Local Affairs

_Council meeting next Monday vsning. $130 : that is the amount tlie City Marsha jijpensud to the poor m June. _. Milieu & Sou have a uew ad iu to-day' A3ÖU8. They evideutly mean bus meas. -Dr. Cocker want to Syracuse last weok, - w Tsit Dr. Haven and the Syracuse CJuiver)ity- -Coinpauy C, of Ypsüauti, waut to Adriau, 0B Mouday, aud aiüed in celebratiug the J'ütirth. -Prof. Olney has goue to Baltiruore, and fflll aiidress the M utional Teachers' Association 0D Mouday noxt. -The citj has a very hanilsome flag : thanks to Mayor Kinne, we suppose. But it fiies from V8rv 'bort staiï. -In this Ceeutnnial week " The Story of the Signiug " ou the ñrst page of this sheet, ffiU be iound espeoially interestiug. -Prof. D'üoge is to preach in the Congregational Church on Sunday next, and wil! be the principal supply for the summer. -Dr. Angelí went to Milwaukee on Tuesday to attend a meeting of the VVisconsiu State Teachers' Association on Wednesday. _If you are going to the Ceutennial read Hecardin "Business Notices." Terms will be fouud low and the place a good oue. - It has raiued almost every day and very heavily for the last fortnight,- delaying hayng.greatly iujuriug th crops, aud endangering wbeat. -H B. Hutchins, late assistant professor in tbd University, has removed to Mt. ClemeMto enter upou the praotice of the law. Success to him. -Prof. Tyler closed his temporary engagement with the Congregational Church at Webster, ou Sunday last. The Church was beautifully decoratd. -At laat, after ten years of service in the State Prisou, John Shorey, ccnvicted of manilaaghter, killing Shermau in the Fifth ward, !iss been pardoued. - Two more big clipa of wool : J. and I. C. BsckuB, of Webster, 2,279 lbs., aud E. L. Boyden, of Webster, over 2,000 lbs. Mack & SchiQid bought thein. -V. C. Vaughan, who received the degree of Ph. Di ou examiuation, &t the recent Comnwncemeat, ha been appomted to succeed Dr. Kose in the Laboratory. -Miss Sarah A. Warner, daughter of the late Horaee Waruer, aud sister of L. L. Warner, of Lima aud Mrs. Oeu. Cutuheou of Manutee, died on the 22d uit. -Au active young Hepublican of this city has bet a suit of clothes and a hat that Tilden will carry New York. He üou't let his own sotioua warp his judgmeut - Cornelius Hill, the colored waif who was run over ou Fourth street, Boine weeks ago, wu takeu to the Reform School, Lansmg, on ! liouday last, by offiuer üidley. ( -Wool moves a little more freely. Bach & : Abel have bought during the week 33,000 lbs. ' uut Mack & Schmid 30,000 lbs. Ruling pnce ■ ü ceuts, 27 paid tor some extra clips. - Tho City Band furnishad cheering ruusic at the Tildeu ratification meeting on Thursday eieumg oí last week, aud the alway enthu8ia8tic- built huge boufires ou the stree mus. -The high wind of Wednesday did consid erable prumug of shade and fruit trees in au irouüd town. We noticed a number where little discretiou seemed to have been used. - A Hayeí and Wieeler club is to be organiiAtfiis vvuning, at the Gourt House. That ii,ilthe faithfui can ceas mourning over the itoghter of Blaiue long euough to organizo, -üu Monday las Isaac Dunn brought in tlie largest load ot wool of the eeasou : 502 leeuw wuighing 3,500 Iba. Not wüling to take tlie rulmg pnce he stored ït with Bach & Abel. -E. 1'. Uhl, Esq., of Unnd Kapids, was in town on Wednesday, trying a suit in the Cireut Court. He reporta the Deinocracy of the Valley City satisüüd with tho uomination of Tilden. -Dr. A. Winchell was in the city a few day laat wenk, en route to Syracuse from Saahville, Teuu., having been leeturing for the laat three mouths in Vauderbilt LTuiversit;,io which he is a protessor. -Un Friday laat Judge Huntington, ou his oo mutiou, coiitinued the Douglas-beal libel uit to the next (or October) term. He thought ittoomuch to aak oí a jury of farmers to try luch a suit at thia busy aeason of the year. -"The breezy ñngera of the wind" pioked upa load oi luinber and dumped it in the itrett- coraar of Mam and Hurón - Wedueaily foreuoou, aud witliout upsettiug the wagm, Üau Winegar was the astouished driver. -- . Curtís and wils of 1 tundee, aud N. B. iNirkint aud wife of Ypsilauti, wera registrad at th Michigan building, Ceuteuuial poundí, on the 28th ult.; aud W. P. Caldwell of Duudee, S. Dean of Anu Arhor, and (i. J. Gridland of Aun Arbor, on the 29th. -Th uew Univeraity Freahmeu number ïr26enteriug on exanimations and 21 ou diploma. This indicates a large class, ua stutaU frou out of th State, with most of those tariugou diplomas, do nut preaeut themVMuutilSeptmber. -"Chickeu Taylor" was iutervievred at UMiog a day or two ago. Said he tarted 'w the Black Hills, but brought up at th Upital City, where he was eugaged in the rooal trada " on hia own reputatiou." He witsU to seud 8ome money to a lady in this "tji but hadn't tima to go and get it. -Go. Egglestou, agut íor K. D. Hoyt, a 'll-knowii taxidermist and bird gatherer, has QlU9üa laxge aud íare asaortmeut iu tha Urgorj Block, South American and othei Apical bird, beautifully mouuted in glass CM. To be sold at auction iu the ereuiüg - fa ÜTe or six daya, - and at primate sale dur1D8 Un day. üo and see tliein . -On the 27 th uit., the Jfhi Beta Kappa So"Myheld lts Ceuteuuíal Auuiversary at Burl. "Won, Vt. Prot. C. K. Adams, of this city, orator, his subject : " The Relations of togkw Euucation to National Prosperity." It " ttceived with great favor, and- au unusu'1 compliment- a copy requested for pubhcation. -Company A was out on street parade on Fnday evemng last,- the occasiou beiug the "nt appearauce of th drum corps in their ieaad attractive unitorms. The uniforma "d drums coat about 5üü, the citizens conWbutiag 3yO. Atter the parade a reception as held at the arinory, aad dauciug eugaed """alatehour.