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Republican National Convention

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The sixth National Convention of tho Republiean party niet at Ciiieinnati on Wediicsday, tho 14th of June. The hall whore tho meeting was held - tho Exposition building - has a eeatiug capacity of about 7,CO0, but scarcely a third of thoao wlio had gonO to Cincinnati calculating to look in on the conyontion, woro ablo to secure tioUetH of adniiftaion. At ton minutes past 12 p. m., E. D. Morgan, of New York, called the Convention to order, and business was begun at once. On motion of Mr. Morgan, ex-OongrosBman Theodore M. Pomeroy, of Now York, was uiaile tomporary Chairinan. Ou motion of Mr. Adama, of Wisconsin, I. Ht. Béan and II. H. Bingham woro appointed tempora)7 secretarles. On motion of Mr. Howard, of Michigan, Gen. E. W. Hinckes was unanimously olected Sergeant-nt-ArniB of tho convention. Tho committoCB on crodontials, permanent organizaticn, rules and order of business, and resolutions, consistiug of one from each State Territory, were then appointed. A. J. Üittenhoffer, of New York, on bohalf of the National Gemían Bepnblican convention, recently in session in Cincinnati, pretseuted a series of resolntions, threo of which ho desired to cali particular attention. tho firat advocating, n view of the recent decisión of tuo Supremo court of the United State, declaring State legislation on the subject of the protection of immigration uncontitutional. that the national Government legislate on tho subject : secondly, domanding a revisión of the treaties between the foreign Governments, affectiug naturalizaron ; and, thirdly, demaudiug iion-sectarian schools, and the taxation of church proporty, as recommended by tho President of the United States in hts message. Tho resolntions wore roforrod to the Comrmttee on Ecbolutimm. Mr. Masou, of New York, offered the following proamblo and resolution : Wherkas, We still reiiiiinl'T v, illi gratittulo tlie B6rvloea of tho loyal women of our country during tho late war. thcir doyotion in the hospitals of the North, and their fidelity to the Union in mauy oi tbe dispnted diatricts of the South; miei, Whkbkar, THe ltepublican paríy has always adTocatcd the exteuaiou of huruan freedom ; therefore. rXi-X tJlIW.4_ Resolved, That we favor the bestowal of cqual, civil, and political rigkts on all loyal citizens of tlie United Statee, without regard to sex. They wero recoived with great laughter and applauso. George William Curtís, of New York- I hold in my hand an address of the Iïepublican Roform party of tho city of Ntw York, wliich I have been requested to lay befoio this convention, and to ask that it ba read. I thereforo move that the address wliich I have the honor to subruit bo now read to the convention. The Chair - la there aiiy objection to tho reading of the address ? Objoction was made by a delégate from South Carolina. The Chair- Objection is made. General cries of " Iied it." The ebjecting delégate ivithflrew Iiïb objection, and the Chair asked ïf thero was auy lurther objection to it readin. Objection was made by dolegates froin and Dolaware. - - - i Tho Chair then put the question whether the addrere shonld bc read, and tho motion was carriod by a decisión of the majority. Cries of "Take the platform," "Go forward to the platform." Mr. Curtís then pröceedod to read the addrees and resolntions of June 6, which had already beeu publushod in the papers. The huít resolution is au indoraement of Briwtow. A delégate from Missouri - I move that the document jast read by the gentleman be referred to tho Committeê on Itesolutions without debate. A delégate from Montana- I desire to amend that motion. I move that tho address bo adopted as the senae of this convention. [Cries 8f "No! nol") THe Chairman- It is reforred to the Committeo on Iícsolutions -without debato. A delégate from Marylaud- As none of the coinmittees are now ready to report, I move that tho convention take a reeess until 4 o'clock. [Cries of "No! no!"] Tlie question was put, bnt