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RAILROADS. MTCII(J.N CKM'KU, 15 A I LHO VI. MAY 28, 1SÏ6. aOIMO WEST. LUI ïTfJT. __ i_ f_ f}Y_ i A. M. A M P.M. 1'. M. V. M. p , Detroit, leuve, 7 OU 1 . (Ij 2 i! 1 tí. T. Juuction, ï IS 1 20 3 os 4 16 6 15 l0J Wuyne Junclion 7 il l 40 ;! 32 4 50 B 4; ir..; VpBilunti, a KI il 1" 8 51 6 8 7 lili Anu Arljor, 8 58 11 16 4 18 b 45 7 4S 11 : Uuxter, Si -0 4 85 6 06 8 In " CbeUea, 9 4S 4 47 6 23 8 28 tra8 Lake, 10 07 .'1 15 U 40 8 85 , r. m A , Jiickaon, Ar., 10 40 12 J t 4ó 7 15 9S Jacksou Lv., 111 45 IJ ar 'J :iO]i, Albion, 11 :;■"■ 1 14 d 10 U 1! '■ -3 I ' Marshall, 12 26 1 M v " 10 58 1 . BtttüeC'reek, 1 uO 2 II 11 37 n V. M. (iuleiiburg, 1 31 a. M. t 10 KHiamuzoo, 1 52 :l 03 4 00 12 3u, ,,. I,wton, i 35 4 41 1 05 1 Uecatur, , 2 M ; 5 U0 1 25 LiownKiae, ' 3 16 : S 26 1 ;,:, Niles, 8 45 4 J3 I, 10 2 i) , . buchaimn, :: M 1 6 25 2 45 TheOak : 4 28 4 W 7 04 3 S3 =, New Butfulo, 4 43 J 08 7 21 S 40 _ Micbluti City, ;'i 10 r 3fi ! 50 4 Ofi 1 Lake, 5 4S 0 14 K 4 .V J KensiDt;ton, C 4". 7 1" B '■'■', 5 42 1 ChimiL'u, arrive, 7:; a 00 " -i B 30 . " QOING KAST. La IJ ál] f ? 'f I 'f i A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. p ü i'hicnpo. leave, t 00 9 00 4 00 5 16 9 00 Keoaington, 6 45 9 41 4 45 6 57 9 43 T.ftke, G 40 [0 2U: & 30 0 43 10 25 Michigan City, 7 32 U 00, 6 30 7 41) 11 -, New Buffalo, 7 55 U 20 li 55 11 x, Three Oaks, : 8 11 32 7 09 s 11 11 4; P. M. A M. Buchauan, 8 42 7 50, 18 jo Nile, B 0i' 1 12 09 8 2fll 8 55 12 3i Dowagiac, 'J -' 8 4! ] 1 01 Decatur, ' ÍS 9 15 1 2S Luwton, m Hl 9 8,') Kalamazoo, 10 45 1 .% 10 10 in ■_'; 2 U Oslesbug, 11 12 231 Baltic Creek, U 52 -2 17 . 11 l9 3 15 f. M. -g ti MarshaU, ■ 12 l.'i 2 M J W 11 :t: 3 4; AlbiuD, 1 14 :: Ki ? 11 r,5 4 UT A.M. 1.1 .Tackson, Ar., J C8 3 55'a.m. 12 41) 4 52i; Jnckxun, I.V., 2 li 4 IK) 7 0 12 40 1 U (iras Luke, 1 2 45 7 30 .'1 23 ü Ohelflci, 3 10 7 56 : 5 501 Dext?ï, :: 24 8 13 1 6 08 lc Ann Arbor, 8 62 5 15 8 30 2 1) 6 28 lt Ypailanti. 1 15 5 28 á-'i 2 '2(1 6 48 11 Wayne Jnnc, 4 15 5 45 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 1 (f. T. June, -"'311 ii in 10 01 3 15 7 4J - Detroit, Ar., 15 45 t ■_:. In 15 3 30 8 yundnys excepted. iSaturdaj' and Sundayn cepted. í Daily. H. B. LRDYARD, (Jon'l Supt., Detroit H. C. Wkntwokth, Oen. Pa. Agt., (.'hicugo. DETROIT, HILLSIULE&ÏNdÏ ANA UAILKOAD. GOINO WKST. - 1H76- OOiyO EA, STATIONS. Mai.. Bzp.1 STATIONS. Kip. ÏC A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep.. .7:00 6:00 ' ' Ypfiilanti.... 8:35 7:15 Banker Saline. ... 9:20 7:46 , liillsdale ... ':' . Bridjfewater.. i:15 7:7 Manchester.. 9:11 MuneliertUr. l(l:.8 8:011 Bridgewater 9:45 t P. M. Saline 10:10 ( Hilladale 1:15 10:00 Ypoilanti.... "10:55 k) Bankers. ... 1:30 10:10 Detioit 12:30 (j Traína run by Chicago time. To take ettect , April lti, 187C. W. i'. PARKER, Snp't, Ypsiluti CentoiM Exlili PHILADELPAIA, l'A. T1HT8 Great International Exhibition. dok lo COUim6Dlorat6 the Une iiundicdlh Aïiiii" ■ sary of American [ndependence, operted Maj '. aoawill close November ïoth, 187. All the A tions of the World and all the States umi Ttni; nes of the Uniun wil) particípate, hringiug togflt er the most comprehensiva collectton of art imnres. mechanica! Inven tions, scientific discoTerit manufacturing aohidvi Dienta, mineral speofav and agricultural product ever exbibited. H grouudsdevoti-d t the Exhibición are siUiatcd i the Hui of thr' Pennsylvania Rallroad, and ■ brace Cour hnndred ana flfty aerea of Falrrod Park, uil highly Improved and ornamented, irhich are erected the Largest buildings ev BÉ structed, - five of these covering au area ui df:; acres, and cosliug j5t(KH,0u(i. The