Three Beautiful B's--babcock, Belknap And Blaine

When Babcock, after lond pretences of a desire to meet all the bottom f acte of his case, carne to actual trial beforo a court and jury, lie used every offort to keep out the damaging ovidence. When Blaine, after deceitful representations from his seat in Cougress of his railway transactions and adroit protestations of his parity, was confrontad with the private correspondenco which witnessed his corrupt prácticos, he triod to buy oft" the holder of those let'ers, and metaphorieally went down on his knees to him. Failing in those attempts to süence his bold accusor, he soized the letters and carried them off. When Belknap came into the coiut of impeachnient Bmiling, ho declared his defonso a soiiná and nffloient one. Yet he nt once triod to escape trial by pleading non-jurisdiction, and he lias used evory means to secure delay and defeat justice. This is not the way in which innocent men act ; but it is the way of crimináis. - New York Sun.
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Michigan Argus