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Tnr: Albany and Schenectady railroad dopot, Mns. Laktey McCabTy and four children were badly burncd by a kerosono-lamp explosión at Ogdensburg, N. J., last week. The inother and ono daughter have died, nnd the othor two children are in a precarious condition. THE WKST. The new directory of Chicago for 187C sIiowb total of 159,339 names, au incroase of 7,192 over 1875, and a gain in populatiou of 25,172, according to tlie usual rato of computation. Th te give n population of 540,000, in rouud numbera ... William Aden. the brute who niurdcrod his wife, lus step-daughter, and a Mrs Beuton, at Clovoland. Oüio, was hnng In that city last weck Seven prisonors broko ont of the ponitontiary at Salt Lako, Utah, last woek aftorcupturitig tho guard, soeuring all their (,-uus, pistola, and ammvmition, alona with threohorsos, and eacaped. Harrison Carter acjing as cook m the peuitenüary, was fatajly Chicago elevator, as per official returns, contain 1,299,371 bushels of wheat ; 1,428,138 bushela of corn ; 315,057 buehols of oate ; 53,23 bushels of rye ; and 319, C88 bushels of barley, making a grand total of 3,415 477 bushels, 5,730,263 bushels at Uur period rast year.-. ..A San Francisco dispatch announces tho destruction by lire of tho Bay City Kugar lieflnery. Total loss, $350,000. A new pest, in the Bhape of a small black fly, has made its appearauce in Southern Minnesota, and is giving the farmors much unoaeiness. It lias gone to work vigorously on the wheat, atlacking the roots and base of the stalk Wheu lirsï attacked tho wheat turns yellow, and soou withora up and dies The recent rains have. to somoextent iuter' f ered with tho oporatious of the insect: but it is feared this relief will not prove permanent. DiscouKAoiHct reporta reach us regarding the ïavagos of the chinch bug and the Hessian fly in the wheat fields of Northwestern Illmow", Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa and Southern junnesota. Tnr distillers who had been convicted of and pleaded guilty to frauds against the Governmont wero sentenced at Chicago last week. AC. Heaing received two years in tho couuty 3aü,and Í5 000 fino ; George T. BiirrouKlm. one year and 3,G00 ; O. B. Dickinson and Joul athan Abel, each three months in iail and .'nnn fl" ' ■??„ PowelJ. Lx mo.íths and $3,000; '-Buflalo" Miller, the eame H. J. rahlman, D. G. Rush, Philo r. Hutclnus and David Cochrano, each tliree montha in jail and $1,000 fine ; William Cooper, three months and $200 The dÜOth anniversary of tho Battle of Mnrten wlnch gavu to Switzerland her indepondence was celebrated with entlmsiaem bv the Swisa and Germán population of Chicago, on Sunday THE SOUTH. Ex-Secbetakt Buistow arrived at his home in LouisviUe one day last week. and in th evening an immense crowd of his friends anc ncighbors callcd ou him informally and cavo him a heaaty welcome to hi6 old Kentucky home lbo reception was participated in by men of all WASHINGTOX. The action of the Senate in the mpeachmcnt caee of Gen. Belknap indicatea pretty clearly üiat the adjournnient of Congross is vet fnr iïi the future, the contingency being "tbat the session, with a Bhort recese, may last all sunimor. Ihe Senato bas deeidod to ro ou with the trial on the 6th of Julv and tliat it would be illegal to prol ceed during the recess of Congress. In other words it decides tliat it cauuöt proceed except in the preaenee of the House The propositimi to postpone tho trial until next fall was voted down by a veiy largo majoritv ; and m re„ „ 8S camiot adjourn without the consent of the Senate, both branches of Congress wi 1 be held at the National Capital untii the tedious tnal is brought to an end. TiiEAauitan New has written a letter to the President aekiug to be relieved frora official duties