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T)INSEY & SEABOLÏ'S BAKERY, GUOCERY -ANDPLOUK & FKED STORK. We keep oonstantly on rianil, BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WUOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shull ttlnu keep a supply o( DELHI IT'L.OTJÏfc, J. M. SWIFT & CO3 BEST WHITE WHEAT FLÜUR, KYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FEED, &o., .V'1. At wholesiile and rtitail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will br eold on as rea■on ble t'TiiiH au at any ut liT house in tl i i h city. ( 'u-ili jtiini for I'.utlir, Egga, and Country Proiaue ifijntTJiMy. WÜT Uuods delivcrcd to nny part of the city with out extra churg. itisi:v t si: iior i1. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 187fi. 1564 Estáte of Robert Hammond. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw. ds. At a sesión of the Probuto Court for the county of Wïwhtenaw, nolden at the Probate utliee in the city of Ann Arbor, on T uemliiy, tho twenty sevtjiitli diiy of June, in the yuar one thouKttncl eight hmnJred and aeventy-mx. Pruticnt, Noali W. Cheever, Judgo of Probate. In the mattvr of the estáte oí Robert Hammond, deceiiHed, Henry A. Hammond, executor of ihe laat will and testament of ttaid doceased, com(B into court and rtfpruücntH tliat hu i.s ntw preparud to render his tina) account as such executor. Thereuiwn it ia ordered, that "Wednesday, the twenty wxth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be asined for examining uud allowing Hitch account, and tltat the deviueeu, levaleeK and luirs ut law ot saiddectased, and all other persons intttriHted in said estáte, are requirud to appear at a aemñou of mud court, Ihen to be holden ut the Probate otlicu, iu the city uf Ana Al bor, in nid county, and ahow causa, if au y there bu, why tin; muil aCOOHIlt should not be allownd: And it is fnrther ordured that aaid executor give notice to the persons intereated iu ui.i eatate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causinf? a copy of this order to be publiatied iu the Michigan Arijas, a newspaper printed and circulating in uaid county thrt'e auccesive weeka previuus to said day o( hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHBEVEU, Ii84w3 ïudifeof Probate. SherifTs Salo. BY VTRTUE of one writ of execution ÍHsncd out of and underthe anal of th Superior ('ourt of Detroit, to me directed and delivered, I did on the ÜOth lay ot May, A. D. 1870, lovy upon all the right, title and intereHt of (Jlara UuackonbiiHh (formerly ('lara Sulherland) In and to th'e lollowing dOBcriWd real estáte Rituated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, Htate of Michigan, towit : The north tweuty-one and a half feet in width offlut number ilvd,blo;k numln-r on southuf llunm street, in range fnur eat, in oaid city of Ann Arbor with the hereditameuls theruto belonging, and alao the use of the ulluy along the eat end of lots number flve aaid blnck ; alao lot ten and eleven in block two north, range six oaKt,all in the city of Anu Ai bor, Waahtenaw Couuty, Stilte of Michignn. Which above desenbed property I shall offer for aio to the higheet bidder, at the Bouth door of the Court House, in Ann Arbor city on the'9th day of July, A. ü. 1876, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaid day. Duted. June 15th, lS7i. 1587 M. FIjEHINO, aheriff. AIoobe Sc M iioitK, AttorneyB, Detroit Mioh. Scwing Machines THE SX2TGER, NEW 3DOMESTIC, And tb.e HOWE, n,l several roihI Seeonl-I[aml Mnrhinrs at the BEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Alo Needlcs for all Machines TIn vrry best th at are nimio, and attachmonts and t.uls tor Dearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired beller Iherc than anywherc el86 in America. If yonr machine don't work wcll, tnde it for ono thfttdoefl, 01 have il repaiml. All mafhi ju-i soKl on easy payinriits jit the offloOi Si 0114I loor eaat of Post Off ice, Aun Arbor, TI i li. (1506) i i,. i.itnMi.r, Au.nt. 