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liairmau of tlio Committeo on Platform, who naid thoy liad agreed on tho rosohitioua, bat ïad roforred them to a Committeo on lloviuicn, and aro to ruoot again ut 1 o'clock. Mr. Kornan moved a receba until 2 o'clock tliÏB afternoon. Carried. During the recetes speeches were delivored by Roger A. Tryor, of New York; Mr. ttrockfnridge, of Kentucky; ex-Senator Doohttlo. of Wiuconsin, and B. Oratz Brovrn, of Missouri. The convention was called to order at 2:15. Judge Mereditb, of Virginia, the Chamnan of tho Committeo on Reyoínüonn, preöonted Iíík report, Ilestateö that a &roat miiny roohitionsweic prcHontcd, all of which had been carofully oxamined and diacnased böforo coming to sgroement. Ho thon requeated Mr. Uoröheimer, of New York, to road it to the convention. It wan a followa : We, the detentes of the Democratie party of tbc United Stat os, in National Convciition aanembled, do heroby declaro tho adininistration of the Peden) Govexnxoent to be in urgent nccd of iinuu diato re fonn. and we do hereby en.join upon the noniiü(iêh of thls couvuutiou, and of tho Boinopratic party in oach State, a zealoos effort au il co-operation to this end, and do hereby nppeal to onr follow-c-iliziiiK of every formcr political counection to undertako with us tiüs iir&t and most preesihg patriotie duty. For tbc Pemocracy Df the wholo country, we do hero roaiïïrni our faith in the perniancnco of thO J ■ doral Union, our devotion tothe Oonstitutton of t.ites, with itsamendments, univorsaliy aooepted es ft final sfttleinentof the controversias that enptendered civil war, and do hero record our steadfast confidence in tho perptuity of rcpublicaii aelf-govtrrnment ; in nn absolute aoqoiesoonoe m tho wilt of the niajority, tho vital principie of the n-publie ; in the supreniacy of the civil over the military authority ; in tho total soparation of church and state, lor Uu1 ine un'ko of civil and reliKiou frordom; in tlie cquality of all ei tizona befóte ttffi just luwe of their own onactment; iu thelibertyof individual conduct unvexod by sunjptuury laww ; in thu faithiul üduoation of the rising Rsnoration, that thoy tnay preserve, cRJoy and trauBmit theso lcHt eoriditions of human happinepH, and behold the noblest product of a hundred yearn of changeful hint-ory; but while upholding tho bond nf our Union and thegreat chiirti t 6f these our ri,'hts, itlu-boovesa free peoplL to practico, ilsf. that e al vigila tice which is the pwoe oï lilx-i'ty. lU-iiirni is noceseRry to rebulki and catablinh iü thf neaHfl ui tho wholo pèople tho Union, doven yers jifio happily rescuod froua thedan(?erof i ■ cesstoti of States, but bc saved from a corruyt centraïiem, which, after infllcting upon tcu States tho rapacity of carpetbaR tyrunnies, hashoney-conibed the offloefl of the Federal Government itwolf with incapacity waste and fraud, Infected Stiita and niunicipalitics with tho contaííidii of misrule, and locked faet the prosperity of au industrióos peeplo in tho paralysiB of hard times. Reform is noceseary tocstablish asound curroncy, tcstore the publlo credit, and maintain the natioral houor. We deaounce tho failure for all these elovec years to mako Rood tho promise of the legal-tender notes, which are a chauging standard of valuo in the hands of the pcople, and the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the natiou. We denonnce tho improvidoncc which ifl doven ycars of poare has taken from tho peoplo in Federal taxes thirteen ümeB the whole amount of the leal-tender uotes, aud aquandered fonr times this stim In nBelesB expense, without accuinulating any reserve for their redemx)tinn. We donounco tho llnancial imbecility and ünmorality of that party which duriug eleven jewa of peace hasmado no ad vano o toward resmuption.and n o preparntion for roeumption, but, icRtoud, has obstruaed reaumptiou by wasting our resources and exhaiutrag all our surplus income, and, while aunually profeBsinti to intend a apeedy return to specie payments, hiis annually enacted fresli hiudrances thereto. As such a hindrance wo deiiounci' the reBuniption clauso of tho act of 1875, aud wc here domand ite repcai. We uuiuund a judicious systcm of preparation by public economice, by ofllcial retrenclimeni, and by wiöc fluance whiefi shall cnablo ihe nation soon to aesnre Üie wholo world of its perfect abjiity and its perfect readincss to meet any of its promieoa at the cali of tho creditor ontitled to payment. We bcliovo such a fiyutom, well-devised, and abövo all intrustod to competent hands lor oxocution, creating at no timo :tn artificial scaroityof currency, and at no tinioalarming the public miudinto a withdrawal of that vaster inachinery of crodit by which Ü5 jier cent. of all business transactions are porformed - a systom ojhüi totho public, and