the motion was not agreed to. Loud c&lls were then made for Senator John A. Logan. Mr. Piorce, of Massachusette - I movo that all addresses, memorial, and reeolutions bo ref erred to the Committeê on Eesolationa without roading and without debate. Tho motion was agreed to. Af ter listeuing to speeches by Senator Logan, Gen. Hawley, Gov. Noyes, Itev. H. II. Garnett, (colored) of New York, Gov. Howard, and Frod Douglase, tho convention again got down to husmeas. The Chair - The first business now in order, and the only business, is to Burrender tho chair to the permanent Chairman named by tho Committee ou Organization. The Chair therefore ñames Messra. Orton, of New York, Downing, of Iowa, and McCormick, of Arizona, au a committ-eo to conduct the permanont Chairman to the platform. Mr. McPherson camo fortoard, accompanied by the escort, and was greeted with cheero. The retiring Chairman suid : t( I take pleaauxe inintroducing as your pcrmauent President the Mon. Etlward McPherson, of Pennsylvania." [Gheers.] Mr. McPherson spoke as follows : Gkntlemkn op the Convkntion : No one of you knuws bctter thaii niyself how entireïy unworthy I ani of this bigh houor. It has come to me not only unsought, but with a feeüng of absolute and uncontrollable eurprfse, but I have bern reáréd in the school of duty, and in the politics of Pennsylvanta it íb a fundamental doctrine that every Republican shall do nis whole duty [applause], and therefore I am here to accept this honor teudored by your committee, and i-atiiied by yourselves, as an honor tendored to the great old Comnionwealth which has Bent me a one of its delegatcs to this convention. Sinco 1856, in no one of the great contesta has sho ever faltered [applause], and in this Centennial convention Bhe has turne d an inflexible, deflant face to tho enemy. She says : No trucc witli treaaon, malignily, and everyihing that ie notnational. [Cheers.] She has determiued to roll up for the nomiuoes of this con ven tion a majority 8U:h aH will eiititlo her to continuo to be what uhe has long 'been, and 1 say it with all respect, f oremos t iu the Kepublican party. [Applauae.] Tbe Chair is ready for business. Mr. Lorhïg, of Massachusette, theu canie fonvard and refld tho following report of the Committoe on Organization : President - Edward McPhcrson, Pennsylvania. Vice -presidenta Alabama, M. W. Gibbs; California, GeorKo S. E vana; Colorado. Henry Mc Allister ; Connecticut, Martin J. Sheldon; Dolaware, David W. Moore ; Georgia, H. Ii. Mott ; Illinois, John Trinaker; Indiana, JiinuH S. l-'rascr; lowa, W. T. Shaw ; Kaiipas, 'William Martin Kcutiu-kv, E: li. WVir; Loninana, Qèbrge T. KelBOJ Maino, J.B. liroTi ; Marykmd, James A. Gary ; Mascad in setts, J'. A, Chadl)ourníi ; Michigan, Henry P. Baldwin ; Minnesota, L. Bogen ; MiPRissippi, M. ShanuesBee; Mis-miri, (ï. A. ï'iukelonburg; Nobraska, H. S. Kaley; Nevada, T. Wren ; New Hampshire, E. A. Straw; Kow Jersey, Wni. A. Newell ; New York, Marshall O. Brooks ; Korth Carolina, James H. Harris ; Obio, Benjamin F. Wade; Oregon, J. H. Foster ; Pennsylvauia, J. Smith Futhey ; Ilhode Island, Hcnry Howard ; South Carolina. B, H. Gleaves ; ïeunesaee, liorace H. Harrieon; Tt'xua, A. B. Norton; Vermont, Georgo Howe ; Virginia, R. H. Carter ; West Virgmia, W. E. Htevcnaon ; Wisconsin, James Binli liff; Arizoua, DeForeet Porter ; Dakota, Alexandor Hughes; Zdaho, Austin Savage ; Montana, Benjamin II. Tateui ; New Mexico, Samuel 3ï. Axtcll; Utah, James B. McKeau ; Washington. Ëlwooa Evans; Wyoming, William Hintou. Principal Soeretary, I. M. Bt-au, of W isconsin, and one assistant for each State. Adjourned to Tlmrsday, June 15. SECOKD DAY. President McPIiothou called tho convention to ordor at eight minuten aftor 11 o'cloflt. Oeorge F. Hoar, of MassachnBetta. preHented tho memorial of tho National SVoman'H Suffrage asBOciation, and. on liiw motion, the convention agreed to hear Mra. S. J. Spencer in behalf of tho memorial. Shë proceeded to preRent, in a conciue form. the clainm of womei citien to practical recognition, and criticiaed the failure of the