m tho Hth of July. . ..The President bas sent the following nominations to the Senate: James A. Williamson, Iowa, Commissioner of tho General Land Office; W. L. Wüson of Minnesota, Surveycr General of Minnesota.' Tbe manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company at Pbiladelphia was before tho Judiciary Committee the other day, and prodooed, under protest, the original dispatch (sent .o Caldwell, in Lcndon, telling him to telegraph to the committee an exculpation of Mr. Blaiue. The dispatch was without a mgnature, and the gentleman who brouglit it to tho oihee and paid the charges, $57 72 in reply to tho request of one of the clerks to leaye his address, said it was not neeessary, and snulinglyleftthenameof "JohriSmith "Col Torn Scott was oxaminod, and deuied the authorship of the telegram. The Houso of Representativos haa passed billw for two much-needed improvements in Washington- a new pavcment for Pennsvlvania aTeuue, and a new government for" tho district. . . .IXon. Lot 11. Morrill, of Maine bas been appointed by the PreBident Sccretarv of tho Treasury, vico Bristow, resigned. As order has been issued to the Secretary of War relipving Gen. Schofield from the commandof tlie Military División of the Pacific, and assigning him to the command of thé Westlomt Military Acadomy, relieving Col 1 "f?;:, . McDowell will take command of me Military División oí the Pacific The Di Vision of the Kouth will bo discontiuued. The Department of tlie Sonth will bo undcr the command of Col. Iïuger. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senato has erved some twenty-fivo subpwnaa on persons in Washington to appear as witnesaca for the dofense of Gen. Pelknap. Amoug tho number are Mr. Kiggs, tlie banker, several armv officers, and a number of ijrivato citizena, who will be askod by Eelknap'a counsel to testify in his favor. The subpecnas for persons at a distauce from Vashlugton have not been served, and most of them probably will not bo served until after the trial begins. Tui: President bas nominated Henrv P. McCcrmick United States District Attorney for the Wastern District of Peunsvlvania and C. Watera for United States District Attornev for the Eastern District of Arkaneas. The PreBident issuod the following proclamation ou the 26th uit. : Tho Centonnlal anniversarv of thfi dayonwhich Ihe pcople of the Onited stafcB declarcd their rKht t a separato aud pquul station among the powc-rs of ï ' " "'i8 ? Gemaild an exceptional ob rvation. The ifmiudor of f;-.vcrniuont at Ito birth and in lts fceblenosB invokcd bIofisiuKs and nroUytiun of a l)ivinc-:iTOVidcnce, and the thirtem colo mes and 3,000,(100 ot TOopfe lliivc, expanded to a nation of streugth and nmnbers commandinE a VKWiUon which then was asnerted, and for whic fervent prayers wcre tbcn offercd. 1 1 seemi üttlue thatoutheoiKurrence of the one-hundrcdtli anïüversary of onr exiutence as a üation a aratefl acknowlcdgment be made to Alimyhty God for the protectiouaudboi.ntioswhkh Ho ha vouchsafed to our beloved country. I thercforo invite the Koodpeopleoftber.üt.dSIM,. on the approachlUKlthdayof July, in addltion to the usual obervance mth whieh they are accustomed to greet the return of the day, further, in mch mauncr and at Ruoh time aa in their respectivo localitiea reliKioiiB asfociations may ünd it moet convenient to mark ita reenrrence by some public roliaioun and ,. h?IíksKiiK 'o Almighty God for the 1,1.-.. ïiiKS which have botn bestowed ipon usua nation during Jhe centenary of our exietence, and hmubly 'rowction " con'inll:"lcc oí Uis favor, and of His Iii witü.