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NE W_ADV ERT1SE WLENTÖ DIVIDEND ! DIVIDEND!! {HE Creditors of the luie Brm ri .T. SluhlieA Bro. will cali on me on aud aftel iuly 1 il, 1876, rerlfy thelr claims, and receivp u Djviderid of 25 erceut. on claims ;n tlicy sioim! Sep1 Ist, 187.1. June 21t, 1876. 158Hwl li. CKAMER, Asslgnee. Wj. ni:uJiA, :n. i., Physfarian and Surjieon. Office, toothwesl oorner uitvin and iluioti s(h Reeidenoei 4S Souih Btate St. Office hours irom 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. H. DÓNALO BtÁCliBAV, IHi D., l'hysuiim undSurgeon. office and reaidenoe 71 Hurou Street, Ann Arbor. Uffioe hour iroia S to 'J a. m. to 2 to 3 p. m. "POE SALE. I ofíer for sale sorne :ï-'( ucu's of lund, eitaated on section lí), Ann Aibor ïown. nnl on tiie weel rtidc of theCornwell rond, and iiboui one linlJ milfrom the northwest corner ot tbo corporatiou. Bee county atlas, page '6. l'rice low and tonus easy. Ëxamint and cali .toonAnn Arbor, Juno 11, :ö;6. 1587 '1HACV W. KOOT, Agent. IASHIONAIÜ.I-; DRI'-SS MAKINCi. M. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to culi ut her Druss-Making Room, over the store sf A. Bell, WtushiDjiton utreet. A foll line of new and latent atyles of puttems constant - ly on hand. Quality of woik wnrranted, and prices made to uit the times. A hare of public patloiiuu''1 i-s re8pectfu.l Hohcited. 1 y 1678 Sheriff 8 Hale. BY VIRTUB of one writ of execution irf.nneil out of and under the seül of the Superior Court of Detroit, to me directedand delivered, I did on the 20th day ot May, A. D. 1876, levy upon all the right, title and interest of Üluta Uuuekenbush {lormerly Clara Sutherland) in and to the íollowiug deBcribed real estáte öituated in the city of Ann Arbor, Oounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, towit : The north twenty-one and a half feot in witlth off lot number tive,biock niimber one southof Huron street, in range four eaat, in eaidcity of Ann Arbor. with the hereditamenta therelo belonging, and aíso the uhü of tho alley along the east end ot Iota numbor flve and si xt in aaid block ; also lots ten and eleven in block lvo north, range six eust.alt in tho city of Ann Aibor, "Washtenaw County, Htute of Michigan. Which above descnbed property I Hhall offer for saleta the higheat bidder, at the south door of the Cuurt House, in Anu Arbor city. on tho 20lh day of July, A. D. 1S76, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, Juno 15th. 1870. 1537 M. FLEMINO, Sheriff. Moore & Moobk, Attorneya, Detroit, Mioh. PRICES REDUCED. New Excelsior Lawn Mower _ ; _- -N Largest Saie of any Lawn Mower in the World. It has boen adopted, and ciin be seen in practic;l operation, at Central l'ark, and all other Clry Parks, New York ; Government Qroxuida and üity Park3, Washington; iïodton Common, Boston ; Prospect Park, Brooklvn ; and on alraost every prominent l'ark througnout the United States aud Canada. At the trial held in New York City, on the 26th of June, 1874. the New Excelsior wan awarded the First Premium, a Silver Uedal, by the Ameri' can Instituye, in oompetition with all the different lawn mowers made in tliis country. Prices from % 1 4 to $200. 1580 EVERY MACHINE WARHA.VTED. CHADBORN & COLDWELL itt'FO C(h iu a i uva nu' Highest Mcdal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 Hroadway, !Vcw Vork. fOpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) fflanuraclurers, luiportfrs & Dealers in CHEOMOS and FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Gbaphoscopes, and Suitaiilk Vikws, Photographic Materials. o We are Headquurters for everything in the STERF.OPTICOXS & B1H) LiSTERSS, Being muuufactnrers of the MICRü-SOIKNTIFIC LANTJSKN, STEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVERS1TY .STEKEOPTICOif , ADVERTISICR'S STEREOI'TICON ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTEKN, FAMILY LANTERN VKOPLE'á LANTERN. Each style bcing the beat of its clasa in the market. o Catalogues of Lauterns nnd Slides with directloua for using sent on npplicution. Any enterpriaing rúan can muke money with a niiffic Lantern. jjj örCut out this advertiaemont for referenccg ,' Q. EORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firin of Oi.ark & Cropsky, and A Kkaknky, late of Texas, imdei tbs flrm mime of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, estabUsbed thenuelrea at No. 33 Soutli 'laill M., Allu Ailiji, and propuso to do general Crocery Business Thry wlll also kwp CROCKEBY, QLASS and WOODEN WARE.aodafüU line of DOMESTIC and FOKKKiN FEUITS. ïhey havo fittcd and furnished A First-class Enting Department, Wli(r' Meala can be had at all hours, or board by the ui k. Cal pti id for Rntter, Ega, and all Country produce. Qoods prorapUv dellvsred In any an ui dn' city. Eemember the place. 