speakers yesterday to plead for tliem. Tlio coucluBion of her brief speech was received mtu applauao. The Committoe on Ru1Oh and Order of Business made their report. After some ditjcusRion tbo report wa sdoptod. Jolui T. EnHOro, Chairmnn of the Committee on Credentialu, roported Ihat full delegationa were present, except from Korth Carolina and Nevada, whero each was ono short. He recommendodtht tho delegatea present bo allowod to cast the wholo vote. Th ere were no conte.ted delegations e cept from Alabama, Florida, and District of Coluuibiu. In Alabama tho committoo rocoinznondeVl tbo admiasiouof tlio anti-Spencer delegates, heaxled by Jeremiah Haralson ; in Florida they recommended to admit the Conover dolegatod; In the.DÍHtrict of Cohuubia they recommended the adinissiou of Bowen and Groen. Mr. ITarris (Nevada), from the minority of tho committeo, prenented a minority report in tho Alabama cune, claimiiiR that tho Spencer delegation was tho only legitimato and tnüy repretientative delegatiou from that 8tate. After consideradlo diecuasion the majority report waa adopted. The Chair - The next buaincsa in order in tho report of the Committee on lleaolutions. Mr. liawley- Mr. Preaidenfr, yon muat be awaro that your Committee on Ilesolutions, upon aHBcmbling, foimd itself conBtitnted by men of soinewhut differing öcntiments and wiilely separated localitieö, aiid mostly atrangers to each other. We have, in general, agreed upou tho Htatemente we are about to present to you,"andrcapectfully6ubmitthom for your conHidcration, and for your amondment, if you chooao. They are aa f olio w : WIh-ii, in-thr; economy of Provitlonr'o, tlii.-s laml waa to Vio purgeel of human slavery, anti when the strength oí tho Government of the jicople, by the peoplo, for tho people, was to bo (lemonafcratcd, the tterpublican party carne iiuo power. lts tleodö havo passed iato hiwiory, mul we look back to thrin with prulc inolted by th'.ir menu rif !■, and high aims for tho goud of our country and mankind ; and, lookiug te tho futuro with njititltorlug courage, hope, and puriiosc, we, tho representativos of the party in National Convent-ion assemblcd, makc tho following declaration of principies: i. The i'nitni Slat-u of America íh a nation, not aleague. Üytho odmblned workings of tho National and State Government-e under their respfi-tivo Oonstitutlons, fh& rights of every citizen areeecured at homo anrt protected abroad, and the common welfare xromoted. 'j. RepubUoan pftrtf bw pueserved thoeo (ovi-rnuients to iheir hundredth ajinivernary of th uation'B bhth taud tliey are aow cmWïdlmeDts of tlio grcat truths spoken at its eradlo, lliat "all f aoD aro created equal ;' that thoy are "endowed by tlicir Creator with certain Inalienable righU. amaii whlch are IiloT liberty, and tbo pursuit of □ as ; that, frorHhe attainment of these onde, Goyernweiits have bf en iimtitute aruong men, dcriviuK thcir just power froni the consent of the governed," Until theee truths aro cheerfully obeyed, or, if need be, vigorously enforced, tho work of the Republican party is unflmshed. 8. The permanent paciñeation of tho Southern section of tho Union, and tho complete protection of its citizeiiK in the free enjoyment of all thoir rtehts, are dut íes to wlilch tüo Kepublican party stands saoredly plodged. The power to próvido for the enforecment of tho principios erubodied In the recent Constitutional arnendinents i vested by thoBC amendments in the CongreHs of the Uniteu States ; and we declare it to be tlio solcmn obligaten ol' the Logislative and Executive departaients of tho Government to put into im medíate and vigoroUH exerciee all thcir conetitutional iiowrrs for remo ving any just cauHes of diecontent on the part of any cJass, and for socuring to every American elttzen complete liberty and exact equality in the exerciao of all civil, political, and public rights. To thie end we imperatively demand a Congress and a Chíof Kxecutivo whose coirage and ndelity to theso duties shall nöt falter uittil thoso resulta are placed beyond dispute or recall. 