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Commencement Week

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Kctuining Seniora, the influx of alumni, with a largenumber of vibiting strangers, were the indioation on Satirday last that another University annivorHary week was tiear at land. The exercises of the woek oommenced at 4 o'clook P. M. of Sunday, at which hour, despite the sweltering heat, a large audienoe gatheied in Uniyersity Hall, to hcar President Angelí deliver the BACCALAUREATE ADDKE8S. His subject may be callod, "The duty and obligation of all eduoated men and women to actively and systematically engage in holding up both thetnselves and others to a higher standard of lito, to the highest ideul of honor both in private and public life." It was one of Dr. Angeli's happiest efforts, both in manner and matter, and well calculated to impresa noble and right sontiinents on the minds of the young raen and women just closing their ooilege course and goingout to enter upon the active duties of life. In concluding, Dr. Angelí referred to the decsase of two meinbers of the olass, Miss Hettie Sykea, who recently died in the insane asylum at Kalamazoo, from the effecte of a pistol shot ; and Miss Clara B. Waodruff, who died last winter of cousumptien. Preceding the address the Soripture Ie8son was read by Dr. Cocker, and exoellent musio was furnishod by the college ohoir. THE CONCERT. Oq Monday evening the Senior Concert, which has become a feature in the commencement season, was given. The attendanoe was large, and the programme good and well executed. The Glee Club was assisted by a quartette from Spiel's Orchestra, of Detroit ; also by C. H. Thompson, of Detroit, a popular tenor. CLASS DAY. The exercises of Class-Day occurred on Tuesday, the attendanoe being large. At ten o'clock in the forenoon the oration was delivered and the poem recited in University Hall. The oiator was B. J. Young, his subject " Isolation," and his effort was spoken of as appropriate and scholarly. H. S. Harris was poet, his subject " The HeroMartyrs," and the poem was well re ceived. The afternooon exercises were held at four o'clook, on the campus. J H. Steere read the Class History, telling his hearers some things they knew, some that had been suspeotud, and some that had the flavor of fiction C. A. Blair, was the prophet, and unfolded the hidden mysteries of the future very much as other prophets have done before, and probably with the same atuount of shrewd guessing. The Class Song followed the prophecy, oom posed by W. W. Burt and eung to " Hail Uolumbia-" We give the words Hail, our Alma Mater dear I Ne'er agaiu we'll greet thee here In oue resoundiug chorus joiued ; Thou who hast led us, day by day, Where faireat flowers decked the way : And eagerly we've plucked thein, rare, Blooming tiesh and free as air ; (Jratetul we would bind them now lo a wreath for thy fair brow. Cliorus - Firm united we will ba, Alma Mater, dear, to thee, Loud thy praises we would sound, TiU they ring the world ai o umi. Joyous years at lenth gone by, Lovely as the morning sky Betore the break of open day ! When knowledge seeu iu darksorae hght Dawued ever clcarer on the sight, When fresh instructionbroad aud tree Bound our hearta in unity, Kmdleri in them one desire That ehall be our beacoii Are. Chorus- Firm united, etc. Hail, our Alma Mater dear, Be we either far or near, We'll proudly honor thy great name O may the richest blessiugs fait Upon thy sons and daughters all. Farewell, a last, a fond farewell, E'er the music of thy bell Will awake in memory Loyal Seventy-Six and thoe. Chortis- Firm united, etc. The literary exercisea closed with a brief address by the President of the Class. THE SENIOR RECEPTION. The annual Senior Eeception was given Tuesday evening, and was a brilliant affair. The attendance was large including many guests from abroad, and