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The New World's Fair

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This intereBtiug country has ontered wfth n largo iegree of nmputhy into the eiithiiiam ajidtho practical idea of the exhibition. Tho exhibits aro not conSnod ia their ownonbip to auy class, but everj cirolo bas sent its contribution. Thora are sonie beautiful embroiderod shawls from ftlac'rid. Rum aro airo iu great variety of atvlo aud finish. N9WI1 ere does tlie fan come uto greater play tlian in tho graceful hands of a Castilian malden. Barcelona seuds paper. Tolodo is to Spain what Liege in to Belgium, liirmingham to Kngland, and Kpringfiold to tlie United States. The bladcsof this old city are famous tho world over. I saw ono that is pnt in a senii-circularcase, andafter being confined foi a long pericd will spring to the full tensión on release. The elasticitv of theHo old Toledo Uadea is wonderfnl. SWISS WA.TCJ1-WOHK. Tho Swifes lesul tUo column in this lirauuh In Nenchatel 20.000 women are n-;:i;;ed at $3.75 a week, who make 1,600,000 watchos yoarly, besides movements fot the Auiorican market. Berthoud says, "To become a good watehruakor, it in ïieeefwary to be an aritliméticiau, geomo! rician, a mechauician and aa artist, to know how finida rewist bodiea in motion, the effect of heat and cold on metaJu. and a happy genius to apply all." It is said there are 102 distinet braoohee of this art. to each of which a boy niay be pnt apprentlcê tho watch-finisher beiug tho only one who can irorl; out of hia department. Walch-making was introduced uto Switzerland in 1760 by Daniel John IJichmd La Lano, It is to this liberal Swíhh that wonian in iiidebted for n recognition ni her valuable sèrnces in thin meobanioaJ art. Ono factory, Aniejicau represented at the Exhibition " employ 700 women, whose eeniingH aro 810 por weolf Tho exhibition of Swis watolica is harneóme and with otbor rioyeltiea in delicate work eubls the Swiss to Aiwtain their reputation or skill aud cnterpiiae. CAI'E Ol' GOOD J] , . Tl Cape of Good Hope is represonted at tho ■hxmbition m seeds, wood, iiamonds in their crude state, which from thoii ni-a wouJd hIüu.í rnucb cutting off fromthehandof tho lapirtnrv and then thoy would be of larga size and of immepee yahie. A large assortment of wines aro on exlnbiton from the Cape, elrina, efe The'collcotion is valnablo and Tery Intereltiñg, and ii additional proof of the interest taken by tbe people of tho gepgrapiical troníos of tho world in America, and the crealions of herenerKy aud genius. (iKBMAN TiTHÜilTS. (xermany lias aón extensivo Jino of exbibifa iu every aapartincut-IiorHo hair spuu by the Gejcnmn, hngliah and Fronch procesues, mathemaücal Instruments. This is a markd pecialty vritlithe Germans, their work in these ftflaes datnifj back to the fifteentü centurv, untilnow. Tho animal product iou of Bingle estabhshments may be said to aggregateOOO seto of instniments. There are sixtv shops for matHematieal Instruments at Nuremburg. Sta'tes qUan ar shilped to tuo ÜLlited . GERMÁN BOOK TOAXUi. Tbis was iiütiated by the iavention of bookpriuting iu 1440, and iu 1875 -thero wr 4 "fil (! publishers and booK.Hh,, in „mmficatíon with the agoncy at Leipsio. At preeent tbore are pnbhshcd in tho domain of the Germán tonguo 12,0U0 volumes of iiow worlia, coutinuations aj.d coweditionB a year. ÍTagainst not more tlian 5,000 published in Franco or Fn?hmd. Tho salo of (ierman books auuuato to f17.500,000. Thoro „re H pocimcM of Oerman literatura ou exhibí, tioii. Joweiry is another of the specialiiea that tho Germau deiies competition in Ono ti'wn, Ilauau, bas 