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This Is The Way The Chicago Times

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puts it : " Bluford Wilson makes things look blue for Grant." OrK Grand Rapids neighbors indnlg ed in a $60,000 fire on Friday of laat week, the Eathburn House being partially destroyeJ and Lyon's and Bots ford's blocks badly damaged. Edwan T. Parrish lost his life in going to up per rooms to arouse imnates. - 1 1 i#i ►►- Some of our Republicans friends wil be interestei in reading an article in another column headed " Well to the Point." They will reoognize in the writer a forraer leading Eepublioan pol itician of this oity and county, once postmaster of this city and then clerl of the county. He gives good reason for the " faith that is in him." HAYES is the haad of the Republican ticket, but that eminent " Reformer,' Zack (Jhandler, is the noad of the party In case of the olection of Hayes whicl will be likely to give tone to the Ad ministration ?- in whioh term we in elude more than the Exeoutive Department. Has Hayes or Chandler the Btronger will 'i We'll bet on "Sitting Buil" rather than on the man of nega tive qualities. Bluford Wilson telling the truth the President solicited from him the evi dence relied upon to convict Babcock and immediately (" within less than an hour") reported the same to Babeock And when Bluford Wilson declined to give Babcock any " news," but said he could iiot refuse when the Presiden aeked, Babcock " laughed and said thal would do just as well." Right here is exposed the "true inwardness " of Babcock's acquittal. It was desired, if no ordered, at the White House. m i i - i - i -- Bluford Wilson telling the truth " Sylph" - whose name was used so freely in the Babcock and McDonald telegrams brought to light in the Babcock trial - " was a lewd woman with whom the President of the United States had been in intimate association, and that she bothered and annoyed the President" until Babcock and McDonald relieved him of her presence. Was it by services like this that these two men, Babcock and McDonald, so endeared themselves to the President that he feit Bimh intfirRt in their fato. and showed such anxioty for thoir acquittal. Up to the very day of the holding of the Ohio Bepublican State Convention in 1875, Gen. Hayes protested that he was not a candidato for Governor, that he would not permit his name to be used against Judgo Taft, and that he oould not accept a nomination over Judge Taft. Judge Taft continued to bo a candidato in the convention, and when Hayes was nominated over him he immediately, and before the convention adjourned, telegraphed his aoceptance. Is the promise of Gov. Hayes not to be a candidato for President for a second term as good as his promise not to run against Judge TaftV It is for the people and not for Gov. Hayes to On Tuesday a large excursión party went from Coldwater to Baw Beese Lake, on the railroad a few miles east of Hillsdale, under the auspioes of the Baptist Sunday School. At about 2 o'clock P. M. a boat carrying soventeen passengere capsized about 80 rods from shore, in water 60 feet deep, and nine persons were drowned. Their namen were: G.H. Taylor, Mrs. Betsoy A. Musser, Mrs. Sarah J. Thornton and young daughter, Misses Libbie and Mary Cunningham, Miss Alice Hayes, Miss Mary Keeley, and Eandall Blaokman. Their bodies were all recovered. The sad affair cast great gloom over Coldwater, and stores were closed and bells tolled. The uilministration for the last two year ms redviced the State tax over $300,000 & year, while negleeting no important interest or ïntitution. - Lanstny Republican. Just how the adininistration has reluced the Stutn taxeg the Bepnblican Loes not teil us ; but by reference to oint resolutiou nuiuber 17, sessiou laws of 1875, we diacover how it was done. By that resolution the Legislatura plead guilty to the oft-proven charges made by the Demooracy that the several branches of the aduiinistration had conspired to keep a largo balance in the treasury (averaging over a million dollars) for the profit of the " Statt) Treasury King," though under the pretense of a constitutional requirement to próvido and maintaiu a sinking fund. By the sanie resolutiou it is evident that the Legislature recoived souie new light on a constitutional question, and discovered that its former ploa of compulsión in keeping so enormous a balance on hand, while continuing to tax the people to meet ourrent expenses, was void if not fraudulent, for it soleinnly directed the jmof $466,828.41 tobe transferred from the sinking fund and placed to the credit of the general fund. That transfer being ordeved the Legislaturo found it unnecessary to make the regular appropriation of $300,000 for the annual current expenses, and passed no law providing for the usual levy of that amonnt. And this is how " the administraron has reduced the State taxes." Not by econoiny in any direction, not by a reduotion of the nuruber of officers or a reduction of salaries - but by drawing on an accumulation which had been exposed t the open gaze of the public by pestilunt Democratie reforiners. The Republicana of this State have placed five candidates for Congress ia the field, ss follows : In the Third district, Hon. J. H. McGowan, of Coldwater. He was nominated on the 2Gth ballot, bis opponents being Jas. O'Donnell, of Jackson, and Daniel Striker, of Mastiugs. Mr. McGowan is a lawyer by profession, a gradúate of both the Literary and Luw Departments of the University, and now one of iU Begente. He is muoh the ablest man presented to the convention. In the Fifth district, Hon. Juhn