,,.._ The House pasaed the bill to pay tho widow of Pri'HKÏent Polk $1,500 for tn mtOOft which were taken ofl" ter planiáüon during the war bj Ui" l "i! ii ui aiuiy. , . . Thore waa anofher exeïUng U tho floor oi the House, growing out of the Blaibe inveaUgatioit, Thut gentleman claimod tho right to rail up his motiou to have the Oaldwcll diapatch priuted with the evldenee taken by tho commlftce, hut m hls absence, Hunton, of tho Judiciary Committee, moved to lay Blaine's motion on thö tabte, tlius obtaining control of the matter. Blaine entoïed the hall as the voto was belng taken, aud denouDced tho, Speaker pro tem. (Cox) for a ruljng which he chared was manifestly unfust to liiin. Altor considerable wraogh'ngand ülibiisteriiiK) tbu niotioii to tablo was carriod - 126 to 91. Saturdaï, June 10.- BenQte,- There wae carcely a quorimt present at the dpcning of tlio eesion, and bcforO ihe clöeo a íuoruin had disappeared. Nö business of importanco was transufetL Houw. - Two öhancial measures were paesed by tho IIöubc. Tho ilrst was tho Payno Silver bill, authoriílñg tho iasito of $10,000,000 aldiional Bilvor cotn. AnVeftört ww made to attnch to ho tnvaelire n provisión r'epeallng the Resumj'ion act, but the tnotion fallod and tho bill went hrough without división. It authorizos the Secreary of the Treaaury to issue the silver coin in the Treasury to anamount notVxceedinu $10r0U0,000 in oxehango for au equal aninunt oí legal-tenders, tho ïotveaoreoeivml to bo iasued ouly fora liköamount )f fractioual cnrreney, whluli büiII bc rtetroycd and credit ed to the sinking fund. Tho second bill which was passcd is wbat is known as tho Kandaïl :in, providing for the further ipruc of nilver coin. [t provides that, in atïdition to tho ainount of eubsidiary coin authorizd by law to bc ïsRiicd in redemption of fractlonal currency, it thall bc lawful k manufacturo at the scveraï mints, and isHiie through tho Tïeasury, a(it;h Döln ín tho ainbúilt of Ï20,000,OOX). Tho Silvor bullion requircd for this purpose is to bo purchaecd frotti tiniö %} time at tho market páte, any moiK-y in tho Treasury not otherwiao appropriated, and the rosultinK coin may bo isBued in the ordinary disburarments of tho Treasury, but no puroliano of buUion phall bo maxlo when tho market for the panic shall bc such as will not aclniit of tho coinagc without loss to the Treasury. ....liills were also passed as followa: Froviding that when Colorado is admití cd as a Stato the lawa of tho Cmt6d States ahall havo the same foren as clsowhcre, and that tiie Htatc hall constituto one judicial district ; amendatory of tke Bankrupt law - tbc samo ineaeuro that passed the Sonate ; redneing tbe auraher of tho medical corps of tho army....The bill proscdblps the oath for jurors in tlnited btatosconrt was reoonunitted. Tho majority and minority reports of tlio'election coxniuittee on tho MaBSachusetts conteated elcction case were presented and orderod printed, Tbe majority report favors tbe substitution of At bott Domocrat, for ÏYost, Bepublioaxi and fitting mnmber - Tho Senate anienumentg to tho Eïecutive, Legislativo, and Judicial Appropriation biíl mre non-concurrcd in .... The special oommittee on LouiBiana afi'uirs was ingtructod to investígate tbo on trages allcged to have boen reccntly comniittee in West Fohciaua, La. Monpaï, June 12.- Senaie.- Thero was no quorum present during a considerable portiím of the day, and very littlc business waa trantaactod. Hotte. - Tho joiut resolution to modify the treaty with China bo asio restrict izumigration was passed. .... The Appropriation Committoo reported tlie Arniy Appropriation bill Bomo $10,000,000 less than the cstimates, and with sections reducing the forco of the army and tho pay of ofllcor Lord iutroducetl a join) resolution recommcmUng au aUditioual ameadment to tho Conatitution providiiig Ihut officers of tbe United States, such as atsopsorp, postniasters, marshals and colllcctors, except collectors oí' oufe toms duties, ahail bo elocted for a têrjtn of f our years The committee on expenditures in the War department made a report exoncrating Speaker Korr from tho charge of accepting a bribe for tho appointment of a licutcnant in tho army. Tho conimittce declare that "they havo fouud no diñiculty in reaching the conclusión that the chargo, as made by Harnoy, as tothe payment of the amonnt of money as statod, or any ottier sum to Mr. Kerr for tho object and purpose nauied, is unqualifiedly false ;" and that " Mr. Kerr stands fnlly exonerated from al! implieation in anywisc affecting Uia personal or official integrity." Speeches expreusivc of coujidence in tho Speakor's integrity were made by Dauford, a Republican momber of the committno, anti Hurlbm and Garfïeld, and the House, by a unanimous risiiif. voto, confirmed the verdict at d ordercdit spreac upon the records.
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Michigan Argus