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BUSINESS N0TICE8. Centennial Vlaitarn Desiring private board on reasouable terina would du welt to address W. C, 316 8. llth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Reference- Philip Bach.or E. B. Pond, Ann Ar bor Cbeap Fare to the Ccntennlal Exhibí tlon. WlLL OUK RlPUBLIC VER I.OOK DrON 1TS LIKE AOAIN? No occurrence since the days of the Revolution has wrought. up the feelings of our patriotic, country loving natíve and adopted citlsens, as the Great Exhibition in Philadelphia, which ha assembled representativos from every civillied nation on the face of the globe. Of course there were itome niisgiving as to the succesa of thia cyclopian afl'air, and Congres was loudly called for, to id the proper celebration of our One Hundredth Birth-day a a Nation. The friendlj feellng exhiblted by the whole world, with whom we are at peace, early gave assurance to the managlng director, of the ultímate success of the Centennlal Exhibition. As we look over the 450 acres of that part of Fairmount Park devoted to the Centennial, aud the miles of magnlficent buildings in which are crowped the production of the world, and the dailj asaemblage of an hundred thousand persons, can we say that the great Fair, which commemorates our Nation's birth, and which ha awakened new interest in that memorable event, the slgning the declaration of our Independence, is a failure? We ay einphatically, no! The Great Ft. Wayue i. Pennylvnia Railway Line have brought into requiaition all of their new, elegant, costly and luxuriou Hotel, Slceping and Drawing-Rooin Pullman Palaces, to accommodate visitors. The tracks of this favorite, short and most direct line, lead dlrectly into their New Oentennial Depot, a convenience appreciaied by all. It must be remembered that no other road runs their sleeping cars into Philadelphia direct, without cbange. The reduced rates created by the railroad war has made the rate about onehalf the regular tarifl. Round trip Cehtennlal tickets, good for ixty days, with privilege of stopping off at any point, may be puichaaed over the Ft. Wayne Pennsy Ivania Railway. By taking this route, via. Toledo & Manfleld, travelert from this part of the State eau avail themselves of the advantages of this Great Line which is the only on running direct to the Centennial grounds. Uo to the Monntalns of Colorado By the Atchison, Topeka 4 Santa Fe Railroad, the new and popular line from Atchison and Kansas City via. the beautiful Arkansas Valley, to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Canon City, Cucharas, Del Norte, Trinidad, Santa Fe and all points in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Special round trip tickets to Denver, only $50, allowing stop-off privileges both ways on the main line, and at Colorado Springs, Manitou and Pike's l'eak. Low emigrant rates to San Juan Mines. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between the Missouri River and Rocky Mountalns, without change. Close connections made at Pueblo with trains for Denver aud Northern Colorado. For maps, time tablea and the " San Juan Gulde," addr T. J. ANDER8O, Gen. Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kan. Reduced Price. Look at those Caahmere Black Silks. Look at those Linen Suits. Look at those elegant Guinet Silks. Look at the finest Stock of Dress Gooda. Look at our White Good. Look at our Hosiery and Gloves. Look at our Guipure Laces. Japanese Silka. Everything at lower prices. We bought them cheap. we sen lueiu cueap. We keep them inoving. You save time and money by trading at MACK è. SCHMID. Ityapopala. American are particularljr subj eet to this and its effecta ; such as Sour Stomaoh, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Heart-burn, Waterbraah, coming up of the food, coated tongue, diaagreeable taste in the inouth, Palpitation of the Heart, and all discasos of the Stomach and Liver. Two doses of Green's August Flower will relieve you at once, and there positirely is not a cast in the United States it will not cure. If you doube this go to your druggist, Eberbach & Co., and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. __.-. 1385 Ontennial Exeurslonlsts Will, of course, wish to see all the slghts comfortably and cheaply. To this end the Canada Southern Railway ( 'ompany has, through its connection in the West and Northwest, placed on sale a large number of Tourists' Excursión Tickets at greatly reduced ratett, by which passengers can not only yisit the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, hut can, in addition, visit the principal eastern cities, with an opportunity of stopping at any ot' the great number of faniuus resorts in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Southe.n is the onty line frorathe West running directly to Niágara Falls, giving passenger, froni the train, a wonderful panoramic view of the Mighty Cataract, Horse-hoe Fall, the Great Kapids, and landing thera directly at the Falls. The track of the Canada Southern is an air line, laid of steel rails of the heaviest pattern ; there areno curves or grades ; wood is used for fuel ; Coaches are furnished with the Winchell Patent Ventilator, ensuring