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President Graiit last woek sent to Con gress a message respccting tlic cxtradi tion trciity with Great Britain. Afto statiug at length the proviMous of th trcaty, and criticising tho action taken by the British Government in the Wins low and Brent cases, the President says It ík with extreme regrot that 1 am now callee upou to unuounce to you that Her Majosty' Government haïinally released both of thes fugitivos, Wiuslow and Brent, and set tliom a liberty, thutt omitting to comply with tho provisión and rcquiremeuts of the treaty ande which extradition of fugitivo criuiiuals is mado betweeu tho two Govornments. Tho pouition Urna taken by the Jiritish Govormnent, if ad hored to, camiot but bo rogarded a the abro gation and annnlment of tho article of the treaty ou extradition. Under these circum tances, it will not. in my judgmont, com port with tho dignity or self-respect of this Govomnient to make demanda upon tha (overnment for tho surreuder of fugitivo crimináis, nor to entertain any reqiüsition o that character from that Government uudcr th treaty. It will be a causo of deep rogret if treaty which bas been thiis beneficial in ita practical operatiouB, which has worked so wei and 80 efficieutly, and whicb, nottvithstandin, the exeitiug and, at tho samo timo, violent an political dititurbances of which both countrie have been the Bcone diiriug its existenco, hai giveu riso to no complaints on the part o either Government against oithcr ito spirit o it provisions, should be abruptly termina tod. It has tondod to the protection o society, aml lo tho general interest of bot] couutrieH. Itw violation or anuulment wouli be a retrogrado step in international inter courno. I havo been anxiouH, and havo mad effortM to cnlargo ita scope, and to mako a ne treaty which would be a stül moro oflicion agent for the pimishmcnt and prevoution o crime ; at tlio same time I have feit it. my dut to declino to entertain a propoeiliou made b; (Ireat Britain, pending ita rofusal toexecuteth oxistiug treaty, to amend it by practicaily con ccding by treaty tho identical conditionu wbic! that Government demaud under it act o Parliament. In addition to tho impossibility of the Unitci Statea eutering upon negotiatious nnder th menauco of au iutended violation or a refusa to executo tho torms of an exieting treaty, deemod it inadyiaable to treat of only tho on amundinont propoaed by Grcat Britaiu, whil tho United States dowiros an onlnrgoment o the Hat of eriraos for wliich extradition may bo anUed, aud other improvemonta which expo rionco ha shown might bo cmbodied in a uow iroaty. It ia for tbo ivimlorn of Coiigress to detoriniiic whether tbe articlo of tbo treaty rolating to extradition is to be auy Jonger regardcd a obligatory oji tUo Govoriirneat of the United Stateti, or ag forming part of tbo npreme law of the land. Bhonkl tho attitude of theBritish Govorumeut remain unchangcd, I hall not, without tbo oxprcHHÍon of tlio witib of CongreHtt that I fihould do bo, take any action, eitber in maUing or grauting requisitionn for tbo surrender of fugitivo oriminals, under tbe treaty of 1842. Bespoctínlly submitted. (Higuod) U. 8. Gbant.


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