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William A. Wheeler

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MALONK. A. X... JttlV 15, lVfi. The Hon. Edward : m aud cthori CoflimUtue of tbo Iti-publkau National Cuívl'utlon : SiKTtkltSN: f reccivod. on fho Ctli innt, vour comniuuication advising me that I liad been uuaniniously notninated by tho ïïatioiia! ('njivontion of the Ropuluican party, 'hela at Cincinnati on tbe 14th uit,, for tho office of Vico PrccHinitjjf the Unüed EMatgeL Wd ''- "quafitiiiK' iiiy mraptañe of thoi9ame,na' a'k inc my attention t.o the xumuiary of l!io H r;'il:.crtu doctrines coutained in tho platform jadopted by tho convcnljoii. A ïominatior. mad o wltn such tlnanltnlty implies a confldeuce on tho part of tho convcjitinn whicluiiFpireij my profouiid gratitiule. It in aooepted with a senae of the responsibility which may follow. If eloctcrt, I huil enlcavor to perforni 1 1im in ;:';-) o! . , ' in the ff ar of thö Surroni;.' Ivii'ej". i-aA i mil ie ■'■ ■■.f tTie wiiole ramt'y. 'l'o the snmmary of llUUlrlUée rnjiuiafcid by the ccmvei.tion, í give my cordial Hvseut, ' !.. Bopublieaii party bas intrenched iu tí-.e orítmiio law of our land the doctrino tiiat lilx-rty is the supremo, iinchaneable law for everv foot of Amanean poil. Ir i the irm.'-ton of taal Parte rogive fijl cfTict totliis principie, bí mi-ui'iiifí to evety ÁmOTican citi2en cotnplèt lib'.-rtv and exact equali.v in the exercine of rII civil, politica!, and pnDÜO flgEts." This will bo accomplihed only " - 1 ■ : i tliu Americau citi(in. witüout reaxil to coJ'.'r, yb.a'.l ,ytnr tl is panoply of citizensliip au iuJly aud BBcnrely in the canetjrakes of Louieiaiia aa on the banks of tho St. Lawrence. Upon tlie qnestion of onr Sonthern relations, i i ;.■ vicWH wore recent y expr s; I a . :; m nil'-r of a committee of tbiÜnited Bepreaentaüvea upon Sonthorn affairs. Those vif!vH romain unchancd. and wero tbtin crP'm s!j!'d: '-We, of thoNoitL. deludí: onrielVesV axpfict'uc! t] behind mmaúyoi the uttffbuteSrof éii'fiíitened ímprorement and civilizntion, are, in tlio Irief jeriod of ton jckï, to bo trausformed nto our model Northern criuinunitieH. That can only come tlirou'li a long course of patiënt waiting, to which no one can uow set certuin boiuiils. ïlu.iu. wül li.u a j.-uiid iJc:il,C-iyivoid(b)e fi-ietini: -'lioh .II ■.■.: f.) ■ frr'i , .a :,n-, m;l wl.ü'li w l;o rélioved dv the t?m.perate and t oqtorijigfC&re of tho QoTexDmAnt, One of thO moBt potent, if not indirfpvii agencies in thiti liirectiou ill hu the d::vi;ungof Homo system to aid in tlio education of the iiwmm. Tlifi fiietthiit thereare wholftpountivs ÍU I.O11,ÍUI,:i !U V.L.cll Uliri! 18 !!■! :■ ; i-hooHjW&ull oTlMiolTl Wcomfn these people to remaiti in the Union, aud uovr duty and iutereat dmand that we leavo no justmeana nntried to mnke tfiém dod, loyal citizens, Iiow to dinnniHii the friction, how to stimulato tlio olcvaüuu oí tliin portion of our country, aro probloum arldressing themBolves tor our bent and wisest stateBBianship. Tho timiidation for théae áffn)is irnu lx laid in iiatisfying the Southern people tlut ti: to have cqual and exact lniticfi accon.. them. Oive thom. to tho lulloat f