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I Lon. hiiau Kothc, ot the Umcinnat Volkshlatt, saya that Tilden can carry th Gernian vote et' Ohio ulmost unaniniously, and there ia no doubt of vio tory. The Germán voters constitute tn im inense and often a coutrolhng part o the voting population of the Unitei States. In tbis centenniul ytiar th greater part of th Germán Tote wï. cortainly be given to Tildón. - Jlurtforc Time. The noinination is a thousand time better than a coinproinise would have been, and niaks u regret more than ever that the Ropublicans did not pu up their best mui - a man whose ver name meant ieforrn in aihiiinistrutiini and reform in nnanoe. - Boston OUb The campaign, with Tilden for th Domocratio candidate will moan busi ness. All hopes of a kid-glove contos are at an end. It cannot be a high toned contest, with a mutual exchang of gilded compliment with suoh a mai in the field. He is a skillful politica ujHnngor. - Rochester Expres (liep.) Our Engliah couains do not thinl yery highly of our Cincinnati nomina tioua. They want to know " who is Mr Huyes!'" and declare that his principa " merit is that he is almost unknown, which, in their matter-of-fact way, the; consider a poor recommcndntion lor th office of President of the Uaited States - New Tori: Herald. Now we oan citoh a glimpso of bet ter times. We can sce the way opon t pure and Bitnple govurument, economy in expenditure, reduced taxos, a sount currency, and the revival of industry Tilden and reform ia the phrase tha olears up all this fog aad makes an open sky for the country. - Boston Post. Of that class of citizoos who car more for reform than other isms involv od in the contost, Tilden canuot fail t be a favorite, and in his selection th Democrats have acted more wisely tha the Republicana, who did not dare to nomínate their beat man, and dodgec the real issue of the canvass by a oom promise candidate. - Boston Jlerald (Jnd. The President will bardly find it ad visable to carry into effect his threaton ed purpose of calling out the militia o the " loyal S.tates " for cainpaigu pur poses in the South, Distressing as th fact may be to the administraron, th war is over. Tbe country ig governec by the Congtitution at present, rathe than by tha admiuistration. - it. Loui 2'imes. The declarations at St. Louis on th finance question are olear and uuequivo cal, and may be termed Hard Money They will deceive no one, howeverinuc they may disappoint the sontiment o the Democracy of the West. The view of tho East triumphed in this feature o the platform as in tho selection of candidate. - Indianapolis Sentinü (Dem. The Senate seems determined tha the Democratie House shall not inaug urate an era of rutreuchmeut and econ omy. The Kupublican party stands in need of money. For the last fifteen yeara the Ropublioau leaders have hac it witueut let or hiudrance, and the propose to ooutinuu in the same profii gate coure. It is for the Democratie House te insist upon retrenchment. Enough has been appropriuted for all honest purposes, but not a dollar for stealing. Let the mr.tter i est just there. - Ind ianapoiis üentineL The Demócrata have excoeded the Republicana in definiteness of doctrine, for they have deolared the greenback a promise to pay inoney that should be redeemod, and have denouncod tho Republican party for not taking the first decisivo indispensable step for the return of the country to Speoie Payments - the payment of the legal-tender debt in real money. The proclamation of this truth, by and with the authority of th Democratie party, is ao event upsn whioh we congratúlate ourselvea ! - Oineinnati Commercial (Iiul.) The nomination of Mr. Tilden is the strongeat one possible for the party. It ia iu the interest of a loyal, honest and eoonomical administration of publio afh'airs. It is straight in the teeth and in bold defiance of all the corrupt New York rings, tho trength and hatred of the Tamuiauy ring included. It shows that the leaders and roprusentatives of the party comprehend the situation and the demands of the hour, and that they are determined to merit success by their nominationa. Whoever believes that Hayes is to walk over the ooursu and that Tilden i to be distanqed, is blinded by his own wishes. The contost is to be a hard, and we fear, a bitter one. - Providence Press (Lib. liep.) General Ewing spoke, at the St. Louis Conventiou of the disasters the Democratie party had auffered by following the letid of New York. We rathor think he talked wildly iu this. It was not tho lead of New York that led tbs party to the senselesi split at Charleston - a split en no matter of principie. That waa the load of the Littla Giant of the West. It was not the lead of New York that ham-strung the soldier candidato in 1864 by a platform doclaring the war a failure. That was a. piece of Western itratejry, led by Vallaudingham, who wantod to reduce tho party to bis own infamous measure. It was not New York that thrust % repudiating greenbaok plank into the jlntform in 1868. That waa done by ;he Weet, led by Pendletonism. It ivas aot New York that nominated Seyjiour on thig fatal platform. That was ione by the West, preeipitated by Valandingham. New York wanted Chase. ÍJor did New York f'urnish the candilate for Vice-President who thrust a cnifo into the chancee of the ticket by i rebel letter. A Western chap did hut. It was sot the leadorihip of líew York that planned and carried the right strutagom of nominating Greeey. That was Western tactios. For he flrst time in sixteen years have the iow York Demooraoy oarried out heir plans and ideas. They fully knew heir own minds, and they carried out heir plan in the St. Louis ConTeution. ?hero vras no appearance of any other irains or intelligent plan or managei'int. in that conveution. We shall see fthis change in leadership shall change bo long succession of Democratie disstuia. - Ciincinnati Qazette (-ft;'.)


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