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RAILROADS. HICIHttAS CENTRAL RAILRÖaST MAY 28, 1876. wikt. r ? ? ? Lw A. M. A.M PM. I'.M. P.M. p.K i)etroit,lenve, 7 00 In OS 2 Ml 4 00 6 Oil 9 j ■Vayne Junction, 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 .10' 6 47 10 4j Ifpsilauti, 8 31 II 10 3 SI 5 -'S 7 12 u u 1111 Arbor, 8 59 H '0 4 13 6 45 7 45 11 j,, [Joxter, '.' 20 4 U 6 06 8 10 i Ahelee, 9 43' 4 47 6 23 8 28 . Jrass Iake, 10 07 I 49 55 i P. M i. . Jackson, 1 U ia 37 5 4S 7 15 9 30 12 . M A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 52 3 (is 1 12 30 2 6i ühicagoarrive, 7 30J 8 PO 6 3pj 8 j GOIKO EAST. ■LIÍÜíIIjIÍPi f__ i_?_ l_'i_ Ati A.ll. A.M. I.M. V. M. A. . ChiCHgu, leave, 6 00 !) 00 5 15 - . P. ft!. A. SC. . Knlamazoo. 10 4i 1 30 10 iti 1 15 - - P.M. A.M. A.M. : Jackson, 2 IJ 4 00 7 00 12 40 4 54 9 Ji Ones l.ake, 2 45 ; 30 6 23 9 b Ohelsea, 3 U' 7 56 ! 6 50 10 1) Dextei, S 26 8 13 6 08 III Jj Ann Arbor, , 3 52 6 16 8 36 2 00 6 28 10 41 Ypsilanti, i 4 15 5 28 8 6.) 2 20 6 48 11 00 Wayne, .4 4r. 5 45 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 u Detroit, arrive, 6 4.".. (i 25 1(1 15 3 30, 8 00 .-fundays exceptad. iSuturday ana ex. cepted. ilJaily. H. B. LKDYA1ÏD, (ten'l 8upt.. Detroit. H. C. Wf.ntworth, Gen. Posa. Aiít., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA EAILROAD. GOING WKST. - 187G - GO1WG KABT. BTATIOMS. Muil. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mai; A. M. P. M. „ Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:00 ... n Yiwüanti.... 8:36 7:15 Bankera 6:00 2:St Saline 9:20 7:46 i Hillsdale ... 6:30 J:4i [Jridgewatur.. 9:45 7:57 . Mancheater.. 9:15 4;] Manchester. 10:18 8:00 ■ Bridgowator 9:45 4:S( p. M. Saline 10:10 4:5 Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 Ypilanti.... ',10:55 5: Bankere 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:li Traing run by Chicago time. To take efieot , April 16, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Bnp't, Ypeilanti. Cêntennial Exïitioi PHILADELPAIA, PA. TUIS (ircat International Kxhibitiun, dwiffid to oommomorate the One Hundredtta Annnersurv of American [ndependence, optued May loth and will close November Mth, 1876. All Uk; NiLions i' the World and all the States and Territoriön of the Union will partiolp&te, brlnglng together the moet comprehenslve collectlon of art trea ares, mechanica! Inrentions, sclentific discoveria, raannfact uring ach tevemento, mineral specimem, and agricultural producto cvor exhibitcd. The grouiiusdevoted to the ExhiMtiou aro situated co the line of the Pennsylvunia EtaUroacL and enbruce four hundred and ül'ty acres of Fairmount Park all ptighly improved and ornameiited, whicii are ereotód the Largest bntldlnga ever strucUid, - tive of these covering au urea of flftr acres, and rostiii 5(ooo.000. The total aun building erected lor the parposea ofthö KxhibiLiun ih over out hundred. The Pennsylvania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL ROUTE OF THE U. S, will be the most direct, convenlont and economía wuy di mxrhing PhÜaddlpbla, and this 'at Ex bibiüpn irom all sectious of the country. Iu Halos to and from Phlladelphla will pass t! ■ (.KAM) CÊNTENNIAL DEPOT, wllich Út ('oiiipany have eretrted al the Main Kntrance totlie Éxhibition Grounds, for thu adcomiuodaU paaseDgers who wlsh to stop at or start trom thr numerous hirge hotels coutiguous to this station aud the Exhibitiou,- a convenit-nceof the g valué to visitón, and attbrded exclasivelT by tte lYimsvl.-ania Kailruad, which is TUK ONLT LlNEKliNMN'. DÜBCTTÜ THE 0ENT1 AIj Bl.ILI)IN(iS. Excursión irains willali at the Encampnient of the Patroos "i Htubandir, at Elm Station, on this road. , 4tf"The Pennsylvania EtaUroad is the gn railway organizatiou in the world. It conti'-'!' seven ihousaud miles of roadway, forining euutinuoua Mms te riiiladvlphia, New York, Baltimon aud Washington, over which lnxurious day and night cars aru run fioni rhicaüt), St. Louis, Louiviñe, Cincinnati, ludiuuaijuüs, Columbus, Tolrdo, Cleveland, and Erie, without chan?e.