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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tcesday, Juno 13.- tSenate.- The Sonate wa not iu BesBion, Houae.- The House paseed the bill froru the Military Comniitteo authoriziDg tlie Secretary of War to detail additional army offlcers as instructora ín the educational institutionp....The Military Coinmittee reported back telcgrams and other papers of the military court of ïnquiry in Gen. Babcock's case, and in accordance with the recoinmendatione of the corniuitteo they were referred to the coinmittco on whisky f raiulB.... Holman reporteil back the Postoffice bilí from tho Appropriations Cominittee, with the recommendation that the House non concur in the Señale amendinents. Hancock introduced a joint resolutiou directiug the Cominittee on Ways and Means to inquire into tho propriety of relioving from taxation all domestic fermented boers. ...Mr. Roberts introduced a bill to reduce the taxation on the circulation of State banks to au aniouut equal to that paid by National bank s. Wedïïesday, June 14.- Señale.- Not in session. Uouee.- Not ono seat in ten was occupied. The House prompt ly went into committee of the whole on the Army Appropriation bill, Blackburn in tho chalr. After speeches by Smith, of Georgia, ar.d Brtghfc, to Telatlon to tho cnrreucy; by Fel ton. in favor of granting pensions to tho mirvivors of ïndi;in wars, and by L&wrence, in reference to the Pacific raiJroad bonds, the cemmittee tobo and the Houso adjonrned. Thursday, June 15.- Senate.- The ckair laid bcforo the Senato a meeeago from tho House, announcing its non-concurrenco in the Senato amendments to the Lejsrislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriation bill. The Sonate inewBted upon ita amendmentn, ai.ï Morrill (Me.), Windoni and Withcrs were appointed a conference committee. Ilouse.- Randall, Holman and Foster wero appointed a Committee of Conference on tho Senato amendments to the LegiBlative Appropriation bill. . . .Dnnell, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill authorizing thecunstructionof a railroad bridge across the Wabash rivi.r. Pasaed . . . . Tho bill prohibiting ownership or traffic in slaves, by Americana reeidlnSl abrood, was rejiorted to the House, with a recommendation that it pass. Fkiday, Juue IC- Senate.- Coneideration of the articles of impeachment was reaumed. Iïlack, of counsel for the aecused, rcad a long papf-r, decUning to picad fnrüier on the ground that the respondent had already been subRtantially acquit tod, a the order of the Henato aeserting ita jurisdiction was not paesed by a two-thirds vote. Counsel for tho defenac agkcd that tho paper bo flled, but objection was made by Edmundn, and also by the managers. Vinding tho discussion, it wub diacoverod that a quorum was not present, and the Senate adjourncd. House. - The Houbc went into committee of the whole on the Army Approprirtion bill, with Mr. lïJackburn In the chair. Varioua amendments to tbc bill were offcred and rojected. No quorum being iiresent, tho Houso adjoumed. Satukpay, June 17. - Benate. - Amesaagowas received from the President calling at tention tothO uoar apuroacb of the new fiscal year, and tho failuro of CongroBH, so far, to make provieions for the ordinary expensen of the Government ; also, to tho laws forbidttinjf the expenditnre of unexpendod oalances, anti reqolrlng ihat they be covered into the treaKury at the end of tho next fiscal year. He f urther stnted tbnt if tho uppropriation bilis are not matnred boforc the beginning of lbo new íisal year, tlicGovirnni'nt willbcgreatlypinbarrafipcdfor want of funüs, mul mibi uittil juutrefloiutiontoextcndthe appropriations for tbo consular, diplomatic and postal sorvk-ep, the support of the army an'1 navy, otc, for the present fiscal year to tho next. Orderea printed, and to lie on the table .... The protest of u-.vzi of the Osage Indian nation againet the estabUeháient Of a Territorial Government for the Indiau country was ordered printed and referred. .... Consideratiou of the articles of fmpeaohment agaiust Belknap waa resume tl. Black, of counsel for the accuscd, Btated that liiere were reastons why tbe trial should not go ou on tho 6kjip July, as orrtrt. lío Ujerefor moved íiiat


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