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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, Juno 27.- &mte.- Tbo Senate voted to insist upon its amemlments io I Uve, Exccutivc and Judicial Appropriation bilí, and n ncw conferenco committeO waB appointed. ,. . A long report froni the Seoretary of the Treaairy sliowiii' the amount of balance; ano. the Govefnnicnt trom publio omeers, since 1830, WftSlaidOO thr tat)le and u cnndrnsation OKdjrrï printed. . . Logan reported from the Coixtiuitteo on Military Affáirs tlie JIouho joint rcKdlutiou to authorlze the Ifisud of arms, etc., with amondnimts whicb próvido that the r.nmin-r oí arms Issned to any State mentioned shall not exeeod 1,000, :.nd to iny IVrritory the nmnber shall not exceed 500. The resolution was passed. Ilotuifl. - Tho bilí in regard lo the sale of spirituons líquor in the Indian Territory was passed ; alao thc bilí providing for tho salo of tbo Cherokee strip of la lid i n Kant-aw The coiumittee appnintöd at tho roques! of Mr, Adani, ('lerk oí the House, to investígate tbe publihccl charge figaliist him, unanimouply reported ftiat in no intanee did he, directly or incürectly, receivo pecuniary or other conslderation for any appointraont made by him. Wkinesday, Juno 28. - Señale. - After passing the House bilí for the salo of the Kansas Ludia land, in Kansas, to actual fieltlcis, the Senate resumed the ccimideratinu of the House bilí for the issue of coin, and the substituto therefor propoecd by the Senate Comdittec on ïiiiance. House.- Tho SenatO auiendiuente to the Arroy Appropriation bilí wcro non-concurrod in. The Speaker appointed, asa committeo of conference, AtkiuB, Randall and Hurlbut....Payne, f rom the Oonimittce on Banking and Currcney, reported back the aniendmonts to tho Silver Coin bilí, recoiimirudcd a coucurrencc in thein, and moved the prvious queetiou. Tho aiuendments wcrc nonoonmured in. Tuubrday, Tone 29.- Senate.- Wíndom roported, with amendments, the Sumlry Civil Appropriation bilí Sargent, f rom the conference comtnittce on the Naval Appropriation bill, made a report that the committco had afreed upon ihe bill, and, in explauation of the report, saiiï the Heuse con f errees had accepted thö legislativo amendments of the Senate in regard to the employment of f orce in navy-yards .... The Hout-e bill to authoriüe tho construcción of a railway pon toon bridge across the Missouri river at Nebraska City, Neb., was pastfeil.. . .Morrill (Mc.) from the Conmiittce on Appropriation, reported back tlic joint resohition ret-entiy Riibmitted by Oio President to próvido for defraying the ordiuarjr and neccBsary expensos of tho public service by extendiug the appropriation bilis for thc present fiscal year luto the next, with an imeudment providing that in no csc shall BUch appropriation be contiuued for a longer period than thirty days. Tho aniendment was agrecd to, and the resolutiou paased .... West. f rom the Conference Committee on the Postoffice ApPfOpriation bill, reported that the coininittt'e had been unable to agree, and moved that a new conference, aekrd for by the House of Kepresentativis, be granted. House, - A mossage was received from thc Senate informing the ÍIous.e that the Senate had agreed to the report of the conference committee on the Naval Appropriation bill .... Holman, from the committee of conference on thc Postolïire ÉppTOTiirianm bill, submitted tho report of that conüulttee, informing the Houee that the committee had not beeu able to agree, and asked for anolher committee The report was adoptad, and thc Speaker appoiuted Holman, Clark of Missouri, and Hale as the new committee of conference.... The Speaker pro tem Jaid before the House a memorial of the Natlon:il Board of Trade, in sce&iou at New York, that eilver coin shall not be made legal-teuder for any buiq beyond $5. Itef erred . . . The nouse met in the e veiling and debated the Oeneva Award bill. Fbiday, June 30.- benate.- Houso bill authorizing Ihe Cougressional Printer to continue thc woxk required by law in advance of the regular a]propriation for printing for a period of ten days waspftssed Hamlin called the Uousffrill to amend the Uevised Statutes providing a pen.: mailing obscene booka and other mattera therein coutained, and proMbiting lotterj' circulara from passing through the mails. Aftc-r discussion, the bill passed The Senate pafiBOd thc House bill to continue the uiiexpended balances, to próvido tcmporarily for the expenses cf thc Government for period not to exceed ten days The Snndry Civi Appropriation bill was discusted and ámended. Howse. - The bill pcoviding for thc uso of Uie uuezpended balances íor ten daya of thc nexi fiscal year was passed Senate bill providing for the imprigonment and transfer of United States prisonors was passed A bil! was passed giving all employés of the Goverument a .week's furlougb to attend tho Centeunial The House passcd. a rcsolution accepting tho invitation of tho Centeunial CommiRsion to attend the celebration o: the 4lh in Indcpcudence Square, PhUadelpijJa Tho Senate amendments to thc Houeo bill niakinf? temporary provisión for tho ordinary expenses o] the (iovernraent for the next ten days, were, On motion of Ma Randall, concurred in Hnrlbnt froin the Committee on Military Affaire, rcporlcd a bill to authorize the pajm'.'iit of the tbreemonths extra pay to the Ofileer and soldiers of the Mexican war. Paascd. Saturdat, July 2. - Senate. - Shcrman, from the Committee on Finance, reiwrtcd back the House joint resolution for the issue of eilver coin and recommended that the Senate non-concur in the Houpo amendments to thc Seuate amendmentf, and ask for a committee of conference. So ordered, and Sherman, Boutwel! and Bogy appointt d as conferrees on the part of the ftenate Windom, from the conferetice committct on the Indian Aj-propriation bill, report t-d that tho committee hid been unable to agree, aiuï moved that a newcommittee be appoiuted. The groini'i í diaagreemeDtwas tbc section transferring tnetndiau Bun au to tlie War Department. The motiou to appoiut a nowooimhititee was agrëea to The Senatt. thiii took up the Snndry Civil Appropriation bill. A number of amendments were aurced to, Inoluding one for priüüuii aud disirU-iitinR Uie a-irirultural reporti, when the bill was read a third time and passed. ...The EEèmQ lul! :iutí the CouimiEBiouer of Indiau Afl'airs to purebase siplien for the TnCian Bureau in open murket was passed Windom, logan, and Caperton were appointed i ncw conference committee on the Ind:au Viij,rtpriation bill. House.- The ïSenatc bill exempting vessels navigating thc Miasissippi and iribularus ahoino Ncw Orleans from enfries and clenrances at its Koveral points, was passed The bill for tho immcdiato ñürcháse of the supplies needed to keep the Indiana from starvüig, to thc amouut of $100,000, in order to prevent bu nering in caee thero if no linal agreéajent updn tho general Indian bill, was also passcd ïf andall report ed that the con ferreos on the Legislativo Appropriation bill had been unable to agrec, and asked for another conference. The difference was in regard to the second section, which provides for salaries of emplpyes of the Government. The jnoney dlffereuóö betwéen the two Houses on this bill was $;l,700,OÜO. Af tt-r a long difienssion of a political natiirt;, the report was agreud to, and a new confereuce committee appoiuted- Kandall, Singleton and Koster Tho joint resolution for a meeting of Congress iu Iudcpeudoocc Hall, Vhiladelphia, on tho Fourtk'óf July, was passed.


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