'YVEMENtSECÜD GLASS TopS HM kK ■ r ÊC i '■Mk COHANSEY GLASS M FC CO. I MFfTSWINDQW G1ASS.B0TTLES SC. I PHHADtLPHIA c.ccpn; ;g THE BEST IS ALWAYS ÏHt CHEAPEST ! GEÏ THE Charter Oak Lawn Mower AT G. J. PEASE'8 Ittook the first prize at Michigan Stat1 Pair in OOmpeUÜOD witli BxCOlsfor and IMultulelphia, Holbrook'8 and Veto. StíED DRILLS & GARDKN CÜLTIVATORS, very cheap at Peaie' Wiro liaski'tjs, Archen, Plant Stands, Tr'llis, Waste Paper it Sponge Baskets, at l'ease's. Or I wil inak to onter any style or pattern desired. A few FIEST-CLASS STOVES AT COST or less. The Lever and also Peerlea CIoIIkm Wring er, at's. That Granite Iron Ware 3a perfee succes at l'EASE'S. The best "WTft-TER, FILTEES Very Cliean, at. PKASK'S. (ialvanizel Iron Tohe Sets, vt-iy aujHÜble, at lVaso's. House liinilsliint,' (iootls, TIn Ware II aniñare, mil 40 reavitns for iis'uifir Weed's ('nrpet Swoppvr, at KJS. Main St. G. J. PEASE. National Centennial RouteTAKB THE Baltiiiore&öliöRi. TUK ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA. WASniNCxTON CITY ! By this line pasaengeia are lumlrd at tho CenteDniti) Uroundn, or at Broada nd IMpe Sti.-.-ts, in vicinity of the leading hotels in IMiiladelphiu, au tüey nifty pre f er. Holders of Through Tickets CAN STOP OFF AT THE ïïational Capital ! And visit tho Government Building and the irumy objocta of intt;rent ia nd ubout Washington City. Truvelers (leiring A SPEEDY, PLEASANT & COMFOKTABLE TRIP Shotild remembor that the Baltinaorc S Hailroad Is eclehrated fr ita elegant í'oacheB, Sjilendíd Hotels, (rrund and Beautiful Mounfain ;ind Valley .S-fiic] , und the muuy points of H&tOtlo int. rest Aloug ita line. IjCaFarc will ulway bc a I,ow vlh " by uiiy otlier rinc PULLMAN PA LACE CAB8 RUN THIIOIIOH WITHOUT CHANGE lïetween the principal WESTERN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Throufíh Ticket, Hagprage Checka, Moveiniiit of truiuu, Slt tjiinir Car AceommodntionK, &e., &c, upply at Ticket Otii-OB at all principal puinta, NOKT1I, SOUTH. KASTOR WKST. K. B. DO11SEY, 1,. M. OLE, Ass't üen'l Ticket Ag't. Uen'l Ticket Ag't T11O.S. 1'. HAKHÏV THOS. B. HUAKP, West'n Vuasenger Agent. Maeter uf TrHï.sp'n Auarded (he Uighest Ulcdal at Vienna. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. '!)1 Krondwny, ■ Vork. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel,) nnnufaelurers, Importrrs & Dealers In CHROMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Aliiumb, GuAPHoecorES, and Süitable Views. IMintographic Materiüls. We are Hoadquarters for everything in the waj of STEKEOPTICOXS & UliOIC LAVTEOS, Being maunfaetnrers of the MICRO-SO! KNTIFIC LANTERN, BTEBEO l'ANOI'TICON, UNIVF.RS1TY STEltF.OPTICOIf , ADTBRTISKB'8 .STEREOPTICON; ARTOl'TICON, SCHOOL L.ANTEKN, FAMII,Y LANTEKN PEUl'LE'S LANTEKN. Eivoli style being thobeat of its clussin the market. o CatiilopiínB of T-ianterna and SlidñB with direetiuns for ufling m'nt on applicati.m, Any enterprining niau cali make money with a MaKic Lantern. 1571 KS"Cut out tina advi rtiaement for refirence._ POR SALE. I ulier #ir aale eome 3.r acien of land, ituat#d on section 19, Ann Arbor Town, and on the wet sideof theCornwell toftd, tai about onc half mile from the norlhweat corner oí the curporotion. 