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Scwing Machines THE SHTGER, ITEW 3DOMESTIO, And th.e HOWB, And teveral good Becond-Hand Machines at the 8EWINQ MACHINI OFFH E, Anu Arhor. Also Needles for all Machines Th1 very best that are made, and attachments and piul.s i'or nuirly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better there than anywhere else in América. If your machine ilu't work wt'll, trade it for one that does, or huve il repain-d. All machines auld on easy payinents at the office. Soruinl door :i%! of Post Of fice, Aiin Ai liur, Midi. (155G) I I,. RINNGI.L, Ai;, nt. GlASS TOPS MEHL CDHANSEYGÍASS MFECD MFlfS VrWDOW GIASS.BOTTLES &C. THÉBEST IS ALWAYS THE ÜHËAFE8T ! GET THE Charter Oak Lawn Mower O. J. PEA8E'8 It took the first piizu at Michigan State Fair, in competition with the Excelsior and PhiladelpbU, llolbrook's aüd Veto. SEED DRILLS te GARDEN CUIriVATOKS, very chmip at Peae's. Wire lïuskets, Arehes, Plaat Stands, Tn-llK Waste Paper A Sponge Baskets, at Pease's. Or I will niaKe to order any atyle or pattern desired. A few FIRST-CLASS SÏOVES AT COST or less. The Lever and also Peerless Clothc Wringer, at Pease's. That Granite Iron Ware isa perfect siuucss at PEASE'S. The lt WATER FILTEES Very Cheap, at PEASE'S. Galvanized Iron Tohet Sets, very durable, at Pease's. House Furnlshing Goods, TIn Ware, Hardware, and 40 reasons for usiiiff Weed'8 C'arpet Swecpcr, at 40 8. Main St. G. J. PEASE. National öentennial RouteTAKE THE Baltiiore&OlioRl THK ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By this line pfiaöOiigerH re landed at the Centenntal Groundn, or at Broad a nl Pine Streets, in vicinity of the loiiding hotcLn in Philadclphiti, aw they may prefer. Holders of Through Tickets CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital ! And visit the Government PtuiiUinps and the maiiy objectsot' intereKt in and about Wiiahiuiiton City. Travelers de&iring A SPEEDY, PLEASANT & COMFORTABLE TRIP Shotild remember that the Baltimore c& Oiaio Hailroad Is celebrnted tr its elegant CoacheR, Splondid Hoti-ls, Gruid und IÍL';iut i lul Mouniain and Valley Sceuery, tind tliu muny puints of Historie interest aluiig its line. KsaFarc wilt ulwnysbcaiLowab iyr by any otlicr I.iii1. PULLMAN PALACE 5ARS KUN rUROljGH WITHOUT CHANGE Botwecn the principal WESTERN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Ticket, Biijfgage Check, Movement oftruiuB, SÏEepin(r Cur Accommodntions, &c, &c, apply Ht Ticket Otüoes pointa, NORTH,SOU1'H, KAST OR WEST. E. R. D0R8EY, i.. BI. COLB, Ass't Gen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket A't THOH. P. BAKHY,: THOS. R. BHARP, Wt'n l'uaeengur Afrent. Maater of ïrar.sp'n twardcd Ihe Uighest Tlrdal at Virmia. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. ."!1 Ilroml vv:ij-, New Vork. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,} liinufacturers, Iniportcrs & Dealers In CHEOMOS and FRAMES. pEOHGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firin of Clark & Cropsky, and A. Kkaknev, late of Texas, undcr the firin name of KEASNEY & CROPSEY, Hare establUhed themselTes at No. 33 Soulli KIbIdSI., AnuArbar, and propose to do general Crocery Business Thev will also keep CROOKKRY, GLASS and WOUDEN WARE. and a full line of DO.VIESTIC and FOREIGN Fttl'ITS. Thcy have fltled and lurnislied A First-class Ëivting Department, Wliefc Meáis can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Canta paid lor Hutier, Eg-gs, and all Country produce Goods proinptly di-li vered In ony puri ui Iba city. Rcmember the place. 