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Tuk Uentcnmal watch-mght denionatration at Philadelphia on the evening of the 3ti inst. aro describsd as bnlliant and grand beyond all comparison. A proceeaion eontaiiiing thirly thonsand people, bearing torchc, devicea and transparencies, paraded tho streets up to niidnight, and wheu the stroko of 12 o'clock was hi-iird, the advent oí tho one-huudredth nimiveraary of tho nation's birth was greetod by a vast multitudo witb choers and rejoiciug. Tho excrcises on the Fourth wero carried out according to tho programóle, and aro described as maguilicent. The strcot pagoanf' was one of tho grandoat Over witneaaed. Tho Declaration of Independence was read frora tho original mttfasúrfct hv a grandfion of Riohard Hetiry Lete, bne óf Ure efencïs of tho docuir int, Bayard Tuyior recitod from memoi-y the poeta which ho had prepared for tho occasion, and Hon. WUliani M. Evarts delivered au eloquent oration Whilo Dr. Bucher, proprietor of a dnig-atoro in Philadelphia, waa preparing colored firos for a pyrotechnic display on the 4th, tlioro ma a terrible explosión wliioh shattercd the buildiug, and tliofl Bet it on lire. impletoly dentroying it. Tho'Dootor was instantly killed, a wero alao his brothcr. John" II. Buchor, and Bornard Kauseiii;iii and William Youiig. J. C. Bucher, father of tho Doctor, was badly burued Thu coal miuing and transportaron companies haviug recontly suspended operations in the Peuusylvauia mining región, for the alloged reason that tho supply oL ooal greatly exceeds tho demand, thousand of minéis' aro idlo, anti tho consoqueuce is tarbuloncc and crime. Great lawiessnoes is reported in Carbon. Schujlkill. Leliigh and othcr oounües. liiots aro oí daily and nightly occurrence, and a number of urarders aro reportod. A dispatch from Augusta, Mo., says: "Mr. Blalne has now been home eight days. So far, there ha been no apecial chango in his case. Tho nervous prostration ia süll a rnarkod characteristic. He is not able to leave his room, and in almost eutirely eontincd to his bed. His physieian thinks it will 'be many weeks boforo he will resume active work. An' European trip is strougly recommeudod as soon as his streng th is suflicient." Castlk Garden, tho famous old wooden structure whoreat millions of immigrant landiug in New York havo ürst set foot on tho shores of America, haa beeii dostroyud by firc. The potato-bug, which has heen bnsily at work in Néw Yörk and Pennsylvaitia duiing the oarly part of tho season, is now literally destroying the potato erop in Connectiout and in sonio other parts of New England. THE WKST. A trapeze performer named Collier mot bis öeath in a tragic marnier at Chicago, a few day niñeo. Ho had concluded an engagement at tho Coliaeunij and while ougagod in taking down bis ropos and trapeze apparatua foll from the roof of the building to the floor. The nnfortuuate man struck on his head, and, his brums being dashed out, deatn ensued almoat iiiKtaiitanoously. He loft a wife and two childrn. The city of Burlington, Iowa, waa visited by a torrific tornatlo on the night of Joly i. Thirtynino buildings were riddled to pieces, aiid scarcoly a houae in the city eecaptd iujui-y Ihree persons were killed and a largo number of others more or les injured. Cnop reporta from 238 points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Keutucky and Tenuessee are published iu the Ciueinnati Gazc.'te. From these reporta it appeara that the season thus far has beon very propitious for growine most kinds of gram, but just as the harvest approaches tbere is tbreatoned disaster from continued rau, from all p;,ints except Tennes3oe and Southern Kentucky. Fears of the deutructiou of a portion of the crops from tliis cau-o are entertamed. As tho crops now stand, wheat promises a yiold of two-thirds ; oats loss thau an average erop ; corn, an uniifltially larce erop ; hay m abundauco, bnt rank and weecfv and wlient auffering considerably from tho ravages of tto weevil. Tbk feeliug of excitement and indignatiou over tho maaaaere of flon. Clister and bia comrades ia intense throughout tho West, particularly in the Territorios, and thousanda of men aro. cager to organizo foi tho iMininlimentof the retl deviJs. Tliore ia a general feeling that the Indiana ought to be wiped out The movement to organice a forco of volunteors to take