8ee couoty atlan. paK 56. Prieo low and ternis eby. hixiiniuH and cali aoonAnn Arbor, ti un II, 187C. U,87 TRACV W. ROOT, Agent. pEORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firin of Clark Cropsky, and A. Kkaknky, late of Texas, uuder the tirm name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have estaMished tliiMiisi'lvcs at No. 33 Soulli Jlain M., Aun Vrlior, and propose to do general Grocery Business Thoy will also keep CROOKERY, GLASS aud WOODKN WAKE, aud a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREKJN FE0IT8. Thcy have ikted and furuished A First-class Eating Department, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, or board by the week. Casb paJd lor Hutier, Eg, and all tDiinlry produce, (ouds promptly dclivered iu any part oí the city. Reuiember the place. 33 sou t li "M ui ii Street. KEAKNEY & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 187C. 1580 Visitors to the Centennial, BVLTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, TAKE 2TOTXCE ! Tlmt tne Cleveland Stcamen' NORTHWEST, E N. RICE, Ij-uw M.C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, diiily at 9 ockck p. m., except Suudays. This line has nrranged a syfltem of tickets via Cleveland wliereby over 300 riiuti-H ui be mude to l'lliludol pliiit nd Neiv Vork, ;iimt and returning by ny routo deoired. Nu othor hu-1 aan oilVr suca a va riety of rouUjii. Ticket for stile at principal Railroad Ofiicea, on ourd nteamer and ut Compauy's olfice, foot of Shi'lby t., Detroit. löKS . CARTER, Airent. THE HILL FARX FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, ii townnhip two south of range aix east, comprinng tho ettat half of the northcast quurter of uecion nineteen ; and tliat part üf the west half of he weat half of the northweat qunrter of aection wenty. lying uorth of the turnpike ; in all 00 42-100 acre witb ïouse, Barn, an CTnfailing Spring of Water, And about üfty acre well lmproved ; rlrst clans and and uituation bcautiful. Two-thirils oí the mrchaue money nmy reznuin od the lund three to ,ve years. Kor trms apply to OEO.E.IIAND. Or U. J. BEAKES, etrolt. Ann Arbor. 1.".: Itf öi)A(ly at home. Agenta wanted. Outflt 1 and term free. TRUB & CO.. Augusta, Me FIi1SuíoFIlSRINTIÍÍS dDe ïl the PRICES REDUCED. New Excelsior Lawn Mower. Largest Sale of any Lawn Mowcr In the World. It hftB been adoptad, and he aeen in practical operutiun, at Oentrui I';uk, and all other City Parks, New York ; Government örounda and City Parka, Washington; Boston Common, Boston ; Prospect Park, Bruoklvn ; and on almosi every prominent I'ark throughout the United dtates and C'&nada. At the trial held in New York City, on the 2Ufa of June, 1H74, the New Excri.siob was awarded tbe Y int Promium, a Hilver Modal, by the Araeri ean InBtitu;e, in oompetitiun withitll the different luwn iiHiwcrs made in thiH country. Prioesfrom SM to VOO. 1580 EVERY MACHINE "WAIIRANTED. ( II mroKN & 0OLDWELL K'FQ CO. B-iTSrn.l í.ir Circular. Newburffh, IV, V. THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. thejrnnd oi.l MUSTANG LINIMENT Which Irna stood the lest of forty yoare. There is no Sore it will not heal, no Lamenesa it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that the Human Body, or the Body ol a Ilorae or other domentic aniraal, that does not yield to itn magi? touch. A bottloco8tinK25c., 50c, or $1.00, haa oíten Baved thu life of a human hcinií. and reatored to life aud iisoi'ulnt-sb many a valuaule horse. RAILROADS. MIClll'Í.VN CENTRAL RAJLROAdT MAY 28, 1876. OPIMO W18T. MATion. s , L á !■ 5 ? ? ? I ]i I A. Sá. A. M l-.M. 1'. 11. P. M. P. H. Dntiuit.leuve, ! 7 00 lo Oó 2 60 4 00 B 00' 9 60 j. T. Juuction, I 7 15 10 20 3 06 4 16 G 15 10 OS Vayne Junetion 7 7 10 49 :; ::■ 4 5 (i 47 10 4 'pailanti, I 8 ai 11 10 8 51 5 L8 7 12 11 14 uiAit.T, 8 58 11 16 4 13 6 45 7 45 1 1 SO Joxter, 9 20 4 35 6 06 8 lo' Uhelsea, 9 S 4 47 8 23 8 '8 Urnas Lake, 10 07 6 16 6 49 8 56 i'. M A. M. ackson, Al., Id 40 12 32 6 45 7 15 9 25 1." 42 Jaokson.Lv., 10 45 Vi 37 9 30 12 45 Albion, U 35 1 14 g 10 26 1 21 v. m. -j Marshall, 1: 3 1 :,l 8 10 58 1 45 Battle Ureek, I i 21) ♦ t 11 37 2 10 A. M. Galeüburg, 1 31 a. H. 12 10 Kvlamazuu, 1 52 3 03 4 00 12 30! 