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TB1! BAST. The Ponnsylviinia ooal corporationa havo combined to suspend production during Juno and July, and to increaae tho prico ten cents in July and flvo cents in August. Tbey have 175,000 tous of surplus coal loaded in barges atvarioua poinU . . . . Mra. Margaret Doualdson Boggs died at Philadolphia last woek. agod 100 yoars five months and two days. She was born and had always lived in tho Quaker City A firo among the oil wolls at Bradford, Pa., last WMk, cauaed by lightning striking the oleaginouB fliüd, doatroyed 9125,000 worth of property. . . . Threo men lost their lives at Reading, Pa., a f ow days ago, while tapping a ceas-pool. They wero suffocat.od by tho foul air ...Dr. Oporgo Cook, tho President of the Biighani Hall Inpauo Asylum, at Canandaigua, N. Y., was fatally atabbed a few days ago by au inaanè patiënt uamed Brown. The Connocticut Logislatnre has pasacd a law reducing the legal rato of interest from seven to aix per cent. Tuf. Albany and Schenectady railroad depot, at Hudaou, N. Y., together with 400 loaded cars and several canal boats, was burned last week. Loss about .f400,000 A New York ilispatcli aajH the latet defalcation in tho Uthodist Book Ccncern affords some astonisUinx rsvelations. Honry Schrodcr. tlio nlli eed defaolting clerk, ia in Lndlow streot jail bdag unable to get bail. It is thoughtthat the deficit wil] not amount to over $25, 000, although tliore is a possibility of its being doublé that sum. IHI WJEST. Tuodcii the wenst etories of killing by tho Indiana aro Bot confirmed, Black Hilla cmigration bas boen utterly domoralized, partly by tho poor return of tho mines, but chiefly by the aggressive hostility of the red-skins ?lCaf ,M,per Oi&cM retn. ontain 1,282,318 buhels of wheat; 1232 458 buahols of corn 413,823 bushels of oáts ■ 57,C19 bushela of rye, and 289,313 bushels of barley, makiug a grand total of 3,275,531 bushels, againstj 6,083,972 bushels at tuis period last year Lato arrivaJs at Bismark report tliat Gen. Gibbon's command had reached the Powdernver country, and were socompletolv Burrounued with redekina that no couriera would probably be sent out until tho force roached thoir obiective poiuts on the the Yellowstone This Information lends somo probabilitv to thé report received from runners by way of tho Black Iülla of a battle fought north of the Hills, tv which considerable numbors of whites and sayages wero killed. Tte Obieage Tribune of Friáaysays: "It will be graüfyüig news to her f rienda," and to the public generally, that yesterday Mrs. Abraham Liocon was adjudged eane by a Jury in the County court, and her pronertyrestored toherown control. The wholo proceedLngs were of au anucablo eharacter." The terrible story of a Sioux raid upon ranches on tho Platte river, in Colorado, is confirmed. Tho savages appear to have been a marauding party in qucflt of cattlo to supplv the wamors assembled to fight Crook. Finteen herders wero kUled and their cattle driven off. SOUTH, CmiiSTUN Kxotz, aged aeventeon, last ■week killed Almira Stroot, also seventeen, daughter of bis employer, rcaiding near Clermont Mills, Hd. Confessiug his crime, he was taken to a neigkborine tree andhauled up, bnt, being eut down, askeS for a gun to snoot lmnse f. It was snggested that he might as HvLn8 haol hen he immodiate" chmbed tho tree, placed a rope around hw ueek, bade the company good-by?, aud drooped A WtoATCÖ from Baton Rougo, La., reporte a disturbance at Mt. Pleaaant, in that 8tate between whites and negroos. Tho blacka thé account states, " following the examplo of the hites organized a band of regulators, and ordered a Democratie negro to loave tho placo ltetusrng to leave, ho waa attacked bv the regulators and killed. A constable and posee altemptcd to arrest the murderors, but wero driven off. The Sheriff of Baton Ro ,ge wTth a posao went to Mt. Plezant and captuf ed ïourteen uogroes, including the murdc-rers T o blacka ñred upon tho Sheriff's posse, woundintwo men and kiUing two horsea." "ounam WABHINQTOIf. The f act is generally remarked, aays a Washington telegram, that although the acquittal of Mr. Kerr snbstantially accuaes Harney of perjury, the Committce on Expenditures in tho Wur department do not recommend nrocnpfl ings against tho iatter. It seems, however that tho cammittoe concluded to leave thja part of the case to Kerr, who-e f rienda wilï 'un' abbtt8KfoCfdJuirm b tak6n "P