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Remeniber the excursión to Grosse Isle innorro,pr, Ford is home from his lectura courses ïjine aud Massachusetts. _The creditors of Mi Her A Webster have jt receive J a 1 6-10 per ceut dividend. Their jt nibble. _j M. Wheeler and family were to aail for moe on the 2'2d iust., - two weeks earlier than y rranged for. -Our former fellow-citizen John I. Thompjow of Milwaukee, spent laat Suuday in -citj. Has gone East. _Te Cents a month : that is the price o! 'te ABQUfl for the cainpaign. Every DemKitt in the county ought to have it. Demmon, late principal of the High i'hwl, returned from a tnp to the East, - iinng which he toot in the Ceutennial. _The Aeous office was serenaded by the ibtDexter Cornet Bund yesterday afternoon, ,jx vhich the hand will accept our thanks. -"Hayesaud Wheeler battalion ": that swhat the young Republicans of Ypsilanti prowse to organizo. A good way to fooi away ■. -Sv. Dr. Cocker has hought the Mallory tone, on West Hurou street, naar the miueral ipnug9i aud wi 1 1 iHOh iuto the same early in lipt. -Ueo. P. Tindall, of Ypsilanti (we presume itiHev. Geo. P. Tiudall now of Flint), ha8 nceiyed a patenr ïor "Pen Holders and Founaia Peus." -Dr. Augell and iamily left for their vacala visite on ïuesdny, via Vermout, the fflúQiitaiüs, the seashore, and the " big show " il Madelphia. -D. Heuning was in town a day or two ago, udrequested the Aeous to cali upon the citisaitocut the weeris and grass in the Btreets. Ure's bead is level. -The Ypsilanti Board of Eilucation is conL.tring a proposition to tear out f urnaces and r ves and put Bteam heatmg apparatus in 'ür central building. -Miss Clara Cï. boise, daughter of Prof. J. 1 Boise, formerly of this city and now of the iwiïsity of Uhicago, wüs marned on the WOU, to Mr. Ketibeu O. Busli, ot New MM -inhard Grruner and Adam D. Seyler depirtïdtogether on Saturday last, - to do the intauiial and look after business intereats. lm oí atrade can travel together despite the )ll proverb. -The Register speaks of the three-cornered Republican caucus oi Anu Arbor Town, held j Saturday af ternoon last, asuu " enthusiasïï" one. As the old Indian would say, 'much heap." -Fifty cents wili pay for the Akous from August 4 to December 29, both inclusive. Now i the timo to subscribe. No extra charge to publican who wish to post themselves as to ifdoiugsof the opposition. -Supt. l'erry, oí the public schools of this -ty, departed for the Ceutentual on Tuesday, ping via Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, w! Washington. He will give the Educatiouidepirtment a special " look up.'' -Eev. Dr. Brigliam was present at the nral sessiou of the American Philological Societj, held in New York last week, and on the itt reíd a paper upon " Cornell'B Examinatunof the JEthiopic Book of the ' Wlse PhilKfket.' " -We cali attention to the advertiaement of "Ut" in another column. The tinder is adrJ that the loser is a lady dependent upou i ulary as teacher for her support, and that Ut malies a lai-ge inroad in the last quarterly ïtallment. -Frank A. Blackburn, formerly instructor the ïïuiversity, but receutly returned from 'jtfmuiy, has been appointed principal of the Ptohac High School, mee Prof. J. G. Pattensi who accepte the same position in the High Hooi of this city. -James Henning, Esq , of Washington, for Buy years a clerk in the War Department, !"Uiacall on Tuesday, suggested that we "me down and see Tilden inaugurated," 'nd added, " we have a spare room at your Mee." We'll remember that hint. -A few days ago the report was current on "itreetathat active efforts were being made 11 Pteh upa truce between the Courier ld %uier,- to continue until after election. Bt the lion and the lamb don't seem inclinad 1 down together. P. S. We dou't know "thU lion and which lamb. -Company A leave for Jackson on Monday :tIt. on the day eipress train, for the regiXutjl encampment. The company will go campwith hom óó to 60 men, and will, "therequest of Col. Withiugton, be accomMed by their splendid drum corps. The enampment will continue for five days. -The Youug Ladies' Society of the Conïgational Church give an excursión to Grosse to-morrow - fare for round trip only $1.50, iildren half price. Train