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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Juno 20.- Henate.- In responso to a rcsolution adopted by the Sonate some tiine ago, thc Secretary 6ent in a list of the defaulters to the ( !.-v ■rnniont for tüe past forty years, togcthcr with tho amount of thc defalcations. . . The l'iuanco Committce reportad favorably ou tho House 'joint resolution authorizing the Issue of $10,000,000 in silver eoin in exchangc for lcgal-tender notos WriRht reporte! back from Ule ludiciary Comiuittro tho Honsc 1111 to rcpea] th. Baukrupt law, and rocommendcd that it be postronod until the first day of the next session. So ordered. 'Ble Kenatc devoted nearly all tho aftsrnoon and the evening session to the cousideraüon of tho Indian Appropriation bilí. Ilowte..- The Coinniittee on tho Frecdnicn's Bank reported resolutíons recommending the imlictinent of Gen. O. O. Howard, Henry D. Cooke and other managers of thc institution....Tho bilí to cqualize the bouuties of soldiere was passed. I ndor its provisious all enlisted men, soldiere sailors, and marines, aro to be allo'ecl $S.:i.'t ' . per nicinth for the period of service between üie 12th of April, J861, and the 9th of May, 1869, dfulucting all bountics previouely paid under United States or State laws. Tho bilí is not to apply to substitutes, or meu who -nere dischargod on tlioir own application for other causo than disability incurred in tbc service, unless such discharge was oblained v, Uh a view to rc-enlistmcut or to accept promotion, or to persons dischanted onthe (,'roundof niiuority....The bilí rclating to land patenta was passed. H provides that all patenta for lands which have beenor mavbe Bsued shall in all actious to recover the title or possossion of land llave the same effect as if issued to the party entitled tliorcto at the time such party ivas or may be authorized to makc any proof of a right tosuch patent.... A bilí in rclation to judguient UenBwaspaFsed.... Bills were also passed to prevent tho sale and use of adulteratcd and explosivo illuminatiug oils, and authori.inR the constructlou of a pontoou bridge across the Misniss)pii rlvci frota some point in liuffalo county, Wis to soru poiut in Winona county, Miim....ïiandall, Chair man of the Comniittoe on Appropriations, reporte ihc. Sumlry Civil Appropriation bilí (tbc last fien eral appropriation bilí). Ordered printed Th bilí appropriates $14,587,S04, against $26,644,350 in tbe eorrespondinf! bilí last yeir, a rednetion o $12,076,570 Biddlo introduted a bilí to repeal th ten per cent, tax on notes of State banks. Wednesday, Juno 21.- Señale.- Allison from the Conimittee on Indian Affairs, reportec back the House bilí to transfer the office of Com missioner of Indian Affairs from the Interior to tli W ar Dcparlniert, and recoinineuded that it bu post poned until the flrst Tuursday of ter the first Monda in December next. Ingalls asked that it be laid o thc table for the present. So ordered.... The India Appropriation bilí was passed by tho benate, aftc strikiug out the clause transferring the Indian liu reauto the War Department. ..Morton offered resolution instructiug the Couimittco oh Privilei and Elections to inquire what laws thero are t protect the iiniolability of private diepatcbes, an ivliat Icgislaüon is necessary to protect th same from scizure by unauthorizcd and irr. sponsible persons, to repon by bilí c otherwise Tho Senato, in Executive ses sion, coniirmed tho nomination of Lot M Mornll as Secretary of the Treasury. . . . The Hons joint resolution amhorizinií the Secretary of th Treasury to issue $10,000,000 in silver coiu in ex chango for legal-tenders, was passed. An amend ment was added providing that the trade-doilar b not hereafter a legal tender. nottsc- The House devoted tho entire day to th o:!siilcration of the Sundry Civil Appropnatio bilí. Thuhsday, June 22.- Señale.- Tbe Naval jijiuijimiiuu um was paasea. xue mercase made by thfi Senate over Uio Uouso bill is $3,G83,000, a deercase f rom tho bill of last year of $S96,000. An amendment was adoptcd intendcd to prohibit tho einploynient of large forcea of laborers in the uavyyards for polttical pnrposes, by forbiddiug any increase of the working force juet bcforo Prcsideutial or Congressional clections except when tho Secretary shall publicly niake certifícate that the ueeds of the service dtinand such increaee. HuiMc.-Thc House devotcd tho ntire day, and a long night Kcssioii, to the Sundry Civil Appropriation bilí. Au amendment was adopted, repealiDg the law providlmf for the regietration of votera in large citics in national elections. Feiday, June 23.- Senate.- Tho Senato difjcusscd throughout the day, and passed, tho bill to aaiend the Knforccnient act. Tbo object of the present bill is to cure the defects in tho original act l,ointed out by the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in the Graut parish (La.) and Kentucky cases. Boune. - The House devoted tho eutire day, as well as evening session, to the Sunday Civil Appropriation bill. Satübdat, Juno 24.- Señale. - Allisou, f rom the Committec on Appropriations, reported with amendrueiits the House bill niaking appropriation for the support of the arniy for the fiscal ycar ending June au, 1877. The bill, as reporlod, strikes out all the new legislation relatintí to salaries incorporated in the House bill, and makes the appropriation for tho present force of the arniy, 25,000 uien, instcad of the reductiona of the House bill.... Af ter the trausaction of some business of an unimporlant nature, tho Renato went into ccutive eession, and soon after adjourned. Houhr. - The Honsc was ín cssion nearly tlie whole of Friday night, diecuesiug the amcudinents to the Postoftice Approjuiation bill. The members asscuibled at noon to-day, and, in the absence of tho Speaker pro tem. (Cox), electod Sayler temporary Speaker, aud immediately after adjourned. Monday, Juno 26.- Senate.- Logan, from the Committee on Hilitary Affaire, reported tho Houeo bill to eqnalize bounties of eoldi.-rs in the late war for the üuion. Tho bill is amendcO by atrifclng out froni the lint of beneficiarles all ulloie and marines, slavcs and Indians, and also by (nnitUng the requirement tiiat bmmtiesreceivctl under :i State law shall be deductod froni the total of $.72 for each nionth of service providcd bytlie bill The Arrny Api)roprlation bill was patised, as ameudcd by the Sonate committee. It strikes out tho fti-Bt eight scctiouB of the House bill, rcduciuu aud rcorganizing the army, and most of the otiu-r amendments are suppleineutary to thia. Tho bill ulereases the appropriatiou about $a,U00.0()0 over the House bill, and follows quite closety the revised OBtimatesof Secretary Taft. lt is $1,000,000 lens than the bill of last year. Houw.- The Bouso passod the bill authori.iug the conslruetlou of a pontoon-bridgo aoross the QUsslBslppI from LaOroése to Houston county, Minu. . . .K.1SSOH introduood a joint resolntiún providing that, when the two House adjouru on tíaturday, tho lst of July, it hall bé to meet on Tuesday, July 4, at Independence Hall, l'iiiladiilphia, there to consider a joint resoluUoi oonmiPTUoTttite of tlie Contcnnial anuivorsary of Amtrican independcnce Neal introducid a bill to repeal the Hesumption act, and called for tho previous qneetion. The Houtje refuwcd to seoond tlie cali by a vote of 77 to 100 An cfforf was mado to pass the Preeldeut's renolutiou contiuuiiig the current a]ipropriationR into the next lisral year, an until tlie regular appropriation bilis are passed, but the uiotion was defeatert- 55 to 112 The bill for the relief of Edward O'M. Condón was pased.


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