ïnspiriiiif fi'nernl confidenco - wou ld. from the day of its adoptiou, bring hculing on its wIjiks toall our harassed industries, net in motion tho whools of coninacrco, manufactures aud the mechanical arts, restoro employmout to labor, and renew in all its natlonal sonrees tho pronperity of tuo people. Refonn is neceseary in thesuin and mode of Federal taxatioii. to tlio end that capital may lo sot freo from distrust, and labor ligutly burdened. Wo denounctó the presout tariff levied upon nearly 4,0C0 articles as a mastorpioco of injustice, iucfjualiiy and falso pretense. It yields a dwimllin;.', not a yearly-risiug revenuo. It bas impoverifihel many industries to subsitüzo a fow. It prohibitfl import s that might purchase the produetfi of American labor. It ban tUgr;ulcd AniBricau commerco, from the íirat, to án inferior rank upon the high sí-as. ít lias cut down tho sales of Americau manufactures at home and abroad, and dopleted tho roturns of Amoncan agriculttire, an industry followcd by half our people. It costs tlio people fivo tiniíís moro tlian it produces to the troasnry, obstructs tho process of production a ad wasten the fruita of labor. It prouiotea frnud, fosters émugeatig, enrichcB (lishonost oflicialt and bankrupts honest merchants, Wo demand that all Custoni IIouso tasation shall be only for revenuo. Kef o no i8 ucerpsary in the scaloof public expenses, Foderalj State and municipal. Our Federal taxation bas s wollen from SfíO.íOO.ftíiü in gold in 18fiO, to;$4,r)0, 01)0,000 in currency in 1870; onr aggregate taxation f rom $Í5Í,ODÜ 000 iii gold In 1830, to $70,000,000 in curreucy in 1870, or, in ono decade, fron Iobb tlian ?.") per head to moro iban $18 per head Since the pecc, lbo people have pald to their tax sathen ra mnrr: than thrice the sum of the nationai clebt, and more than twice that sitin for the federa Government alone, Wo demand a rigorous fnv gality in ví-ry departinent and froin every office.! Of the Qovernieiit. lU'foni is necestïary to put a stop tolhe prufUgatt waste of tho public lands, and their diversión fron actual Bettlers by the party in power, whlob hai gquaudered 2OQ,0itO,OQ0 of acreij upon railrpadi alono, and out of more than thrice that aeregatí has disponed of lesa than a sixthdirectly to tillers o! the soil. Reform in noecssary to correct tho omissionB oi a Republican Congress and the errors of ovir tro.atie; and onr diplomacy, which have trippud our feiloW' citizeiiö of foroigu birth and kindred race, recrosö' inti the Atlantic, of the ehield of American citizen ehip, and liave oxpopod our brethren of thi Pacillc coast to the iucurëions of a race not sprun froin the sanie great parent stock, and, in fact' now by !aw doniod cittzenship through naturaliz. ation as buing nuithpr accustomed to the traditiouf of a progresidve oivilization, nor exerefced in libertj under equa) laws. We denounce the policy whiri tliiï-i diacardft the Überty-loving Grtrman Mid Merates the revival of the coolie tradfl In HongoUao woxucn, inportod for humoral parpóos, and Mongo lian men, held toperform Fervnelabor-contract8,an deniand nueha n;odirtcalior: uf Ihe ireatj' with the Chinese Kmpiro, or such leffialatic n by Coogroaf withiu coiiHtitutional liniitatitm, asnhal] prevent tht fnrjhrr importation or immlgration or the Mongol iau race. Reform i-i necssary, and can be effecteel but bj makiüg it tho cout rolling issue of the rlootions ;mi llftlng it ahovG the two falBc íhüiich witli which tht oflieeholdhig claRR and the party Ín power 86ék t sniothcrit: the faláso issue with whicu thoy woulc enliindlo neeturkm ftrifc in resj)oet (o tho public schc.ola, of whicli tho ostablishment anti support belong cxclusively to tho aeveral States, and whicl the Democratie party has cherishrd f rom its foundation atid Js resolved to maintain without parti;ilit or preference for auy clasv, sect or creed, and without contributing f rom tho treasury to anj oi them ; tho false iseuo by' ' whict thry seekto liglit anew t!io dying embert of ectional hato betwoen kindred peoples, once unnaturally efitraued, but now reunited in onc indivitjiblo rt'publicaucl a commoii dcstiny. Keform ir neepKsnry ín the civil service. Experieiico provt;} that. the dlncicnt, economical ccimluci i)f thi' ílmvnniH'iiíul business is not possible ii its cnil qpi'ico be subject to chauge at cver elociion ; if it i a prize fougnt for al the ballot-box; ïf lost, a brief rcwarrt of part% zeal iufstead of a pont of honor asaigne dforproveíí competency, md held tor Jidolity )n ihe public employ ; that the dispeusing of patronage BhOnld uc il lita1 be a tax upon tüo liuie of all. our public men nor the instrument ottli-'irambition. Hert1, agaïn, professions falslfltïd in tho performance attont that the party in power eau work out no practical or salutary reform. Itcform íb nccessary