lea ves thia city at "i. M. (Chicago time), and returning ar"" here about 7 P. M. A grand Regatta place at Orossa Iale during the day. K took all the afternoon of Saturday last bgetoutan attendance of three at the Ann kbor Town Eepublican Caucus. " Busy in 'Tent" was the ready excuse. P. S. This acu8 was advertised in both the Courier and "jij(er - each of which papers has "doublé 9 Mrculatioa of all othar papers in the fJUlity." The Repubhcans of the First ward read " Register') lectura on " The Duty of a Citui and then gathered together in caucus '"i elected that " terrible Beal " to represent ""m in the County Couvention,- by a Tote of lbiit i to 1. And that i what the average "st ward Republicau cares for the advice of lhe Register. -Aiter " No. 2 " was connted at the First wd caucus on Monday evenmg last, a disKusted Republican was heard to remark, "Beal's elected ; got it all 11 his own way ; its ""use to 'kick agaiust the pricks,'" or someng ot that sort. And so Mayor Kinue hught after locking horns with Beal's backe" oa three ballots, nd so he asked, " Who it Jour Jourth man ? I'll nomínate him." -The Deiter Band spent the dy in thi city yesterday, upon an inTitation f rom W. H. Lewis of the Leonard House, who generously provided for their entertainment. During the day the band discoursed several piecea of select iiiusic in front of the hotel, and was listened ' to and admíred by a large number ot our oitizens. The band is oue of the best uniformed and ünest appearing in the State. Lewis knows how to stir up excitement in a quiet season, and we hope he will "do 80 some more." ' , m , i The Republican County Convention was , held yesterday, Prof. M. C. Tyler, of this city, presiding, and Frank Hinckley, of Ypailauti, officiating as Secretary. The i ing delegates wer elected : To State Convention - lst District- Edgar Rexford, Win. Cauipbell, Wm. W. Dell, Frank Einerick, Wm. , lison . 2d District- E. D. Kinne, A. J. Sawyer, Geo. S. Wheeler, A. W. Hamilton, J. Austin Scott. 3d District- Jas. T. Honey, Oeo. J. Crowell, Thos. Jewett, Thos. Birkett, G. Rodney i Palmer. To Congressional Convention - lst Disinct- J. M. Ghidester, J. D. Olcott, Andrew Campbell, L. C. Allen, J. Everett ' Smith. 2d District- J. C. Mead, R. A. Beal, 3. F. Lawrence, Geo. Renwick, E. L. Boyden. 3d District- M. J. Noyes, Nathan Pierce, J. W. Wing, W. W. Hes, C. Walbridge. A resolution declaring a preference for Croswell for Governor was tabled ; also a resolutiou instructing the Congressional delegates in favor of Edwin Willits, of Monroe, with an atnendmeut substituting the nnma of J. Webster Clulds, ot Washtenaw. The souventiou was not very " unonimous," and the coutest in one or two of tho " side shows" was personal and bitter. Our notes would make a lively column, but we have to go to press to early to writ thora up. - Uncle Andrew suggested that if instructions were giveu tor Ghilds, and the delegates succeeded in setting him nominated, he would be most iugloriously whipped. And didu't Uncle Andrew help " born the party." - It is understood that the ' hay-seed " wing got the biggest end of the loaf- 10 of the 15 Congressional delegates being for Childs. The other 5 (from this district) are supposed to b two tor Willits and three scatteriug. This story comes from Ypsilanti : An unfortunate man who had put himself outside of too much " forty rod " was recuperating in the vicinity of the Hickory Boy' pole raising on Tuesday evemng, and by the good offices of the Marshal was removed to the rear of a building noar by The pole beiug up Judge Joslin commenced to speak and his voice seemed to disturb the rest of the worn out strauger, who stretched his neck around the corner, listened intently for a moment, and then exclaimed, " That are chap is for Tindall, isn't he." Getting an aftirmaiive answer he deñned hia owu position. Well (hic) I aiut. I'm (hic) I'm for Wheel-eel-er and Hayes." Given a night's lodging In the lock up he was taken betore Justice Grane on Wednesday morning, which ofíicer seeing a chance to get off a very stale joke at the expenae of the Demócrata, this colloquy ensued : Justice - You were shouting for Tilden last night, were you 'i Prisoner-Vfas I ? I didn't know it. Juslice - So I am told. Pnsanei - It I did I lied, for I am tor Hayes and Wheeler. Aud Justice Crane had no more to say. There will be a meeting of the Hayes and Wheeler Club at the Oourt House next Wednesday evening, at 7 1-2 o'clock.