2 65 I.awton, 2 35 4 41 1 05 Decatur, 2 r2 6 00 1 25 Dowagiac, 3 10 5 26 1 65 Nile, i 46 4 23 G 10 2 30' 4 30 Buchanan, 3 68 6 26 2 46 1'hreeOaks 4 28 4 ;,.-, 7 04 3 23 5 10 New iiull.tlo, 4 43 6 OS 7 21 i 3 40 Michigan City, 5 10 6 :;i 7 50 4 06 5 50 L.ake, S4S 6 141 8 35 4 5á 6 31 KMisington, 6 4"r 7 is ü 35: 5 42 7 18 Chicago, arrive, I 7 30 8 0O 10 ÜO G 30 8 00 OOINO EA8T. M a ö 'K % ■a ïiï i-:3 fl fl_ _f_LLÉ 1?J1 A. M. A. VI. 1 . M. P.U. p, M. Chicago, leave, 6 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 00 Kcnsinglon, 5 45; 9 41 4 44 5 67 9 43 l.ake, 6 40! 10 20; 5 30 G 43 10 26 Michigan City, 7 3211 00, 6 30 7 41) 11 15 New Buffalo, ) Mili o 6 65 11 35 Three Oake, 8 09 11 32, 7 09 8 11 11 47 P. V.' A m. Buchanan, 8 4 , 7 80 12 20 Niles, 9 0'1 12 09' 8 101 8 55 12 35 Duwagiac, t) 27 i 8 40 1 1 1 01 Dfcatur, ! 9 52 9 15 1 25 Lawton, 10 10 9 55 KHlamazoo, 10 45 1 3G 10 10 10 26 i 15 Ualesburg, 11 12 ü 38 littttle Creuk, 11 52 -2 17 . 11 09 3 16 ' P. . i -g M Maisl.aU, 12 45 2 5.1 s W 11 35 3 47 Albion, 1 14 3 10 ? 11 56; 4 07 I A.M. A. M. Jackson, Ar., J ('8 3 65 a.m. ÍS 40 4 5S 9 35 Jackaon, I.V., 2 1" 4 1 0 7 )0 tí 40 4 55 ürass Lake, 2 45 7 30 ü 23 9 54 Cíhelaen, I 3 10 7 56 6 50 10 U üexter, 3 ti 1 8 13 6 08 10 25 Aun Arbor, 3 62 5 15 8 3G 2 00. 8 28 10 46 Ypsilanti. ! 4 15. 5 28. 8 66 2 20 6 48 11 00 Wayne Jnnc, i 4 45 ó 46 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 18 U.T. Juuc, 6 30 C 10 10i 3 lf 7 43 Detroit, Ar., I 6 45= 6 SfiilO 15: 3 30i 00 12 IH) 'aunaavH exceptea. :Nuiuriay ana Munaay excpted. tDaüy. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentwohth, Cíen. l';i--. Agi., Chicago. ÜETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA UAH.KOAD OOINti WEDT. - IKK!-QOIVQ EA8T. stations. Mai.. Eip. stations. Kxp. Mail, A. M. P. M. „ Detroit, dep... 7:110 0:00 ; ' YpxiUuti ... 8:35 7:15 ■ Bankera G:00 1:M .v.lim:. .. i):2() 7:45 liilladiile .. 0:30 2:45 Hridgewater.. 9:15 7:57 Mnnchcalcr.. 9:16 4:18 Aluiiiilu.-stiT. 10: 8 8:00 Hri.liii-wiiU-r 9:45 4:S8 F.M. riuline 10:10 4:55 Ilillwlale 1:15 10:i 0 Ypilnti... . 'lu:55 5:;0 Bunkers. .. 1:30 lu:10 i Detroit 12:30 6:25 Traius run by Chicago time. To take eflcct , April Ui, 187. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypailanti. Ceiteiial Exlition l'IIILADELPAIA, PA. 'piUSfïreat International Exhlbttlon, designed lo ctmmu-morate the Unu 11 umin tltii AnniviTsary of American Indepondence, oiwnod May lOtb and wUletote Norembez luth, 1&7G. All the Nations of the World aud all the States and Territorial of the Uniou will particípate, bringing togetber the most comprehensiva OOUOCUOD of art treasures, mechanica! inventions, sclentific discoveries, manufacturing áchiereiueiiu, niñera] specimens, aud agricultural producís ever xhibited. The grouuds devotod to the Kxhibitiou are situated on the line of the Pennsylvania Uuilroad, and embrace four huudred and fifty aeres of Fairmouut Ptrk. all highly improvi-d and oruamented, uu which are erected the largest buildings ever constructed, - five of these covering au area of tifty acres, and casting $0,000,000. The total Dlimber of buildings erected for the purpooea of the Exhibítion is over one huudred. The Pcnnsylvania Eailroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL EOUTE OF THE U. S. will be the most direct, conveniont and económica) way of re&cblng Pliiladelphia, aiid tliis jrcat Ex bibition front all sectloitt of the country. U tiaiiiá to mid froiu l'hiladt'lpliia will pass throuL u HÜAND CKNTENWIAL DKPUT, whïch ilic Ooiupany have erected at the Main Kiitranue to Ibe Kx In liii on (jrounds, for the ftCOOnúnodfttloD uf passenger who wUh to stop at o r start frotn tht uuiuerous large hotels coutiguous to thi station and the Exhibition,- a couvenii-neeof the greatest value to visitont, aud altbrded exclusively by the PennsyWania Kailroad, wbich i THK ONLV LINE RUNNING DIRECT TO TUE UENTENNIAL Bl'ILDINUS. Excursiou traína #lllalaofitop at the Kncampment of the Patrous of llusbaudry, at Kim Stutiun, un this ruad. -S#"The Pennsylvania Kailroad is the grandest railway organizatiou in the world. It contruls seven thousand railes of roadway, forniing coutiuuoiis line to rhihuli-lpliia, New York, Ëaltlmore, aud Washingtou, over which luxurious day aud niulit cara are run f rom Chicago, St. Louis, Iahíísville, Cinciuuati, ludianapoli, ('otumbus, Toledo, Cktvüland, and Ërto, without chauge.