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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Caledonia: Sixteen Days Later F...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Caledonia: Sixteen Days Later F... image
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The steamship Calcdonia arrived at Boston on Monday afternoon at two o'clock, with Liverpool dates to tho 4th inst. Tho nows is 10 days later, and is interesting and important. Tho news from India is highly impOrtant. h wil] be found below. Tho Oregon question appears to have been i y forgotten atnid tho brilüant victories in ndia.1 The corn mtirket since the sailing o the Unicorn has been free frorn anima lion. United States ilour, free 03a 33; ; Gd; in bond, 25s 6d a 27s. The cotton markut is laboring undei much depression. The money market i: in a very unsatisfactory stato. The commercial accounts ure gloomy. TWO GREAT VICTORIES OVER TIFR SIKHS - TERMINATION' OF THE WAR IN INDIA. Since the despatch of our paper by the Unicorn, our advices from Bombay mform us of two more great battles havmg been fought in India between the Kritïsh and Sikli armies. Both terminatcd in decisivo victory to the former. The first was under the commnnd of Sir H Smith, and the lutter Sir Hugh Gough' which was perhaps one of the most bloody on record.- Wilmer & Smith's Times. In Sir H. Smith's battle the whole army of the enemy was driven head-lone over the difficult ford of a broad riverlus camp, 56 pieces of artillery, baggage, stores of amunition and of grain, bis all in fuct, wrested from him by the repeated charges of cavalry and infantry. In that of Sir [Iugh Gough, the Sikhs lost 12,000 men nnd 65 pieces of artillery. The Bngliah had 300 men killed, i 3 of whom were officers, and 2,000 wounded, of whom 101 wereofficers. WARLTKE PREPARATION8. The greatest activity continúes in all the doek yards in England, and the recruiting for the army is still going on with great spirit. Six thousand soldiers were ordered to India, threo thousand of which were to proceed by the overland mail route. It is now stated that the order will be rescindedi Thero is a rumor current ihat an additional nurnber will proceed to Canada:1'AiaiA.VE.NT. English politics centre at the present moment in two mensures - tlie English tarüfand the Irish coerción bilí - the bañe and antidote of Government. Thor are, according to Sir James Graham, CivL counties in Ireland whcre murders and assassinalions aro rife where life either at night or mid-day seems to bc estimated at a pin'.s fee. These five counties are either parallel with, or contiguous to the great Irish stream the Shannon, and are ahnost cxlusively agricultural. It makes bne's blood run cold to rèad in the irish papers the delibérate system of shooting and assassination of which these disturbed districts are the scènes. .LATER FROM MEXICO. Gen. Paredes has issued a circular forbiddingthe press to tako part in any way, with the political movements, nnd has reeommended that the law regulating the fre-edom of the pross be stnctlv enforecd. Many of the editorial corps havy issued a profest against this measuro, and assenwei; rigni 10 neeiy dt-bate all mattcrs perlaining lo the interests of the counlry. Gen. Paredes says in Jus decrco, tlia! ihe time has arrived wÜen tho Mexican goveniment must proceed with activity, cnergy, &c, (o preserve tranquility, repel nggression, preserve peace within its jurisdictioc. &c, and thereforo the President wiïlappoiritgovornors without wailing for the assistance of the assembly. Gon. Ampudia has departcd with his troopsfrorn Son Louis Potosi. to join the army on the frontier. Gen. Mejïa wns about marching with 700 infantry, and 3 pieces of artülery to Arroyo, Colorado. The Mexican floet, sucl) as it is, lias bepn faken up the Alvarado, somo IS miles from its moutii, for safoty. and it is repor. ted thnt all the American, Endish andfrenen onicers havo leír. Severa! of tho deparimental nssemblies have refused to net under the newgovernment. Paredes' popularity s fast failirxr. and the governinont no doubt, will soon be overthrown.