tutai nuniW: buildings erected Tor the purposes o Bxlflj liun is over one hundrud. Tbe P(.nnsylvania Kailroac THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND F AST MAIL KOUTE OF THEU.S. will be tlie most direct, convenient and ecoooi i way uf teaching fhUadtilpbia, and thia gml ■ hibitiou trom all sectioiu of the country. I tiuiustoHiid f rum Pbiladelphla ill pasa H. a ÜUAND CLMKNMAL DEPOT; ïfUteh ■ Company have erected at the Main Ehitrancel Kxhibitiuii tiruunds, lor the accoillUi passeugera who vish toatop at or atarl Dumeroua lurge hoiels eontiguous to l and the Exhibition, - a convenience of I valne to visitors, aud aitorxlwl In l'ennsy Inania Kailroad, whicfa is Til : ÓM hINERUNNINti D1BEGTTO THE CKNTEffl AL BUILDINGS, Excursión iraina b ;tt the Encampment of the Patrons t' HustaJ at Klin Station, ou thiroad. i-Thc Pennsylvania Ballroad is the gnwfcl ruil ;iy (Mfganizatloo in the world. i aeven thonaand miles of roadwav, lom. nou linea to Phlïadelphia, J&ew iork, Balti1! aud Washingtou, uver vhfcb luxurioos di] : uight ca rs are run froni Chicago, Ut. Louis, i ville, Cinoiuuati, IndianapoUs, Columbus, !■ Cleveland, and Ene, without change.? lts niain Une is laid with doublé aod tbird '■■■ of heavy sieel rails, upon a deep bed of b wtoui' ballast, and ita bridges are all statie, lts passenger trains ure equipiuM 'i' ■ ry known Improvement for comfort und are run at fastt-r rfjMiixl f" r tírratcr íí-iuim1'.the irains oí' any line ou the. continent. pany has largely inorc-a-si-d its e4alpme tennla) travel, and it will be prepared tu buiJi ' I its own Bhope, Locomotlvea and passeog short notice, aunlclent to accQinmodate any ' deinand. The. anoqualed reeourcea al iheuoinmtfE of the Company guarantee the most perfe '■ modations tot au LU pal nns during th al Exhlbltion. THE MAQNIFICEKT SCENEB1 fo Pennsylvania liailnad is s justiy i-i !■ sents U the travele.r over its perfect K ever-chaagiog panorama of rivcr, ruountaln ■ landscape Tlewfl unequaled In America, THE EATINC-statIons on line i Burpasaed. Ueals will be furnished hours and ampie time allowed for enjoyiog the 1 EXCURSIÓN TICKETtí. al ruduced be sold at all principal Raüroad Ticket OtficesE the West, Northwest and Southwest. j$9ttv sur1 th;it your tickets reed via the W Pennsylvanta ECoute t the entennial. FKANK THOMUON, I). M. BOTD.Jfc, (itntral Manager. Oen"l 'im'? ■'■■■ National Centennial Route TAK E THE Baliimore yiilf THE ONLY DIRECT ROTTTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA.. WASHINGTON OITT! By thits line paasengeis re landl at tbe '■''■ tennittl Uroundx, or at Broud n nd Pinfl s;i '■■ vieinity of the lending hott-la in PhiiadelphUi ' the y muy prefer. Holders of Throuh Tlckwí CAN 8TOP OFF AT XHE National Capital! And fluit the (iovernment Buildings aIdl mny objeefcs of interest in and a bout Washi City. TravelerB deiring A SPEEDY, PLEASAFN COMPORTABLE TRIP Shutild reinembrr that the Baltiinore c& Ofci Hailroad Is celebmtcd for its elegant Coachea, Bpl U-ls, (jrniirt und Bunfiftil Mounlain nd !B Scenury, uiid the many puints of ilii(Urit' intiWp along its liue. TJSFare will nlwaya !■ 1 l.rl" t-'-'J by any otlivr Line. PULLMAN PALACE CABÍ KUN THIKU liil WITHOUT CHANGE Betweeu the principul WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITISS. For Through Tickets, Boggoge Cbecliji Bft intnt ot'trainM. Slu-pintr Car Accommotiiiti"11"1.' ' &c, apply ut Ticket Oittra at all principal Vo'"" NOIÏTH,SOU'I'II. KASTOBW'EST' E. E. DORSKY, L. M. COLB, , Ana't Gen'l Ticket A g't. Uen'1 Ticket THOS. P. BAKHY, THO8. K. !UAK'V Weat'u Passenger Agent. Marter of Ir-'


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