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I The Emperor of Germany, the Czai ! of Russia, and the King of Italy, all seut ! letters to President Grant, referring in a ! complimentiiry manner to the one hun' dredth anuiversary of the birthday of the United States of America. The Qneen ' of Great Britain made no such recogni■ tion of the occasion - probably thinking that it could hardly be expected of her 1 to express official congratulation over the 1 successf ui resulta of a revolution which 1 severed so many valuable colonies from the British Crown. The London Times, ! however - tho loading organ of popular sentiment in the United Kingdom - makes up for Her Majesty's negiect by eommenting at length, and in a kindly spirit, upon the subject of our Oentennialj and, art a matter of interest to all Americana, e giVe plade to itS utterance, as follows : [From tbo Lontion Times, July á.] Tlio citizens of the United States will to-day rejoice, with mueh eff usion of sentiment and of oratory, that they have bocome a uation great amoBg the nations of the earth. From earlieat dawn till the hours of night slip ino those of to-morrow, one thonght will occnpy tlie inhabitants of the West - that just a hundred yeara ago tho soanty predecessors of tho millionu of to-day reuounced their allegianoe to a King who had forfeited all claims to their loyalty, and deelared their indepeildenoe of all earthly sovereignty. Doubtleas thei e will be private griefs and private joys in' the Western Republic while the stm is running Ha course. Children will be born to malie glad the rcyes of their parents ; men will die and eink to rest. No parade of state, no pageantry of l'iincea or of peoples, can fail ta be flecked with the chaugïng colora of personal feelings shot acro3a the tissue of national life. The movement of birth and of death takes no heed of the accidental divisious of political societies, and will not be arrested by political commemoraiiona. To say so much ia the commonplaco of moraliots. and) if we recRll the well-worn thought, it is because we llud in it an illustration of that feeling of national uniou which wili imderlie . all the demonatrations of to day. Though privato griefs and private joys must come, they will fail, even in the heartts of those who sorrow or rejoice, to throw into the background the remembrauce of tho natioual thanksgiving. The parent of the nesvly-born child will connect jta birth with the exuberant Hfe of the great republic of which it becomos a living member ; and the regrets Of the dyiug, and of the frianda of the dying, will be assuaged by tho thought that it has been at least given them to witness tlio fiülness of a huudred years of national existence. " Our forefathors were a hauaful of men, and we have become a great peoplo" - this is the thought to whicli throughout this livelong day expreasion will be aought to be given in a thouaand shape3. It would not be fntfereetifig, it would scareely be prudent, to dweil too long on tho iorms of exproeöion thia thought will take. We have ourselves a most lnnitcd capacity for organizing outward shows of national feelings, and our kiuamen in the United States are, if possible, more deflcient than ourselves in the gif ts which are necessary to thoEe who would ronder pageantry beautiful as well as cumbrous. A stranger deacending to-day in Pliiladelphia or New York in ignorance of the ■ motive of the celebration about him, and moved by sympathy with the national life . sought to be glorified, would be attracted by : no grace of art, would bo exeited by no visions of bnlliant pomp, would be deliahted with no : marhalipg of colors as thoy shiue in proceasional trophios. Wo know from the treaaured mernorials which painters have left us with what splendor and beauty the trmmphs of nationai hiatory were celebrated iu Italiau repub lisa and Clermau eities iu the great period of tlie Beuüissance ; and it is fortúnate that very few of the citizens of the United States hav3 any knowledgo of the3e achievements of the past. They are unconsciouH of tlie poverty of inveiition and of the discoFds of taste that wouid make Paul of Verona wonder into what atrange land he had strayed. Let ua escape from the p.ünful attempt to reahze the series of pompa which will be arrayed in no many eitiea of the United States to-day. We would rather turn back to the thought which we havo déacfibed aa aymbolized by them. A group of small Uomrnonwealths have grown mto a great nation. which shall yet be greatcr Aftor the sturdy assortion of the liberty of aelf-governtnent, which caused the patriota of 1770 to repudíate tho sovereignty of fíeorgo III., aud their tenacity of reaiatauoe enableil them to make good their resohition to be ree, they did not eloae their froutiors ao aa to keep the territorios thoy had won for tho exclusivo use of theniaelvea and of their childron. Itnmigrants froni all the world were invited to como in and share their freedom. No natiou ever o ffered the privilog es of citizenahip moro liberally, and no nation was 6Vít rowardeil with auch rich retunia for its hospitality. The eapecial glory of tho growtli of the United Statea has been thia, that the republic has grown because rofugeea from all the rest of the world have fïocked to itri prpteetion. Bom"timea they have lied from the cruel conditiona of ovorcrowded Hfo at homo, the Mame of which could be laid at the door of no mail, or claBS of men, since they were the neceaaary eonaequences of false ideaa, universally acted upon as ii they were true ; aometimea they Hod from tho tyraunies of eonaoription aml of feudal law, whioh kept them bound from tile eradle to the grave ; aomotimed theysought iu the Vfeñt a liberty to obey tho dietates of their own conBcienoes denisl by prelates and governments of the liuropeau Coutinent. It is justly a niat:er of congratulation thiit a great people ehonld have thus grown up. The troops of immigranie coming iu year after year liave travoraed tho continent, plowcd the prairie, bridged tho mightiest rivers, thrown railways over and through mountaina, and brought from tho hidden depths of the earth thoae treasures of iron and coal which more than anytbiug else increase the power of man to appropriato the gifts of nature to Uíb use. Of silver and gold we need not spaak ; the abundanee of their produclion is comparatively an insiguiiicant accident. The 100 years that have pasaed havo seen a great induatiial community developed with unexamplcd rapidity. lts growth would, indeed, have been atüi greator had not fooliuh noüuus of protective legialation deceived tho democracy of America, aa thoy have deceived European goverumeuts ; but the productivo ■ nesa of a yirgin aoil bas been generous ouough to hide thia I0&3. Tho nation has íiot been 60 prosperous aa it might havo been ; but the aggregate wealtii it now aunually produces approaches that of tho oldest conmmnitiee, aud yet tho raass of population remains bo amall, compared with tho capabilities of wealth-making which uudeveloped lands affoi-d, that tho wages of the laborcr are higher thun they aio in any other part of the world. The English settlera, and those who havo como to Bharo their freedora, have brought tho United States 30 far in the eouree of 100 years, and it would be vain to prescribe theliniitfe of the growth to which the nation mayattain in auother ceutury of exiatenoe.


Old News
Michigan Argus