even more in the highei grados of tho..pubJic service. Tho Prostdt'iit, Vicc Preaident. Jxulges, senators, Heprewentativcs, Cabinet oincers tliese and all otlicrs ín autliority aro the poople' Borvanta ; thfir olliocs are not a privato perquiHÜo; tliey are :i public trust. Wlien the ;imi:il- of tliis lifpubTIe show thi' dipraco and CfnBOrè of a Vloe Prcf-idont, a Kpf-akerof the Jíouse of lít'.príihL'iita-tives m;u i ■ a ]rcBidiug officor, tbr#c Senators profltinf secret ly by their votes as lawmakors, fivo Chairmen of I the leadiuR committees of the late ilouso of licprcsontatives cxpoHcd in jobberj',a lato Hocrctary of tho Trcaaury forcing balances in the public accounts, a late Attornoy Gcueral mifiappropriftüng tlie ]ublic funde, a Seoretary of tü Kavy euricbjng hia friendo by percfcutaRos levled off the profits of con tractors with ïii deparLmont, ;tn AmbasBaiïor to Knglaml concörned in a dishoiiorable spcculatioii, thf l'nsi.U-nt'B Private Beoretary barely eooapbig convictiou upon his trial for gnJlty cfunplicity in fratide upon tlic revenno, n Kecrètaryof War impeut'lied for High crimos and coufosee.d tuisdemeauorH, the dcnionstration is completó tliat tho flrst fitoji in refoiiïi must ho. the ncople'w choicö of honest men iroui auother party lestthe discasöof one political ornization infect the Ixidy jwlilic, and lest. by making no oiiange of menor party, we OAIlffOf no OOUigQ of measures and no reform. All these abunen, wrougB and crimes, the product of pixtecn years' dsec'ndency of tüo Repnblican party, create a ueceeeity for reform oopfoasfld by the Kc publican s thomhöIvöh ; but their reforméis vted clown in conisplacod f rom the Cabinet; the party's ■ ■ -i vuterw is powerli bs to reaifil tho 80ii'in !■:: ; . ■ ader and guidtíB. ltcform can onlv be bad '■ ■ i olvlo revolution. We demand a chaugo uï s y stem, a change of administration, a ch'ange of partios, that wc may havo a chango of aaeasuresand of men. At tho conclusión, Mr. Dorshcimer eaid that tho committeo had ndoptcd and indorHod, Lhough not as a.pait of tho plat form, a roHolutton 'which h o roarl, inilorKÏnp tïio aotion of tho IIoubo of liepreentativcö in cattiug down appropriatious anti oxliorting to firmnesö ; alo arosolution &h to tito j nat claims óf tho eoldicra, wailora, widowH and orpliaiiH. Mx. iïwing, of Ohio, took tlie platform. He naid tliat at tlio req netst of sovc-ral memberu of the cotumittco lic usanfd tho minority roport, rocommenclinji wtriking out the following clauao in tbo ma jority, to-wit : Li Aö snch a hindrauco, we denouueo tho roHum])tion claimo of tho iict of 1875, and wo demand Ka rcpoaV He proponed to Hubstitnto therefor tlio following woidfl : "Tho law for tho roöumption of fj)ct'io p;iymcnt on tho löt of Jamiary, 1879. having beon enacted by tUo Uepublican party, without dcliboration in CongreidS, and without discuaHion bc'oro tho poople. and being both iñoffeotual to aocuro its object, and higbly injurioue to tho buainenö of the country, ahould )jo forthwith repealed. Mr. EwhiL' moved, and Mr. Htitoii, of KanniiH, Hecouded, tTiut tho axnoiidiuunt tluis Huggeutiid be made. Rlr. Ewing proccedcd to etato hw objoctioim to the ciause propófiod to be Htricken out. taï, DorHheiuier, of Now York, apoke in favor of tlie majority report. Heaaid : " I propouo boro to malie a Rtraight íhhiig botwcen BoTt i aud hard money. liy Uat wo atand or we fa.ll. I f you want aoft money give your votes to tbo i resolution offered by tho most diatinguiahed advocate of soft money in tho United States ; but if yon want to leave to the hard-nioncy men somo chance to carry tlieir States, then stand by tho roport of tho committee, wbfoh was a compromiso no groat tliat a proteat has boon sent hero signed by overy one of tho liasteru Democratie State, aud towhich I have put niy own Bignature. Thia is a middle groaud whicíi doe leave aome hope ; but if you decíale, in tho l;in::u:ií-'.' of tho gentloinan from Ohio (Ocn. Ewing), for a ropoal fqrthwith, then abandon all hopo. I mako this ismio fair. Aa I said, we will etand to that, and now, Mr. President, I demand a vote by tho Staten." Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, aupported tho minority report. "My friends." aaid he, II Something waa said by tho gentleman from New York about the effect on his State and othor States. I Btand here surroundod by ten BtateB who havo a right to bo heard on this subject. West Virginia, Ohio, oy own gallant Democratie State of Indiana ; Miasouri, on whoae boaom wo are holding the Convention : Tennefiaee, that contains the Hermitage anl tho aehes of Jackaon and Polk lona ftud Kanxtm ; aró thoy not to bo dousidertxl f Do thoy amount to nothing ? I will aay, with all reapect to the gentleman from Now York, wlio bas just aat down, that wo have followcd tho lead of New York for twolve long year, and each timo to diaaater, and I for ene assert tho West - the mighty West, with ita teemin ■ population - I aasert the power of tho Miasiasippi valley, with its mighty intorests and its great reaources." Mr. WatterHon, of Kentucky, made aconciliatory speech, and succeeded, to some oxtent, in pouring oil upon the troubled waters. Ho closed by moving the previoua queation - the aniendinont of Mr. Kwing. Anúd much excitement and confusión tho roll was called, aud ahowed 219 yeas to 550 nays. The cali of tho roll waa noxt proceoded with on tho adoption of tho platform. The air nouncement of the vote - yoaa 651, naya 83- whh loudly applauded. On motion of Mr. McLoan, of Maryland, tho convention proceedod to nomínato a candidato for President. Mr. Whitely preaented the name of Thomas Francia Bayard, of Delawaro. James D. Williama uominated Thomas A. Hendricke, of Indiana. Mr. Abbott nominated Joel I'arker, of New Jefaey Senator Koruan nominated Bamuel J. Tüden, of New York. Mr. Ewing ncminated William Allen, of Ohio. Mr. Clymer nomiuatcd Wiuüeld S. Hancock, of Penuaylvania. Tho Sccretary then called tho roll of the States for the first ballot, with tho following reeult : = g ff - S g ï g f STATES. g, : ; Alabfluia 13 8 ... 2 ,. Arkansas 12 California 12 Colorado 6 Connecticut 12 Dclaware. 6 ... .... Florida 8 Georgia 5 1 ]6 Illinois 19 23 Indiana 30 lowa 14 6 .... 2 Kausas 10 Kentuoky 24 T,nuiKÍana 0 5 2 Malnn 14 Mai-yland 11 3 .... 2 MasHachusetts, . . 2G . , Michigan 14 8 Minnesota 10 M s-issippi 16 Missouri 2 17 .... 19 .... 2 .... NebrasTía lï Nrvada 3 3 New Hampshire.. 10 New .li-rsey 18 New York 70 North Carolina.. 9 4 6 2 uliio 44 .... Oregou -..i 6 Tf-nnKvlvania 68 Khodc Islaiid 8 South Carolina . 14 Tonnessee 24 Texas 10S4 2L ... 2 1 Yrirmont 10 Virffiuia 17 1 4 West Virginia 10 .... ■Wisconein 19 1 Tetáis 403X 133X 3 95 Ji8 56 18 Before the announcement of the result of the ballot, Missouri changad her voto to 1G for Tilden and 11 fer Hendricks. The clork then amiounced the voto, as follows: AVholo uumber of votes cast 73H Neceesary to a choice 4i)2 s. .T. Tilden reccived 417X Tbomas J. Hendricks 140i Bayard 33 Allon 50 f lancock 7r Parker 18 A secoud ballot was proceeded with amid much oxcitement, with the following result : H K K ö " h" G Sj O O g L N states. i g. : f" : i Alábanla 20 Arkausas 12 California ....... 1'2 Colorado 6 Connecticut 12 Relawarc 6 6 Florida 8 Georgia 15 7 Illinois 26 16 Indiana..'. 30 lowa 30 2 Kanpas 2 8 Kcntucky 24 l.nuisiana 16 Malne 14 1 Maryiand 14 2 MaiRachusetts. ., 26 Michigan 19 3 Minnesota 10 Misslsélpp'i 16 Missouri 30 NobrasSa 6 Nevada 4 2 New Hampshíre. 10 New Jersey 18 .... New York 70 North Carolina... 20 Obio 44 Oreiion 6 Pennsjlvania 68 Rhodelstand.... 8 Sonta Carolina .. 14 TcnncsEoe 24 Tixas 16 Vermant 10 Virginia 17 1 4 Wcft Virginia 10 WisconBin 19 1 Totala S08 75 60 54 11 18 2 Sevcral delegates- "I move to make the nomination unaninious." Mr. Wallaeo, of Pennaylvania- Purauant to tho orders of the Pennaylvauia delogation I move to make the nomination of Mr. Tilden unanimous, and as the second State in the Union, although we should have preferred one bom on our aoil, Rtill sho will not alack one j nerve nor weaken ono effort for the ancceaa of tho uominee of thia Conveution, aud when the j ides of November come wo feol aasured that victory will erown our banucra with aucoeaa. Mr. Abbott, from New Joreey, desired that the nomination of Tilden be made unanimoue, aud aid: "Aud I will teil thia Convoution thin: that as wo have stood by Joel Parker boforo this nominatiou was made, bo with the I aamo onergy and the aame fire we will atandby i Samuel J. Tilden loud cheer], aud although 1 New Jersey bas had no voice in the nomineo, ' aho will have nine votes ín the Electoral College for Samuel J. Tilden." A delegato from Tenncaace- "In behalf of the (lolc-gntiou from Teunosaoe - whoao votoa havo been uat against the voice of tbia Convention, - Teuucaaoe will give her electoral vote for Mr. Tilden.1' A delegato from Virginia - " I am tho man frora Virginia who cast the one voto againat Tildeu. I move to mako tho uomiuation uuauimoua. I will tako OÍT my coat and work for him." fLoud choora.] The question waa put and Tilden declared the mutnimous choice of tho couvention and the Democratie party of tho United Statea. . Tho convoution thercupon adjournod until Tlmrsday moruinir at 10 o'clock. THIRD D.U'. I J; Tho convention met at 10 o'olock, and was callee) to order by the President. The firat order of business beiug the noniination of a candidato for Vico President, an IllinoiH delégate proposod tho name of Thomas A. 1 Iendricks, of Indiana. No other ñames being proposed, tho rol I of Statos was proceoded with. Mr. JIondricks recoived 780 votes; blank, 8. On motiou, tho nomiuation was declarecl