promenading, and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. The anniversary meeting of the Alumni Association was held on Tuesday, at 3 o'clock P. M., in University Hall. The attendance was large, in this respeot being a great improvemenl on any meeting held for many years Another improvement was the presence, prepared for duty, of both the orator and poet. The orator was Prof. M. L. D'Ooge, class of '63, his subject "TheValueoi -ïlathetic Culture in Our Education." It was an appeal for fine art culture in the University curriculum. He reviewed the attempts made to establish an art museum, congratulated the alumni that the Board of Regents had taken the incipient stepi towards the orection of a library and museum building, - hoping, we presume, that it may approach a work of art. He also coniplimented H. C. Lewis, of Coldwater, for what he has done for art in this State, and pronounced him a public benefactor. The poet was D. B. Taylor, class of '67. His peem humorously calledj up some college custoins, paid a tribute to the memories of old teachers and students, especially those who had gone out to battle for their country, sacriücing their lives for its preservatiou. In passing he spoke of the most notable innovations : the admisaion: of women and the homeopathie medical attachment. As a whole his poem was well relished. The business meeting of the Association was held at 8 o"clock A. M. on Wednesday, and the following officers elected for the ensuing yeai : PreBident- Edwin Willite, '5(. Vice N. Elwood, 67 ; H. W. Chauey, b'9. Secretary- I. N. Dommon, 68. Treasurer.-Levi L. Barbour, 'C3. Board of DireotorB- Noah W. Cheever, W. A. fcloore, C. B. Grant, Ashley Pond, Levi L Barbour, J. Q. A. Sessions, E. D. Kiune. Orator- Edward Andrews. Altérnate- D. W. Coolidge. Poet-H. M. Utley. Alternate-T. K. Blish. Neorologit- J. R. Chue. Melara. Leri L. Barbour, Edwin Witlitn, and R. Chase were appointed a committee to onfer witb the Faculty upon the importaoce f giving the alumni the afternoon and evenng precediug commencement day. The Executive Committee was instructed to o créate aud fill the ufliuo oï aamstant trnanuer, the necessity being the labor imponed by he Williams endowment iund. A memorial fmm the student boating club was ï-eceived and placed on file. The Necrologist, T. R. Chase, reportad the ollowing deaths not before given : Charles S. Pattersou, of '58, in New York oity, Dec. 15, 1873 ; Richard Beardsley, of '59, in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 30, 1876 ; and Oeo. E, Hall, of '74, at Gibraltar, Oct. 12, 1875. COMMENOEMENT. Ttie exeroises of Commencement day - the day which is the goal of all itudents - took place on Wednosday, at 10 o'clock a. M. The elementa were propitious, clouds obsoured the sun's perpendicular rays, the stroets were free 'rom dust, and a cool breeze fanned the brows of father, mother, brother, sister, lover, sweetheart, as they wended their way towards the center of attractions - University Huil, - wkich was well filled at an early hour, save the suati reservad for graduates, alumni, etc. The procession forined proiuptly at 10 in front of the law building, swung out at the northwest oorner of the grounds, up State street, and through the broad walk in front of the mam entrance te the hall, preceded by Spiel's Light Guard Band, of Detroit. The dignitaries being soated upon the platform the exeroises were immediately commenced, the following programase being observed : Music- " Amazonen March." Ch. Bach. Prayer by Presiduut Angelí. Music- Ouverture, "Zampa." Iferold. 1. Thfi Unconacious Culture of College Life, Heary Mouroe Campbell, Detroit. 2. Üuivorsitas, Orlaf Vario, Decorah, Iowa. 3. Science and Religión, Bryant Walker, Detroit. Music - Rapsodie Hongroiae. A. Tershack. 4. The Conflict of Science and Poetry, Alice Elvira Freeman, ütego, N. Y. 5. Comedy umong the Athenians, Charlea A. Blair, Jackson. 6. Oeorge Eliot, Annie Warden Ekin, Topekn, Kansas. 