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- The Senate and House atill diaa;ree on the provisions of the sevsral ap)ropriation bilis, - and the firít day oí uly is uear at hand. It is U be hoped hat the Democnitio House will iiot be rightened into accepting tbo Senate amendments by the threats of stopping he " wheels of govemment." The Senate cannot dodge its share of tho reponsibility, and the responsibility of 'stopping tbe wheels" will attaoh to the Senate alone if it lefuses to pa98 the House bilis just because it thinks the appropriations too siuall. It can prove the House in the wrong by passng the bilis - if too penurious - leaving the defiuiency to be made up at tbe next scssion. - An ex-army Chaplaiu was heard ;o say (sinoe the Ciucinnati Convention) that " Hayes is very much sueh a man as Abraham Lincoln." Th;it remiuds us of the good Dutchman's description of his lost horses : " They are so near alike that when you see the oue you'll tuink it is the other. One is a white horse with a black spot in his faoe, and tho other a black horso with a white spot in his faoe." Physically or intelligently, in culture, habit of thought or manuur of utteranoe, tvro ruon more unlike thaii Lincoln and Ilayes oould scarcely be named. - It was the good Deacon Richard Smith, of the Cincinnati Qazelte, an original Bristow man, who telegraphed his congratulations to OJov. Hayes in this sngge8tive language : " The country is more to be oongaatulated than you ar. We made a narrow escape. Thank God." "Which will be oousidered oomplimentary by the i'riends of Blaine - In Congress the Republicans are indignant over any proposition to repeal the llesumptiou act of 1875, and yet the Cinoinnati Convention refused to adopt a resolution demanding the exeoution of that act in good faith. In view of such aotioa the fourth (or fiuanoial) plank of the platform inay be branded as bot h shaky and thin. - A Mrs. Spencer, ot' Washington, was perniitted to advocikte woman suffrage in the Cincinnati Couvention, anó? Susan B. Anthony sent in a memorial result : the mild declaration that " the honest demands of this class of oitizens for additional rights, privileges, aud immunities should be treated with respectful consideration." - And what will Torn Scott say tu this plank of the Cincimnati platform : We reaffirm our opposition to further grants of publio lands to oorporations and monopolies, and demand that the national domain be devoted to free homes for the people." Guess he will read betweon the lines. - One Gol. Jno. P. Jackson telegrnphed Gov. Hayes from San Francisco : " The Paoific slope hails your nomination with enthusiastic delight, and will give you solid electoral votes." Did Cel. Jackson ever read the story of the d - 1 wbo proposed to be so liberal with what didn'i belong to him ? - The Florida Douiocrats, in convention assembled last week, declared for " equal rights nul equal justice to all, irrespective of race or eectional resi- Suggostive : the proposition of exGot. Van Zant, of Rhode Island, to have the chairmen of Cinoiunati delegations, in case of the adoption of au order for a thirty minutes recess between ballots, " labelled for what they ask, and whether they are cash or country produce." - Blaiue ia said to congratúlate hiraself on the fact that he received the votes of 337 delegates besides those from his own State, while Conklin, with all the influence of Grant to back him, could raise but 29 outsiders. - " Old Senator Howard, on his orutches, from Michigan : " that is the way Ex-Governor Noyes, of Ohió, put it, when giving Howard and the Miohigan delegation the credit for noainating Hayes. - A prominent Granger (and a Democrat) says that the Hepublican nominee for President is a " big Granger," and assures us that " that is where we get our Hay(e)s-eed." - Blaine, and Bristow, and Conkling, and Hartranft, and Jewell, and Morton, vied with each other in telegraphing i their congratulations to Gov. Hayes. j Words are cheap. - " Secretary Bristow is young, and 1880 is not so ftvr away." So says Deacon Richard Smith, of the Cincinnati Gtuette. Thore is nothing like enterpriso. - Jewoll will go down to history as having been a Presideutial caudidate for a siugle ballot. Tea votes were gatherei in by that "favorito son." - The British government has finally released Winslow : holding an act of Parliament superior to a treaty. - Don Cameron failed to deliver the Pennsylvania delegation to Conkling. " Man proposes but Ood disposes. - Bosa Shepherd and Fred Douglass were refused adniission to the Cincinnati Convention. Perseouted pair. - ILiys and Wheeler : a first class ticket of socond rate men. That ia the general verdict. til i im 1 1 " The Michigan delegates are playing the fooi, voting for Bnseow ! " that was the reuiark of Judge L., of this city, a full-blooded Blaine man, while the balloting was progressing at Cincinnati. And when the " heir apparont " visited him in the garden and informad him that Hayes had won on the seventh round, the Judge said never a word, but kept the hoe ia niorion, and at every blow the beets disappeared and tho spared weadi smiled at thoir good fortune. The Judge pretended not to know who Hayog is, and when told that he had been in the army, oxclaiined, "bo has Col. D- n, and he'd make a d- d sight better President." And the Judge is a sample of the Republicano in this seotion. A Republican State Convention has boen called tu be held at Lansing August 3, at noon, to nomínate caudidates tor átate oöicers and Presidential electora. Under the new apportionment tho convention will consist of 421 delégate, and thisoounty iaentitld to sand 15. Bbfork the Couamittee on Uredontials reported against the claims of Boss Shepherd and Fred Douglasa to seats in the Cincinnati Couvention the latter gentleman uiade a little speech, in which he expreased thu opinión that by the " aid of bayoneta" half a dozn Southern States can b saved to the Kepublicans in the coming campaign. As the convention indorsed, witheut reserve, tbe administraron of President Grant, ho niay cousidur himself warranted in repeating oíd táctica and sending down bayonets enough to insure the election of Haves. We shall see. Ex-AldkRMAN TUorapson, of Detroit, (the man who didn't get to be Mayor), and Kogent Eynd, of Adrián, are credited with being the two men who manipulated the Michigan delegation and carried i t over to Hayes "just in the nick of time," Had the Blaine men in the delegation adhered to the man of their choice another ballot or two, it is more than probable that gom other delegation would have wade ft break in Blaine's interest and the Hayes' goose would have been cooked. And now what shall be the reward of Thompson and Kynd "I KNOW no other name which is sure to oarry Massaohusetts." That was the language of Biohard H. Dana in seconding the nominatiou of Benjamin H. Bristow,- and the Detroit Post 8ays " it was a oovert insult to every other candidato before the convention." How easy it is to insult Republican candidates ! Gov. Baoley was at Cincinnati, - report says, - activnly at workfor Hayes from the first. His influence was evi deutly more potent than Chandler's. The Eepublicans of tnis city don' ratify worth a cent. " Waiting for the spirit(s) to move "


Old News
Michigan Argus