4. In the flret act of Congross signed by President Grant the National Government ossumed to remove any doubta of its dutics to discliarge ;ill .iut oblitfations to public creditors, and solemnly pledfed iln faitli to niake provisión at tho earliest practicable jieriod for tho rodemption of United State noten in cnin. Commercial prospenty, public morale, and the national credit demand that this jn-omiKc be fiUíi'.lcil by a continuous and eteady progresa to Bpooie paymouts. 5i Umler tho. Cuoatitutiou the Preeident and hesjdfl of df-partmentR are to mako nomiuations for office, the Sonate ia to ad viso and to couBent to appointmentfl, and the House of Representativos is to accuse and proseen te faithless oftïcers. The best interests of the public service demand that these distinctions be reapected ; that Seuatorn aud Heproaentatives, who may bo judgns and aocuaers, ehould not díctate! aj)pointmont8 to office. The invariable rule for appointmonta Bhould have referencc to the honesty, iUttrlity, and capacity of the appointee, giviug to the party in power thono places where harmony and vigor of aihninistratioii requïres its policy to bo reprcBöntod, but permitting all othere to bo filled by persons BOlected with sole reference to the efficiency of the public, Herrie.o, and the right of all citiaens to Pbarc in the bonor of rendcring faithful BÓrvioè to their -mutry. 6. Wo rojoice in tho quickened conscience of the people concernlng political affaire, and wil! hold all otlicera to a rjgid respoombility, and eugage that the proeecutiou and puttiehment of all who betray official trusts shall Vo apcedy, tiioroxigh, and uiiflpanng. 7. The public pchool eyatero of the scveral States is tho bulwark of tho American rcpublic, and with a view to lts eecurity and permauence, we recommend an amehdment to the Constitution of the United Status forbidding the application of any public f uu u's or property for the benent of auy schools or inetitutions undor eectarian control. 8. The revenuo nece-BBary for current expenditureH and tho oblisations of the public debt must bo Iargcly derived from duties on iiuportatinns, which, so far as posaible, uliould be adjusted to proniote the interest of American labor and advance tue proaperity of the whole conntry. 9. We reaffirm our oipoeition to further grante of the public land to corporationa and monopolios, itixl dc-mand that the natlonal domain bo devoted to freo homes for the peoplo. 10. It is the ItnperanVe thity of tho Govrrnment bo to modify exieting treaties with European Governrueuts that tïie eatne protection phall bealïorded to the adaptcd American citizou that is given to tbe nativo Iwrn, and that all neceseary lawa should bc pasBcd to protect immigrants in .the absence of power in tbe States for that purpose. 11. It is the immediato duty of Congrcss to fully Investígate the effect of the immigration and import ation of Mongolians upon the moral and material intereats of the country. 12. The Uepnbllcan party recognlzes with approval the subBtantial ad vaneo recen tly made toward tho establishment of oqual rightB for women by the inan y important amendmeuts effected by Republican Legislatures in the Iaws which concern the personal and ■property relations of wives, ïnothers and widows, anti by the appointment and election of women to the aMperiutendence of etlucation, charitiee and othcr public trusts. Tlic hom-st demanda of this elass of eitizens for addítional rihts aiïd privileges and immunities should be treated with reepectful considcration. liï. Tho Constitution confers upon Congrega eovereign power over the Territorios of the UniLed States for thcir government, and in the exercise of this power it is the right and the duty of Congress to prohibit and extirpate in the Territorios that relie of barbarism, polygamy, and we demand such legirflatinu as fhall secure this end, and the Kupremacy of Ainerican instltntions in all tbe Territorios. 14. The pledges which the nation has given to our solOiers and sailors must be f ulfllled ; a grate f lü peoplo wiü always hold those who periled their livcs for the country 's preservation in the kiudestremembranco. 