7. Chinese Immigration, Clarence Shcpard Brown, Milwaukeo, Wis. Music - Fuutaisie Paroio d'Amour. Zikoff. 8. Our Exhibit at the Cxntennial, Howard Burnhum Smith, Umuha, Neb. 9. The Scholar iu Politica, Jamos Koeler Ilsley, Milwaukee, Wia. 10. America in Europe, Willis Shotwell Walker, Findlay, Ohio. Musió- Arie for Clarionet. Xeswadbo. Contorring ot Dogrees. Music - Waltze, Alte und Neue Zeit. I'autt. Beuediction by Kev. John D. Pierce. Of the exercisos it is sufficient to say that they were of a high order. The subjects were well handled, and each gave Rvidence both of close thonght and skiilful cotnpoeition. Applause greeted each in turn, and the ushers had no light tusk to execute in carrying the bouquets across the platform into the ante-room. At the conclusión of the gpeaking the dogroe were conferred and diploma presented as follows : Phiirmaeeutical Chemist- Samuel E. Allen, Joseph H. Ames, Lymau F. Besch, Franci9 T Bower, James N. Buckham, Charles S. Burroughs, Ürriu S. Churchill, John T. Clark, Jeromiah Coughlin, Charles W. L. Dietiich, Charles A. Dingley, Charles H. Eddy, Louis C. Fuller, Morris U. Green, Chas. Grimwood, George Gundrum, Wm. J. Holloway, Henry F. James, John K Little, Jamea Lynn, Frank W. H. Masaey, James W. Morgan, Henry B. Pursous, Joseph J. Pierron, Edward J. Risser, Herman M. Koys, B. S., William C. Sheffield, S. Whedon Smith, B. A., Thomas M. Stewart, Cathariue M. Wataon, Walter J. Whitlark. Ctvil Engineei - Dewitt C. Allen, James O. Caldwell, Frank P. Davis, M. S., Lewis Cass Donaldson, Chas. A. Marshall, Joseph Ripley, John D. Sanders, John tf . Schaeberle, Jonathan C. Shepard, Leater H. Strawa, Alonzo J. Tullock. Bachelor of Science- Ida. M. Bellis, Ben T. Cable, Burton B. Campbell, George Clithoro, Edward Douovan, John C. Floyil, James H. McFarlan, Josiah B. Newton, Albert C. Pearson, Louisa M. Reed, Wm. J. Warner, James A. Wutterson, Charles W. Wooldridge. Bachelor of Philosophy - Philip R. Bóone, Heury M. Campbell, Willis G. Campbell, Charles Connor, Anuie W. Ekin, Helen M. Farrand, Freii L. Forman, Vine Colby Foster, Edward A. Gott, Abrain S. Hall, Heury S. Harris, Gertrude H. Masón, David A. Sawdey, Edward C. Swift. Bachelor of Arts - Henry W. Alexander, Lucy C. Andrews, George Baker, Edmund D. Barry, Charles A. Blair, Clarouce S. Brown, William W. Burt, Albert M. Cooper, Archibald L. Daniels, Anaon P. De Woif, William H. Dopp, William P. Durfee, Bessie Eigelsfield, Frank L. Felch, Alice E. Freeman, Fred Keya Gustiu, Denme J. Higley, James Iv. Ilsley, James H. McDonald, Charles W. H. Potter, Edward H. Ranney, John H. Reynolds, Ben Saney, Lucy M. Salmón, Frank D. Shavur, H. Buruham Smith, Louis C. Stanley, Joseph H. Steere, Emma S. Stockbridge, Charles L. Van Pelt, Charles B. Van Slyke, Orlaf Vario, Albert J. Volland, Bryant Walker, Willia S. Walker, Thomas R. Wilcoxson, Mary Alice Williams, Robert ). Young. Master of Arts [in course] - Geo. W. Allen, 1872, Marcus Baker, '70, Austin Barlxsr, '72, Levi L. Barbour, '63, Jamea K. Blish, '66, Wilbur Buzzell, '73, Wm. M. Carrier, '73, Samuel Chapel, '67, Thoa. C. Christy, '70, Charles E. Conley, '71, Henry W. Fairbank, '73, Hei-schel R. Gass, '73, Marshall T. Gass, '73, Heury M. Haskell, '73, Loyal E. Knappen, '73, Chas. K. Latham, '71, Jas. H. Maguire, '72, William H. McKee, '72, Addiaon Moffat, '72, Henry O. Perley, '73, Sherwood R. Peabody, '73, George F. Robison, '73, Harry Russell, '73, Williara J. Stuart, '68, Ernest T. Tappey, '73, Thomas C. Taylor, '69, ühver Vreeland, '69, William B. Williams, '73, Theodore B. Wilson, '72, Roland Wooodhams, '72. Master of Science [in course]- Salem Town Chapin, '66, John M. Darnell, '67, Jumes Du Shane, '69, Wm. H. Hinman, '72, Joseph M. Lewis, '73, Frank H. Lyman, '68, James W. Yule, '73. Manier of Science [on examination] - Caroline Irene Hubbard, 1875. Maser of Philosophy [in course] -Samuel T. Douglas, 73, James