W. Sjtone, of Grand Eapids, late judge of the Allegan circuit, was nominated on the second ballot, his opponent being Hampton Bich, of Ionia and the present member, Hon. W. B Williams. Mr. W. was withdrawn after the fiist ballot. In the Sixth district Hon. Mark S. Brewer, of Oakland, now State Senator, was nominated on the 96th ballot, the contestants being Hoh 1). L. Crossman, of ingham, ex-Con gressmau Trowbridge, of Clinton, anc Gen. O. L. Spaulding, of Clinton. In the Eighth district, Charles C. Ells worth, of Montcalm, was nominated It took but three ballots for this one o the " great unknown " family to dis pose of his opponents, principal o whom was C. S. Draper. In the Nintl district, that eminent third-termer Hub boll was nominated on the first ballol beating Gray of Newaygo, and Ellis o Manistee, out of sight. Discussino the Eepublican outloo' ia this Congrossional district, tbe De troit Tribune says : Mr. Edwin Willits has the ten sohd votes o Monroe county, and some scattoring streugt ín Lenawee and Washienaw certamly, and possibly in Hillsdale. Mr. John K. Boies has upwards of ten votes in Lenawee and Hillsdale counties. The course of a number of the delegates from the Aun Arbor, Adrián uml Hillsdale districts 19 problematical, and they apparently hold the balance 01 power. Twenty-nino votes aro required to nomínate, and the basis of representaron is, as follows : Lenawee, 20 ; Washtenaw, ÍS ; Hillsdale, 12 ; Monroe, 10. The contest at the convention (which meets at Adriau on the Sth) will be a close and interesting one. The Tribune (like the Argusj has, we suspect, been misled as to the strength of J. Webster Childs in this county. Last week we gave him ten delegates, to-day we can count but eight for him, with a probable reduction of that number to seven, - at least as soon as a count of noses shall develop the fact that he has not a majority from the word go. In other words, we are quite confídent the Childs managers weresold in the third district, and that their ticket inoludod two or three mon who won't stand up for the " boss Granger " when tho convention forees are arranged in battle array at Adrián. The Belknap impeachment farce came to an end on Tuesday. We write farce because ever since certain membon of the Senate or court of iuipeaohment indicator! a determination not to abide by the majority decisión claiming jurisdiction, it has been nothing more nor less than a farce to pursue the trial. On the flrst article the vote stood : guilty, 35 ; not guilty, 25, - the 25 explaining their votes as givon " for want of jurisdiction." On the second, third, and fourth articles, the vote was : guilty, 3G ; not guilty, 25: on the fifth article : guilty, 37 ; not gulity, 25. Messrs. Christianoy and Ferry, of this State, both voted "not guilty ;" and Eaton, of Conn., was the only Dumocrat voting against conviction. There were 11 absentces or dodgers. The acquittal on the grounds assigned is as dainning as a oonvictioa would have been. The Democratie -Liberáis of Jackson County are early in the field with their county ticket, and judging by what we personally know of some of the candidates it is a good and strong one. Tho convention set a good examplo to other counties in nominating Hon. Michael Shoomaker for Senator. He is known throughout the State, both politically and as a man of eminent business qualifioations. He is besides an experienced legislator and will conimand an influenco in the Sonate that will reflect credit upon his constituents. Other coun;ies and distnots should follow the Jackdon pattern and nomínate their best men for the Sonate. HuBBEl-L.the Miohigan third-termer, jad it all his own way in the Ninth disxiot Eepublican Convention held at Traverse City on the lst inst. The first Dallot gave him a olear niajority, - and on the formal ballot he had 65 of the "4 votes. Hubbell is noted for neither rilliancy nor industry, but then he cnows how to " tickle my oonstituents " and run a caucas. tion, from Governor down ; who would diacharge the duties incunibent upon eaoh and every offioer to be chosen, intolligoutly, honestly,' faithfully, - to the credit of both themselves and the State. Look the field over, group tho men together, then canvass their merits and piek out the best. If a Lothrop is the best man for Govornor nomínate liiiu, and take no NO for an answer ; if the best man be a Webbor, inscribe his name upon the bunuer and nail it to the mast head, and so on through the list of oandidates presentad for each and overy office down the list. Men will be natned who will lack the necessary qualifications, for Auditor, Treasurer, Öeoretary of State, Attorney-Geueral, &c. Let them stand aside. It is not enough this time that they are Democrats, - they must come up to the Jeffersonian standard. With a ticket so constituted the Democracy of Michigan ought to win. The responsibility rests upon the conveution of uext Wednesday. - The same remark will apply exactly to coming Congressional, County, Senatorial, or other nominating conventions. Candidatos for each and all positious must be selected not simply because they are good fellows, not cause they can manipúlate caucuses, uol even because they are wihing to contribute freely for campaign purposes, bul because they are individually titted for the positions to which they aspüe, anc are qualitied to discharge the duties ol such offices. Tho best uien must be notuinated and run, - whether they will or no. That is our say. Cakl Schurz has written a lengthy letter to Oswald Ottendorfer, of the StaaU Zétung, N. Y., defending his support of Hayes and Wheeler against charge of inconsistenoy. His