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The Republican managers ar now Wring men iu the south to hoist ConFedorate banners with the uaraes of Tilden and Hendriuks inaoribed theieon - Cincinnati Enquirer. Samuel J. Tilden honois and trusts the men who co-operated with biui in his war against the Canal Ring. Orant kicks out the cabinet officiers who have made war on the whisky thioveB and stra w-bidders. Quite a difforeuce. - Detroit Vree Press. From all accounts tho district courts at Washington are like tho rest of the concern - -of very douUtful reputation. Official rogues had gotten things nicely flxed in that corrupt city, and if the peoplo had not given us a Deinocratio house of congres8 these nionstrous frauds would nover have boen unearthed. - Rew Hanen lieyister. Oarl Schurz is an artist, .and, like m artist, he is hard to picase. He remiuds us of the dogmatic music-master in George Kliot's last novel, " Daniel Dorouda," Her Klesmer, who likos to scold his pupila even as he admires tuem, and, with, a just and clear mimi, has a Bupreme seuse of his owu self-importance. - Phtladelphia Press (liep.) A Republican don't believe in reform promises ; and we don't wonder. Ho has nevor tricd tho promises of any party but his owu, and has always beun disappointed. Hu had better try the other party just once ; he can tare no worse, aud tho chango muy be for the botter. At any rate it will be a teinporary raliof. - Ypsüanti Sentinel. The raen deputed to shape and inspire the cainpaigu work for Huyes aud Whooler are wéll-known, red-hot reformers, like Zack Chandlor, Kemble, Patterson, Clayton, Spencer, Packard, Cattell aud Cowen. The rogues are all treinbling aud quaking - Boston Post (Ítem.) It ia safor to hold a serpent by the tongue, a chafed liou by the paw, a fusting tiger by the tooth, than to koop peace in a republie by the bayonet only. It is beiiutiiul to sao the steel gleam through the land. But it must be the kneu sickle in the boarded grain ; not the bayonet in the chafed breasts of the people. - New Haoen liegister (Dein.) The navy is in a thoroughly cient condition, and is wretchedly mismanaged. It has always been, both before, during, and after the war. Congresa is as muoh to blame as anybody lor this, but it is a bad mess anyway, and nevor will be remedied short of a thorough reorganization of the system and the department by law, and the transfer of ita administrutiou to experts. - Springjield [Mass.) Union {Re.) Of coursa, nobody in this State preti-mls to approve that Hamburg affur. It is hardly a ïuouth, howuvor, since a mob of negroes broke into the oabin of a liaid-working, huuuut inan of their own race and beat liiin to death beoause he was a Conservativo. We have seeu no word disapproving of this act in the Kapublican press, while every prominent Dernocrat or Conservativo journal in the South has denouuced unreservedly the Hamburg riot. - New Orinan Times. The question of our navy is, indeed, a very serious one, and it is a pity that it should, through tbis Bobeson invustigation, become a party ona. lf guilt is brought home to the Secretary, either of participation in plunder or such a loóse management of affairs as to lettve the department open to plunder, we trust he muy be punished. It ia quite time that officials wore taught their responsibility in public trust, and that public negleot and negligence are crimes, - Hartford Courant {liep.) It is no longer the South alone that wants to be " pacified," Mr. Hayes. Eigbt years of (irantism have thrown the whole country into a chronic state of irritation, and the menace or' four years moro on top of that is not calculated to alleviate it. It is the people this timo - the peoplo at largo - from Maine to Texas and Florida to Minnesota, who have to be lookod after, and Uucle Saín Tilden looras up as the great pacificator of the occasion. - St. Louis Times. Tilden made a world-wide rcputation and won the Democratio nomination by achieving a victory in a fivu-years war pon tne tuievos oí üis own party. Hayos won the Itepublioan nomiuation by aiding his party to ful the public Service witli official thievos, against whose elovation he uever once protested during the ten years while tüey were plundering the country before his eyes. - PitUburg Post. If you elect Tilden, Tilden will be the president. If you eleot Hayes, the Lord only knows who the president will be. It uiay be Conkling, or Morton, or Blaine, or oíd Simón Cameron, or even Boss Shepherd, or possibly a regoncy of the whulu gang. The people shuuld tako no chancos in such a lottery. - Syracusd Couriai: Samuel J. Tildtm undertook the work of reform in the goverument of the city of New York, as a private citizen, and broke down the Tweed ltigg; he then undortook the work of reform in the government of the State of New York, as its Goveruor, aud broko down the Canal Ring whilo reduciag taxation ; ho is ñext to undertake reform in the goverument at Washington, and break down Grantisin. - New York Sun.. There are to-day froin threu to four hundred thousand voters of Ropublican faith who are undecidcd as to tlieir next Presidential vote. They will gladly defeat Hayes if they shall be assured of an aduiiuistration whoso duvotion to country will be parauiount to party. They aro, of all men, the most undoliverable assortmeut of political waros the country has ever produced, and all attempts at formal transfers, or at formal declarations of their purposes, are but pitiable oxhibitious of petty hucksters by sample. The Liberáis will speak lor themselves - at the ballot-box! - Phüaddphia Times {Ind.) The Boston Pont says : Gov. Chambcrlain, of South Carolina, says there is nothing to show that the disturbances at Hamburg originated in political canses. Senator Morton and his followers probably know th8 ; henee their :i;isti! to inisroprosent the transaotion for party effoet before the truth could be estftblished. It is the obügation of South Carolina to punish violatora of ler laws, and she has the power to do ït. The triok of requesting the presenco of Governor Chiimborliiiii at Washngton, when his duty was at home, was a part of that system of deception whioh las been the prinuipul element in Remblicuu politics n.'lating to the South. Every intelligent man knows that In' law as it stands does not provide 'or resumption at the date named nor at any other date. If to-morrow were he lst of January, 1879, the Seoretary of the Treasury could no more rosume Specie Payments under that law than ie could have done on any lst day of 'anuary during the last tun years. 'he law was a piece of Bentimentalism, vith no provisión for making the sentiment practical. It is the same as if the ity of Chicago shosld enact that on ho first day of July, 1877, it will coinlete a new Court House building, ■ without making any appropriotiou or thor provisión to purchase uiatürial, lire labor, or raise the monoy for that )urposo. The act of 1870 required ubsequent legislation, dosignatiug the mniiif and providiug the nieans for esumption. In fact, whethor the law je repoaled or not, would in no wise lange the financial condition of the ountry." - -Chicago Tribune [Rvp-)


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