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BUSINESS NOTICES. Reduced Prices. Look at those ('adhiriere Black Silk. Luok at those Línen Suits. Look at those elegant Guinet Silks. Look at the finest Stock of Dress Goods. Look at our White Goods. Look at ou,r Hosiery and Gloves. Look at our Guipure Laces, JapaueBe Silks. Everything at lower prices. We bought theui cheap. We sell them cheap. Wc keep them moving. You SHVe time and money by trading at MACK SCHMID. Dyspepgla. Americausare particularly subject to this disease and ita effects ; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Heart-burn, Waterbrash, coming up of the food, coated tongue, disagreeable taste in the mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, and all diseases of the Stomach and Liver. Two doses of Green's Aurust Flowkr wil! relieve you at once, and there positfvely is not a case in the United States it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your druggist, Ebbkbach ei Co., and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 10 cents. 1585 (jolug to Kansas or Colorado Take the Atchisou, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, the ripw and popular line from Atcuison and Kassas City, vía tlie beautiful Arkansas Valley, to PUKBI.0,COI.0KAÏX)SPRINOS, f)KN VER, CANON GlTY, Cucharas, Dkl Nortk, Triniuao, Santa Fk and al! patota in Colorado, New íexicf) aud Arizona. Special rouod trip 90 day tickots to Denver oü ule M:ty lóih, ui 60, takinji; in the famous watering fdtOM on the D. & R. (i. Eoad. Low euiiianl mkn to the Sun Juan Mines. Pullman Pai.ack Slkepïng 'ars between the Mitsoinï Riverand the Rocky Mountaias without chance. CIuhp comiectious tuade at Kansas City and Atohison in l'nion Depots. For mapa, ttme tables and Ule "San Juan Gulto," address, T. J. ANDIORSON, .'-ri. Pus, Agent, Topeka, Ran, riitoiiiiinl Fx4'iirsioiiiNfs WUI, of eoursc, wlsh to see all theslghú comfortably and oheaply. To this end theCauadaStfuthern Üailway Company has, thruueh its connection in the West and Northwesl, placed od sale a large niiiniier of Tourists' Excursión Tickets ut greatly reduced ratcs, by wbiefa ptissengers can not only visit Mie ('entpnnial Bxhtbttloo at Philadelphia, bal can, In additlon, visii 1 le principal eaatern citim, with aa i)iiiirtiinity of stopplüf at any ol the f real aumbar "f fauiuus resurta in New York and Penn.iylvania. The ( a nada Southe.n is the oniy line from the West running directly to Niágara J-'alls, givinjf pasíengers, from the train, a wonderful panoramic view of the Mighly Cataract, Hoiso-shoe Fall, the Great. Rapids, and landing Iheui directly at the Falls. Tlie track of the Canada Southern is an air line, laid of steel rails of the heavieat patturn ; there areno curves or grades ; wood is ust'd for fuel ; Coaches are furnished with the Winuhell Patent. Ventilator, enauring perfect freedom from dust. With lt.s complete system of magnllicent Parlor, Sleeping and Drawing Room Care, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and its admirable connections at Niágara Falla and Buifalo with the New York Central and Erie Railways, the Canada Southern is fast becoming the favorito line to the Eaat. Tickets via this popular line can be procured at all offices of connecting linea, or at the Company's own oflices. Any inforuiation can be obtained by addressing FRANK E. SNOW, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Detroit. Motto- Best goods and full weights is D. B. UeLand tfc Co. 's motto, henee they only recommend Best Chenüval Saeratus. JDO MM ERCjAL. Aun Arbor STarket. Ank Ahbor. Thubbdat, June 20, 1876. Applks - $1.CO. per bu. Beanb- 80c BUTTIB- 130. Beef- 6@7 per hundred. Cobn - 40c to 45o. per bu. Chiokbnb- 30@0c per pair ; dreised 12Vc per lb. Koos - Command lic. Hay- 12(15 per ton. Labd- The mrket stands at 18o. UAT8- 28c to 30. Pobk- 8.00(a8.51 per hundred. Potatoes - 20 cents. TrBNIPS- 10@15c. Stbawbehrikb - 10c Ghken Pkas - $1 00 per bu. Whiat- H.I1@S1 26. Wool- íets. NEW ADVËRTISEMENTS Bátate of Robert Hammond. iJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O sb. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Waêhtenaw, holden at the Frobate urfice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty seventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventysix. Present, Noah W. C'heever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi Robert Hammond, deceased. Henry A. Hammond, executor of the last will and toBtameni oí saia aeoeasea, comea mto oourt and representa that he is now prepared to render hie Hnal account as mich executor. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Wednesdaj, the twenty xth dayof July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned tor examining and allowmg such account, and that the de visees, legatees and heirs at law of siiiddeceaseó1, and all other persons intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a aeftsion of said court, theu to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, Ín said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the suid account should not be aliowed: And it is fnrther ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendeucy of Haid account, and the hearing ihereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printed and circula ting in uaid county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. fA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEU, 154w3 Tudge of Probate. UINSEY & ÖKABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TRADE. We shall alo keep a supply of DELHI FL.OTJR,, J. M; SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAX FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &E., &0. At wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN constantly on hand, which wil i be o ld on as reaonnble term.8 as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Proïnce generally. By Gooda delivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. itiNSEY êc si umi i. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 187f. 1564 Yisitors to the Oentennial, lB"W TTORK BALTIMOKE AM) WASHINGTON, TAZE XTOTXCS ! Thai tlie Cleveland siramrri NORTHWEST, R. N. RICE, Leave M.C. E. R. wharf, Detroit, daily at 'J o'clcck p. m., except Sundays. This line has arraned a eystem of tickets via Cleveland whereby over 300 routes can be made to Pniladelpliiá and New York, going and returning by any route deaired. No other line oan offer such a va nety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal Railroad Offioes, on mjJiru xiuaiuerH mm m uiiipuny B üince, loot ol Shelby st., Detroit. ïr.sfi 1., Ayent. Scwing Machines THE SIÏTGEB., NEW DOMESTIC, And th.o HOWE, And several good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Ano Arbor. Also Neeflies for all Machines i i { Tlie very best that are made, and attachments and parts for nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better thern thftn anywhere else in America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that does, or have it repaired. All machiiies sold on easy payments at the oflice. Second door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, lUick. (1556) I I,. MUniBUt ARcnt. flfPi f„ (JiA Per day at home Sample worth 5JO w l)-Ui free. Stikson & Co., Portland, Me. 1573 SEND 25c. toG.P, EÜWKLL A CO., New York, ior pamphltit of 100 pages, containin? lista of 8,000 newspapera, and estimatea sho ing coat of advartising. "Dr. S. S. FITO, OF 714 Broaaway, Pi. Y., Author of Six Lectures on the Prtvention iind Cure of Conmimption, Aathma, Hefirt DiseaFes, may be cousulted at Finney'a Hotel, Doiroit, Mich., personally or by letter. He treats all (linease of maleH and femalos of all aos. Family Fhystcian sent free, Consultationa tree. Dr. Fitch's moang allow Keneroeity in charges. Hin fame ih for curingbadcasea. May, 1876. 1884eowly FufIicIÍÍTING dne " th' EDWARD DÜFFY HAS JUBT RECEIVED AN Entir e New Stock Of goods consistlnj of Teas, Golfees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YORKfnm first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at, VBBÏ SLIGHT ADVANCB over New York Oost. Alo h full line of LADIE8 and GENTLEMEN'S WEAE in BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, All of which he is offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods for Caslj. Cali and exnmine goods and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Goodg delivercd to any part of the City free o charge. EDWARD DUPFY. " Maynard's Block,' cor. Main and Aun streeta Ann Arbor, Micfa. ■jyriss s. w. pease í Will give lessons iipon the Piano Forte to a limited uumbcr of pupila during the suminer month. TERMS : Twcnty Dollars iurT.i.1,1, Lesiona. AppliCHtions will he received at No. 32 South IngallsSt., at 12 m. and 5 r. M., or by mail, P O Box 1,408. REPERENCEg.- Prof. H. S. Friee, Prof. G. S. Morris, Mr. J. B. Angelí, Ann Arbor ; J. C. D Parker Boton. ijjju ' 1876. 1876. SPRING STÏLES. W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENED THE JFINEST STOCK 01' CLOTHING To be füund in Ann Arbor, comprisinfj alï the KEWET STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which he te ofteriug at pricea that DEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEK'S. My stock of Piece Goeds Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Ar bok. A DESIRABLE STORE For Sale. The undersigned, Asaignce of J. H. Miiyruivd, jffur the store formerly occupied by, in Ann Arbor, at private sale, and will receive lm!s therefor until Jnly 15th, 1876, reneiving the nght to rejeot any aud all bids. For terms of Ble apply to eithor of the unaeraitrQed. E. WELI-S, S. P. JEWETT, 1687tf B. W. OHEEVEB,


Old News
Michigan Argus