33 Son tu Main Street. KEARKEY &CROFSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1S76. 1580 Visitors to the Centennial, 3STE"W "5TOBK BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, TAKE 1TOTICE! Tliiit tin; Cleveland Steamers NORTHWEST, E. N. EICE, Teave M.C. E. H. wharf, Detroit, daily at 9 oclcck p. hl., excupt SumhtVH. Th in line has rranied n syHtem of tickets via Cleveland whoreby over 300 routes eau be made to IMkiludelpliiü and New Vork, goint? and returninir by auy route dpsired. No other liue oan ofl'er auch a vnriety of routes. TIcketH fur ale at principal Railroad Offices, on board steamer and at Company's otiice, foot of Shelby U, Detroit. 1546 I. CARTER, AfgenU THE H1LL FARM FOR SALE. Adioinlng the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in townnhip two south of ranffe aix east, coni]riainrf the east half of the northeast quartér of neetion nineteen ; and that part of the went lialf of tttv wet half of the northwent quartpr of section twenty, lyinj? north of the turnpike; in all 100 42-100 acres, vitb House, Barn, an (Jnfailing Spring of Water, And about flfty aeree well tmproTed ; Hrst class land and sitUHtion beautiful. Two-thlrds of the purchtuie muney may remaio on the land three to Uve years. For terma apply to QEO.E. HAND, Orll.J. BEAKES, Ddtroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf Ik) AilnT at home. Aeenti wantod. Outttt ? l and term (ree. TIH'R & CO.. Augusta, Me TjMNE JOB PRINTIJÍG done at the T ARGU8 OFFICE. PRICES REDUCED. New Excelsior Lawn Mower. Largcst Sale ot' au y Lawn Mower in the World. Tt ban boen adoptad, and can be seen in practical operation, at Central Park, and all other Ctty Parks, New York ; Government Grounda and City Pur kv, Washington ; Boston Common, Boston ; Prospect l'.irk, lïrooklv ; and on almoat every prominent Park throuhout the United staten and Canada. At the trial held in New York City, on the 2-fth of June, 1874, the New Excelstob waa awarded the First Premium, a Silvor Medal, by the Ameri can luötitux', in computition with all the different lawn mowers made in this country. Prices from % 1 4 to s;MM). 1580 EVERY MACHINE WARKANTED. CHADBORK & COLDWELL WFG CO. IÖrSend for Circular. ouburh, N V. THE ENEMY OF DISEASÍT THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is tbc Braad oi.i MusTAisra LINIMENT: i Which has 8tood the test of forty yeare. There is no Sore it will nut lital, no Laratnees it will not cure, no Ache, no Puin thut atiiicte the Huinun Body, or the 8ody of a Horae or other do t :notic animal, that Jura nut yield to its magi: c ;uuoh. A bottle oostinf 26c., 60o, or $1.00. baa t .en tjtived the life oí a human )eing, and reetored o life and usef ulnesi uiun j a %aluubl horse. RAILROADS. ÜÏICIHHAN CETÍTR4L RAiTroaÍT MAY J8, 1ST6. aoiKO wibt. =====:=: . w L. o . !a STATION. 5 ' gg. ij g lp I? ?" p" ; A.M. A.M P . M. t. U .' f v T" [ Detroit, lesve, 7 00 In 05 2 60 4 00 6 oó ï ! O. T. Juuction, 7 15 10 20 3 05 4 16 6 U i, I Wajrne Junction. 7 57 10 49 3 32; 4 40, e 47ÍÍ. ! Ypilanti, 8 31 11 10 3 Si! 5 28 7 IJ1!!? AnnArbor, : 8 56 11 16 4 13 4 45 7 44 í J Dexter, i 20 4 35 S 06 8 10 Ohelsea, a 4;t _ 4 47 ! 2S 8 M" Urn Lake, 10 07 5 16: 6 49 S 15 Jackson, Ar., 10 40 12 38 5 45 1 7 15 9 u'n Jackaou, Lv., 10 45 VI 37 1 9 o ' Albion, II 35 1 U1 10 2Í , ir. M. g Marshall, 12 26 1 54 S 10 i 1 ,. BattloUreek, 100 2 1 ■ 11 Jr ■{: i.. Oalesburg, 1 Jl a. u. l 10 Kliiiii.i.i.o, 1 52 3 03 4 00 12 30 jj Lawton, ï 36 4 41 1 05 f!' Decatur, ; 2 S2 6 00 1 25 DowaKiac, 3 16 5 S6 1 55 Niles, 1 3 45 4 23, 6 10 1 w"7t Buchansn, 3 69 ' 6 26 2 ThreoOaka 4 28 4 55 7 04 3 !i T New Buffalo, ' 4 43 6 08 I 7 2li 3 4J " ilicblgan Clly, I 5 10 6 35 7 ;o' 4 05 Tl Lake, I 5 48 6 14 8 56 jj ! Kcnsington, 6 45 7 15 9 35 6 Jj (Jhic:igo, arrive, 7 30 8 OOl 10 !0 6 30 ík, QOINO EA8T. - iThlïi _?