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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratie Couiity Conveution will be held at the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1876, at 11 o'clock a. M., to eleet twelve delegates to State Convention tobe held at Dotroit on the 9th day of August; also twelve delegatcs to the Conivs'iional District ("onvention ; also for the appoiotinent of a new County Comniittee ; and also to consider a proposition to reapportion dclegatcs to future Conventious aniong tho severa! towuships and wards. The delcgates from the towns and wards comprising the several Rcpresentative District.- will also be requested to appoint District Committoes. A cordial invitation is extended to Liberal, Conaervatives, and all others, without regard to previous party afliliations, who are opposod to the extravagance and corruption of the Republican party, to particípate in the primarios heid to elect delega tes. Each township and ward will be cntitled to dol ■ egates as follows : Ann Arbor City- Pittifield, ". lst Ward, 3 Salem, 4 ■M " 3 Saline, r ad " S Scio, 6 4th " 3 Sharon, : 6th " 2 Superior, 4 Oth " 2 Sylvan, O Ann Arbor Town, 3 Webster, 3 Augusta, 4 York, 5 Bridgewater, ■ Ypsilanti Town. 4 Dextcr, 8 Ypsilanti City- Kreedom, 4 lst Ward, 2 Lima, 3 2d " 2 Lodi, 4 Sd " 3 Lyndon, 3 4th " 2 Manchester, 6 5th " 4 Northtield, 4 By order of the Democratie County Committee. CHAS. H. RICIIMOND, E. B. Pond, Secretary. Chairman. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 10, 1876.