33 South Jtlain Street. KEARNKV &CROPSET. Ann Arbor, April 26, 187G. um THE HILL FARM POR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor in lownsbip two aouth oí rango six eaet, coniprismg the cast half of the norrhcast qunrter of aection nmeteen ; and th:it part of tbe west half of tne west half of the northwost quarter of section twenty, lyinfj north of the in n 100 42-100 aores, witb House, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, And about flfty aorcs well improved ; Urst class land and ituiition benntifol. Two-thirds of the purclmso money inay rcniain on the land three to Uve years. Kor terms apply to OEO. E. HAND OrU.J. BEAKKS, Datroit. Ann Arljor I574tf THE ENEMY OF OISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Ia tho Grand Old MXJSTA3STG LJNIMENT ir Wbich has stood the test of forty yenrs. Tliure Ís nn Sun: it will not heal, no LamtmeM it ffill not oure, no Aehe, no Pain thut aifiicig tlie [[unmn Body, or the Body 01 a I forse or othor doXLeutie animiil, thut does not yield to it magls .ouch. A bottle cotinr 25c, 50c, or $1.00, hua oi.en uttveil the life of a human bt'ingr, and retored o hfn hik] uaefuloesfe ijiuhy a vaiuaule horse. VJtRfEClUOI GLASS TopS METAL ' - m hT il He 't' COHANSEYGIASS MFGCO MFffS WINDOW GIASS.BOTTLES &G. PHIIADKLPHIA jmH Scwing Machines THE SXXTGEB., NSW DOMESTZC, And tlae HOWE, ml several roiH.l Second-Hand Machines at ïko SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Aibor. Also Needles for all Machines Thfi viy besl tbfti are made, and attacliments aud parta for nearly all machinea. S1NGER MACHINES Rgpaired better tberc tban anywhen clse In America. If your maehiuedon't work well, trade it for one that does, ör hae II repalied. All nmihinrs Bold ui t'iisy paymenta at the olticu. Sccond door cast of Post Office, A nu Arbor, Hiel. (1556) I I,. OBITflfEtiI National Centennial Eoute. TAKE THE Baltimore&OMoR.R. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA.. WASHINGTON CITY ! By tlii line pttssengeis re landed at the Centennial üroundH, or at Broad a nd I'ipo Streets, in vicinity of tlie lcading hotels in Philade-lphia, as they may prefer. Holdera of Through Tickbta CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital ! And vi-rit the Governmont BuiidiuM aud the many objects of interest iu and ubout Washington Citf, Truvelers deiring COMFOETABLE TRIP Shonld remember that the BaltimopO c& Cliio Zlailroad Iielcbrated for ita elegant Coachea, Splundid Hotl, Umnd ancl lieautiful Moiintniu ud Vallev ficenery, and the many pointa of Historie interest along itts line. Trgl'arc wlll alwap bc as l.uu at -S I. j ,n y utlicr Line. PULLMAN PALACE CARS KUN THROTJOH WITHOUT CHANGE Between the principal WESTESN & EASTERN CITIES. For Tbrouch Tickets, Baggage Checks, Hovemtnt of train, Sleeping Car Accommodations, &., &c, apply at Ticket Offices at all principal puinta' NO RTH, SOUTH, EASTOR WEST. E. R. DOUSEY, L. M. COLB, Ass't Uen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket Ag't THO.S. P. BARRY, THOS. E. SHARP, Wcst'n Passenger Agent. Munter of XraLep'n j ■ Vi:i.l,IMi ■■■ si s kik SALE. A Lirgeand very well built bnck house, with two or more Iota. Twt largo frained hou.tes. Also il good sized brick house and frame house; and a small frame house on u good lot, intend.-d for adding a frunt. Por sale on fair terms and u reaaonable credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. MOSIEY VATEU - So inany withing Uibnrrma money applj tome that I eau readily obtnin for Unders good satiafactory inreotments ten per eeut. interest. E. W. MOIUiAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 1S76. 1&64 DINSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - AND - PIOUR & FEED STORK. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLEHALE and RETAIL TKADE. We shall also keep a supply ot ÜELHI FLOUH,, J. M. 8WIÏT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWUEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEBD, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of ' GROCERïES AND PROVISIONS ' constantly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reasunnble termo hö ut ftny othur house in this city. f Cash paid for Hutter, Eggs, and Country Pro, lace generully. ■3T Ooods delivered to auy purt of the city with out extra churgo. KINSKÏ ie SEA8OLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 187f. 1504 Tisitors to the Centennial, I5ALTIMORE AND WASHIMiTON, TAKS 2TOTIOE! That the Cleveland StcauierM NOETHWEST, E. N. RICE, Lenve M.C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, diiily at 9 o'ckckp. m., except öuudays. This line has arrnnged a ayatem ui' tickets via Clevelnnd wliercby over 300 routes can be mude to Pliiliidclpltiii and New Vork, fjotng and returning by any route desired. No otber liue cuu ortVr such a variety oí imites. Tickets íor sale ftt principal Railroad Offices, on board Btenmers and at Company'a office, foot of bbelby at.t Detroit. 153 1. CARTER, Affent. A DESfRABLESTORE" For Sale. Tlie iindersijjned, Asaiynee of J. H. Mayniinl, ifler the utore formerly oceupied by him. ín Aun Arbor, at private sale, and will receive bids " thereíor until Jnly 16th, 187G, reserving tbe right " tori-jii-i tmy and íill Luis. For tt-nns of sale apply to eithüi' of tbe uiiüersig'ned. Já. WELLS, S. V. JEWETT. 1687tf B. W. OHKEVËR


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Michigan Argus