ífie Iíjí umin Une is luid with dottble and lliini Bi ,;-i.l..r;ii !itT' ff, stone. lts passenger trains are equipped with CTery known improveiueiu lur oomlort ml -uu-ty, -.nul aie run at nster apded ft greater distances tbati the trains of any line on the continent. Tl pany has largily increased its equlpment forCteai-iiiiial travel, aud it will be preparad to build, In its own shops, locomotives and passeuger c:trs i: short uolice, suflicient to acroimnodate any extra aemand. The unequaled resources at thi comí uf the Company guarantee the most perfect nccom modaiious tor all its pátrons during the Centóonial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENEEY forwliicli tlie Pennsylvania Hailroad issojustly celelraU'd, pre sutits to the traveler over its perfect Roadvay an erer-chauging panorama of nver, mountain, and landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONS on this line are tinsnrpassed. Meals will be fnnüshed at suitable hours and ampie time allowed for BDjoyinK them. EXCURSIÓN TICKETS, at redaced rat' be sold at all irincipal liailroad Ticket Offices it the West, Northwest and Southwest. Jlie sure that your tickets read via the Mvu: Pennsylvania Route to the Ccntenuial. KRANK THOMSON, D.M. BOYD.JB, General Manager. Geni J'aisr Agt. MiotoPlows. THE OLIVER CHILLED ANO l L E. These Plows aie to-day tlie two Boss PIüws of the country They tak no back seat fr anythlng oalled a Plow. Thpy Jon't gu a bexginjí i'ör custornera; theyget loto tbe hancs offarniera witliout being fun-i out on six or eight. montha time. li.-n tlicy go thoy stay, and tbat is a recommesd tor any Plow. I situply ask uy ikrmer, whethcr he wants to buy a cultlratot ornoi, ' to -steji in and L-xaiuiiir i hiGORHAM &. BUCKEYE SIMÏ (MMTORS ! and judgo for himself, as It will cost hint iidIIiidk. and I will wait OD hini with plcasure. lliey arearrangcd for both corn and fallow ; can the teeth any angle j-oii choose, to turn iln' eartn toorfrom the corn plant. Cali andaee them tor yourselves and you -H-iil be better aatbfied tbu y.m will -ih iinythinu 1 oan n on pBer. I have vanous kindsol' onc-h.jrse cultivaturs salt water lime, and all kinds ui Field and Garden Seeds, I am stlll agent for severa! different kinds of t hreshIng machines, among them istlieold reUable Buftklo l'iits, with manj new Imptorementa on saparatflr. ivith ten and twelve horsc mounted pover Als, the Battle Oruek Vibrator, wiih mounted Pwer157m; M. HOGERS. THE EST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! U ET TH E Charter Oak Lawn Mower GL J. PEASE'8 It tijuk the tirst prize at itlcblgao State Fair in compeütlon with the Exoelslor aod Pblladelpma, Holbrook'a and Veto. sKKD DBILLS i ARDEN CULTIVATOES, very chcap :it Pcaie'8. Wiru Baskets, Arclu-s, Plant Stauds, Tr,-!lis, Wasto Paper A Suouge Bukets, at Poase's. Or I will inake to order any style or pattern desired. A few FIEST-CLASS STOVES AT COST ur less. The Lever and also Peerlen Clothei Wrinffer, at PeaM". That. lrun Ware is a perfect sueca at PliAhiK'S. The best WATER FILTERS Very Chean, at PEASE'S. Galvanized Iron Toliet Sets, very durable, at Pease's. House Furiilshiog Goods, Tin Ware, Hardware, aii! 40 reasons for nsiiifi Weed's Carpt Sweeper, at 40 S. Main St. ti. .1. PJBASE. CBKD 25c. toli.P, ROWELL & CO.. New York, k7 lor pamphlet "f 100 paes, coatainin lista uf ,IKX) newspapera, and estimati-s BhoHinKcost ofadertisiug. POR EENT. A commodlous house, In good condltlon, uu outh State Slrect. Iuquiie at this OIHce.


Old News
Michigan Argus