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The Czar's Centennial Congratulations

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The íollowiug üüugratiüatory letter f rom tlio Emperor of Kiissia reached tilia oountry too luto, lo bc presented to tho President by the Kushíuu Minister on the Jth of Jiüy, and has sincé been picseuted : Mn. Tuusident : At a moment wheu the pooploöf the Unitad States celébrate the centenuial poriod of tlieir nationiü oxiatouoe, I desire to oxproaa to you the Beutioiente with.which I tlte part iu thii colobratiou. TUo ppojdo of the Uuitod Statew may contémplate riih pride tho immouHO progi'L'HH whieli tlieir energj' lia achioyed wiUiin llio pcriod of aoentnry. I oupecially rejuien that durin; tliis coutenuial lt riod tlie friondly relations of our renj)octive cüuntric-n havo nover ufferod iuterniption, bat, on tlic contrary, have made themeelve luanifoat by proofs of mutual good v,nj. I "re cordially congratúlate fho Amerionn pcople, iu tho pereon oí tlieir Prenidout, aod I !'iat tliofrtMiflsliip of thA two courrtries may iycronse with tbeir prosperity. I embraoo tlii occasion (o offer yon at tho same time tho auranoo of my sincere esteem and of my high eonsideration. (Signed) A_lexandku. Ems, Juue 5, 1876. ; lifri 1 To IÜ8 Exuelloncy, Gen. Grant.


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