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Haves And Wheeler

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The Ciucinnati Convention conipleted its labrs on Friday last, nominating for President Hon. Rutherford B. Hayes, now Governor of Ohio ; and for Vico-President, Hon. William A. Wheeler, now niember of Congress from the Sixteentu New York district. Gov. Hayes was nominated on the seventh ballot, the vote standing, Hayes, 385 (6 more tkan the required nuraber); Blaine, 351; and Bristow (though withdrawnl 31, - Alabaina giving him 8, Connecnitit 7, Georgia I, and IUinoia and Indiana ó each. Mr. Wheeler was uoininated on the first ballot,- his entored opponents boing Gen. Woodford, Gen. Hawley, and Postmaster-General Jowell, who wero all withdrawu before the oornpletion of the ballot. Gov. Hayes was born at Delaware, Ohio, and will be 54 years old on the 4th day of October uoxt. He was educated at Kenyon College (Episcopal), Gambier, Ohio; afterward graduated at the Harv&rd law school, and being aduiitted to the bar ontered upon the praotice of his profession at Freiuont removing at a later day to Cinoinnati In 1861 he enlisted in the volunteer gervioe, and commanded his regiment at the battle of South Mountain, where he was wounded in the arm. In 186he was made brigadier-general, and the same year, while serving in the field was eleoted to Congress frem the Second Ohio district. He was re-elected in 1866, and before the close of his sec ond term - in 1867- was eleoted Governor of his Stats, beating Judga Thur man. In 1869 he was re-leoted, beat ing Geo. H. Pendleton ; and again in 1875, beating the venerable William Allen. He made no notioeable recorc in Congress and served on no ooinmit tees of iruportane. Aa a Governor he has been popular, and his official anc personal reputation is considerad abov reproacb. He is not the equal in tal ent of either Blaine, Conkling, or Mor ton, and will not inspire the enthusias tic following of the foriaer. Neithe is he so vulnerable to personal attac as either of the gentlemen nawed, anc the campaign will be less pursonal au Tindioativo thun it would hav been with Blaine or Morton o Conkling the candidate. He will b opposed as the representative of tho liepublioan party, which bas failed of its olaimed miasion in those latter years, as the man ohosen to carry out the policy of Grant whogo adininistration has been indorsed without reserve. Keforru of the Government can only come freni a radical ohange. Hayes must of needs run it in the old rut. Mr. Wheeler the nominee for VieePresident, was born in Malone, New York, where he now resides, and was 57 years old on the third day of the present nionth. He is a lawyer by profesaion, and entered political lita as a Democrat. He then becanie a Whig, and in 1S56 a Eepublican. He has surved in both branches of the New Chairman of the Pacific Railroad Committee. In 1868 he was again elected and has continued in Congress ever since. Daring the last Congress he won considerable reputation by his action as chairman of the coinmittee which went down to New Orlean and negotiated a compromiso which was more Batisfactory to the Democracy taan to the radical Republicana. His name had been nientioned in connection with the first place on the ticket, - and he recived three votes on the first ballot, - given by Massachusetts men. Such is the Eepublican ticket. The platform will be found in another column. Whejí the Eepublican State Convention met at Grand Rápida to appoint delegates to the Cincianati Convention, uine-tenths of tbe Ropublieans of Michigan were in favor of James G. Blaine for President. When the Cincinnati Convention met full eighttenths of the Eepublicans of Michigan still adhered to their first love. Yet the Michigan delegatiou voted as follows on the several ballots : Firat - Bristow, 9 ; Blaine, 8 ; Hayea, 6 ; Conkling, 1. Öecond - the game. Third - Bristow, 10; Blaine, 8 ; Hayes, 4. Fourtb - Bristow, 11 ; Blaine, 6 ; Hayes, 5; Fifth, Sixth, nd Soventh, Hayes, 22. And this ia face of a dispatch froin Secretary Chandler to his son in-law (Hale): "The eyes of the country are oa the Michigan dolegation. They must voto for Blaino." The power of Chandler hus departed. TlIE Rev. Highiana Garnett (colorod), substituto for President A. D. White, of Cornell, in the Cincinnati Convention, made a speech during tho preliminary proceedings, in which he said : " Mr. President, try in your deliberationg to put in a plank that will give security to the freedmen of the South that the sufferings which they endure in consequence of the rascality and villainy of the managers of the Freedman'a Savings Bank shall be set aright." The platform committee ovidontly carao to the conclusión that to attomqt to " set aright " all the wrongs of the people (lreedmen or freeuien), to provide for refunding all tho stealings perpetrated utider the eyes of " the government," aud by tho connivance of its ageuts, would be to deplete the treasury and iiupoverish the tax-ayers, aud wisely ouiittüd that littlo plank. Hayes was the second choice of the friendi ot' Bristow, the seoond choice oí the friends of Cnnklin, the socoiid choice of the friends of Morton, and the second choice of the friends of Hartrauft, or of a larga number of the aforesaid fritmds, not because they loved Ilayes more, but Blaine and each other less. The Blaine dolégates had no second choica and they stuck to him to the last. A qood ticket : Tilden and Truiufcull.


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