Oregon Democratic

An election occiirred in Oregon on Monday, the 5th inst., for niembor of Congress and niembers of the State Legislature. The telegraph inforras us that the.Statc has goíte Demosratic, and that the Demócrata will have a majority in the Legislatura. The Legislatura meets in September, and ono of its duties will be the election of a United States Senator to succeed James J. Kelley, Democrat, whose term expires on the 4th of March, 1877. The election of a Democratie Legislature in the State insures the choice of a Democratie United States Senator, and iudicates that Oregon may be confideutly depended npon to chooso throo Domocrutic electors in November. Two years ago a Democratie Governor was choson in the State oh a plurality voto, an Independent candidato who was in the field having received about onefourth of the total vote cast. At the same time the Democratie candidate for Congress vaa elected, also by a plurality. In 1872 the Bepublicans' carried the State on a majority vote, both at the Congressional and Presidontia! elections. Last year there. was a special election for Congress, at which thoDemocrats were successful, and they have this year followed up that success by achieving another victory. The result in Oregon goes to show that the people have not mnch contidence in the professed ibility of the iBepublican party to reform itself.
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