part iiTthe Indiau campaign bas f9iU?ní clt:I.iDite :luaP0 '" Utah. A regiment of 1,200 frontieremen, anned to the teoth witii woapons which tliey know liow to use. woll niounted and equipped, will be temlcred to the becretary of War, and, if acceptod, tho retiiment will be recruited without delay iind put iu roadmess to march the hoHt.ilo Sioux. ....Jacob Betam, tho arch-conapirator of tho Chicago whisky ring, has been Kenlencod tosix months ïmprisonraent in jaü and ordered to paya fino of .10,000. His puniahment was light in conaequence of lus haviug turued States evidenci'. AaoTHBB daring raüway robbery took place in Western Missouri on tho night of July 8. The express train which left Kansas City on the Missouri Paciflc railway al 4:45 o'clock on Mie evening named was boarded bv hiehwavmen near Otterville Station. The banditsseizêd the United Scatos ExpreHs raosseuger and with pistola poiiited at his head, compellod h'im to open the aafo. The-y robbed the afo of all tho "'i'ï'n-m valnahles it contained, some rl5,U(ü, and aftor dumping their pluudor into a sacie, which one of thn rnliher. Mr. lift., quietiy left without interfering with auy of tho passengere. As thev were leaving the leader eaid to the passengere■ If yonseé any of AUon riiikerton's men, teil Uiem they had better come and find us " Inore wero eight of the bandits. aud thev aro bcheveJ to bo a part of the notorioua Younprer gang Parties were organized, and at last accounts were m hot ■pmtnit of the bandits lüe romfcrenments ordered to ioin Crook and i TWT9 L'n L-iVe éach of iheHe commandera at least 2,000 effecüvo fighting men-a force that atioiüd suffice, undor judicioua handling to ive a good aecouut of auy banda of Indiana tüey may encounter. The propeller Kt. Clair, from Duluth to Outonagon, was burned on Lake Superior, off Fonrteon-Milo point, on tho lOth jast. The firo eaught in the hold, and in lees than fivo minuten the boat was enveloped in flanies from w1,'i ■ ntll(1„ OwiS to '"e rapiditv la hI1 ?? öamea 8prea1 bllt one boat 9 launched Life-preservers were bronght on deck, and all suoceeded in putting ono on when a rush was mado for the yawl, which waa Bwampedsix or seven time. Thé water was bn7 nCn ' h" "' llOt l0nS before $& ws ?srt if lesheaboKonfh1 to be the only urvivor of that terrible slaughrfj; ,W"? 1U tbe ñ'ht but eoaped to the dreS . r0W Paint' cl'a""ed ï" f J?" !,a!1.Pt on a Bioux blankot, and o. arged witU tue Sioux. eucapiug.towever, hen ÏZZ ,, - rf'öPed Custer, who killed his iml ?n,'„ iTf lr remaiu8 for breastworka, fü 2,?6I"dy' the In(iiaus charging the 5Prnw rme auü loBing heavih" .ing card, was the last ono standing that "ere'ÏÏl Sí?16 Cnf)tor aud cmmand m .Wltbl" anhou-. Custer's coinfrT th )CCn ñllishl. Uielndiansgathn 5r n' aboutReno, leaving tho olvif","""0 th0 torture any TheremaiiiBboarmanv upouöm, Tll torülre Practiced Ti e lw? Tre í an ""meutionable nature. ,of,m 1.KI,i!rl-v "" hsá beeu crmhcd with were Jev } '" tllC!r W heacb, had hftrn7VfrOm th0 Thoeutra.18 had been tóltoá, and trom m,„v the limbs Tuf? 'UIIf Otljer üo!i we' partially blónL,',a-í!Ti'!e "ot foilnd' 't clothing beloDKiug to them wao fonnd and réoognizéï .... Advices from thegras ahoppcr región of JLinnesoW aro to tho eTcct Uiathe iroubLonu, peets have taken wuigs aud ato living awav in a uorthwtern direction. Tl.e farmers "ro repreeeuted as hanpy over the unexpocted turn of affaire, and calcúlate upon at least an average yield of grnin . . .Kioux City, Iowa is rea üot for war. Tho city tendera the Government, for tho ludían aerviee, 1,000 men, ith horsea and brialos, and a tranaportatioi'i train, to bo ready to move witiiiu teu day ufter acceptaiico. rouncAx. Tue Lomsiaua Kopublicana held their Stato Convciition at New Orloaus last week. 8. B. 1'aoknrd was nomiuatod for Governór, and C. c;. Antome (oolorod), proaent incumbent, for Ijicutenaiit (lovernor. (luv., of Jliiiue, bas appointed ïlr. ISUino, to auccoed Mr. Morrill iu the Uuited tates Seuato from that Stato. WASHINGTON. Tiie DutcU steauior Lieutenant General Kroesen rocently foundered in the straits of Sunda, in thoEaet Indica. Two huudred and tliirty lives were lost. . . .Our Centenmal Fotirth of July waa coleliratcd by 30,000 people in J)ublin, Iroland; it waa alo appropriatelv obuerveci by tho Americana in Berlín, Germany: Geneva, Ssvitzerland, and othcr F.nropean