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Centennial Correspondence

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KEWSJ'At'ER PAVlLIO. One of the marketl features of the exhibitioh I '! v,e1i'n Newspaper Pavilion, a neatwooden structuro. 67x46 feet, and 33 feet high, with ga!leriea rarroimliug tho inside, f urnished with writing-deHks and writing materiala free, to acconimodate the menibers of fche presa. Ou the sidc-i of the ñrst lioor ranged iu alcoves, in porï. cl order, are completo ïïIoh of all the newapapers published iu the country - 8,129 - aud anv visitor, from any part of the United State, newttlape' lie asks for, of the ■ late of publication. The uambsr of tho '.■(■■prortcutativeH who report hcro daily ín large aud eotistantly ihoresHÍhg, Mr. Stoot, the 8UD rinteudont, oxtends a cordial welcome ra n]i yisilorn. and maken them all feel at home. I'lacards are conspicuously posted, "Free to tho Press." 'Ask for any newspaper vou want to j hc." Ti. ia is tho first time and place in our hihtory wht'ii n eolloetion of all tho newspapers publisjto.l ii thU co'mtrV dpuj.u B6 eeeh.ilt ilny cIhv cl tho week er montb. Tho press owes Jlr. Iiowell uustinted thauka for this maguificont exhihiticn. PltlKTINO PEESSF. Tliere ia a verv great number aud yariety of printing piY-sscH in Maclmicry hall, the priu cipal Oliën bemg tTio BulIockTthe Walter (F.tif!lish), Bssip, aud the Potter. 8omo of tho hgd m.i.-i'.'in j pi-o run a dhijy edition hcre. Tlie Kê'wYferk Twiês aliipa itó platos hero by exprese, after its edition is worked off in New York, and. ut itated hours through the day, wbfka off a lan;o number of copies and distributes gratuitously to the crowd. It useB the Walter press, which, at ordinary spoed, prints li.dUO copiea au beur. f "■ T!ie N'cw York Ilerald Hoen tho name tbim; on the ll,nl!ock preso, viliicli prints 20.000. hml at a forced t-peod hs pntitod iS.SOD an liotlr. It 8ells its morniug issue to protect ita large o : 1 trado here, bilt givea them away in the "afternoon. The Philadelphia TÍ7nes has quite reccntly adopt; tho same pian, fio that we now havo threodai-ijaj)ör8, with the completo newa of the day, ïHsïïed iuM acliinery hall. A TRIAL OK REAPKHS AND HINTOSKS beid the past week at Scbenck's station. BOme twenty miloa north of hero, on tho lineot tho road to Now York, and a large minibar of niacliincM cm exhibition bero partïcipatêdintbo DreBtot Generïl Gonhora, bya puWished haiid-b}U, bid aiiuoilnced that the oompetitive trial, orScred Home time aijo. wouklnotbcheld. for reaaon uot given, bijt that a vohintary trial by exhibitors raigbt be made. And Superintendent Laudreth gave uotice thatsuch trial would ho beid on Tlinrwlay, Friday and jjatuiday of la t weok, I was tliere to aee on my own reKiiónsibilitr, and at my own expense, and followed the machines for aome five houis, under a bliusHig uot run, and at auotuer time shU gire tho reaolt of xny oteeivttiane. At presentí wish to speak of 'reapers and reaper trials in general. Ah to competitivo trials, my matured con vietion, af ter loiig obaervation. is that usually they aro a sreat sham. Almoat alwaya a majority of the iudgea are componed of men incompn'iiiii to ictHriuhin tho real merite of the competing machines. Tliey aro not experts, aud uot lü.lf o weli qualilicd to judojiiBÜy. hh :■. maj nty of fanutrs wbf) umo thepe ïiöachiiKs. It iri raro that evou one . expert om bo fouud npon any eommittee, or that the award made at such tríala command general conli. Apropos of tuis subjeo't; a good story in told. whioh, if not truj at least representa truly th popular belief, it ia aaidthatMr. Landrclh, tho Kn])crintendtnt of Agricnltural liall. wroto to Mr. lieynolda, of Chicago, Secretary of the great Industrial Expoeition Coin pany tliere, asking liim what ho tliought would io. the pffnnt nf hnldin" comnptitivn trinlR nf Asricultnral machinory. and beatowiug award. fltr. Beynófde, ït is eaid, replied that it would work frrest injury, bat for ono reasou, and that "wh. t'iat nobofly r.