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The Beecher scandal ia likcly to bo reoponod. A commission has boon agreed upon for proseouting another investigation of the matter. The olTorts of Chiof Washburn and bis aatatamta of the United States Becret-Sorvioo liurcau. which bavo boen directcd for sovoral niouths to brcaking up an extensivo couuterftiting biwincaa in Now York city. havo mot with completo suocess, and haveresultcd in the oapture of tho entiro gang of couutorfeiters, including Bome of tho most dangerous and oxperionced in tho businosa. The gang bas boen in existcnco for a long time. Nearly $100,000 worth of the queer, togethcr with a lárge lot of platea. die, and other paraphernalia of üio profeesiou, wero iieized. The gang had facilitiea for iasniug st least ■20,000 per month, or about 250,000 a year. Tho detectives expect that these arresta will lead to tho capturo of forty or fifty moro counterfeitera in different piirta of tho country. Thia ia said to bo the most extensivo soizure of counterfeit money cvor made in tho United 8tatea, with tho exception of the Origge oase in Illinois laat winter. The American Linen Mili, at Fall Iiiver, Mass., was damaged by fire, last week, to tho amount of $200,000. Tho disaster will neceasítate the bhutting down of tho company'a works for aeveral mouths, aud throwa out of employment 1,100 people. A feabfcl domeutic tragedy is reportod from Lawreuco Station, a villago Iocatod in the suburbs of Hew York city. O. A. House, a noted divorce lawyer of New York. amved home in the evening, and whilo waiting for hia slipper had somo words with hia atcp-son, a lad of 15 yoars, named William Anderaon. House, who is of violent temper, beat tho boy and knocked him down. Tho boy's mother interfered, when House turned upon her and Btraok hor over the head. IIo caught her by tho hair and kicked her in tho abdomen. The boy thon interfered, when House placed bis hai.d upon bis pistol pocket, in which he always carried a weapon, and swore he would Bhoot the boy and any one wbo interfered. Mra. House rau into tiie houae, got & pistol irom her bedroom, ran down staira, and aeoing her husband about to draw bia pistol iired, the ball taking effect in the right temple, killmg her huaband instantly. Some prsons near seized the pistol Irom Mrs. House, and prevented her doing iujury to herself Jones' Wood. a picnickmg ground in the aubürba of New York, was tho sceae of a serious Sunday Inquor law riot last Sabbath. Tho pólice arrestd about twenty men who wero ougagod as bar-keepera and waiters, aelling lager beer. A crowd of people asaaulted tho poiice and rescued the priaoners. Tho eelling of boer was reaumcd. Ono hundred extra policemen were called from the reserve forcea in the stationhouses, and the roacued prisonors were roarrested and bOBr-selliny; stopped. Many men who ongaged in the riot were also arrestod. THE WEST. A wAOON-TitAis from Gen. Crook's camp arrivod at Fort Fettorman, last week bringing thowoundedin the late engagement. They Piulurcd tho trip wel], and all are likely to recover. Gen. Crook will make short excursions with tho cavalry until the return of the train and mfantry, when he will endeavor to striko tho Sioux hard. A sad caee of drowning ia reported from La Crosso, Wis. John Mageo, accompanied by lus wifo and two children, nis father-in-law anc brother-in-law, visited the city in a smal] skii for the purpose of shopping. They loaded their bark and starled to return bome. When near Gooso Islaud tho boat struck a sna; anc capsizod, tbrowiag the occupanta and goods into the Mississiüui. Th foti. ,._,■,? i„m brother-m-law, aud ono child managed to tot hold of the overhanging bushes, bcing ncar the shore, and were saved, but Magee, who did all he covüd to save hits wifo and child, sank with thein both cliuging to him, and all wero drowned. The adrices of tho Prairie Farmer regarding the whoat prof pects in Minnesota are to tho effect that mauy of tho recent reporta regarding tho ravages of tho chinen -bug, Hessian rlv etc.. are tho exaggerations of iutcreatèi partaes. Coloeado is now a full-fledgod Hister in tbe great f araily of States, tho poople of the ïerri tory having ratified the new constimtion by a largo ioajority. WASHINGTON. A Washington dispatch eays : " When Ear Derby makes an explanatiou of the rcasons wby the Britsh Government adhered to ito demandthat the United States must guarantee tnat Winslow sliould only be Tried for the offenso ou which his extradition was basod it is aaid m diplomatic circles