_ J_ i__p !g A.M. A. M. P. M. lp. M, p. II hicao, loave, 000 S 00 4OO;5 16 00 Keoüington, 1 5 45 9 41 4 45 6 57 9 43 Lake, 6 40 10 20 5 30 6 43 10 -11 Michigan City, I 7 32 11 00,' 6 80 7 40 11 i5 New Buffalo, 7 56 11 20 6 55 11 K Threo Oaks, 8 09 1132:7 0 8 11 11 4; ■ M - Buchaoan, 8 42 'S0! '18 20 Nilea, 0IM2 09 8 201 8 5512 jj Dowagiac, 27 , 8 4! 1 1 01 Ofcatur, 9 52 9 15 t y! Lawton, 10 10 9 J.O Kalamazoo, [lü 45 1 36 10 10 10 V6 I li Ualenlmrj;, ll l2 i ! liattle Creek, 11 52 '2 17 . 11 09 3 Is P. M. -S M MamhaU, 12 45 2 65 H 11 35 3 4T Albion, 1 14 3 16 7 11 5J 4 1B1 ! A.M.! 'ii Jackaon, Ar., 1 ('8 3 55 a.k. 12 40 4 SI Jacksoa, Lv., : 2 IZ 4 00, 7 00 12 40 4 4! Lake, : 2 45 7 80 i ! . Ohelíea, S lü 7 58 - - i Dexter. i 3 25 8 13 ÍOIll' Aun Arbor, '■' 53 5 15 8 36 2 0ü'}loYpsilanti. : 4 14 5 28 8 66 2 20 (4i I! I W y ín'. I une, i 4 45 6 45 ti 23 2 40 7 01 II V (i. T. June, 5 30 (I 10 10 0U S 15 7 4 . f bttrmt, Ar., o 46 (i 36 II) 15 3 311 8 001% Humliiyrt excopted. ISaturday and Sutiday cepted. tUaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit II. C. Wentworth, Oen. 1'nas. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & ÏÜi ANA UA1LROAD. OOIMO WEST. - 1S76- GOI1IG Un. STATION. Mui.. Exp. STATIONS. Kip. 1 A. M. I M. .... Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:00 "■ '■' Ypnilanti.... 8:35 7:15 Bnnkera 6: i Siiline. ... 9:20 7:45 Hillsdale .. 6:S0 Bridffewater.. 9:45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:15 U Manchester. 1U: 18 8:00 Bridgewater 9:45 l i, m. Saline 10:11 til Hillsdale 1.15 l-M0 Ypilantí....a(:il i lSnnkrra. .. l:S0 10:10 Detroit UM i TruiíiH run by Chicago time. To take oöeot , April 18, 1KT6. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypefat Centennial Exil PHILADELPAIA, PA. 'pHISGreat International Exhibition, dealfor. A to couimemorate the One JUundrcdtb Anmtp sarv of American Independence, opeiied Miylü and will close November luth, 1876. All the A lions of the World and all the States a ml Ittrik rics of the Union will particípate, bringingtoer the most comprehensive eollectiou of art tr ures, ini-ehaiiiuul inveutioiis, .scifiitilic ilisCOTËrtd manufacturiiig achicvements, mineral specima and aricultural produyts ever exhiblted. Tfe groumlsdevoted to the Kxhibition are situaied t the line of the Peuusvlvania Railroad, and abraee four huudred aud fifty acres of Fainoou Park, all high 1 y improved and ornanieoted. whieh are crected the largest bnildiugs ever ut structed, - five of these covering au area of Uil; acres, and costing $5,000,000. The total DUfflfeq buildings erected ibr the purpoaes of the Exhii tion Is over one hundred. The Pennsjlvania Railroac THE GREAT TRUNK LANE AKD PAST MAIL EOUTE OF THE Ui will be the most direct, convenient and cconoanl wuy uf reacblng l'hiladil]hia, and this gri'st n li i bit ion frotu all sections of the country. M tiains to and froui Philadelphia will pas itiruu. n. UUANI) CKNTKNNIAL DEPOT, whicfa l Company have erected at the Main Entrañe to tl l Kxliibitioii ( i run mis, for the accummudatiou i pawnngnm who wlab tostop at or start froio U iiuruerous large hottils contiguous to tbia Ittfc and the Kxhibition, - a conveniente of the gmfc value to visitora, and atfbrded exelusivt-ly hj ift PennsyWania