centers Tho KhciHvo of Egypt mili fiirnish the Porte 12,000 soldiers. No LEBs tliau four mvirdore woro perpetratod. n Washington on Itidependoneo Day, all roaulüng froru too miicli bad whisky. Ex-Skcretabï Biustow was boforo tho subcomniittee of tho Houao on tho Cth inst., and, after a few preliminary queationa, was askod what attitude tho President and Attornoy Goneral asBunied at tho oulset of tho whisky prosecutions. Oen. Bristow anmverod that, without alüriniug ordeuying amthing a to tho relations whicli tho committeo Kought to lnqnire about, ho hold tliat all consultations botween the President and bis Cabinot offloerB Bhoold be treated as matturw of high privilege, and, on that ground, he ronpectfully but cmphatioaily, 1 to ansnor. Wahiiinoton advices say that it ia probablo Ckngross will adjourn about tho 20th of July. A Washington dispatch of the 8th says : "Gou. Bhcrman arrivod horo laht ovcuing, and, in compnny with nevera] prominent army onjeers, had a consultation wit) tho l'ronidont. It ia decidod that tiiere is but oue eourse to pnraue, and that is to mako a moro activo warfare agaiust the rehellious Sioux until they aro sovereíy punishod and made to live upon their reservation." The recent hot weather in Washington has a'.armed niembers of Congres, and thoro is exprossed among them a general desire to get away from tho capital au soon as possiblo. GKNEKAL. A feature of the Contonnial July celobration in Philadelphia was the assemblage in tho historie room of Indepondeuce Hall of 130 anthorH, there gathered to hand in their sketches of the lites of thesignerg of tho Declaratisn and otber lievolutionary patriot. Among the anthors wore Robert C. Winthrop, Charles Franeis Adams, Gen. John A. Dix, Thomas Wontworth Higginson and John Esteu Cooko. The diamond necklace and earriugs sent by the Khedive of Egypt to Mra. Minme Sherman Pitch havo been taken from the vaults of the United States sub-Treasury in New York, and sent to tho acting Secretary of tlie Treasury at Washington, who will deliver them to Gen. Shorman in accordajace with the resolution of Congross. Twelvf. companies of troops have been ordered west, to reinforcement Gen. Terry. Tm: purser of the steamship Tybee, from San Domingo, bas forwarded to tho Secretary of State, from tho American Consulate at that tiort, the details of an insult to the American flag. It secma that tho Trbee. wheii on the wny from New York to San Domingo, took on board, as a passenger at Cape Haytien, Gen. Pablo Yillanuera, iho ox-Minister of War and Marino under President Gonzalos, of San Domingo. Whon tko Tybee was lyiug at the latter port she was boarded by armed soldiers, who, despite tho remoustrancos of the American Consul and the Captain of the vessel, seized Villnimova and carricd him ashoro Western Cougressmon are inrging on the War Department the acceptanceof State volunteeiti f or the ludían war as tho most effectivo and eeonomical plan for the epecdy subjugatiou of the hoatile tribes. FOKEIGN. AcTiTK hostilities have begun betweon Servia aud Turkey, and the fear is general that tho coctest will assumo continental proportions. Ou the 2d inst. tho Seryians oroeeed tho Turkish frontier at threo points, and simultaneously the Priuce of Montenegro led bis army into Herzegovina. Sen-ia is a eemi-iudepèndont priucipality, placed by tlie treaty of Paria under the protection of tho contracting powors, but tributary to Turkey. lts ruler i Princo Milán, bom in 1855. lts area is 12,600 square miles, or a little grater than the State of Maryland, and it is separated from tho lower Adriatic by Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The population in 18G1 waa 1,098,281 A battle was fought befcween the Turks and Sorvians on the 3d of ,7uly, in whicli tho latter wore defeated with the loss of nesrly 3,000 in killed, wounded and captured. Tho 'f urkieh loss was 450 killed and SOOVounded Austria is rapidlv placing her army on a war footing. The vouerablo ex-President Santa Anna died in the City of Mexico on tho 2itii of Juno. A cable dispatch annouuces tho death of Cuaslmer Perier, tho distingnishcd Frcnch statesman The English cotton trade is soriously depressed. A Servían victory of considerable importance is aunounced in the cabio dispatches. After ton honrs of desporate fighting at Kachka, the Turks fled, aud the place feil iuto the hands of tlio Scrviana Tho American in Constantinople enthusiastically houored tho Fourth. Horace Maynard, American Minister, presided, read the Declaration of Independenco, and made a speech. The war upon which the Servían s ore in such baste to enter, has been rather disastrous to them thus far, if the accounts of recent ougagemeuts aro to be believed. Dispatchea from Belgrado admit a loss of 700 in tho iight on the line of tlie Drin, and other accounts assert that the Turks were also victorions in a battle at Novi Bazar, where tho Servían loa was 1. 