perfect freedom frora dust. With its complete system of magnificent Parlor, Sleeping and Drawiog Room Cars, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and its admirable connections at Niágara Falls and Húrtalo with the New York Central and Erie Railways, the Canada Southern is fnst becoming the favorite line to the East. Tickets via this popular line eau bc procured at all offices of connecting lines, or at the Company's own offices. Any information can be obtained by addressing FRANK E. SNOW, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Detroit. _9 OMMER CIAL-1 Aun Arbor Mark et. AH Akbob. Tiidbddat, Jnly 27, 1876. $1.00. per bu. Bbahs- 80c Büttïb- 14c. Bek- 6ig)7 oer hundred. Cobk - 40c to 45c. per bu. CHioxxNft - 30@50cper pair ; dressed l'-J-e per lb. Baas - Comnund 12c. Hay- $810 per tan. Labd- The market stands at 13c. Oats- 2Rc to 30c. Pohi- #8.00(8.60 per handred. Potatom- newj75@80 cents. Gbksk Peas - $1 '00 per bu. Whzat- tl. IS@1 36. Wooi.- lücti. NEW ADYERTÍSÉMENTS LOST. On the 23d of June, In some store on Main 8treet Thirty Dollar in bilis. The Ander will be reasonably rewarded by leaving the same at the store of Bach A Abel. MAGGIE McDIVITT. YyrANTED-TO KXCHANGE! The underslgned wishes to sell his Taluable property in the business portion of the city of Detroit, and talte ín part payment for the same a farm of 80 or 100 acre in the vicinity of Aun Arbor. Any person desiring to malee such an exchange will find a rare bargainty addressing L. BARY, 262 Third street, Detroit, Mich. 1592tf Qt B. PORTER, DENTI8T, Office oTer Johnson's Hat Store, South Min 8treet, Al ARBOR, MICH. 1592tf QOAL, AND WOOD. Orders receWed for July, August, September and October deliïery of Coal, At Winslow Bros., 32 E. Huron St. An advance in price may be expected each montb after July. BICHM0ND. WtHSLOW. Ann Arbor, July 20, 187B. 1592tf EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST RECEIVJ5D AN Entire ïtf ew Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Coff ees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YOKKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them ai VBRY SLIGHT ADVANCK over New York Oost. Alo a full line of LADIE8 and GENTLEMEN'S WKAH in BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, AU of hich he ia offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It payi ererybody to buy their fcoods for Caab. Cali and examine goods and prices, and IWILLINSUEE SATISPACTION Ooodi dtli verrl to ny part of the City fre o charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Haynard't Block,'' cor. Main and Ann treetn Ann Albor, Mich. , tuvKU.nii luirse FOR s ai,i:. Alargeand rrry veil built bnck house, with . two or more lotB. Two large framed housea. Alao a good iied brick house and frume huuae ; ant a imall frame house on a good lot, intended for Ad ding a front. For sale on fairterms and a reitsona 1 ble oredit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. IHONEÏ WASTE- many vUhin , to borrow raoney apply to me that I can readil obtaiofor Undtrt good satisfaotory investments ' -. K.W.MOKÖAN. Ann Arbor. Jan. S , 1876. lttil 1876. 1876. SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK OF CLOTHING To he found in Ann Arhor, comprisinu all the NEWKkT STYLES AND PATTKRNS, Which he is offering at prices that DEFIES ALL C0MPET1TI0N All who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. My stock of 3?iece Goods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FDENISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. TjOR SALE. I odor tr b1o ome 35 aciei of Und, situsted on aection 19, Ann Arbor Town, and on th west Bide of the Comwell road, and about one half mile from the northwest corner ot the corporatton. See coimty atla, pae 56. Price low and termn easy. Kxamine and cali aoonAnn Arbor, June 11, 1876. 1Í87 TRACY W. ROOT, Agent. SBND Ï5c. toG.P, ROWBLL 4 CO.. New York, for pamphlet of 100 ptgei, containing Hit ol 3,000 newipapen, and itimatea ihowiog cont of advertiBing. mortgage at the date ol inu notice , DeBiaes tne ■am of twenty-flve dollars provided to bo paid n said moregage as an attorney (oe on the taking of proceeding for the foreclosure thereof, and no suit or proceedings having been had or inBtituted, either at Iaw or in equity, to recover the sum secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof : Notioe is therefore hereby given that snid raortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises therein deBCribed, or some part thereof, viz : All thatparcel of landknown as vilage lots number Bixty and sixty-one (60 and 81), in Cross and Bagley'f addition to the village of Ypsilanti, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. And also that pareel of land described as I ing at the aouthwest corner of villaje lot number ixty-four f64) in said addition; thenee westerly along the south side of an alley sixteen rods ; thence southerly twenty rods ; thence easterly sixteen rod ; thence northerly twenty rodB to the place of beginning, containiue two acres of land, at publio vendue, at the soutn door of the Court House, wherein the Cironit Court for the county of Washtenaw is held, in the city of A nn Arbor, on the second day of September next, at ten o'clock m the foren oon. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 8th, 18T6, JOHN M. FRINPLE, lli-iKFB Sl Cütoheon, AsBlgnee of Mortgiign, Attomeys for Aeignee. 1Í8Í Chanoery Sale. IN pursnance of the decree of the Circuit Court for the County of W&shtenaw, in chancery, made in the oause therein pending, wherein J araea Arnold is complainant and Isaiic Grane, Snrah J. Crane, Seth O. Arnold, and Hophroni Dexter are defendants on original bilí, and wherein Seth o. Arnold ia complainant, and JameB Arnold, Isaac Crane Sarah J. Crane, and Sophronia Dexter are defendants on cross bill, and which decree beara date on the sixth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-Bix, the undersigned, one of the Oircuit Court Oommisaioners oí eaid county of Washtenaw, will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. on the fourth day ol septemoer nexi, ai ten t o'clock in the forenoon, the following deseribed j lands iind property viz : Hituated in the city ol ] Ypnilanti, Michigan, and bounded as follows: j eommencing at the northwest corner of lot one c hundred and seventy-three (173) on the south side of Congres street, runningthence south to the i ■outhwest corner of Bid lot, thence east ftfty feet, ( thence north three rods, thence east to high water 1 mark on the west line of the Hurón Eiver, theiice i up the west bank of the Huron River ftt high i ter mark to Congress street, thence west along the i south line of Congress street to the place of j ning, or so much thereof (in the manner directed j by naid decree) as may be necessi.ry to ntirfy the requirenitnts of said deciee. üated July 2Oth, 1876. JOHN F. AWRENCE, Circnit Court CommisBioner for the County of Washtenaw, Babbitt & Emrrick, Solicitor for James Arnold. BEAKKB & CüTCHEOK, Solicitors for Seth O. Arnold. ÜASHIONABLE PRESS MAK ING. Mrs. Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and ricinity to cali at her Dress-Making Room, over the store sf A. Bell, Wmhincttou Btreet. A full lineof new and lntest styles of patterns conBtunlly on hand. Quality of work warranted, and priees maiie to suit the times. A share of public patronage is respectfully sohcited. Iyl678 iftr (JUOA Per day at home. SampleB worth S) JJi-wUii free. Wtinson & Co., Portland, I Me. 147Í Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a mortgage, made by Jacob Paul lo Leonard C. Wallmgton, dated September tenth, A. D. 1874, recorded September twelfth, A. D. 1874, at í% o'clock p. m., in liber 47 of mortgagea, on page f22, in the Register's Office ol Washtenaw county, Michigan, aasigned by the Baid Leonard C. Wallington to Chriatian Maok and Frederick Schmid, jr., by deed of assigument, dated Oetober 15, A. D. 174, recorded October 23d, A. D. 1874, iu liber 4 of assignments of mortgagea, page 418, ín said Register's Oitice, and by the Baid Chrlstian Mack and Frederick Sctamid jr., aaeigned to Caroline D. Fulier, by deed of assignment, dated October 22d, A. D. 1874, recorded in aaid Registert Oüice iu last menlioned liber, on page 419, October 23d, 1874, and by the aaid Caroline D. Fullerreassigned to the said Christian Mack and Prederick Bchmid, jr., by deed of aBsignment dated May 27th, A. D. 1876, recorded on the 7th day of June, A. D. 18"ti, in liber 5 ol aBsignments of mortgages, on page 185, whereby the power of sale therem eontained has become operative, and two thousand nine hundred and Öfty-four dollar and eeventythree centR,bE8ides twenty-five dollars as au attorney fee, being at the date hereof claimed aa due thereon ; and no suit or proceeding, at law or in equity, having been instituted to recover the same or any prt thereof, notice ís hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or sorae part thereof, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the township of Freedom, ín the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, being the west half (x) of the northeaBt quarter (%) oi section number thirty-six, eaccepting the twelve aerea on the southeast corner, heretofore conveyed to Adam Bross, at the eouth fouter) door ofthe Court House, in the city of Ann Axbor, couufy and state aioreaaid, on the second day oiF September next, at noon. Dated, June 8th, A. D. 1876. MACK. FREDERiCK ÖCHM3D,Jr. Aöaignees. By Attorney of Aesignces, 158fi Sale. WHEREA8 default has been made in the con ditions of a certain indenture of mortgage, made and eecuted by Nelson B. Cole and Èlizttbeth H. Cole, his wifft, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the Cüunty ol Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Alpheua Felch, of the same place, bearing date the twenty-aeventh day of December, in thti year 1867, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washenaw, in the State oí Michigan, on the sixth day of Januai-y in the year 1868, in hber 37 of mortgages, on page 784; and whereaa by said default the power of saie therein contained has become operative, and the sum of six thousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars are claimed to be now due and unpaid on Baid mortgage, and the promissory note therein mentioned, and no auit or proceeding at law or in equity has been instituted to recover the debtremaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof , notice ia therefore htreby given that on iATURDAY, THK TWENTÏ-BIXTH DAT OF AUGUST, A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county and State [said Court House being the place of holding tho Circuit Court for aaid county), and by virtue of the power of sale contained therein, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, of the mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satiafy the amount of principal ftnd interest remaining unimid, with the costs and charges of such sale: Saidpremises are deacribed in said indenture of mortgage as follows, to wit : All those certtiin tracts or parcela oí land situated in the city of Ana Arbor aforesaid, known, bounded and described as follows, viz. : Being lot number two (2), three [3}, and four (4), in Picnic Grove, ccordiugtothe plat of said grove, made by W. Weeks, and recorded in the Oitico of the Register of Deed s for the County of Washtenaw and State aforesaid, being situated on the south si ie of the rond called theMiddle Ypsilanti Ruad, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the middle of said road one chain and fifty (50) links south, i'orty-four (44) degreea thirty (30) minutes east of a poíut where the center line of section twentyeight (28), town two f2) south of range six (6) east, crosses the said Ypsilanti Koad; thence south iorty-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes east, five fi) chaina and twenty-five f25! links along the centre of said rond ; thence south forty-two 142) degrees west on the line betweenlots four (4} and five t J), five [5] chaius and sixty-eight (68) links to the north line of lots thirteen (13) ; thence north seventy-six and three-fourths west sixtytwo f62) links to lands owned by Ransom 8. Sraith ; theuce north two (21 degreea, west along the line of saidSinith's land one (1) chain and aeventy-five (75) links; thence north forty-four (44) degrees thirty (30j minutes west three (3) chains and fifty f50) links; thence north forty-one (41} degreea flfty (50) minutes east four (4) chaina and eighty-flve (85) linke to the plaoe of beginning. This conveyance is made subject to the right of oaeph D. Baldwin to conduct water in pipes acrosa ae abovedesrribed premises in the highway. Dated June 1, A. D. 1876. ALPHEUS FELCH, 1585 Mortgagee. Sheriff 's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Washtenaw, O s. Christian Hoizworth vb. Jacob F. Miller and Catharine Miller. By virtue of one writ of execution issued out ol and under the seal of the Cirouit Court for the oounty of Lenawee, in the above entitled cauae, to me directed and delivered, I did onthellthday of July, a. d. 1876, levy upon all the right, title and interest of Jacob F. Miller and Cathanue Miller in and to the following described real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: The north halt of the ' i,,.i f fho nnït.hflaflt niiartpr of spntion er twenty-nine ; also the northwest quarter of the noithweat quarter of section 30, except iix acres ofl f rom the south end thereof ; al&o ;he southeast qutirter of the BOutheast quarter oí sèction 19 ; the northweat part of the eaat ia f of the northeast quarter of section 29, bounded as follows : commeneing at the northwest corner of said east half of the northeast quarter of section 9, running thence south forty n dH, thence east to ;he cenler of the River Raisin, thence northwestery along the center of said Kiver Raisin to the north ine of said section29, thence west along the section ine to the place oi beginning, supposed to contain fifteen acres and forty square rods of land ; also ;hat parcel of land known and uescrlbed as being a parcel of land taken off from the east side of th Plumer farm on the east side of the Territorial Road (so called), the west line thereof bemg the center of said Territorial Rond. said parcel of land containing one acre of land, more or less, and being a part ot the east part of the northeast quarter of the northwent quarter of eection 29, all in towntownship fonr south nf ranee four east, containing in all one hundred and thirty and; a quarter acres more or less, in W'anhtenaw county, 8tate of Michigan. Which above described property I shall expose tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the seventh day of September, a. d. 1876, at ten o'clock a. M. of said day. DatedJuly 11,18-B. 1591td M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, as. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said oounty, Commissionere to receeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ot all persons against the es. tate of Nelson B. Cole, late of Baid county, deceiwed, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of snid Probate Court, for credltors to present their claims againet the estáte of said deceased, and that thcy will meet at the Btore of Waterman Thomas in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county, on the 6th day of Ootober, and on the 8th day of January next, at ten o'clock A. M , of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, July 6th, A. D. 1876. 1690 HENRT D. BENNETT, romm8sioners WATERMAN THOMAS, Commissioners,


Old News
Michigan Argus