nnanimons. Tlio following rosolutiou was offered by Mr. Wobber, of Michigan, and adopted : Jii'fíolvedy That it be recomuiended to futuro Naííiiiki ) Iiemocratlc Couventtons, as the scn6e of tho Deniocracy herein aSRenitilod, tbat tbe go-caued frvo-tbirds rule be abolished as umvisc and unnecesf-;iry, riiui tliat tlio States be requested to iustruct Uioir delCRates to tlic DcmocraiK' National Convi ution to be held in IHH0 -.vlictlicr it bo deHirablo to continuo thc two-thirde ruie louger in forcé in tbeir National Convention, ;uid tliat Natio'ial Cmnmlttcc íunert uch rcauest in tbcir cali for tLo cotiví'ution. Aftor tho announcemeut of tho National Committoe. the adoption of tho usual rcnolutions of thaukH, cto., the convention adjournod sino die. TUK S1T.F.CHES. si i l H OF HON. ADOÜSTUS si-lil.l.l.. OX CALUNQ TUK CONVENTION Tü OUDER. Gk-ntlkmun - A Chairman of the National Uomooratic C'ommitteo, the duty bas beon ai;ned to me to cali this couvontion 10 order. Aecordinf; to tho ueflgcs of the Democratie party, thi largo body of repronentativos, coming from evory eection of the Union, haye aüsembied for the pnrpooo of nominating for tho Democratie pui tv i'andidates íor a Prouideut and Vico President of the United State, whose electiou will mako a change in the administration of the Government, and stay the corrnptitii which it now destroying it. [A]UiU8e."l Tho momentou iasuo before tho couutry is outliucd and clear, in dintinet ferm and proportiou. It cannot boovorlookod, undercstimatod or avoided. AdmiuiHtrativo reform in dernand cd by tho Amorican peoplo of ovcry class fapthuie and of all partie, and tho corruptiou which now cxint9 in tho Oovorimient which i.s miftering from It must be purirled and elevatcd, and tho qiiostion is to whose hands shall bc admitted Hie duty of cloaiiHÏng nnd raising it? Hliall it be oommitted to tliono whoso uuclcan hands have npoilcd it? No ; in thishour when tho nationa) honor, public Tirtue nnd the moral sentiment of mankind derfland roform, tho dutv must, and shall, bo aasierned to tho Democratie party. Great applause, j The people will not feupport thia idoa that the tl' inpr to be refonnod can bo reformed by itself. Tbi will anbwer, yea, is neceeaary, in tho case of au individual who is ausworablo to hia conscieuce and to his Ood for bis sina. But wbat ia to becomo of public official integrity if mon to whoni ia anaigned tho performance of public trusts Bhall abuse their powor, viólate their obligations and their oatliB? The peoplo are Renerous and conüding, and are honent. They may be Blow, but in the end thoy are intolligent and Hagaciour. The peoplo wel] coEipreüend tbcii" righta and their intercHta, and their riglits havo beontoo fearfully Violítcá, and thoae intorestü too shamofully neglected to over again tlutat the adminiatration of their Government to the llepnblican party. Great applause.] There ia alao anothcr iöhuo which commAnda the conaidoration of tho country, and that is tho currency issue. The Democratie party ha from its origin, and through all tho timo of ita oxiatonce, been what is known as tho hardmoney party of tbe country [applauae], and the subtlo and adroit effort on the part of tho Eepublican party to charge upon the Democratie party the preaent ondition of affaire, and to ineist that that pnrty is non1 tho aoft-money party, is ontirely incorrect ; for lot me ask on what pago of the etatuto, on what act of public authority in which Demócrata have had the power and the control, is thoro writton one word, One lino, one law, which has provided or caused the present condition of thiuga ? All the actu of thiH Government recognizing the issue of paper monoy, authoriüing their use ag a legal tender, tho acüona of tho Hupremo Gourt iu declaring tbe law constitutional uuder which theae acts woro authorizod, wore all done and porformed dui'üïg the exiatence and power of tho llopublican party. Wbat has boen tbe effect of it ? Commerce i paralyzed, tho manufacturing iuterost almojt deatroyed iu tho country, prosperity lina dlnappeared, and ivaut has tikon its piaco. ítow i it to bo remedied ? The Democratie party, with ita interests, will aee that tbo remedy ia applied - of fr.ugal and económica] governmont and a diminution of taxation. It cannot bo brougbt about by forced contraction. Applaus.] It should uot be assisted by additional inilation, but we must tako tho country au it HümcK [Applaiise.] We are called upou to apply tlio remedy, and ono remedy whiuh commends iteell to every honeat nun, and to evory reasonablo Democrat, is to doma-nd the repcal of the Besumption act. [Applause.] Repcal that act, put the Government in the power of the Democratie party, and lot them purgue tho conree wliicli they will pnrsue. of an economical admiuistration of that öovernment. and I assure you that the timo is not