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Sketch Of Gov. Hendricks

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Thomas Andrews Hendricks, of Indiana who waa yestorday placed in noniiuation as the Democratie candidate for Vice President, i flve yoars younger than Mr. Tilden, havinj, been boru inMuskingumcounty, Ohio, Soptem ber 7, 1819. Wlicn lie was only 3 yeare old hia father removed to Shelby couuty, In diana, and ml State was lúa home ever af ter ward. Mr. Hcndriclt reeoivcd a liberal eauca'■ Haai and gradnated from Hanovor CoJlcgo ii 1841, ufter which ho atudied law in the office o: the .lato Jndge Thomson, o( harnbereburg Pa., and was admitted to the rrankJin connty üar ia 1813, tlie distinguiahed jurist. Joroniiah S. Black, being at the time the preaiding Juetice of the courts of the county. He returuec to Indiana iinmediatoly aftor coming to the bar, aud bogan the practico of hia profession Succosa was uot long in coming to the roung lawyer, and he soon acqulred not only a compotonco but a high placo at the bar. " He ha not been long at the bar, howevcr, when he began hia political career. In 1848 he was chosen a membe-r of the Indiana Legialature, and in 1850 he served in the State Constitutional Couvontiou. During the next five years ho was a ropreeentative ín Oongress, auc in 1855 President Pierce appoiuted hia Oomuiissiouer of the General Lanc Otiico. Ho continned to hold tbis poñition under Mr. Buchanan's administratio until 185'J, wheu ho resigned. In 18G0 ho was the Democratie candidato for Governor of Indiana, but was defeated by Henry 8. Lane. Liuio wim soon af terward choseu United States Sonator, and n 18G3 Hondricks became bis colleague ir. the Senate. At the time tue Democracy was a vory weak minority in that body, but Mr. Ilciidricks succeeded in making a great reputation in tho Sonate both as a stateamim and a lawyer. J lo was active and outspoken in oppoaition to tho Kepublican meaeureu of the time, ainong them the bill overturniug the old State Governmcuta of the South, tho Civil lüglita bill and the Freedman's Bureau bill. In the impeaehnient trial of Andrew Johnson ho played au important part, and added greatly to liis reputation as a l&wyer. In a singlo term in the Seuate Mr. Hendricks acquired a ponition of great promineneo bef ore the country, and ho placed himself ao far forward in his party that sinco 18G8 lie has been generally rogarded as among tho availablo Democratie candidatos for the Prtsidency. But for the Greeley movomont he might have been nominated in 1872, aud this year hia chances for the firat place on the ticket wero destroyed by the inilation f olly of the Weat. After his rotiremont from the Senate in 18G9 Mr. Ilendricks returnod to the practico of his IJrofoasion at Indianapolis, but was not long allowod to remain out of public life. After Greeley'a nomination at Baltimore Hendricks was induced to accept a nominatiou for Governor of Indiana, in order to strengthen the Presidential ticket, and, after a bitter canrass, he waa elected by a small majority, the rest of tho ticket, except the Superintendent of Public luHtrnetion, being lost to the Democracy. The personal populaiity of Gov. Hendricks carried him through, but he had the advantago of having au opponent againat whom tho temperance Hentioieut of his State waa arrayed. Ho has made au accoptable Governor, and had offended only in ono respect - by signing a local option liquor bill, whiili was aubseqnently repealed. Gov. Hendricks is a man of stroug and genej-oua instincts. Socially he ia ouo of the most agreeable meu in public life, aud he carrioa tho urbHiiity for which he ia notod into the court room as woll as the executive chamber. No one meeta him without boing charmed with his society. He possesaes a fiind of wit and anccdote which make him a charming companion. His worda are f elicitously chosen, bissentences alwïUrt weli constructed and hia olocution Huont and oaay. Hia houso is full of books and paiiitings, aud, although uot a acholar in the hlgner senae, he ia ivcll verned in litorature and has been au eapeoially close atudent of Engliali and American oratpry. In busineas affairs he is careful, methodical and prompt - liberal without being extravagant- and he has the roputution of beiug an bonost man. His mime on tho tickot isoxpoctod to add materially to Tilden's süength in the West ; but whether ihia v i 11 provo tho caso can only bo teated in tho November crucible.


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Michigan Argus