Probate Court
The tollowing oraers nave Deen maas in ene Fronate Court ainoe our last report : Estáte of Edward Beeve, deceased ; notice to ereditors published ; claims to be heard on Sept. 26 and Dec. 26, by Foster Litchftuld and Wm. Johnson, commissioners. Estáte of Emanuel O. Schaffer, deceased ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 3 and Jan. 5, by Fred. Schniid and E. K. Frueauff, commissioners. Estáte oí George Keebler, deceased ; notice ;o creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 2 and Jan. 2, by Jaa. Boyd and Fred. Sorg, commissioners. Estáte of Nathan H. Wheeler, deceased ; no;ice to creditors published; claims to be heard Jet. 6 and Jim. 6, by Uhas. H. Manly and H. W. Hyatt, commissioners. Estáte of Nelson B. Cole, deceased ; notice ;o creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 6 and Jan. 6, by H. D. Bennett and W. Thomas, commissioners. Estáte of C. Loyal Tuttle, deceased ; notice ■o creditors published; claims to be heard Oct. 5 and Jan. 5, by S. B. Beed and Joseph Stockdale, cümmissiouerj. Estáte ot Charles B. Skiff, minor ; petition for to sell real estáte ; day of hearing Aug. 1. Estáte ot John Wurster, deceased ; order for ïearitig final account of udiumistratrix ; day ot ïearing July 24. Estáte ot Michael O'Hara, Sen., deceased ; order for hearing final account of executor-s ; lay of hearing J uly 27. Estáte of A lexander Stewart, deceased ; order tor hearing final account of executors ; lay of hearing July 28. Estáte of Hobert Hammond, deceased ; order or hearing fiual account of executors ; day of ïearing July 26. Estáte of Bozelle Valentino, deceased ; order for hearing ünal account of adminiatrator ; day of hearing Aug. 2. Estáte of Ehza Boyle, deceaaed; petition for .ppointment of administrator ; day of hearing 'uly 31. Estáte of Charles Walker, minor ; order for ïearing account ot guardián ; day of hearing July 27. Estáte of John J. Downer, deceased ; petiion for appointment ot administrator ; day of ïearing July 31. Estáte of Nathan Follett, deceased ; order or hearing final account of executors ; day of iaring Aug. 2. Estáte of Deborah Jackson, deceased ; peti;ion for license to aell real estáte ; day of hearng Sept. 2. Est. of David W. Porter, deceased ; Emanuel Manu appointed administrator with will annexed ; license granted to sell real estáte, to be oíd Aug. 26. Estáte of Emanuel G. Schaffer, deceased; Christian Mack appointed adiniuietrator. Estáte of Emily Amsden Olmsted, deceased ; hunel Hiscock appointed administrator. Estáte of Fatrick Shannon, deceased; final account of administrator heard and allowed; lecree of assigument entered. Estáte of Gottlieb Kalmbach, deceased ; final account of executors heard and allowed ; deree of asaignmeut entered. Estáte of Oliver M. Smith, deceased ; final account of executor heard and allowed ; doeree of assignment entered. Estáte of Edward Beeve, deceased; Edward . Boyden appoiuted administrator. Estáte of George Keebler, deceased; Zina '. King appointed admioistrator. Estáte of Nathan H. Wheeler, deceased; 'eter Cook appointed adminiatrator with will amioxod. Estáte of Patrick Boyle, deceased ; John 3oyle appointed administrator.
Probate Court
Old News
Michigan Argus
Edward Reeve
Foster Litchfield
William Johnson
Emanuel G. Schaffer
George Keebler
Nathan H. Wheeler
Nelsn B. Cole
C. Loyal Tuttle
Charles B. Skiff
John Wurster
Michael O'Hara
Alexander Stewart
Robert Hammond
Rozelle Valentine
Eliza Boyle
Chalres Walker
John J. Downer
Deborah Jackson
David W. Porter
Patrick Shannon
Gottlieb Kalmbach
Oliver M. Smith
Patrick Boyle