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Probate Court

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The tollowing oraers nave Deen maas in ene Fronate Court ainoe our last report : Estáte of Edward Beeve, deceased ; notice to ereditors published ; claims to be heard on Sept. 26 and Dec. 26, by Foster Litchftuld and Wm. Johnson, commissioners. Estáte of Emanuel O. Schaffer, deceased ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 3 and Jan. 5, by Fred. Schniid and E. K. Frueauff, commissioners. Estáte oí George Keebler, deceased ; notice ;o creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 2 and Jan. 2, by Jaa. Boyd and Fred. Sorg, commissioners. Estáte of Nathan H. Wheeler, deceased ; no;ice to creditors published; claims to be heard Jet. 6 and Jim. 6, by Uhas. H. Manly and H. W. Hyatt, commissioners. Estáte of Nelson B. Cole, deceased ; notice ;o creditors published ; claims to be heard Oct. 6 and Jan. 6, by H. D. Bennett and W. Thomas, commissioners. Estáte of C. Loyal Tuttle, deceased ; notice ■o creditors published; claims to be heard Oct. 5 and Jan. 5, by S. B. Beed and Joseph Stockdale, cümmissiouerj. Estáte ot Charles B. Skiff, minor ; petition for to sell real estáte ; day of hearing Aug. 1. Estáte ot John Wurster, deceased ; order for ïearitig final account of udiumistratrix ; day ot ïearing July 24. Estáte ot Michael O'Hara, Sen., deceased ; order for hearing final account of executor-s ; lay of hearing J uly 27. Estáte of A lexander Stewart, deceased ; order tor hearing final account of executors ; lay of hearing July 28. Estáte of Hobert Hammond, deceased ; order or hearing fiual account of executors ; day of ïearing July 26. Estáte of Bozelle Valentino, deceased ; order for hearing ünal account of adminiatrator ; day of hearing Aug. 2. Estáte of Ehza Boyle, deceaaed; petition for .ppointment of administrator ; day of hearing 'uly 31. Estáte of Charles Walker, minor ; order for ïearing account ot guardián ; day of hearing July 27. Estáte of John J. Downer, deceased ; petiion for appointment ot administrator ; day of ïearing July 31. Estáte of Nathan Follett, deceased ; order or hearing final account of executors ; day of iaring Aug. 2. Estáte of Deborah Jackson, deceased ; peti;ion for license to aell real estáte ; day of hearng Sept. 2. Est. of David W. Porter, deceased ; Emanuel Manu appointed administrator with will annexed ; license granted to sell real estáte, to be oíd Aug. 26. Estáte of Emanuel G. Schaffer, deceased; Christian Mack appointed adiniuietrator. Estáte of Emily Amsden Olmsted, deceased ; hunel Hiscock appointed administrator. Estáte of Fatrick Shannon, deceased; final account of administrator heard and allowed; lecree of assigument entered. Estáte of Gottlieb Kalmbach, deceased ; final account of executors heard and allowed ; deree of asaignmeut entered. Estáte of Oliver M. Smith, deceased ; final account of executor heard and allowed ; doeree of assignment entered. Estáte of Edward Beeve, deceased; Edward . Boyden appoiuted administrator. Estáte of George Keebler, deceased; Zina '. King appointed admioistrator. Estáte of Nathan H. Wheeler, deceased; 'eter Cook appointed adminiatrator with will amioxod. Estáte of Patrick Boyle, deceased ; John 3oyle appointed administrator.