280 manufactories o( gold and gilt jL-welry; 150 smaller shop, 178 assistaut Hl,opH altogether working 8,000 poople. lheso exhibits are generally of a cheap grade. If boer is a Germán speeialty, and thoio are TOino hoppiug spocimens in tho Kxhibition- so tUey say wbo skip roimd witli a score or so of HWei lager under their rost- yct the Teutón is not indifferent to the chaiming intíuonce or the juice of the grapo. Thero are 310,000 acres of laim 111 Germanv dovoted solely to tho culture nf tho vme. There are 80.000 aore in the nowly-acqnired provinces of Alsaoe and Lorraiue. No wonder Gormany fought eo hard for tlns favorod spot. Next liavaria, tho Palatiimto ; then Pmssia, Wurtemberg, Baden aud Uesse : making tosjether 53,000,000 gallons specimens of which Tiaitqra to the Kxhibition pronounco good. BEJOll. Bavftria devotos 44,000 square acres to hops. In Nuremburg thero are 120 hop houses, and tlns venerable city is the scientiflo center for Gormany. Qi;ery- Is malt good for sciencè ? In Bavaria thero are 5,000 breMeries, tho greatest part of tho productiou being consumed at homo. Tho animal product of tlie broweriea amonnts to 330,387, 000 gallons. Looking at these flgorea, and then takintc tho population of Bavnria, wiiioh is i, 700,000, wbat a happy fanuly J5avaria presents to the world. Bavarian beer is famous at tho i;xhibili()n, and with Vieuna beer beara olT the palm froni loss-signiücant natioiiiilit:. . wufltiKX cr.oTns. Gormany i malring wonderfnl pfogress in cloths, the Bioli ml aimoni ranking with the best Fiench in IíhíbIi and texture, in f act, a largo proportiou aro sold as Freuch manufacture. Tlieir Imitations of Smyrna carpets aro iiearly as beautiful as thi Oriental. In cotton ,'oodn tbo Germans aro not far bchind the L'reacü and liuglish. IISfJliLLANi'. Tweuty-sevon inowiug machines oontested for hc championship of the world ; thcy made beir Bght on 10 acres of ground. Kach ma'liinn ent about a half acre of gvas. I of itachinery Jlall is building eonau iutereating exhibit. It is ealled tlie Aovada. Qáartz MUI, and estalilished with 1 part of the $20,000 appropriated !.y MavadA owárd barüentennial display. The remainder f tbe nioney ww dey ted to the State buildu In this quartz mili is performed tiie I tiro processor exlrnolinggold anti ilver from quartz. ïlio rock i linely piüvemod in a pcmudlng maciiihc, from whidi tlie powder runa Into a tank of water and hoUIch to tLio fcotfcom. Tho water is thon allowod to ruu oíT, and the Hodiinont i m put into a cylindrical veasol, callcd an amalgamatuig pan or grinder ; hero more water ia put on, and aleo morcury, in tiro proportion of 175 poauda to two tona of mixture. Tlie mercury Iwíhk to collcct tue gold anrt wla";i Hucn uh tlio !;] iii'lcr iv k fie mixturo a circular niotion. Wlúle grimJInt;. Uio mixturo i alao kept lieatod to tLio Boilint; poiut, the better to iufuMo tbo morcury. Tho Jatter ia thon allowecl to rnn into another cylinurieal yoseel, oíülcd a ottler, wbcro it i stirred and conií 'd, Uio compound of meroury, gold emú ilvc-r meanwhile ettling at tho bottom. The metallic compound floiro out at the bottom through un inverted siphon, from tbc widened niouth of wliich it in dippud nud put in n filter. ïbrougli tlie lauca uuuliy ail tbo iuicksilvero8oapCH íiud ite collectcd. auiltlioamalguuiof fíold, silver and meiyury i Toft bóliind ready f.;r tlio mint. AU the nmoliiinjry in operatod by nteaui. '[lie i]iiaitz canio from tho Consolidated Virginia íniae in Novada. Mnch of tho silver obtaiuod from lia converted into Nevada Ccnteuíiial mo&ü in themint.. J. B. !


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