gaÍn Bei.knap's counsel havo presented ts the imleachment managers a list of 197 witneeaes whom they dcaire to have summoned the defense. The list includes all the post-traders by whom it ia expected to provo that they did not divide with him. Under the rule adopted by the Sonate, Belknap wiU have authoritv to .lo a suplemental list. Moet of tho witneases hye in the far West. The feoa and mUoae of witnesses alone would probably be 650,000 The health of Speaker Kerr is gradually mproving. . . . The counsel for Jielknap havo now dlgbted upouaacheme to which they cling with much satisfactiou. The point is made that thopleaof absence of jiu-isdiction recently oousiderea was a complete defenae in itselfi that is, if it had been auatained, it would havo acqmtted Belknap-thereforernotbing bnt a two-thirds voteCasisrequired in vital ques tiouH) could or can empower the Seuate to esbMmh that jonsdiction which would compel the tbiev-ing ox-Secretary to commenco a more )ortinent proof of his " innocenco." Seceeiahy BeIStow retu-od from tho Treasnry Department on the 20th inst. Boing questionod by a newspaper correspondent touching tho reasons croveraing this step, the late Secretary raplied that it did not now concern the public, as hewH no longer a public man He jidded that if any one was board inqrüriu" as to .is roaaons thoy might be informed that It was because he wanted to. He had nothuig moro olPTL i10"1'1,11"' spapen, wmiíd not toll tho truth about it auyway. Beinc in formed that ahould he give á statómp of facts in rfilation therotot would bo"Sub hshed just as given, he eaid: -Not "o It would be perverted." He added again ■" resign because I want to, becauao mv 'business demands it. and I ought to. 1 would have rel mgned long since, bui for the past ave months I could not ao so without a politica! mgnificance being attached to it tLt it did not WillXUIli. A Washincton alspatoh states that the Grand Jury havo indicted Richard Harrington and Arthur B. Williams for bribery. The iirst 7? "f0? '""i hving' on tlie 12tuof October, recoived HKmST"? SUtei Attey roceiveu 15,000 to have hia decisión and aotton mfluonced in the matter of a motion for a vLl "? y "PadSlaUer, whoweroconv cted of murder. Williams ia charced with Biving the money to Harriaon as a brlbe Evidenck has boen taken before tho Houe Judiciary Committee in tho matter of the cable diapatch from Josiah Caldwell, to tho effect AfrSf, f!i8i;a.tch,was aent at tho dictation of Mr Blaine s fnends, having boen firat preparcd aiaif01111'1?'' í6;'!'1' to Loudon, and agam telegraphod back to Mr. Blaine. Col. lom Scott andoue A. P. Robinson, a railroad man, are said to be the partieH who propared and sent tho dispatch. Thoy wil bo caled upon by the committee to explain their ' ?,? ? L U UJ.bntJtto Mr. Blaine to state, " ""''wuection, that ho bas received a letter teVji"? aIdWe"' .Í" Wllich the writer 'í;tü h0 nerer, dlrpoüy or indireotly, fn riS i DdS' aud (1()claring his readinees to hSSv WOrn statemeut to this effect, if deaired by the committee. Bluïoiu) W11.SOK, Soucitorof tho Troasmy Department, hastondored his resignation . . The coirespoudeiico between Mr. Bristow and tho President, on the occasion of tho former's reaigning the Treasury porfolio, íh quite brief, and contams the um-.ü formal oxpí-essions iú commnnications of this eharacter" Mr. Bristow thanhs tho Prouideut íor tho honor of tho appointnient ho had confejred upon him and announces hie deaire to retire from enxial lifo and give attention to his private affaira Tho íimf,"ÍCfUt aCCepíf 'i'? r,e.8it''on, with exproaaiona of a hope that in hu rctirement from pubie oliice the Secretary will Ond that roet which ne could not have in his present poaition, aud T? ,hat e personal relations between itudo remaln ln their Present plcasaut atOKNfiKAI,. Tuis summer will bo ono of cheap travel between the East and tho West. All the groat competiug lints havo now raduced their passenger ratos. Fourtoen dollara from Chicago to Now York w cheap travel. Tho samo roads have also reduced their frc-ight ratea. St. Jobns, Canada, was viaited last woek by a most dusastrons conllagration. A terntory six hundrecl fcet wido and a milo in longth, cmbraoing tho entiro business portion of tho town, wa bnmed. lieven hotels, nino clmrclica, the (J.iHtom-Houao, Court-HoiiMe, Postónico, United States Consulato, two banks, docks, vesaela in the river, a portion of the bridge over tho Richelien River, tho