15. We sjncerely deprécate U Boctional feelin and tendencies ; we thereforo note with deep boIícítn do that the Democratie party counts aa its chief hope of success upon tho electoral voto of the unitcd South, secured through tho efforts of those who were recently arrayed aainst the nation ; and we invokethe namest attention of the country to the grave truth that a success thus achievcd would reopen sectlonai strife and imperil the national honor and Intro an Ugttto. 16. We charge tho Democratie party as boing the same Ín cbaracter and spirit aa when it Aympathtzed with treasoo : with niaking its control of the House of Represeiitatives the triumph and tho opportuuity of the nation's rocent foes ; with asserting and applaudlng ín tho National Capítol the sentiment of unrepentant rebellion; with souding Union soldiers to the rear and promoting Coufederato soldiers to tho front; with deliberately proposing to repudíate the plighted faith of tho Government; with being equally falao and imbecilo j with overshadowing the euds of jnstice by the partisan mismanagemeut and obstruction of ïnvestigation ; with proving ïtaelf, through the period of itn ascendency in the lowcr House of Congress uttcrly incompetent to admiuihter tbe GKvernment. We warn the country against trusting a party thus alüe unworthy, recreant, and incapablo. 17. TIio National Adminiatration mcrits commendation for its honorable work in the management of domestic and foreign affairs, and President Grant deserves the hcarty gratitude of tUc American people for bis patriotism and his iiniünse services in war and ia peaoe. Tho resohition in regard to Mongolian immigration gave rifle to coueiderable diaciiBöion, but was finally adopted. Tho Cbair - Tho quostion now recure on tbe adoptiou of tbö financial reeoltition to which the minority of the committee, the Hou. lidwin James, of Texas, offers a substituto, as followe : Jlcxolved, That it is the duty of Congress lo provldfl ineasures for carrying out the proviaions of whal ia teriued the Kesuniption act of Congreso, to the end that rosumption of specie payments at the time lixed by aaid act cannot bo further delayed. Afcer some diflcus8iot the quostion wiw put on the adoption of the Bubstitute, and it wa rejected by a decided majority. The wliole platform, as reported by the committoo, was then declared adopted. The chair imnoimced that the nest bumnesa in order was the nomination of a candidato for President of tho United States. Af ter two or threo motions to adjonrn had been put and rejected, a delégate from New York moved that tho Secretary cali the roll of States in alphabetical order, and at tho cali of each State it ahould preeent its candidato if it had any. The motion wae carried, and the Clerlt had got as far in the ïiat as Connecticiit, whou Hüu. Stephen W. Kellogg aroso and, in a brief speech, presented the name of SrarshallJetvoll. Eichard W. Ttiompaon, of Indiana, nominated O] i ver P. Morton. Gen, J. M. Harían, of Kentucky, nominiited Benjamin H. Bristow. Robert G. lugersoll, of IUinois, nomiuatcd James G. Blaine. Stewart S. Woodford, of New York, nominated lïoscoe Conkling. Linn Bartholomew, of Peniieylvania, nontinated John F. Hartranft. Kx-Gov. C. W. Noyes, of Ohio, nominated Rutherford B. Ilayes. Tho Chair armounccd tltat it waa unnecesanry to cali the remainiDg Statos, as there were no other candidatea. On motion, the convention then adjourned at ten minutes paat 5, tül 10 o'clock Friday inoniing. TinitD i 'v. Tho conventiou met promptly at 10 o'clook, and immediately proceoded to ballot for a ciindidate for President : FIIl&X, OR XKVOliMAX ALLOT. Rlaine 2:rHayng 4 fis liristow % 118[9urtrenff 68 Morton : 11 Conkliu;; 9G[ Wheeler 3 SECONlï HALLOT. B'aino 29H Hayes CA liristüw 114 Hartranft G3 JMorton 111 Wheelor 8 Conkling 93 Wabhburue 1 THIÏU IJAIjT.OT. Blaino 29 Hayos fi7 Bristow 121 Morton 113 Conkling 90 KheeteB 2 Hartranft (iH WaehMirne 1 FOUBTH nAXLOT. Blaine 202 Flavos 63 Bristow 126 Morton 108 Conltling 84 : Wheeler l Hartrauft 