ltailroad, which is TIlü OSÜ LINE RUNNING DIKECT Tü THE CENTKW AI. BUILDINGS. Excursión iraina will alsoiUf ; at the Encampaient ot' the Patrons of üusbsL-::' :tt Elm Station, on thU road. #-The Penosylvania liailroad is the rafti railway organizatioii in the world. It contwp seven thousand mi lea of roadway, foriaiug cúdüuous lillas to Philadelphia, New York, lialtiL ■ and Washington, over whieh luxurious dyiKuight car are run from Chicago, St. Louis, Lous j villi-, (inciuuati, lodianapolis, Colunibua, Tole Cleveland, and Krie, without change..Lfr lts main line is laid with doublé aud third trtf: of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brokt! atone ballast, and its bridges are all of iron stone. lts passenger trains are equipped wiibf ry kuown improvement tor comfort and safety.w. are ruu at faster speed for grpater distaucés tin f the trains of any line on the contineut. TbeC pany has largely increased its eqtiipnii'nt for C leuuial travel, and ít will be prepared tu build - iis nwii h1io[s, locomotivos and jafistnger ansí short notice, sutticient to accomtnodatu auy IDH demaad. The unequaled resources at thecoiüiWf of the Company guarantee the most perfect tot modatious for all its patrons during the CVnwni' al Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which Pennsylvania Rail ruad issojustly celébrate, F sents to the truveler over its purfect KoadwJ' ever-chunging panorama of river, niouutain, ni landscape views uuequaled ín Aiuerica. THE EATING-STATIONÖ on this line are n surpasscd. Meals will be furuished at RW hours and ampie time allowed for enjoying thêt EXCUKSION redocdd rates, tl be aold at all principal Kailroad Ticket ÜiÖces I the West, Northwest and Southwest. dHe sure that yonr tickets read via the Gr Penusylvnniit Route to the Centeunial. FRANK THOMSON, D.M. BOY D, Ju.. . General Manager. Gen'l Fau'r Mthe TwoJBöss Pion THE OLIVER OHILLED AND Gr A. L E. I'lowmro t.wlay the two Boas Ph the country, take uu back seat furanyw eallwl a Plow. They dun 't k a bt-ggiug for i tomen; theyget into the hancs of farmers tit" out belng foroed out oo alx or eíght montto m Wlien they go they stay, aud that is a sutfici' reconimend for any Plow. I simply ask auy '" mer, whethtr wants to buy a cultivator orni, to step in and examine the GORHAM & BUCKEYE SULKY CULT1VAT0BS! ind judge for hlmself, as H will cost Jl notblngi Mkd I will wait on him with , Fhey are arranged for both corn and fallo ;ive the teeUi any angle yon choose. to turn. 1 ?arth to or from the corn plant, ('all and see tn lor yourselves and you will bctter satisfifd E'il rou will with anything I can say on paer. I , wloufl kinds of one-horse cultivators, salt, iU' me, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. am still agont for several different kinds of tbr' Dg mtcbilMB, amODg them istheold reliable W aU' Pitte, with mauy D8W improvements on seP" rator, with ten aud twelvc horse mounted Pj Viso, the Battle Creek Vibrator, with niouni I ►ower. 1579113 M. ROCEES. . . U III, IX; HHIINES FOR SAI'KA large nd vtry well built bnek house, ffo ur inore Iota. Two large frtiiued houso. j pood sized brick house and frume ; " smiill frame house on n good lot, intendud fo' s [ ing front. For sale on fnirterms and a re""' Ie credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. . . ÜIONEY WANTEU-So many 1 t borrow money apply to me that I can re0"' i Littiin for lenden good satiufactory in vestmenK in pet eent. interest. M Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 187C. M


Old News
Michigan Argus