tho main reaaon wiil he sliown to be the desire to perpotuato peace and good will bctween England and tho Lmtcd Utatos." The vacaiioy in the United States TreasnrorBhip, caused by the resignation of Mr. New, bas beeu filled by tho appointment of Mr. A. N. Wyman, the present Aesiatant Treasurer. Tiie House Committeo on Territories has postponed fnrther considoration of the bill for the adruission of New Mexico into tho Union untU Dec. IS, which is considered as adefeatof the moaauro The President has removed H. T. Yaiyau, Chicf of the Kovenue Agontg James Gilfillan, of Connecticut han been appoiutod Aíwistaut United States Troasurer. Gek. It. D. Musseï, a member of the bar of the Supremo Court of tho District of Columbio has placed in the hands of Proctor Knott, tho Chainnan of tho Honae Judiciary Committee, a memorial charging D. C. Ilümplirevs, one of tho Associato Justiees of the Suprcine Comt of the District, witb beiug nnfit, mentally for Jndge ; that ho is ignorant of law, freijuentjy intoxicatcd upon the boucli and ha at in at least ono case whcro he had a direct pecuniarv intorost A Washington dispatch of the" lat iust. says: "The Judiciary Committeo again poatpoued what is known as the Blaine inveatigation until July 10 next. This postponoment was had upou reprcfcentations that Blaine's health will not permit him to be present. The witnesses MuIIigan aud Fishor, were grautod leavo a cordmgly. Wasuinoto advicos say that it is probable Congress will adjoiu-n about tho 20th of July. Tuk last monthly statement ui the public debt is as follows : Six per cent bonds $ 984,909,050 Five per cent bonos 711,G85,800 Total coin bonds 1 fiort fisi ue. kirtvl money debt. . .. .! .$ ■ Ii.bbO.OOo''' Mtured debt 3,002 420 lmlers 869,8.i!!aül Oeruficatcs of deposit. .... 82,840,(100 Kractional currency 31440 595 Ooiii certiücatis 28,8i;400 Total without interest. 455,807 10 Total debt..". 12,180,305,007 Total interent 3514 004 Cash m Treasiry : ' ' Cin $73,82r).ñ81 2mr?""y u.m.ui Special deposita beid for redemption of certifleatos of rteposit 32,810,000 Total in Trcaeury 119,469,726 Debt leas cash in the Trcasury ...f 2,01)9 439,349 Dcorouoof dcbtduriiiK iiinn.... 3 8K1 377'aso Hinco .limo 3U, 1875 ' " 2fl'24'j'3tió Bonds issued to üie PaclLc Bailwáy ' ' Conipcnic, Interest pa ja We in toiul moniy: l'nu.ipal ontsUm inK "64B23612 Intereat aocrucl and not yut paid 1 988 705 Iotereulpiia bj tho Umtcd Statce 3o!Í4l'ól3 Interest repaid by trausiwrtation of mail, cU: 4 852 491 Uülanoc of interest paid by United States 23,289,021 GENGKAL. Sfcvr.s niernlers of the Indiana whisky ring have been pardoued out of tho Tonitentiary by tho President Bishop Goorgo D. CummiiiR of tlic Itoformed Episcopal Churcli, died at liis rcaideuco at Luthervillo, near Baltiraore, last week. A woiuj)'s convention of homeopathie physicians was in session at Philadolphia last week, Dr. Durham presiding Edward Prickd.t. tho charapion sculler of Australia, has dcfeated Joncpli il. Sndler, tho ehampionof Erjgland, in a scuUing raco for tho champiouship of the Thames and l,0O0. A risPAT:n from Augusta, íle., eays Mr. Elaine's family physician enneidor his nervoua pnistration more severo than has been supIKJtsed. Me prescribes atsoluto rest, foxbickilng him cvon to write letters. He givcs noencoursgcincnt that ho will be able to tako any part iii the coming campaigu. Three men, ïituncdForbos, McGeo andllurlbut, cuatoms ollicials on tho Great Western ruilway of Canada, wero drowned at Montroal last wock, by tho upscttiiig of a boat. FOKEIGN. A caim.k itispatch announces tho death of Miss Harriet Martineau, the celebrated EngHb]i authoress. in tlie 75th ycar of hor agc A Paris telegram aays : "President JlacMahon has pardjiied or rtduced the aontencos of oighty-aevon participant in the Communist insurreaon. Thero will be no further prosecutions, excopt in cases involving attompts upon hfo or liberty, or in' the cases of insuri;cnt leaders, and such cases will bo referred to a Council of Ministerg before their proseculiou." The London Tintes' tJonstautinople correspondent telcgraplis that the new Sultan is , whouned with the diiüculües of his position, aad contcmplatee abdicatiug in favor of his yonnger brother. Pbesidf.nt MacMahon has pardonod 125 more ïronch Communiats IiobertBuchanau, tbo poot, ík a libol snit against the proprietors of tbe London Examiner for $25,000 damages, bad been awarded 8750 by tbo verdict of a jury. Montenegro liaB declared war against Turkey.


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