&fr lts iiiiiiii line is laid with doublé aud third tracks of lieavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of broken atóne ballast, and its bridas are all of íron or stoue. lts passenger trains are cquipped with ov.ry knowu iiuprovement for comfort aud safety, and are run atfaster speed for groater distauces thaii the trains of any liue on tho continent. The Conipany has largely increatw-d its equipment forCenleuuial truvel, aud it will oe preparad lo build, Ín íts owu shops, locomotives and passenger cars at tihort uoticc, sumcient to accominodate auy extra deinaud. The unequaled resources at the coiuuiand of the Company guarantee the most perfect accommodatious lor all it patruus duriug the Cnteuuial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT BCENEEY for wliich the Ponnsylvania Katlroad issojustly celebrated, presents to tlie traveler over its perfect Koadway an ever-thangiiig iianoraina of river, mouutain, and landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATINGSTATIONÖ on this line are unBarpaused. Meals will be farsished at suitable hours and ainple time allowed for enjoying them. EXOUKSION TIt 'KETS, at reduued ratea, will be sold at all principal Kailroad Ticket Offloei iu the West, Northwest uud Suitthwest. 43rBe Mire tluit your tickets read via the Great [Vunylvania liouW to the Ceuteunial. . FRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Manager. Gen'l Pau'r Ag't. Tbe Two Boss iPlows. THE OLIVER CHILLED AND a a. le. Tíiese Plows ar; to-d:iy the two Boss Plows of the country Tlicy takc no hack BOftt for ftnythlng cal led a Plow. Tlu-y don't goa begsing for cu tomen they get inco the hanes of larmers wiihjut b'iïig forced put on slx r elgbt montha tlmft When they go thvy stay, and thut is a sufficient recoiumend for any Plow. I simply ask any farmer, whether he want.s to buy a cultivator or not, to step in and examine the GORHAM &. BUCKEYE SULKY GUIiTIVATORS I md Jlldge for lunisclf, as It will cost him ïothing, and I wilt wait on him with pleaaure, ?hey are arranKet.1 for both cor and falfow ; can JT6 the tei'ih any angle you choose. to turn the arth toor froiu the corn plant. Cali and see tbem or yourselves and you will be better satistied than ron w ill with anything I can Baj on paper, I have arioii kinds of one-horst cultivator, salt, WatttT ime, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, ain still agttnt for several difTerent kinds of threshng machines, among them is the old reliable Bufalu Pitts, with man y uew iiuprovcmeuts on seprator, wiïh lm and twelve horso niounttl power. Uso, the Baltle Crcek Vibrator, with mounted tower. 1579iii3 M. EOCEES. V i:i.I.l t, HOI MS IOH SAIl,. A largo and very well built bnek house, with wo ui more lote. Two largo f rmned housus. AIho good sized brii-k house nd f mine liou.sf ; and small trame house on u good lot, intendod for ad" ing a front. Por snle on fairterms and a reosonaie credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, aud property. nONKV WANTED-.Su many wiehing i borrow money appl; to me that I ciin readllf jtaiufor ;('ƒ■ goud satüftictory inveatments m per cent. interest. E. W. MOKGAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 1376. UH


Old News
Michigan Argus