500 in killed and wounded. A coiAiiíitY explosión noar Saint Arold, Germany, rocently, killed forty-two and wounded forty-eeven minera. niï für ten daye the act rccmtly passed to provida i unporarily for tho expendí turvs uf ,tbj ] unit was jiiismnl ; alBn n bill i saiur time an n-t üiiilioriinjï Ihr ' ' L'riittir ii continue the Dttblio prmí iují .... I ,■ m movetl to take ap the Ilotine bilí to equállze tho xiuntios of sol dit r who ser ved in tUe late war fot . he i iüüu. host; y ras, 20; naye, 26. Immm 8 i ti Uee that bo woold move to nkc lp 1 1 1 ■ ■ bill Cvery morXJng, and would cali fot th yetfl aml iiayn on tbo motion.... ' sIhtimilh introduccd a biUproviding for tlio i )!( ■iioii of Washinitok JiVÖniiïiièu.t. . . üAcsfago r was TCf t F.ilwanl yf. rafrfi(Bffoïtilfitufc}r, ;tml,otf lutiialw f KoOrdery, Gxe Senato, u a mark of rcsnètt, adjjurued tintü H o'clock on Momlay. # IIiisi - Tbo Uouse was engagcd tbc greater part Of me dny ir debfttlllg U)r bill roportcd by tbc Oommittee on Indian Aiïairs, declaring the country nortii of tbr Norfh Platte rlver and cast of tbe eruoluitof tbe Bi{i Hom momitnin. in Wyoiuiiig Tirritory, opon to exploration and HLttiemcat....KilOtt aniHUinccd the BilddOD and unfixpcetoil dnath of bi -. Y. ParsoiiH, and ofíVroú rsolu'i tb appoiotmcnt ut' a contraittuf to snporuttfïid tbo funeral and to attcïid ihi rt-ttiains to Louisville. '!::■■ resoiutinna wito acToptvfl, iind Blackburn, llopkins, llartnol!, Walker, Fort, Lawrenn and Clark we re appointed BUOh ommitteo. MONDAT, July 10. - Svnafe. - Wright, frooi Éh6 i'mnmitteo on Judïciary, reported n liill to extenA tbe duratiou of lbo convt cmnmisfiionors of fiabama claims until Nov. 1 iext!T. . Alter tbc i transaction of somo onimporta&t bntlneu the Impeabhment trial was rosnxnod. Tbe wltneaaeB xamraed were Mr. lU-id, the editor of tbe Now York Trmunêj Mr. Marh, tho oriiijal post-trader of l'ir( Sdl, (tn wIhwh ti-sliin m . fuiumittee ene ImpeacExaent f Belxnap was oseeá, ana Gen. Hazeu, who was instrumental iu tho eoppiM oi h( i'ort Sill raecality. Xheir tesumony was vcry daniaging to Belkuap. IIoit#c.1 bc House paased a bill contimiiiig for ten dayri the act difrayhi temporarijy Itio ordinary and meeseary eítpeáttiínreíor'Híe Goverrimínt-f. Bunuiufí offered a rcBolution oalliog on the Secretary of War for Information in regard to the object of tbo military expedition under Gons. Terry, Crook and Gibbon agaiuwt tbc Northwestern ludians. Adoptad.... Tbe Speaker pro tem. laid bcfore tbe House a telegrapbic dippattb f rom tbe Governor of Maine Btating that U n l'-laino, haviug accepted the vacant SenatorBhm froin that State, bad resigned bis scat w a niember frem this day Bills were introducid and referrod, as follows: By ScaleB, appointtmr 3 oomuiíbbíou to visit ibe Indian Territory, and répört tho coudition nnd iniin;i:;i iin-nt of Üv. lmlians; by Garfield, appnipriatiuf? $10,000 for preparing and publishing a brief history Of Burveyu and Boienttflc expêdiüons made dazdug Qae & atni; JustdtoBea; by titéele, of . WyominK, aittborizing tlio President to eulist recruita lor tho army, to servo no moro tban six montbs, to aid in BQPprowtnd ihe hoBtility ofcertainbandöOf SiouxJhidiaus. . . Singleton, from tho conference cominittee on tinDiplomatie and Consular Appropriatiou bill, repoited that the committee had not yet been able to agree. f Alter au niuiati-d Uobato a new coní was :tppoiutfd.. . .Hplnan moved to. fliispand tbü rules and adopt a rcaolution instrin-iiiii,' Ui'1 Committee on Banking and Currency to report for 0OBsidcration and ameudment a bill to repeal eo much of the Itesuniption act as provides for the resumption of United States notOB with eoin. Nigatived - yeoB, 105 ; naya, 06 ; not two-thirds in the afnriuat.ivc.


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