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The Oregon Notice

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On the 23d of April, ihe commiitee of conforenco on the subject matter between the tvvo houses on tho Oregon question unnnimoiisly reponed back the resolulions substautially ns adupled by the Señale. The Senute was full excepting four inemhers tliree Detnocrals and one VVhig - and the report was adupled, ayes 42, nays 10. The nays were Allen, Aichison,Breose, Hrigh;, Casi?, Dickinson, Fairñeld, Jenness, Semple, Weslcott - 10 - all deniocrats. In the House of Rcprcsenlatives, C. J. Ingersoll road the resolution for notice, as recoinmended by the committee, and il wasagreed to, yeas 142 nays 36. The nays ure as follows - all demoera ts :Nays - Anderson, VV. G. Brown, Calhcart, CHIPMAN, Cobb, Cummins! Cunninglmm, DeMott, Douglass, Forren, J'Vies, Gordon, Jlarmanson, Ilcnlcy, Uoge, Houston, IIUNT, J. II. Johnson, A. Johnson, Kennedy, King, Leib, McCLKLLAND, McClernnnd.Morris, No?ris, Purish, Perrill, Pelüt, Rathburn, Reid, Rolfe, Sawyer, Scammon, L. II. Siins, T. Smith, R. Smith, Slarkwenthcr, St. John, Tlwrman, Tibbaüb-, Wentworth, VVheaton, Wiek - 46. This is considered n great defeat to Senator Cass and bis war party, and we are glad to find the American people so litlle inclined to support thcir bclligerent courso. Tliirly years ngo the result would have beon difll-rent. Gen.Uass is a fuartcr of a century bchind the times, and bis course on tlu's (juestion, wliilo it may nercase Jiis populnrilv in t!io Wesl, will lose him frieuds through the country generally. Tho Buflalo Pilot says of the rcsult : ''AUhougli it s lofl diöcrelionary with the President tn give or vvithholu the Notico, yct from lus heretofore expressed views and opiniona upon the subject, lliere eau be do doubt as lo the course he will pursue. It seems now to bo conct-ficil ilmt negotiations will be reopened, and the bouivJary establishod on ihe 19th parallel. Shouíd ibis be done, it will créate iriuch dissatisfaction in tho Wexl, and will have been hrought aboul by the hesitating and seeniingly timorous action ot the Senate in avowing and maintaining our rigbts."ftTlití Board of Supervisors of Üurrv cotinty stunds, Democratie f, W'hig 5, Liberty, I.