Local Affairs

Olney discussed " The Country omblem " before tQe National Associ.jjjltimure on Tuesday. ' m probabilitiea " went back on the ' „Monüay, and hay mg was agaiu in„itliby heavy rains. ""i,,, S. Harria, a gradúate of the Uniijss ol '"U, i' 'o joiu the Detroit Post ou the 18th inst. j g Clark, of the (iraud Rápida Demo' -ut s iJay or two in this city last week. ''ji were out wheu he called. itaiit Professor Alfred Hennequin, of l -rersity, arnved home a few days ago f' ye5rssty aud atudy in Europe. ïu dato Mack & Schmid have bought ' ' u oi wool, and Bach & Abel, 80,000 -rit now Payiu2 ll0m 2J t0 á cents. irtceot meeting of (Jompany A a resojj jdopled thanking those citizens jenerously contributed to the drum I Msunt ïund. " jaraHouse "Joe."' feil down in a fit ■nssing the Court liuuse Square on .Iteración. He eoop racoveied aud pateulioiae in a hack. 'liwii Satton, liviug near Whitlark's Mi 1, siere sun-stroke ou Saturday last, but jav moruiug his medical utteudant, Dr. Issitliiscitj pronounced hiui out of danM !S s'a" on I"iremen's Hall is to jncainged lor one forty feet long, which is ,ípiit up on the tower oí the same building. iche glorious flag will float on a " high(er) llneie." .lm Moses M. Boylan, who has resided in this (tijsars and was well-known to all the lokbitants, but who has been retirad yiuuess for several years because of age iiüimity, died on Tuesday afternoon, fluye. -irery brilliaut meteor waa observed.in alfabout 8 o'clock Saturday evening last, Eig across the southwestern sky hke a i j! lightning, explodiug with a hissing d,!ndleaTing a trail of light visible for E m hour or more. -Because a ïiumber of butchers were conBlud fiued on Saturday last for a viola■ctthe city ordinauce prohibitiug slaughItïithiu the iorbidden huits, a league claedaud all the shopa but one closed at isi'dftk líonday. But Tuesday eveuing a stisl Cíuncí 1 meeting was held, a comproiiki, and tiie markets were open on lSi4. See council proceedings for wjaln -iiwidental omission of the name of R. Frazer, Esq., from the list of speakers at e Democratie ratitication meeting in this ,[ the Register a chance to onliven its ■llfdulUnd heavy columns with a "joak." ItMd almost be tempted to make mis[tB "ja purpose" - just to witness the brilkitillatioD8 of genius which will shoot . -t truiii the huadquarters of the "star a.iiíiún troupe." -.iitwmmittee appointed to investígate I - ■ -r.nnces and discover the cause of the [fcsuc; between the books of the Record... :-.-urer will find an explanation easy. I üi ecorder Jcbarges the several fuuds withlinEndrawn ; the Trt-asurercredits himself iirgesthe several fuuds with the orders pn. Uld orders still reroain on the Ke. k'i bot.lca (unralled for), win le others Lave fcitnred whlch havs not baen preseuted Eii And so the two seta of books do M the same balances. fcattíntionof " Centennial " truvelers is Wtotheadvertisement of the Northern W Raüway m another columu. The "wtas by thia route ure close and the Carter than by any other - being but 27 halm Detroit. The Bcenery along the ïniSn8as any in the Eastern States, WHtourists will flnd attractive " stop over Wmbling tnem to shorten thoir rides ''Mkin their fill of nature by the way,- i'Smpension Bridge, Watkin's Glen, in "liehanna Valley, at Williamsport, and ■"" points ia Pennsylvania. Excursión naybe obtained of G. W. Sharpless 'k pot, with aleeping car berths, etc.