Republicans Fighting Retrenchment

The Bepublican United States Senate has since the very commencementof the present session opposed the rednctions in the appropriations proposod by the Democratie House, and labored to keep the expenditures of the departmente at the same bigh figures of more prosperous times. Tneir opposition to this reduction has been persistent. The Senate has been supported by the cry of the Kepubliean pross that the Democracy was trying to cripple the Government. At last, finding that the Democratie House could not be driyen from ite position in favor of reducing the expenses of the Government, the Senate has exMbited signs of yielding and indicates its dosiro to assent to a compromise. By the ürmness of the House of Representatives, thoro is thus a prospect ol a considerable reduction of the appropriations from the war figures which have been maintained throughout by the Kepublicans. This reduotion will not be anywhere near what it should bo, what the condition of the country demands, nor what it would bo if there was a Democratie Senate to co-operate with the House of Bepresentatives. The f allure of the Bepubliean Senate to come up to the necessities of the times demonstrates the importance of securing a Democratie Senate which in the future may assist Demociratic House and a Democratie President in enf orcing economy and reduction in expenditures in all branches of the public service. - New York World.
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