It. Goffe, '73, Herbert D. Peters, '73, Marshall K. Ross, '73, L. Burne Switt, '70, Cyrus O. Tower, '73. Doctor of Medicine - Elbert E. Barnura, Reed Burns, Daniel O'Donovan, John M. Emery, Daniel H. Gregory, Horace W. Hammond, Chas. E. Luscomb, Poter McGregor, William M. E. Mellen, Joseph G. Millapaugh, Josoph J. Moore, Thomas P. Oven, Homer H. White, Leouora A. Howard, Abby Peaso, Sylvia jL Ward. W Doctor of Phliosophy - Wm. Henry Smith, M. A., Víctor Clarence Vaughan. Doctor of Dental Surgery - Arthur C. Beecher, Geo. Juliau Carter, UlncU Duehr, George E. Wright. THE DINNER. The annnal University dinner was caten in the law library room at 2 o'clock p. ai., a large number of the wives and daughters of alma vutter, with many invited gueste from abroad, gathering around the well-laden tables. After the physical man had heen refreshed, President Angelí made a few happy remarks of welcorae aud thanks, after which Gov Bagley mad9 a humorous but appropriate speech, and woa followed briefly by ex-Gov. Blair, Rev. Richard Cordley, of Flint, of '54 ; Col. Elliott, of Illinois, of '66 ; Prof. M. M. Bigclow, of Boston, of '61 : W. C. Johus, of I1ÜUOÍ3, of '69 ; and Judge Walker, of Findlay, Obio. An enoyable time was had, and the company waa dispersed to cherish a reuewed love for the University. THE PRKSIDKNT'S RECEPTIO. The annual levefl of the President was held Wednesday evening, and wns a pleasaut termination ot the week'a exercises. A large number of the alumni, visicing strangers, and citizons paid their respects to President Angelí and lady. CLA3S REUNIOXa. Duriug the week class Reuuions were held as follows: A dozen members of the class ot '66, out of a totul of 41 members, met this afternoon and spent a pleasant hour togéther. Two members of the clau have riied lince graduution, 'rof. E. Darrow, of the State Normal School, ,ud the Rev. E. i). Kelley, a iaionary to 3urmah. Out of the 44 men who groduatsd in 1869 inly 17 rnported at the first regular reunión. Fhey supped Tuesday eveiiinj, varying the 'estivities with songa, Btorien and buHinesa. .landüomi! sifver cupa were awarded to the class boys, the son respectively of F. M. Hamilton, of BucyroB, Ohio, and Samuel rlayes, ot Galena, Illmoi. A brief account f the doings of each niember siuce graduation, bo far as known, was read by the class historian, H. A. Chaney, oí Detroit. Thos. Taylor, of Almont, was elected Presilent; Wm, A. Butler, Jr., ot Detioit, trcusu rer, and H. A. Chaney, historian. A number of letters were read trom ai.Miit member. Two members of the class huve died since graduation, John Whiting, of St. (Jlair, anü F. A. Dudgeon, ot lïross Isle. The uext reunion will be in 1S7U. The reunión of tho class of '71 was held at Hangnterfer'a on Tuisday evemng. NmeteenmemberB of the clan responded to the cali oí the roll. The uil ver cup was awarded to C. M. Wilkinson, ol Detroit. Four members of the class -have diud smce grodu&tiou, Komiek, Rice, Smith, and Wilcox. The members of the class who woro present reported progresa in their work siuce leaving college. The uext reunión will be held in 1881. Out of the 84 who graduuted in the class of '72, only 32 were present at their reunión. J . C. Jones, of Pontiac, was elected President, and Frank Geddes, of Toledo, Secretary. The class cup was awarded to Joseph McOrath. It was resolved to hold the next reunión in 187'J. Ns member of the class has die8 smce graduation. Ot the 81 graduates of '73, just 40 attended the tirat class reunión. Oue member, Frank Farr, of Chicago, is reported dead. The class cup was awarded to Richard Hurrison. The nest reunión will be held in 1879. Ol the class of '74, which numbered about 70, some 30 or more met and revived old memories in the usual style. C. T. Laue, of Jackaon, was choseu President; Lawrence Maxwell, of Cincmnati, Unitor; H. T. Thurber, of Detroit, Poet, aud W. II. Wells, of Anu Arbur, Secretary. The next reunión