71 1 WaRhburno ;i F'TH WKÏAJOT. lïlaine 28ö Hartranft 72 BïÏHtow 111 iIaCB lm Morton 9" wheeler ' Conkling 79 Washbtirne y PIXTH ]ïAI,T.OT. Blaino .30S!HayeB 113 liristow 111 Morton 82 ConklinR ÍU Whoeler 2 Hartranft 20 Washbnrne 4 Whon tho roil waa called for the seventh ballot, it waa ovidont that the crisis liad come, and that it was now a dioico bctween Hayes and Blaine. Then camö the disagrceable neceseity of w.thdrawbig favorito candidates. Blaine's etreugth wan incroaaing among the Southern delegatea, and the Indiana delegation held a hurried consiütation in a oommittee rooni, wlien it was determined to transfer fcheir votes to Hayee. ïiie cail prctóreHScd, and when KontucVy waa reaohea Gn. liarían withdrew tho name of Mr. Bristow, at tho samo time returning thanks . to the Otates that had Huppoited him, and anii( dooed the solid vote of Kentut-Ky for Hayea. AttluHstagr the New Yorkere rotired for conaultation. Whilo thoy wore absont Miasisaippi voted solid for Hayos, Nevada ditto, South Carolina ditto, each followed by prolonged ai pJaueo. New York retarnëd and oaat eixtv-one voteH for Hayerf and nino for Blaino. Oliio, of courso, voted for Hayea, and Ponnsylvania was dividcd - thirty for Blaino and twentyeight for Hayes. This detormined the heaitating and weavering delegates of Öouth Carolina, Tenneseeo, Texa, and tho two Virginias to xnako Ilayesthoir candidato. The remainder of tho roll was callcJ, and tho result annouiicod that Gov. Hayes, of Ohio. had recoived 384 votos, Blaine 351 votes, Bristow 21 votea, and the great struggle was over. hen the vote was amiounced, Mr. FryO, of Maine, moved that the nomipated be made unanimous, which waa carried, amid great en;hu8iaefn. The convention then proceede4 to ballot for I candidatos for the Vice-pfesidmcy, and the followiog gentlemen were put in nomination : Wm. A. Wueeler, of New Vork i Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut ; Stowart Ij. Woodíord, of New York ; Josenh 11. Hawley, of Conneeticut, and F. T. Frelinghuyeeii, of New Jersey. The cali of the roll proceeded rather languidly. Half a dozen men cast the votes of heavy delegations, and the crowd grew thin. Whón Tennessee had been reached Mr. Wlieoler had received ever 300 votes, and it was apparont that ho was nominatod. Mr. Kellogg, of Connecticut, withdrew tho name of Mr. Jewell, and moved that Mr. Wheeler's aonünation bo made unanimoue, whicb. was accordingly dono. Four yenrs ago all tlie intorest centered in the fight for Vice-president, and the membera of the convention remained in their seata to the close. ;This time tho second office of the Government was given away almost without a coutest. The National Committee was aelocted and anuounced, as followB : Jerry Haraleon, Selma, Ala.; Powell Clayton, ArkanRaR ; Gcorgo O. Gorham, California ; Marpliall Jewell, Conuecticut ; Samuel M. Harrington, Dclawarc ; Williaui J. l'urraau, Floritla ; Jamts G. Dovol, öcorRia ; Jamcö P. Itoot, Illinois ; WiU Ciimback, Indiana ; Jolin Y. Stone. Iowa : John H. Martin, Kansas; WiUiam C. öoodloe, Kentucky ; 1'. I i. ] ,. Pinchback, LouiBiana ; WiiHam P. Fryc, Maine ; Charles C. Fulton, Maryland ; öeorge F. linar, Maiwachusetts ; Zachariah Chamllrr, Michiptan ; John T. Averill, Minnesota; G. M. Bucnauan, BpflBiMippi; OhMinoey I. Filley, Missouri ; L. w. Osborn, Nobrafika ; John P. Jonea, Noula: Gforo A. lIaliey,New Jersey ; A. B. Cornoll, New York; Thomas B. Keogh, North Carolina; A. T. Wikoff, Ohio; II. W. cott, Oregon; Nclaon W. Aldridge, Pennsylvania ; John J. Pattorsou, South Carolina ; Wilham Rule, Tennossec; M. 8. Colburn, Vcrmont; J. B. Scner, Virginia; John V. Masón, Grafton, West Virginia; Elilm Knos, M'ijiconsin ; Kewton Edmunds, Dakota; Sayles J. lïowen, District of Columbia : Thomas BoualdHOn, Idaho; A. H. Beattie, Montana; Stophen B. Elkins, New Mexico; John Ii. Mc Bride, Utah; Orange Jacobs, Washington; Joscph M. Cary, Wyoming : William E. Chandler, New Hampshirc. After the usual resolutions of thanks, etc., tho convention adjourned.


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