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Land Grants

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' Wc rrafnrm our " Reform' is nccesíary sition to f urther grauts of to pxit a top lo the proflithe publio ifiDrts til gato of public huxls, rationa monopolies, nd their diversión from and demantl that the actual scttlers by tlie -tional domatn be devotcd party in power, whichhaa to fren homo forthe pquandered 200,(100,000 pk-." - Cinciniwli acre-B uion railroads form. alono, aud out of more than twice that aggregato ha disposed of lews tlian a ixth to tillor of tho soil." - St. Louis PlaVftrnn. SCHKltlTr.F. OF T.ANI 0IÏAXT8 TO COBPOBATIONR AND MON0Ptn,IK8 SINCE THE BEl'l' 1ILICAN l'AKTT HAS JÏKKN IN POVI)i;. Xuviber State. Ycar. Corporation. of acre. Wisconsin.. .1866.- Breakwator and ship canal 200,000 Michigan . ...18G5.- Portago Lakc ship canal 200,000 Michigan 1800.- Portage Lako ship canal 200,000 Michigan.... 1KGC- La Belle ship canal.. 100,000 Alabaina 1H71.- s. Alabama railroad. 676,000 Alábanla ....18fiO. - Alabama and Chattannoa raïicoad 897,920 Louisiana.. . . 1871.- Kew Orlc.ans, Baton Rouío and Vicksburg railroad. 1,600,001) Arkansas..,.186O.- Cairo and Fulton 966,722 ArkansaK lf''i.- M mphis aud Liitle Bock :)C,.'i39 ArkaiisaB....18Gr.- Iiittle Koek and Fort Kmith 8,771 ArkanLas....l866. - Irou Mouutain railroad „ 3fil,0(X) MÍ98onrt...lHC6.í-CirpandX?nltonn. B. 182,718 MiMourl ...186G.- St. J.ouis and Xrun Mountaiu 1,400,000 Iowa Ift66. - Burlington and Missouri Rivcr 101,110 Iown 18S1.- Chicago aud K. I. B. lï 116,270 Iowa 1864. - Cedar liapids and Missouri Biver 342,406 lowaj.-. 1864.- McGreKOt aud Missouri Uivcr .1,538,000 Iowa..u 18C4.- Sioux City and St. Paul 250,000 Iwa lfiG4.- Sioux City and' Pacinc 580,000 Michigan. . .1866. - Jackson, Lancine and Michigan (rtgrant) 1,052,469 Micbigan . . . 18G5. - Flint ad Pcrc MarHhmU- 686,828 Michigan. . .1864.- Grand itapitls and Indiana 5ai,200 Michigan 1865.- Hay de Noquct and Marquetle 128,000 Michigan. . ..1805. - Marquette aud Ontonagon 243,200 Michigan... .1802.- Chicao and N. W... 375,680 Michigan.. ..1WÍ5.- Chicago aud N. W... 188,800 Wi8con8in... 1864.- West fl'isconsin 675,000 Viscousin...l804. - Si. Croix and Lako Sn]n-rior 3W1,OOIJ VÍMionsin...l864.- Bayficld Ilrancb 215,fOO Wist-oniiiu... 1862.- Chicago and N. W. (regrant) (10,000 w'ÍHL-onsin . ..lHtil. 1'urtjigi' un [ Superior 750,000 MianeBótfc ..M65.- St. Paul and Pacilic. . 600,000 MmncROta ..1805.- St. Paul and Paciüc Branch 725,000 Miuncünta .1886.- Minnesota Central... 2(io,ooii Minnesota . .18(15.- Winona aud St. Petera 6'J0,000 Minnefíota. ..1864. - St. Paul and Sioux City 150,000 Minnesola.'64-J66. - Lake Superior and ttississippi 800,0(0 Minnepota . . .1866. - Minnesota Southern. 735,000 Minnesota. . .1866. - Hastings and l';ikota 350,000 KanBas 1863. - Leaveuworth, Lawronce and Galveston 800,000 Kanüas 1864. - ítehison, Topckaand SanUFe 1,200,000 Kansas 1864.- Union Pacilic, Southerubrauch 600,000 Kansas 1866.- St. Jo. and üenver. . . 1,7( ■atnsas lsnr,.- Fort Scott aud Guir.. I7,ouu Kansas lSíiO. - Southern branch Union Pacinc 1,203,000 California . . . 1866. - Placervillo and Sacramento 200,01)0 California 1866.- Central Pacific, Orcgon branch 1,540,000 California. . ..1867. - Stockton and Copperopolis 320,000 Orogon 1866.- üregon and California 1,660,000 Oregon 1870.- Oregor. Central 1,200,000 )'inr. Oorporcfflonê, 1862-76 Union Pacific, Central Pacific, and Kansas Pacilic railroiuiH '. . 35,000,000 1864-70 Northern Pacific railroad 47,000,000 1866 Atlantic and Pacific. M.lí. 42,000.000 1871 Southern Pacific B. R.. :i,lo,O(HI 18G2-84 Central Paeiflo E,K . . . 245,168 18T1 Texas Paciüc B. B 13,400,000 Wa'jnií jluatlx. Froiii 1802 to 1871, chiefly in Northwest, 4,000,000 Total acres not reperved for freelionies, 175,845,405 Total number of acres bestowed in land grants since 1827 206,000,000 Oranted by Democratie party in 'l ycarn 30,154,695 tji.uilrd by Iiepubiican party iü 15 years 17r,S4ó.-tii5 Democratie grants per aununi 1,000,000 Bepublicau grauts per auuiun 12,003,000 Arras of Sq. miles. S'ite. Sq. inilcA. Eepublican Mair.e 35,000 laúd grarits... 274, 758 New Harupshiro 9,300 Vormont 10,200 MasBacliusettn 7,800 Ithodi! Igiand 1,80 ('onticcticut 4,700 ! NewYork 47,000 ! New Jersey 8.000 lVnnnylvania 46,00 Delaware 2,100 Maryland 11,000 Ohio 40,000 Indiana 33,800 I 2."6,2O0


Old News
Michigan Argus