principal reasona for preferring Hayes to Tilden are, that the St. Louis convention bid for the support of the inflationists by declaring in favor of a partial repeal of the Resumption act of 1875 and thftt it further bid for such support, by nominating Thomas A. Hendricks for Vioe-President. The tirst reason is without force, in view of tho fact that the resolution of the St. Louis Convention wa adopted over the votes of the soft-money men and inflationista ; and espocially iu view of that other fact, that the Cincinnati Convontion refused to adopt a resolution domanding the earliest resumption of specie payments, and thitt Gen. Hawloy, the spokesinan of the convention (as its chairman of the platform corumittee), said that the act of 1875 amounted to nothing, that he voted against it in Congress, and that the day of resumption could not be hastened by legislation. And the nomination of Hendricks could have no more influence, lugitimately, in bringing CarlSchurz to a decisión than did the sins of oinission or oommiasion of either convention in shaping its fiuancial plank : for the decisión was roally made, and announcod, before the St. Louis Convention met, and of course before Hendricks was noiuinated or the soft-money men were ticklod by the adoption of that finanee plank which they unanimously voted against. We make this explicit charge, a charge which punctures the inflated letter of Cari Schurz, and brands Cari Schurz himself a pretonder and hypocrite, on the authority of the Lansiug Republican, the editor of which journal was a delégate to the Cincinnati Convention. July 11, in an article heacied " Germán American Patriotism," the Republican said : " The presidential figlit this year is likely to witneBB a large majority ot Germán newapapers and voters ou the side of Hayos and Wheelur. The St. Louis Westleich Post, edited by Cari Schurz, contains au article with his initials, giviug unmistakablo ovidonce of his preference for that ticket; and he iniormed a Michigan delégate at Cincinuati that he should probably take the Btump for Hayos and Wheeler. It would be very natural lor him to do so, aa ho supported Hayes tor Glovernor of Ohio in aseries of powerful speeches last Uctober, againat Bill Alien. We oominend this fact to both Mr. Ottondorfer and Parke Godwin whan noxt they undertake the easy task of stripping the mantle of inconsistency froui the shoulders of Cari Schurz. Ho did not wait for 8t. Louis ; and he deolared for Hayes and Wheeler and indioated that ho should " probably take the 8tump " for them, the liepublican being the authority, two week befare the action, at St. Louis." The balance in the State Troasury at the close of business hours on the 31st day of July, was $1,089,107.37. And the Lansing liepnhtican will cali that an evidence of thrift and economy and reduced taxatiori. But then you know ;he " Treasury Bing " loan it to pet janks at froin 6 to 8 per cent., pay the ■itato 4 per cent, and divide tbe difforence : or used to do so when there was vny (Iemand for money, - that is before ïopublican legislation and Republican inancieriag had domoralized the business of "the oountry, and placed money out of reach of those who want it and aeed it, and at the samo time made it a .ruj in the hands of capitahsts. mm i I - I I - i i ■ , Bristow proposes to take the stump 'or Hayes : in Vermont. And has it ome to this, that such an etTort to save Vermont is necessary ? The New York WUness is a religious daily, and as a religious duily must lave a peculiar way of saying thinga, using many words where one would be more to the poiut, tbia is huw the WUness deseribes President Graut's continued " bad spell," - whioh commou people have gonerally, it seems, wrongfully diagnosed : " A malign influence has fcept Gen. Grant in an abnormal state of body and mimi, and virtually dictated the policy of his secoud term." A neat way of putting it. Not " neuralgia," not too much "bourbon," not even " Sylph," but " malign iufluence." We foei relieved. Forgettino the homely suying of Lincoln, " 'Tia n't best to swap horaes while crossing a stream," the Ilepublicans have coinpelled tlicir candidttte for Govornor, Godlove S. Orth, who carne home from Vienna purposely to be their candidato, to withdraw. " Satisfied thut I shall not roceive the united support of the party so essential to bucooss", Orth says; " buried under too much Venzuelan plunder," or " another official thief driven 10 the wall," is the way the the people put it. We raïiikk guesB that Capt. Allen was right when he counsoled harmony in the late county convention, and advised his fellow Eepublicans that they " had enough to do to fight the common enemv." But when ho went yond that and ropoated his asssrtion that " the meanest Republican was botter than tho best Democrat " something seeuied to stick in his throat. What was it ? It is understood that Gov. Hayes wished his special friend ex-Gov. Noyes to be made chairman of the Kepublioan National Oommittee, but bad to accept that eminent " Reformer," model statesman, and " high toned Christian gentleman " (that'a the phrase we hav learned lately by attonding República conventions), Zack Chandler. Anc once in the clutches of Chandler, how is he to get out ? That's the question The President signed the Sundr; CítíI Appropriation bill on Monday but sent a message to the House pro testing against its economical feature The President has a horror of ecoaomj but as his administration will expire o the 4ih day of March next he needn' make such a tuss about it in others. REPUBLICAN State Couvention yester day. No report when ye " locked up


Old News
Michigan Argus