fcjt. Johns woolen milla, a utono chinawaro room, and 250 lores and housen are rodueed to n-thcs. Tho loss is Cötünatcdat $1,5(10, U00. FOUTIOAX. IIf.ney B. Anthony lias beon re-elected Jnited States Senator from Ithode Mand for iix yoaru from the 4th of next March The Jemocracy of Maine and Delawaro held their conventiona last week, and selected delegates to St. Louis. In the firet-named State Tilden ecured tho delegates. Tho Dolawaro couvenion instnicted for Bayard. In addition, tlio Maine convention selected a candidato for Governor, John C. Talbot being the nominoe. The Arkansas Demócrata have nominated William E. Millor, present State Auditor, for Goveroor Ex. Gov. Z. B. Vaneo has been selected by tho Democrats of North Carolina as thoir candidato fur Governor The Mississippi dolegates to the St. Lous Gonvention are instructed to vote aa a unit and against the two-third rule. A majority of the delegates are for Tilden. The committeo appointed by the Cincinnati Couvontion to notify Gov. Hayes of his nomination ,for President visited Columbus the day aftor the adjournment of the convention, and proceoded to tho Executive Chambor, where they were received by Gov. Hayes. Edward McPhcrson, of Pennsylvania. in a brief speech, fornially notified Gov. Hayes f liis nomiimtiou. Tho lattcr repfied asfollows: "Snt - Ihavoonly to say, in responso to your information, that I accept tho nominr.tion. Perhaps, at tho present time, it would be imnropor for me to say more thau this, althouirh ovon uow I shonld be glad to give somo expression to the profound sense of giatitude I feel for the conüdenco roposed in meby yourselvos and those for whom you act. At a future time I süall talíb occasion to present my accoptance in writing, with my views on tho platform." The delegates were ther persoually introducfid to their nomineo, anc spent considerable time with lam. informally conversing on various subjects. FOREIGN. Advices from tho City of Mexico report that ;ho Govornment forcea have mot with con tinued succes everywhere. The revolutionists under Gons. Figuoros, Cortina, and Martínez wero completely defeated May 31, noar Querotaro, with a loss of 76 killed, 417 wounded anc prisoners, and 350 stand of arms. The Federal troops lost 30 killed and 100 wouuded. This victory restorod peace in the State of Queretaro. Tlio revolutionists are continually receding, and have lost popular sympathy... The Cadiz correspondent of the London Times says it is expected that Gen. Despujols will be appointed to the command of the 30,000 Spanish roinforcementa ordered to Cuba. Great preparationa are making in Cadiz and Santander, from each of which 12,000 men will cmbark betweeu August 20 and Septom berl The Belgian electiona hvo resulted in a Catholic maority of twelve in the Chamber of Deputies. Somo of the defeated Protestants in Brussels, Antwerp, and Ghent siguified this displcasure by breaking the Windows of buildings occupied by the victors. Io Antwerp thcre was a fierce street riot The London Times1 dispatch from Berlín says that, notwithstanding tho announcement of an armistice, figetiug continúes in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Bulgaria. It has been resolved by the insurgent chiefs in Herzegovina to reject the annistico demanded in their behalf fromTurkey by the Northern powers The report of the death of the mother and son of the late Sultan is officially denied. Wikslow, the Boston forger, was releaeed from cuetody by the British authorities on the 15th inst. The Court of the Queen's Bench, concurring with the opinión of the Foreign Office, orderod bis release. And thus the English-American extradition treaty for tho snrrender of fugitivo crimináis, fails to the ground. .... A cable dispatch aunoimeea the death of Petermann, the celebrated Germán oriëntalist. The Freuch Minister of Public Instruction has declared it to be the poliey of the Government to make primary education conipulscry. The establishment of four great popular universities is also contemplated, the iocations selectea beiug Paris, Lyous, Bordeaux and Naucy. A dispatch from Berlin afiirma that all danger of a European war is over for this sumrner. Furloughs are boing freely granted. Whh.e tho Turkiah mimisters were in council at Constantinople, a few evenings ago, a dismissed officer suddenly appeared among them, araied with a revolver, and mnrdered tho Ministers of War and Foreign Affaire, and seriously wounded