Real Estate Sales

The followiug transactions ia real stat ïave been recordad in the office of the Regia;er of Deeds, during the past two weeks : Anson Lewia to Myron F. Bailey, 160 acres ff section 21, Salem. $5,550. Jacob Tremper to Albert Tremper, 80 acres ff section 22, aud 6 acres off section 15, Scio. f4,000. Wb, L. Eaton to Hnry Davidson, lot on Chicago avenue, First ward, Ypsilanti. $460. Sophia Hogers to Porter Hinckley, 35 acres ff quarter of sec. 1, York. $1,600. Chas. Spencer to Jas. Spencer, 70 acres off lection 1, Sharon, $2,000. Beuj. F. Herendeen to Edward Roberts, 14 icres off section 12, Salem. $504. Philip Vought to Philip G. Vought, 140 acrei ff section 25 in Superior and section 30 in Janton. $8,000. John N. Gott to Geo. Shetterley 3 1-3 acres jft section 19, Ann Arbor. $700. Mary A. Cutcheon to Lester L. Warner, 160 icrea off section 13, Lima. $4,000. Maria Fisk to Ami M. Fisk, interest in lands ■ff section 7, Augusta. $800. Bach fe Abel to Mack & Schmid, lot 11 ia block 2, Urmsby & Page's addition to Ann Arhor. $750. J. P. Haner to Addion Osborn, 40 acres off section 32, Augusta. $600. Jas. Taylor to Andrew Gulde, lot 2 in Taylor's subdivisión of northeast corner of block t, Chelsea. $1,700. David T. Honeywell to F. D. Cumings, 5 icres off northeast quarter of section 22, Sylran. $380. Wm. Warner to F. V. Gumings, lots 1 and 2 in block 2, J. M. Uongdon's addition to Chelea. $370. E. Congdon to F. D. Gumingu, lots 16 and 18 in btocli 17, E. Coiiijilon's third addition to OUelsea. $l'2ó. Jenette Bruokj to Almon Perkins, lot 49 of Brst plat of Ypailuiti. $150.
Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Anson Lewis
Myron F. Bailey
Jacob Tremper
Albert Tremper
William L. Eaton
Henry Davidson
Sophia Rogers
Porter Hinckley
Charles Spencer
James Spencer
Benjamin F. Herendeen
Edward Roberts
Philip Vough
Philip G. Vought
George Shetterly
Mary A. Cutcheon
Lester L. Warner
Maria Fisk
J. P. Haner
Addison Osborn
David T. Honeywell
F. D. Cumings
Andrew Gulde
E. Congdon
Jenette Brooks
Almon Perkins