ów fooi enough tocare ■.IV. t' f Cl' SUOh aftatóx. In addition to the incmpeteBce of tliO judgea, thoro h the liability to be iuíiuenced to i'ciük-r pui-Uil jui'gmeiit to favorites. Wealthy ]n:in!:iuvn:ivl;erí'.livi]i;; liad long experience in tujH bueineü, with uiefíiijií iiud atar tmbiftzoned al! over thoir D&nnersi ïh the trophiea of ieriaer contesta,, uutbtrthè ííelddetermined towin ncw laurote, ai(i iro not alwaya overBcrupuJOÚS sa to tbo meauö'óf obtaining the vmtoiy. Imleod, the rcnowned ooiiimandoi'ri of wejl-disoiplined anm'oti ai;;;ht luk-j lebrun in htrategic táctica, aud in tlte art of mining aii ppig. of Uk-so vcforaii knijfiitij of Iho liarvfist ficl!. Au.l t!io jude, somoürnoH in the hmocenc'O of thtir fpfÚB, aud somiHhne.i with fliniatL-r moiiVo. Bcsrofely conccalod, walk right into the trap afct for thom. and ofteu render a verdict tbat has no moro rcltítion to the fncls of tbc fría), Uisn a propósitïon in Elidid ha' to the fttbles of lisop. TIipko. judies aro often appointed by the influenco of promiucut Biajiufnctureru, gu.d tliero i ofteu aa luuuh p:iri a, i h'] niaail ■cl at theee tritls a in a' iM.ütie! oiwun. i Hpeak of what I bva aeoii atxl-wUat I kuoiv. for tl o trial was a very liu-f,'C otjè, (jndtii6:-,i;i:u on tlie aonth side stood upiiht, b'.it tliat mi the north and west iart was quito orimpled, with head interlocked, and BOir.e of it was badly lotlged. jjid tbo jirain was too ripo, and the straw very britilc. Any fair reaj)or oan cm and lv decent!)' uprilit faalt} : but tho lm} is, wUl jt do. vork well in grain in bad conditiou. Few of thoae on the groiuiil could cut and deliver lodjïed grain. Most of thera ent upright grain well enough, but only a email number laid the bundies amoothly iiiid Indeed, uil of tfifc ro.Toiving arm-rakü tentin !ay the boKom of '"die crOHwieo, au eny one on eèe tv ecaminin it. ( J J fH ti:.: i siiyiti.v KVAri'!t,_ oi' wkitkwateiï, wis., with reel and one aim rnUf. working in a quarto.r firolo, ia the Oily muchine heit) t6at laya tho bil n .even. lnml tn nny 'm M otJier rfispecta, it excela all other roypern m fhis, j;i Ji'.y. aud hcaiceforlh haíVMtMra anasiMen c otk6the !■■ d. A to'nl tATMBr saVua lUe.)uboi oL fo nirn. ioi' io mn c;m bind n fdtit nu a hmrvastér cap ent, but it takts four men to bind aíter a rper; 'f lio iBperfdoöMis of all harvesters liero, except one, are that tbey do uot líopiu'íití '■!.!. . ji inl iictnio in binriini tlu'ie ie ' ttrvHij,' and ïï te ; that tli. y t ' . .! .-. - .vil li bello aud rollers to !■ irry che grain, and au tlie canvas etretcbes in. jry, and HlirijiK'.-i in duu]j weathcr, and tbo straw winda artniifl the rolleii, and tho lcaves ind ihio afraw clog the Kudgeona, tliey are jonliuiiuüy gottiiig out of order and causo múch dcluy in adjnHli'.ig and cleanlhg'. KSTKHI.Y A'I SOKS IIAHVKBTKltS i with all ihii nmcbiuwy, nuJ a i , v'oïviiyis and TittratftiL' rajra butts of IiPMJWWtKw1 CRItioB lt tip Wt Cm; frw I ?erse tablq, whore it ja piiahed by u rcveï"ibo . ruUetotho h.nriefei. If tho frnüi inlicht to , bacdles need make but oue. Both rake are irivou by a Miuail whcul OD the main axlo , 3f the driving wheol, working in a apur gear, j ia couuectioü witU &. cwu, i-üko uui puiion. , riio wholo luicliiiio v Himplo,, cávate ! fci'fcly and comineras ítMoíf to all virtitovn. My cyiivictiuu iii, tbat we liavo uot roacbod '{ pürfectú'H in hi'.n'esting li'aohiuery. We munt :iavo in tlie futvirc;, what we have not now, a .arye&toi' anti binder tbat will cut and bind 'rttitt in H fttagee, huIchh bftdlv íodged, and ieliver it in good condition without waste. Sucb a machine ia dctranded. Such a machine ÍV6 miiht and (lonbtletíB fthall have at no dietant I io btjrtfc niftubitofti we iïow have aro ncrcly huïii'i I ff". S.M. E.


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