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Rutherford B. Hayes

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The Repubhcan candidato for President ia a rcHpectablo citizcn of Ohio, who, Jike thousaudt) of otlier?, has ploddcd liis way on iulife, vitlioit snfficient poBitiveneas of character to make euemie, or to attach tho dovotio of any gre&t nnmber of friend. He had tho good sonso not to aspire abovo mediocrity, and wa alwayB snfnciently ucgativo to bo ndopted in an emergency, in place of inen of higher ability and moro pronounced opinions. Conaequently he has never done auything to excito jealousy or rivalry. These qualitiss Hervod him ofliciently at Cincinnati. wheti tho party chiefs wero brought into harp conipctition, nd noiIher conld urrondor to tlio othor without a loc:8 of pndo and poaition. However much they might be oppoeod to eaoh other, they werc, at least, agreed in aceepting a compromiso by vrhich nce of them would bo elevated or depressed, and which all might gracofully adopt. For these and othor reanouB, we were long ago couvinced that Hayes would be nominated, because it was tne logic of tho sitúa tion. Paradoxical a it may seem, bis very wesknops was hia strength in the conveution. Had he beon strong onough to bo erioualy regarded as a compotitor with Conliliug, Morton, Briatow, or lilaine, he would have shared tlieir fato. The necenaitiee of the party required that tho conspicuona chief shoüld be sacrificed, and tho tall poppiea were cut down without a eigh of regret. If Hayes could be eloctod President, lie would bo little else than the automaton of tbc leaders who made tho combination at Cincinnati. They would own him abaolutely, make hin Cabiuet, shape his policy, direct his uominations, and control tho patronage exactly as they now do under Grant. There would be a chango of ñames and nothing more. Ono monosyllable substituted for another as President. "That is all. Left to his owu feoble will and sluggish nature, Mr. Huyes would have the deeire to do right, to diacountenance opon corruption, and to carry on the Government docoutly. líut he has noíther tho capacity, nor the will, nor the power of resiatanco uecessary to meet tho domands of the present time. Morton, Cameron and Conkling would take the reina in their own hands, and drive the machine in their owu way, without the leaut regard to the wishes of tho man wbom they made what ho ia. Eeform under such cirenmstanoea would bc as imposaiblo as it now is. Hayea would be littlo moro than a minor sovereiguiuthe hands of a regency - a President in namo, but not in Bubatance. For a time, he would Beem to be cxtemally an improvoniont on Grant ; but with hits hands tied hy tho machinery of party, and 110 sulliciont moral forcé to break tlie bonds, he would aoon become the tooi of his superiors and the instrumont for executing their behosts. The Vico President, under the Conetitntion, is a mere figure-head or waiter on Providenco. At the White House he ia habitually regarde'l, as the Priiico of Wales ahvays haa beon by thu ruling King or Queen, as a person whose daily duty is to pray for a vacancy on the tlirone. In tho Senate liis vocation is to decide pointe o' order and to preserve decorum. Mr. Whoelcr, therefore, counta for nothing, and will not add a vote to the ticket. There is no Vice Proaident nnw. and tho world wonld move if tuero nover alioukl bo. -