xtunt. í vi i v blesstej tvJlïcIi tlie GcrvHument couff-ra &pcn iho mout fuvoreil ; K'vo thcm DO jiibt Sanee for cotuplaint ; hik) Uien liolu t.'iun. Jieoee i act auU rigid utaocvance of dl tlu-ir (iutii h and oblifjutioiiH unlor tbo au' ita iirueiuluicuitH. to ecuro to all witbin tlici'r borfléri mm liood and citizoiiBliip, with overy rigbtthereto belongirig." The jast obligatiun lopublioereditore, crcatetl wlieii tlie Goveriiruout was in the throen of "lied rtissolntion, and an nn iutttspousalile m: (ftion of its Snlrntion, ;;im antped by the liyes and blood of thousaiidu of ita brave do (enden, are to be kcpt with rdiKioiw faitb, &n ne 1 thp pledgca enbsidiarv tiiereto, andun firmatory tliereof. Inmyjudgmènti of Congress of Jan. 14. 175, tor tbo rodemffc tion of the noten of tlio TJuitu'.! Sts;c? iftTébfa, plighted faith of Üio nntlbn, r.uauatioiiai hojior, liiuiylo hone.ity, anti jiutic to tlio pcoplü wi.ioae permaunit Violfaru au I iiioBpóiity are depeudent apon true atoney as tue b;i-it á Ihuir peouniary tranlUtioiti. aJl denniid llio ■■■nipnlc.iui itHcrv:i"'i f Ihia pledge, and it is tlio dnty of Cqi)grfiB9 tfl . ■iii'plcniciit it with ■ ir its la bnr systein of governmenf. intoiligenoe must givo safety and v:t)ue to tlio ballot. Konce the cumuion HOhooli of the litnd Bliould be pregeryca in sil tUir vigor, wliüe, iu accordance ith Uio spirit of tho CDMotiluUon, tlmy and all cndowBiopfc ehould bo necnred by overy osniblc tmft proper guanmty againat every onn of uectarian influenee or control. Thcre hIijuH be tbo Htricteat economy in ie nxponditures of tlio Government conaistnt with lts efföetive adminiatration, and all nneeeasary oftioea aliould be abolishad. ftlces should bu confefrcd only üflon tim jaais of hi,;li eliaraoter and partioiilaf filneösj ïiilühoukl bo adiiiiuwtered only aa public n!sfi. anti uut ir.i fcnTaíe Adfagtáée: 'il,': fofegoinime omel ïtüdtig ttis ëardjijal principios of the Eepttblioa natU cairy them into full practical effect ia the work it now baa on hand. To tbe completion ui ' in [jreat mission we addroas oarselveaiD iius and confldenoe, cbeered and ntimulated liy the; rocollectiou of ita past acbievcments, remembeiing thatt under God, it ia to that party that Vro aw, irulóbttid, iu thia centenninl ycar of our exiatenöó, foi: u pvcv-ci vi il. unbrokon union ; for the ifict tliat (hoi'C j no maaier or !kvo tlitöugliqut lirurl rtnmiiüniis, and cnialidpatcd milliona look upon the ennen of tho republic aa tbft Hymbol of tho fultilled declarution that "all men are created freo and eqnal," and tbo guaranty of thfiir own oquality uuder the l:ivíA?it!i tlio m')!t luhly-favored citizeu JP the 1;hM Th tntelligeuce and conscienco of all who dosire good governmentj guod& will, pood money, and universal prosperity, the UepUblican party, nöt Uumindfiil of thö imperfection and ehortcomings of human ot'gaiiiBfltioii, yet witli the liohost pürpaae oi te maseee bromptlv to retrieve all errors ailc bo samiiianly iiuiuéh all offei.der agaiust tlio laws of tho country, confidently eübmitQ ita lainis for the eontiuuBjJ support of theAinercau pcoplo. lteapeetlully, i i:;n-n WniaAit A. rib;ELEi;.


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