Centennial Notes

[By Onr Own Correspondent.] Many people speak of tho intonso heat of Philadelphia, as is aupposed to be the case in all largo cities; henee feel deterrod f rom visiting tho Exuibition during the heated torm. The following is tbe average for the last ten years : May, 63; July, 78; October, 5G degreca Fahrenheit. There are a few warm days in all cities in our country in July and August. The area of the city is immense, 129 square milos. This added to a magnificent wator-powor that showera and cools tho air of many squares, and is nsed freely in laUes, pools and fonntaius on the Exhibition gronnda and in the buildings. This power filis the reservoirs, which hole 145,672,078 gallon';, machinery of turbines, anc two breast-wheels. Then we have the largesi park in tbe world. Hyde Park, 38!) acres; Regent, 450 acres; Windsor Great Park, 1,800 acres, London; Bois de Boulogne, Paris 2 158 Prater, Vienna, 2.500 aeres; Kicbmond Hill England, 2,468 acres; Pbcenix Park, Dublin 1,752 acres; Shaw's Garden, St. Louis, 276 aeree; Fairmount Park, PhiladelpUia, 2,740 acres; to which add the beauties of the Exbibition, and it will pay a man from tho most remoto spot on earth to piek up his "kit" &nc ome. THE CATALOGUE DEPARTMENT. The catalogue is now unaergoing a tborongh supervisión, and when completed, will be a splendid work of reference. This importanl branch of the service is in charge of the competent assistant secretary of the commission, Prof. Dorsoy Gardner, whoso reputation as a scholar bas eminently fitted bim for the position he holds. His two valued aids, Messrs Lombard and Long, with an eflicient corps o; aasistanta, will soou accompllsb the dilliouli and arduous task of plaeing each artiele on exhibition in its ttppropriate place, arranged in seven departments, which are divided into 374 classes, occupying five buildings, main, art, macbinery, agricultural and horticultural The difficulty those gentlemen have to surmount may ba coneeived when one considere tho technicalities in the different languages and the various changos each fabric has il foreign make up. I am indebted to theBe gentlemen for a thorough examination of tlieii work, and pronounce tlicm the right men in tfce rigbt place ! MISCELLANY. The most superior blauket in the ExMbitiou aatonishing as it may seem, is tho Etoile di Nord, manufactured in Minnesota. This speaka well for tho West. Massacbusetts exliibilö flannel of superior finish. There are 1,51) works of art on exhibition from tho followiuf, countries : Mexican, 66 ; Brazil, 19 : Unitec States, 252 ; Canada, 80 ; Frnce taking the lead, with 578 L Germany, 48; Netherlands, 117 ; Denmark, 15 ; Swedcn, 95 ; Norway, 47 Italy, 80 ; Argwitine Iïepublie, 44 ; loan colleetion, 70. If the Weet exhibits the best blankot, so she does the most beautiful bedstead, Deiug one from Grand Itapids, Mich. A vtsrv neal patent on exhibition íh an automatic window shade. Also an attractive exkibit in a workiug model of Ponnsyivania oil works. A mode] railroad ticket oftice is shown. Ehode Islaud makes an exteusive oxhibit of silver-plated goodf!. Philadelphia malies the lincnt pharmaceutical display in the world. A valuablo ariicle is an extensión ladder. Egypt presente amoug othnr valuables an autique case, $3,000 gold. Corn from Egypt looks like the nubbin from a Western stalk. On the oorn question, tho old world is behiad. The home of tbe Pharaohs have sent a large varioty of seeds, boans, lentils, gum arabic, etc. Tho IUissians, who have been delaycd, are opening, and make a grand display. Their collection is divided into 749 oxhibitw, embracing articles in the various fields of art and industry. Tboy show rare goods in malachite lapis, jaspar, rhodonite, nopiito, and Labrador, with brou'ze fittings. One malachite center-table, $6,000 a Mexican onyx mantel, spoken of previouiJy, wortb 2,000. In spoaking of tho art exhibition I have only given those in the buildings. There are "in tho main building, works from Now South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, New Zealaud, Cape of Good Hope, Egyp,, China, Japan, Hawaii. Switzerland. The British department is not oilicially catalogued. üiissia exbibits a telementer, an instrument for meaduring distance without chain or rod. The shipping interests are variod and very attractive to those who aro fond of nautical manners, from the tiny boat of one's boyhood to the leviathans of the trans-Atlantic lines. And modeJs can beseeninail shapee embracing boats and sailing vessels, yachte and pleasureboata. row and Üfe-boats, fishiüg smacks, Sardiuian zebecs, and Genoese fellucas, with Chinese junk in appearance, blue nones, clippers, galliots, góndolas, flats, pirogues, batteauB, aud the celebrated ice yacht, tho Whiff, that makes aixty miles per hoiir. In connectiou ie seon submarine armor, diving-bells, tlredging machines, aalvage apparatus, etc. A moeting of the Sfcventy-six club, an orgauization of the womon journaliste, liavo bad a reunión, and aldresses by Miss Siwan B. Anthony, Mrs. Haron l'oster, of Pittsburgb, and Miss Maxwell, of Colorado. This lady, who is in charge of tho Colorado Zoological" department, claims she lian killed 200 bears. Thrco trains of thirty cars, containing 1100 New York bank olerks, made an excursión to tho Centennial. This was succoeded by an excursión of prosidents, managers and directorH. There is a pig of iron exhiblted made in 1770. A glass of pure milk canbe had on the Centennial grounds for five cents, pies ton cents, oaten grita with a bowl of milk fifteeu ceiito, good sandwiches ten cents, a good roast dinner for fifty cents. The jewelry of tho Freuch department is valued at $200,000. One Italian exbibitor has a collection of gomp, onyx, sapphire, carvcd aud antique, valued at $250,000. A chandelier made of amber and meerechaum in tho Gorman dopartmenl is valued at $6,000. The National Agricultural Congrcss meota September 12, 13 and 14. J. B.
Old News
Michigan Argus