was Kxed for 1880. " A Republican " writes to the Tecuinseh Serald advocating the noinination of J. Webster Childs for Cougruss. He says that " Hillsdale and Lenawee hare been honored with the representativo for inany oonsecutive years," and tbat Monroe had ought to be satisfied with Senator Christiancy (a resident of Linsing). Conceding the oandidate to Washtenaw, on the above grounds, " Republican " proceeds to lócate Cutcheon's business and interests in Detroit, " outside the limits of the district," and thus " claims the floor "' for Childs, and brings hira out as the farmers' candidato. And now the Courier and Cmnmereial can " sail in." Are they for Childs or are they not? Since the failure of Chandler to control the Michigan delegation at Cincinnati per haps Childs will be forgiven and reoeived again into f uil party oominunion. Our N'EIGHBOR, of the Ypsilanti Commereial makes very wry faces over the nomination of Hayes. He says: "The Michigan delegation did not express the voice of the people of Michigan in giving its yote for Hayes, although the vote will be gracefully aoquiesced in. Nine-tenths of the rank and file of this State vaere heart and soul the middle of last week in favor of Blaine's nomination. His nomination would have been received with enthuxiastio rejoioings. His düfeat caused great disuppointnimit." Aud much more of the same sort. The Monroe Monitor formally nomited Hon. Human J. Redfield, late Mayor of the " Independent State," and now the Democratie Senator for Monroe County, as the candidate for Congress in this district. In a recent oonversation with Mr. Redfield that gentleman expressed hiuself pointedly and unreservedly in favor of another gentleman, which leads us to ask whether or no the Monitor speaks with a knowledge of his wishes? There should be no looking one way and rowing another, The Michigan delegation at St. Louis urganized on Monday by appointing Hon. Wm. L. Webber ohairinan, and named the following meinbers for positions in the convention : Vice-President, Peter White ; Secretary, P. A. Nims; Committee on Credentials, M. V. Montgomery; on Organization, J. D. Norton ; on ResolutiöBs, Wm. L. Bancroft ; and for member of the National Committee, Kdward Kanter. Om Monday evening last C. H. Richmond, Esq., of this city, wrote us froui St. Louis, saying : " My opinión is that Tilden will be nominated on second or third ballot." The result proved his prediction well founded. Gretting a utajority on the first ballot the necessary two-thirds vote was received on the second ballot. Accokdinq to the Manchester Enterprise, C. Walbridge, Esq., who writas P. M. after his name had a 50 foot pole raised in front of tho postoffice on Saturday last, from which the stars and stripes are to float unthr a Hayes and Wheeler streainor. And when will Postrnaster Clark imítate his " loil " example. REPUBLICAN Congressional Conventioii8 have been called to bo held as follows : Second (this) district, at Adrián, August 8. Third district, at Albion, August 2. Fourth district, at Niles, August 8. Sixth district, at Mason, August '2. Bighth district, at Saginaw City, August 1. A Democratic State Convention, for the noniinatiou of candidatos for State ofHcers and Presidential Eleotors, has been callod to bo held in Whitney's Opera House, Detroit, on Wednesday, August 9, at noon. This county will be entitled to send twelvo delegates. THE Republicans are hoping for a dead-lock on the appropriation bilis, and are already seeking to make Capital against the Democratie inajority of the House. The country will understand that the House has been working arduously and faithfully in the interB8t of economy and lower taxation, and that the Sonate has worked as industriausly and avduously to keep up the appropriation?, and it cannot evade its reiponsibility by whatover inconveniences may be oaused by a dead-lock. ■ i - ■■■ - i ■ m Hurrah ior Tilden and Reform.