-Mwlivr.of Ihave hereuDto net mv hand Sd. eCal oi tLc United Hlatos to" ' c fDone at tho citr f Washington, tbis 26tli day of June, in the year of our Lord 1876, aud of the ino'áXat?. "" ünlted Matcs üf - l" (Sinct!) U. 8. Gbant. GENKKA1. Süroeon-Gfnit.m, Barnes haa thorouglily examinod Mr. Blaine's case, and finds him euffering from extreme neivous exbauHtion and from severo maltirial wisoniiiK. Tliene f:aturea of bis case are complicated omowhat wit li tbreatened organic troubles. and Gen. IJamea preacribes absolute rest for sevcial weeks as the indispensable coudition of avertiug veryseriouacqnseqnenceH, andlio orden tliat rtbt be taken in somo nflgörating air on the Bca-shore or mountaLus. .. .Speaker Kerr bas gone tothe Bockbridgo Alum Spruigs, Va. The mjstery about the faaious "Favo" tolegrom to CaMwolJ, in London, dietatirg the Jihtinc exculpatory dispatch tliat was cablcd to tl) o Jndiciary Committee, is at last partially cleared up. A youiig man nanu-d lieed, a foraier clerk of Caldwell, acknowledges tho authorsliip. He does not know. howevor, bow Mr. lilaiuo learned that tho Judiciary Committee had reoetveti tho diBpatch. I'iwai:i.s PiEHBEEONt, tbo new Minister to Englaud, saüod from New York for his post last weck. FOUXICAI.. Thk Now Hampshiio Legislature bas elected E. H. liollins (Kop.) United States Senator in tho place of Mr. Cragin. Tuk Republicana of Maine, at tho State Convjntiou lat week, nominiited (lov. Connor for ra-election to the gubornatorial chair, and adopted a resolution atronal; indorsing Mr. lllaine, and cecommendina him as tho hucccbsor of Mr. Morrill in the United States Seuato. The Preiident bas uominated William J. Hoppin, of New Voik, to be Secretary of Legation at Londen ; James Day, of New Jersey, s oond Secretary Georga Í. l'iijhor, United States Attorney for Dclaware. FOREIGN. Tuk London papen barply criticiso the policy of the Britinh Governmout iu releaeing the Louieville forger, Bront A Cairo dispatch aays that accounts of allegcd defeats of the Egyptiaus by tlio Abyssinians aro ofticially contradictcd. Tho war terminatod ou the 9th of March last, and no iightiug has occurred eince. Tiie great plague continúes ita ravages in Asiatie Turkey. Diiring tlie month of May there wero 1,122 de&th from this causo in tho city of Bagdad. Thero are aluo roport of cholera iu that rogion.. . .The mothcr of the late Sultan of Turkey ia accuseil in somo quarters of being at the bottom of tlo late aea8ination of tho Government ofliciala in that country. She is said to liave instigated Hassan, tho asBaasin, to perform tho bloody dood, and to havo aided him by spying out tho ruovemonw of the Wr Minister, whoo lifo was plotted against and destroyod. The news from Turkey again causes foars that war will break out betweeu Servia and Turkey. Southern Hungary ia fnrnishing eoldiers for tho Servían army Tho English prebs and l'arliameut are sorcly worriod about tho oxtradition troaty. Sevksthen persons wcro killed and thirtysoven injured by a railway accident betwoen SanvgosHa and Barcelona, Spain, a few daysago. The news from Mexico indicates cloarly the approaching defeat of tho rovolutionary exporiment of Gou. Porfirio Díaz, and tho trinmph of ordor and of President Lordo de Tejada in tho olection which will bo hold on tho lOth of July next A Berlin dispatch to tho London Time says the St. Petersburg Gola, a Ministerial organ, threatens ihat Russia will eet all Europo in a blaze to prevent the eubjection of kindred tribes in the coming strife The Durham (i'.ngland) colliers, bv a vote of 20,000 to 1G,OOO, have accoptcd an arbitration in the quogtion of wages Foroign advices report that tho Powers are oxerting Home pressuro to check the hostile movemonts of Öervia Londou diapatches assort tho existenco of a serious disagreenaent in the Cabinet on the Eastern question. Lord Derby is reported to be dissatistied with DisraeU's policy, and is supported by the Chancellor of tho Exchequer.


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