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Forty-fourth Congress

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Monday, July 3.- Seríale- The Seiiate Hpent thc day Ín tho resolution to pay P. 15. S. Pinchbacl; the exponeos of his Senatorial contest. The resolution was rnado the txt of gome speeches of a politica] nature, Bayard and Morton taking the lead for llii'ir respective sides in the debate. Adjourned to Wodncsday. Housc.- Thí Speaker callcd ou tho States fo bilis, and half a dozen of a prívate natmo were introduced and referred. Several fllibustcring nioüons were mado to consume tlio morninf! liour and prevent the introductiou of Ne&lje lill for the repeal of the Kesumption act. . .Oliverniovedto suspend tho rules and adopt the rrsolution aiipointimj a select committeo to inquire info tho diepoxition made of 1,21X1.000 acres of land grauted foi the iniproveim-nt of tho Dea Momea rapids. On niotion of Holman the Committ. , on Public Lands was substituted for the select '■"jiiinittce, and tho motion, as moditied, was adopted Hoinian fltated that Uie conference commiltce on tho Postónico Appropriation bilí had afreed, and the bill was being printcd. Wednesday, July 5.- Senate.- Sherman introduced a joint reaolution reciting that " We, the Senatc and House of Representativos in Congress assembled, in tho name of tho people of tho United States, in tuis, the bezinning of the second centnry of our national existence, direct and assiiiuo the completion of tho Washington monument, in t!i'city of Washington, and do direct the cointnittees of both bonses to institute the necesaary provisionB of law to carry this resolution iuto effect." It was adopted by a unauimons vote Tho bil! tn encourofte and promote telegraphic comrunnication between Asia and America wae passed The conference report on the Postofftcc Appropriation bill was agrecd to The Senate devoted the entire aiternoon to the confcideration of the resolntion giyiDg pj and aAéOa to p. B. S. Pinchback, amountinK to some $2U,0C. Attempte wero made to amend 1 iv addim; other uiiBUccessIulclaimantsof seat, bilt only the claim of Mr. Rykop, of Alalmina, was acceptod, and tlifn tho resohition was iiasscdby a vote of 27 ayes to 11 fiays. Hmuie.- Seelye offercd n resolution, calling on thc Secretary of tho Interior for information rcgarding what portion of the Indian trnsl funds bas been invested in aecurlties othcr than stocks of tho United States since 1841. Adopteci Tho Tlouse agreed to thc conference report on the Postónico Appropriation bill. Thuksday, July C- Senate. - A. resohition was ndopted provlding for the appointment of a commilteo of three Senators to visit tho Eaoifio coaBt and investifate the charactrr, extrnt and effect of Chinese immigration to thjs countiy. . The Senatc rcjnnied considerutlon of the artioics of impoaohmeut againtt W. W. liclknap, lato Secretary of War. lyude made tho opening argument on the part of tho managers. Some half-dozen wituesses wero exaniined, principally with reference to tho inoneys passing botween Marsh and McDoweffi. Hcufie. - -The Houeo passed tho Geneva Award bill - lfandall reported that thc conference committee on thc Lcgifilativc, ISxecutive and JuOicial bilis had been unable to agree. Aftor a long partisan dátate, pafttoi]tatdd in chiefly by Oarfleld and Cox, tho conference report was agreed to, and a ncw committoc of conference appolnted, consisting of Kandall, Morrison, and Kasson CoBfennoe oommittwa to ordered on (!if Silver bill and on tlie Sundry Civil A])propria(iim bill '! !" s.i;ate j!i:ni r.nolutiou for the completion of the WashinRion monument wa taken from the Speaker's tablo and pMBfid unauiniously. FitiDAY, July 7.- Senatc- Windom introduced a bil! extending and contimiing for a periocl Df ten days tho a;t recently pasHcd to próvido temporarily for tho expemliturcs of the Government. .... A bill was passed pvovidiug for tho sale of the I'ort Ki-anicy military reservation in Nebraska IbeM was au acrimonious partiean debate in thc Senato on the general subject of appropriation bilis. Morrill, Igau and Morton bitterly aunailcd the courae of the House in adherina to its rcduclious, which they claimed wonld rip)jle tho Oovernment, and amounted virtually to nullincation and reyolnü"ii. Thurmauand Bogy replied wlthgreatwaróith, and defended tho action of thu Uouse in rediR-luy expenses, arguing that the Scr.ate had nq rj'ht to assail the motives of the lowcr Iiouho. That body, thoy olalmed, had actod in obedlence to thc i of the peoplc. New cunlerrnce conilnittoes wure then appolnted upon the General and Sundvy Civil Appropriation bilis.... A bill was paspod to remove tlio poiitioal dlmbiQUea of. T. Idauro?nrd, of Lonisiana I'addock Introduced a bill authorizing the President to accept tho services of folunteers from the TeiTitorins, to be smployed agidiut tho lndians, litaSOag Ibe nnnibi-r to Sve regimont and the term of enlistment to tbXQO nmntliK. . . Tbfi inijn achment - ï:i wan ri'Himit-il. BelknapV counnol (-hauged :hrir tactirs, and üharply crosK-i-xaitiiiiciI thc witnesses, but no new facta were elicited. Thc manigér appeared especially anxlous to provo thc receipi of tho money by Belkuap, and tliey bhceeded. Houxe. - llillswere passed cstablishiug tlio rank of ?aymastcr Cfoneral in the army, repealing the law nuhorizing the appointment of civil ougmeir in hc navy, and compolling the Paöiflb nOTUKB to sel ipart out of theír earnings a sum to apply in Uie ayment of their debt to thc (uvurmnent. Batübday, JuJy 8.- tenate.- A bül


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