far distant whon specio payjaents will be resumed ; the prospority of the country wil! bc restored, and the whole American people be happy onö more. [Applause.] Gentlemen, tho time is auspicious, anfl the occasion is suggestivo. One hundred years ago the first Democratie assomblagc met in I'hiladelpbia, representatives of the coloniOB of the Atlautic shore of this country. [Applaufio ] ïhey tbore, under the guide of tliat sage, that patriot, that name ever to be revered, Thomas Jefferson [applause], laid the foundation of that civil and religieus liberty which our fathers built, and which wo now onjoy. ' On this occasion, tliijf Centenuial year, the Democratie party has assembled in convention once more to do that wbich our fathers that is to say, proclaim the cause and adopt the nieans which sball hc necesaary to restore us to onr ancient prosperity. [Applause.] During all the time that the power of the Government has been in the hands of the Democratie party, duriug all that time preapority ba govemed our country. But whenover 'that flag has been dropped, by tho advanco óf itopublicans to power, sorrow and ühame have been our condition. [Applause.] May we uot hope uow, after sixteen years of Itepublican power, that tho Democratie party may aeanmo ita rightful poaition beforo tho country? [Applauso.] I shall not attempt to forecast the action of tlii convention in tho performance of the duties which it is called npon to perforo), cithcr in tho nomiuation of a President and Vice President of the United Stitos, or the adoption of ita platform. ïlio rules by which this convention is govorned are such aa to insuro the nomination of somo gentleman whoBo character and poaition as a statesman and aa an individual is ripe in the experience of oue, aud pure and stainless in his character in tho other, and it will see that none other is nominated for eithor of those olliees. As to the platform, this convention will act wieely, and in accordanco with tho principie that those are best govemed who are least governed. [Applauae. 1 doubt not that mnch will be lef t to the oaergy, tho management and the econcmy of our poople, and less to Federal legislation, for the future govemment of our country. ■BBI WATTKKHON, ON ASSUMINO THE TEMl'OBAEY. CHAIRMANSBJl'. Gf.NTI.IÍMKN 01' TUE C'OXVKNTIOX : We are called togethcr to determine by onr wisdom whether au honesi governmtut, administercd by honent mon, sball bo restored to the American people, or to decido by our folly tbat it in the des:iny of this country to pursuo an endlea, e.ver-rovolving cirelo of part an passiou. until with the loss of our national wcll-being wo loso tho poor man's laat, best hope - civil liberty itself. Every citizen of the republio, bo ho of this party or the other, feels, and bas feit for many a dáy, the depressin;; influence of what aro called "hard times." Wo look about us and we seo neglected liclds and vacant houees. The factory i closet! ; tho furnaco door is simt. Thcro aro myriads of idle hands. Tho happy activity of proaporous iife is nowhere tobe found. LoyaUsts fatten while honcst men sturve. 1 jiijity luiirt, shipleBS tho bay. What is it " Wlmt haa wrought ho gre&t a chango iu a land that undor the rulo of an iutellifcent. Progressive, constitutional party advauced within half a eontury from tbc condition of a hnddlo of petty and squalid provincial sovereigutios to a foremost placo among tho natiors of the earth ? The reason of men must auswer ; partisan misrule and eeotioual miadirection. Tbeltepublicans, myfroods, are not alone rcsponsiblo. With them rests tho disgraces, with us tho follies. Tlie twin agents of national mischance, working under the miserable rule of contrarios, have kopt the people of the North and South asunder, and have supplicd Hustenance to corruption. They havo disturbod values, they have nnsettled prices, they havo iii:ule our whole tinancial system a cheat and a anare. Thy bave driven tho beHt elementa of political society into I exile, and have organized chailaianism injto a soit of public polity, enabïing tho roguo to get a cheap advautage of his dupe, and aacrificmg every popular interest to tho bchest of that oligarchy which has becemo so incrusted witb power as to beliove itself entitled to rulo by the sheer forco of lts own wiong-doing. So much let U3 set down to the convenient irctext of war ; so much to the long account of doings betweon tho North and South. It is for you to say whether the samo conflict, with the conaequences multiplied and magnifled, iihall by uiy of you be inaviguratcd between tho Eait and West. I shall nDt uudertake, on an occaaiou of tnis kind, and in a iresence so impoaing, to enforce tho familiar leason of mutual foibearance. Nobody doubts our capacity to make the battlo araong oursolvofi. Entreating you to direct j our energie to