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were directed to ascertaiu expeuse of orection of a music stand in the Court House Square, and to obtain permission for suih erection, and if by them deemed expedient to cause the same to be constructed. Freeman's Cornet Band having offerad to give weekly concerts hereat it auch stand was erected. On motion, Aid. Gardner was appoiuted a ommittee to cause the placmg of a forty-foot lag stalf upon the top oi the bell tower of the riiemen's Hall. Aid. Besimer offered the following resoluionwhich was adopto J : Resolved, That Mayor Kinne, Recorder fintner, and Aid. Cate, be and are hereby apomted a cominittee to examine into the tinauial condition of the city, and to asoertain wherein exista the discrepancy between the City Eecorder's and the City Treasurer's books, uil tho cause of such discrepaucy ; to settle svith the late City Recorder lor the terms durng which he held that office; also with the City larshal, and also to examiue relatire to fine moneys received and the amount paid over to 3ity Treasurer by the Justices of the Peace of his city during the past year ; and that such committee be authorized to procure the assistance of a competent accountant tor that purjose at a reasonable compensation. Aid. Doty presented a preamble and resolu;iou in favor of a rigid enforcement of the ordinance relative to saloons, victualiug houses, etc. By general consent the matter was laid over till next meeting. Adjourned. SPECIAL MliETIXCi. The Council was convened in special session on Tuesday eveniug, Aid. King and Rogers not being present. The Mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider proposiions made by several butchers of the city relative to slaughter-houses. The Mayer then read the following propositions : To the Honorable, the üommon Council of the city of Ann Arbor : Your petitiouers would respectfully repreent that they are engaged in the butcher busness in the city of Anu Arbor, and are very lesirous of obeying the ordinance relative to laughter honses, liut that it is impossible to eniove all the tools and implemeuts of the business, and erect suitable buildings for laughtering, and at the same time attend to .heir shops, without being allowed a few days imo for that purpose within the city. Your etttioners would therefore request that two reeks be allowed them for the purpose of mildmg and removing their toois and ïmplements as above meutioned, and if such pernission is granted and they are allowed to mtcher unmotested during that time, your peioners hereby promise to remove their slaughering and do it coutiuuously, and entirely, ïeroafter, outside ot the city limits. Signed by Henry Matthews, Wesley Canfield and H. T. Matthews. The above proposition was unanimously accepted. We, the undersigned, butchers of the city of Ann Arbor, do hereby make the following jropositiou to the Mayor, Recorder, and Aliermen of the city of Anu Arbor. Whebea.8, We, the undersigned, have been arrested under au ordinance of said city, "An Ordiuauce relative to slaughter-houses," and desiring to avoid a multiplicity of suits, do lereby propose to said city to erect a temporary slaughter-house in some place not prohibited by said ordinance on or before the 8th day of August next, and do our slaughtering after .hat time in said temporary slaughter-house until the question of the vaiidity of said ordinance may be settled. But, nevertheless, these proposals are to be adhered to only in case the city aforesaid shall discontinue the suits now pending against said butchers in Justice Court, and shall not commence any new suits undtsr said ordinaucs, against the undersigned, until after the said Stli day of August, provided said proposal shall not iuterfere with any prosecutions against said parties for nuisances in fact. Dated, July 11, 1876. Signed by (i. F. Uwinuer, Michael Weinmaun, Xaver Zachmann, Heury Matthews, Jacob U. Binder, John G. Gall, Jacob Laubongayer. The above proposition was accepted with but one dissenting vote, that of Aid. Page. Resolutions of Company A. - Wbeeeas Co. A, during its recent viBit to Adrián, was welcomed aud entertamed by the citizens of Adrián, and especially by Company B, in a marnier which has endeared them to us and for which we deern no words adequate to oxnress our appreciation, yet we desire to partially express our thanks for the courtesies extended ; therefore Resolved, That we extend to Co. B, and to the citizens of Adrián, a most hearty vote of thanks, and ever hold them in gratefu remembrance, aud wheuever the opportuuity is offered will return the compliment. Resolved, That to Mr. Bradley, of the Hibbard House of Jackson, and Co. (i of tho same place, we extend our sincere thanks for the courtesies received at their hsnds while " on the march." W. F. Reed, ) C. J. Kintneb, Com. A. L. Woeden, ) Ann Arbor, July 12, 1876. A meeting of the Hayes and Wlieeler Clul will be held this evening.- Register. Ëvening carne. No bol! rung, no band out no light in Court House, no visible sigus of a gathenog ot the masses in other quarters Was it a dark lantern affair ? or did the black ing man's free street concert prove too poten an opposition ? We pause for a reply.