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"disappointed And Disgusted."

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It is no uee to diaguiao the fact, Masgachusette ia sorely dinappomted at tl. o resul t of the Cincinnati Convention, and diaijustod with tlio conduct of its delegation- trat more of tliia beforo I finiah my letter. Here, as elsewhero, tliere waa great excitement over the resal të People went almost crazy over the announcoment of the ttcveral baliotinga, and when tht word carao that Hayen was noniiuated that exciteoiont Haddenly subsided into an expression of disappointment that waa alraost painful to behold. SurprUe and diagunt atrangely iutermmgled on tlio facen oi thoso wlio had rallod at tbe hcadquartera of the Bristow Clnb, hut af ter the epoch paaaea away, a feeling of relief fonnditself iu the oxpresBion, " Well, Blaiuo i beaten, auyhcw." Outaide of the Briatow followers. howevor, tliere was no littlo ilisiippointment at the defeat of lHaine. who-.o frienda had made mich a tenacious and honorable fight up to the laat moment. Curaos wore hcaped on the heada of Conkling and Cameron, and the air was filled with anathema generally. In 1819 Priuce Torlonia, tho Eomau baakcr, advanced 200,000 francs to a Neapolitaii on a diamond so large and limpid aud pierciag in tho polisli of its mauy faces that none bnt the koenest oounoisseur could distiugitish it from the famoiis "Regent." At the Hotl Dronot, in Paris, the self-same "precioua stouo" was sokl early in April of thia year for tweuty francs lif ty centimes, or abowt $i. A CniNAHAN spoko all the English bo knew, in Indiauapolis, tho othcr dav, mul was fiüed $7 for profanity.


Old News
Michigan Argus