the common onemy, I aak indulqence only oïi my own behalf. You havo callod me to a place not merely of diatiucHon, but of dilh'cultj' - to a place which requeren tho best training of a botter man ihan I. In takiug it, I truat to your eonfidenco and good nature, and to a heart incnpablo of an unmanly and onfair act. The work boforo us should 'ciato to ideas rather thau iudividuals. It is ho issue, not the man. that should ongage ua. Wc have come here to innke the peojile's, not our, tight for a free, not lêas thau fnr an ', eat, government; for the reform of tho public orvice and the regeneratiou of the public norals; for adnmiistration rolief from '. strative nlhiliam, embraced in tlio simple creed of home rulo, líeduco the t&xeu aud givo a ving chanco for tho South as well as !io North, for both East and Vest. If anyhing comes of those proeoediugs, it must priug from tho spirit of aapiratiou and 1 nip which warned tho followora of Andrew '■ acknon and Silas Wright, of Henry Clay and )aniel Webster, whoso political descendauts ïeet togethor on commou grouud, at last, to , ■rest the Government of thoir fathcra from ie clutoh of ring and robberi, Federal, Stato ] ml municipal, and who mean to extírpate these 1 herever tliey are fouud, aud whether thoy bo ] ïimblican or Democratie. descended from Williara Jones. Licutonaot Governor of the colony cf New Haven, who, ín tbe hiatorios of Conneoticut, is representod to bav boon tho son of Col. John Jones, one of the rogicide Judgea of Charlea the First, who íh said to liave mariied a water of Olivor Cromwoll and a coiwin of John Hampden. From hia father rov. Tilden inherited a tasto 'oí' politieel inquirios, and in hia compauionship ODJoyed peculiar opportuuitiea for ac]niring an oarly fanriliarity with tho bearlngB of the various queetions which agitated the oimtry in bis youth. Iu W32, in hid 18th year, young Tilden enterod Yalo College, but soon withdrew irom t on account of ill-hoaltli, and in 1831 becamo i ntufient at the ÜuiTorsity of New York, where 10 completad b! college atndien. He atudied aw fú the ofííde oí 3 ndf?e Kdmunds, in New York city, and in the lttW sohool of tho university. In 1837 Mr. Tilden took au active part in ;he newapaper and oratorical discusaion of Prosident Van liuren'a sub-trcamiry project, and from that timo forward continued to be an activo worker m tho Democratie ranka, aud bis abilities as a disputaut were widely rocoguiz-ed íd his nativo State. la 1811, for moro effoctiYe service iu tho Polk carapaign, he founded a newapaper called The -vews, aud remained at thc bead of its editorial dopartment until aftor the Fresidontial olection. His lirst public service bogan in the fall of 184G, when he was elcoted to the State Legislature. Whilo a member of that body he waa elected to the convention for tho remodoling of the constitution of tho 8tato, whicli waa to commeuce its aessions a few weeka aftor tlio Legislatura adjournod. Soon after this tho young politician, disguated at tho dofoat of Silaa Wright for Governor, determined to abandon public affairs, íju part at least, and work for Tilden until hi fortunes could be fvrly cetablished pecnmarily from tho practico of his profesaron. This courso he resolved upon deliberatoly, it seems, from a consideration of the desirablenees of a competence as a foundation for a aucoesaful political carcer. He remained in retiremont. fletivoly working out his chosen career, until 1BG1). During thia period he was conuocted with many oelebrated legal conflictB, chiof amoijg whioh were the contented-clection case of Comptroller Flagg in 1855, the Burdell muvder and will case in 1857, and aeveial important coal cases. But the achievemeut which first made Mr. Tilden a roally national repntstion was hia auccoasful grapple with the villainouH Tweed ring of New York. The incomparable plundering machinery of thia ring had its origin in tho city charter of 1857, wbich establishcd a Board of Supervisors to conaiat of twelve persons, only six of whom should be voted for by oach elector. The result wa a board compoeed of equal numbers of Demócrata and llepublicans. In 1858, the Legiülature extended the term of oftice of tho Buporvisors to six years aud leftits organization in auch a conditiou that, to chango a majority of its membora it waa neceasary to have the control of thc primary meetingt of both the great uatioual and State partios for fonr yèars iu succesaion - a condition which eyery politician will see waspractically imposaible. Thc tremendous feuma of money controlled by this douhlc-ender board rondercd au intimato agreoment between ita oppositc political olemonts at once neceasary and easy. The "ring" quickly demonstrated its absoluto power, purchased by tho dispcosation of an immense patronage, ovortjoth the citj ai.d tho State. Tho Legislatura