another member of tho Cabinet. It Eeema most likely that this Wholesale butchery must have been the result of a reactionary plot, dosigned to overwhelm the authors of tho recent revolution. The murderer was captured, however, and his confederates, if ho had any, made no attompt either to reecue hnn or to take advantago of hia exploit A carpec inauufactory was burned at Ayr, England, last week, and twenty-four female operativos perished in the flamea. Bask, the overseer of the woolen works at Ayr, England, whore the twonty-fonr women lost their live, and who was himself burned to (loath, locked the door of the room in which the women were, thinking that tne alarm of fire was false. A girl who jumped from a window states that she first endeavorod to escape by the door, but a man pushed her back.... A Constantinople dispatch Btatea that Hassan, the assassiu of tho Turkish officials, was hangod threo days after the perpetration of the bloody deed .... A London Times dispatch from Calcutta reports an alarming outbreak of cholera in Gulwada, a village on the Bombay and Baroda railway. Of 200 inhabitants, 100 died in three Ctaye. Two disastkous conflagratiouB are reported in liuHHia - one in Moscow, where fifty housee were destroycd, and the other in Caucasus, where three-quarters of the city was consumed. Paris dispatches received in London report the Czar as expreesing a confldent hope that bc will spend more tranquil days hereafter thau those he has just passed at Eins. Theremark ie interpreted to mean that all project for active intervention in Turkish affairs are abandono! for the present Bren t, the Louisville forger, has been released by the British authorities. I be postponcd until November ucxt, and appcalcd 0 tho managers not to oppoae tho luotion. He tatetl that tho nianagorB nnderritood hit rcasocs for not going on with the trial, and ho, therefore,hoped hey would agrco to tbe poatponemeut. Lord, on )ohalf of the inanagers, asked leave to consult with the House of Kf-preseiitativcH, whieh was grauted; ind the Senato, as a Court of Impeachment, adourucd. House.- The bilí to conflrm to Chicago Iho titlo to ;hö land in that city kuown a the Fort Dearborn addition, f routing on the lako tdioro was passcd. . . The Speaker laid bef ore the House 1 mcflpago f rom tho President, exjftlainÏTi the necpBsity of haviug tho varloxis approprlatioxi büls paRSPd bofore July 1. (A.uabBtract of the mossagfi is given in the Benato iroccedings alwvei). liandall, Chairman of the Committct: on Appropriations, remarked that the USp 9&gQ was unufmal, and ín hls opinión alfogether nnnecepsarj'. Ktill it BhOtÜd havo reBpootfn] Tffercncc and consideration. On hl motion it was referrod to the Commttteo on Appropriations Lord, in behalf of tlio managers of the Belknap impeachment trial, called attention to the applicatioTi of dofenílant's COTUlfiel for a postpouemont of tlio trial. The matter was debated, but without arrivinf at a decisión the House went into bommtttee of the whole on the Army Ajpropriation bill, and short ly aftor adjourned. Monday, June 19.- Senate.- ThO Sonate insisted upon ils amendmonts to the Postoffice Approjiriation bill, and agreed to tho conference aekcd for by thn . Hoiiso of KeproRoutativcs. Wost, ïlamlin and Davis were appointed membere of the committee on the p;irt oí the Sonate. . - . Aftor a protracted secret eession, tho Sonate rofuaed to muit the motiou for a pontponement of the impeaclimrnt trial nntil November, Imt at the same time consouted totake p a new liranch of tho subject, being a plea by defemlanfn counsel tbat, inaamuch as tíio voto by which the Senate assumed jurisdiction over the case was Iopb than two-thirds, juriadirtion ha not been lawfulïy MSQined, and tlio Senate haa do power to proceed with the trial. ArKiimentB will be heard on this qnstion on i h ■ i;th of July. Tho Senate having been notlfled that tho defenso will Rtimmon nrarly 200 witneRRos, appointfd n committeo to single out froni this nnmber nch as are material amt important in the caso Tlio Sánate, sitting as a court of impeachment, thon adjourned until July 6. Houw.. - Raüd'all offcred a resolution appointing Cox Speaker pro tem. in the absence of tho Speaker, which resolution was adopted The Ariay Appropriation bill was pasped Holman, Blount, aud Wiiklron were appointed a conference committeo on tho Postofflce Appropriation bil!.


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