- Courier, July 21. There will be a meeting of the Hayes and Wheeler Club at the Court House, this evening at 7 1-2 o'clock.- Register, July 26. " This evening " crime. Jeff. was on hand, rung the bell, and rung it again and then again. The President of the Club carne down town in his best store clothes ; City Attorney McReynolds, one of the invited, had his npeech ready ; Counselor Waldron paced the square and recited his - to himselt, and the other clioseu speakers waited patiently lor the faithful to gather. The faithf ui came, - the fying number of eight, and then the Club adjourned to the Probate office, whither our reporter did Dot iollow ; but it has leaked out that application was filed tor the appointmeut of Meroh. Goodrich ai administrator the effects of the Club. Oue " F. M." writes to the Coldwater Repubücan caricaturing the Court House of this city. The pioture is so well drawu that no adtuirer of the " ancient pile" is diaposed to find any fault or point out auy exaggerations. But the closing paragraph, ia whioh the correspondent attempta to " crack a political joke" or miuufaoture political capital out of his unsavory Bubject, says : " This old rookery is occupied mostly by Democratie county officials, whose party, being atiougly iu favor of " reform," invariably votes down a proposition to erect a new Court House." N.)W if "F. M." is not a literal "know nothing " he ought to know that the " rookery " is occupied, and has boon for years, "mostly" by Rpublican officials: two to one at least, and that the stcongest Republican towua have rivaled Democratie towns in rolling up mnjorities against su3cessive propositions to erect a nevr Court House. Local jealousies and penunousness, not politics, have oonspired together to preserve the " old rookery " intact. The Young Men's Hickory Club of Ypsilanti, Eist Side, raised a 130 foot pole on Tuesday eveuing. Speeches were made by C. Joslin, E. F. Uhl, C. M. Woodruff, and C. B. Whitman, and music furnished by the Light Guard Band. Th Ypailanti boys are wide awake and mean business. - W. H. Lewis, of the Leonard House, raised a fine hickory on the the evening of the 22d. It stands 86 feet high, carnes two brooms at the top, and is to fly a Tilden and Hendricks flag. -At 4 o'clock p. M. to-day a 125 foot hickory will be raised at the corner of Main and Catharine streete, from which will float a Tilden bauner. Good speakers will b present. - A "Centennial Pole " will be raised near the depot, in front of the residence of George Ardner, at 6 o'clock p. m. tj-morrow. Speaking by Col. Burleigh, R. E. Frazer, Esq., D Cramer, Esq., and other. A new boiler has been ordered by the School Board of this city for the central school building ; the high pressure system is to be changed to low pressure; indirect heat to be substituted for direct,- that is the coils of eteani pipe hung in the basement instead of on the walls of the school room, aud f resh and warm air carried into the rooms through registers instead of burning up that therein. These changes are made for the trebl purpose of getting more heat, securing better ventilation, - Prof. Kedzie haviug pronouuced the ventilation execrable,- and guarding against any possible danger of accident. The work is to be completed during vacation. The lenghty leader in the Courier oí last week called to our mind the long uaheard but once very popular Negro melody, bezinning : " I dreamed a dream the other night, When all around was still, I dreamed I aaw Susanna, dcar , A coming down the hill : The buckwheat cake was in her eye, The tcar stood in her mout h, Said I, ' Susanna, don't you cry, I'm coraint; from the Soutb.' " And it didn't remind us of auything else to spaak of. The Dexter Leader givea the following as the teaching corps in the Union School of that villaje for the coming year : Principal- Prof. H. E. Kratz. Preceptress- Miss May Howell. Urammar Department - Miss Higgins. Iutermediate Dep't- Not vet decided. Second Primary- Miss Julia Coe. First Primary - Mis Manan Phclps.