feil completely lindar the control of thia confederacy, and laws wero promptly pasaed wheuever requiitd to Htrcngthen thehandfi of the most audacioun band of public robbera that ever flonrishert in anv land or age. A ting within the ring was created by a law passed in 1869, which gave aomothing like despotic and irretponsible power to Tweed and four other hcidB of departmenta of the city Government. Tlie inaide ring disbursed milliona of mouey on fraudulent vouchers, of the aum of which Tweed appropriated to himself 24 per cent.; Woodward, a aubaltern, 7 ; Sweeney 10, and Watson 7. Thiity-three per cent. went to the partiea who f urniahed tho bill, and 20 went to other partios a8 h sort of hush money and general corniption finid. The known aggregate of these frauda in 1870 and 1871 wae about sixteen and a half millions. Mr. Tilden had been in autagonixm with the tlneves for aeveral years. Having becomo the Chairman of tho llcinocratic State Committee, and thus practically executivo offleer and leader of the party in the State, hl hostility to the acoundrela asaumed so pronounced a phaac 'that they determineil to depoae him, but after a strenui)U8 fight ho triumphed. Io the mo:mwl.ilo an employé of one of the department, familiar with the actual nature of the mon■troua frauds whioh were perpetrat&d before hia eyes, sold certaln documontary proofs of them to one of the city newgpapera. Th publi-iation of theee euspectcil, Dut IKH üeiuro piuvull, WULltüW Sliuuuu nul only New York, but the whole countrj'. Hr. Tilden, with as much courage as Hhrewdness, at once proclaimed his own and hi paity'.i hostility to the ring, and itB monstrous misdocds, and summonod the force of public and party opiniou to aid in tbe qverthrow of the gang. In the then-pending clection tbe issue of tbo cxistence of tho nug was fairly presentcd, and Tilden' triumph was complete. Having seciirod a reform delegation from tbe city to both branches of tbo State Legislaturc, Mr. Tilden next devoted himBClf for eover weeks to an exhaustivo frrvestigation of tbo atroeities of ring rule. Ho snceeeded in accumulating a futid of informatici! which enabled bim to completely crush the conspiracy, and to drive most of the conspiiators into exile, as tho only escape from the penitentiary. In duo time Mr. Tilden gecured the impeachment of the thieyes, tbo institution and prosecuüon of criminal and civil suite against someof tbem, the coiihík'iment of Tweed to Blackwell's Island, and lbo imtitu tion of a reform government in tbe city. Ho bad givcu bis tinio exclmively to thia wort, to tho neglect of important privato aud perBonal interest?, for nearly a year and a half, aud in 1873 be determined lo seek a eeason of rest from bis exciting labora in a trip to Europo. Ou bis return, he aceepted tho nomination for (lovcrnor, as tho representativo of tbo o!oments of the Democratie party which ho b;id led so siiecesefully in bis war on tbo ring, aii'I, after a epiritod contost, lie was elected. In lus first message be toot occasion to dcfiuo bis ponition in relation to tho financia! policy whicb tihould bavo rulcd during tho war, as follows : ' Governrnents, in times of public danger, i cannot be expected always to adliere to tho im8 of cconomical scieuco ; tbe few who wonld l'inniv trust to tbo wisest policy will be often overborne by tlie advocates of popular expedienta dictated by goneral alarm. If the Federal Govornmont bad paid out treasury notos, not made a-legal teuder, in lts own transactions whenevsr it was conveuient, and redeemed them by the proooeds of loatis and taxes on tlieir presentatiou at a central point of commerce, and meanwbile bad bonowed at tbe market rates for its bonds, secured by ampio sniking funds, founded on taxation, aud bad upplemented such loans by all neeessary taxe, the sacrifico would not have boen half that rejuired by tbe falso system adopted; pornaps tbe cosí of the war would not have been half what it bocame." Soon after his inauguration as Governor Mr. Tilden commoncoi a war upon the canal rinfr. a hor lo of tüieves scarcoly loss r&pacioua than the monster that bad boon dostroyed in New York oity. He sueceeded in breaking up the brigand buuil and arresting tlio progross of its plundering schemons. Tlio meaaure of buccc hs acbieved in tbis direction by his adrniniatration l'i labled bim to díctate the policy and candidatos of bis party last fall, aud to eocurc a full indorsemeut boforo tbe people. Mr. Tilden ia now in the G3d year of bis age. He is flve feot ten inches iu height, and lie bas what physiologists cali the puroly nervons temperament, with its usual accompanimeut of spare figure, bluo oyes and fair complexión. His hair, originally cheatuut, is now ])artially silvcrod witli age. His boad is largo, well proportioncd, and hymmetrical.


Old News
Michigan Argus